Whimsically Witchy & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #722

I have been feeling both whimsical and a little witchy lately which has led me to this magical outfit combination of wild prints and bold colors. I recently ordered this medallion print trapeze dress from an end of season clearance sale and I seriously can’t stop wearing it. It is comfortable like a nightgown but perfectly appropriate for most any occasion.
The mornings are getting much cooler now as we are making the transition into fall so I definitely wanted a long sleeve kimono robe to top this wild dress. What better topper to choose than an equally wild one bursting with pattern and color. This kimono was purchased from the same retailer about three years ago and I was so pleased with how well it coordinated with this season’s dress.
I complemented with my mint fedora by adding a multicolored scarf in the same color palette as a hat band. Then I layered my mushroom pendant with my dreamy multi strand beaded necklace which paired beautifully with my Rainbow Aura Quartz Tassel earrings.

Onto the topic of whimsy and witches and a wee bit of whining. A few weeks ago I took a Tarot class which was fun but also left me feeling even more confused about human interactions and behaviors than I already was.
There were eight people who attended the class. Two young girls, maybe late teens or early twenties, came together. A woman who appeared to be about my age attended with her son who was also late teens or early twenties. The other four attendees, including myself, ranged in age from late 20s to early 60s, I would guess. So a lot of different backgrounds and generational representation in the room. Out of the nine people there, including the instructor (late 30s), I was the only one who introduced myself and gave my name to the class. The two women who were closest to my age responded to me with their names and a handshake while everyone else literally sat there and looked at me like I was socially retarded.
Like seriously, is this not a thing that people do anymore? Practice social etiquette? Or has social etiquette flown completely out the window and I just missed it because I isolate myself too much?
I also receive similar responses on the telephone when the person answers and my greeting is, “Hello. How are you today?” For example, if I have to call the school because my child will be absent that day, I begin the conversation with, “Good morning. How are you today?” I am always, always, always met with a very annoyed sigh followed by an aggravated, “What can I help you with?” There is no, “I am very well today. Thank you. What can I help you with?” I can’t stand it. And I really don’t understand it. Especially when I call the attendance office early in the morning. Like how many people could have called you in the first 10 minutes of the day that have annoyed you so much? Or do most people just wake up annoyed and stay miserable all the day long? It all just drives me deeper into reclusiveness.
I wake up happy every single day. I don’t get miserable until I have to go out in the world and absorb all of the misery of others. Ugh. I wish I had real witchy powers to put people in better moods. I do my best by sending out healing Reiki energy all around me on a daily basis. But I am just one and the sludge is almost becoming too thick to wade through anymore. So I’ll just stay home where it’s happy and safe and not nearly as confusing.

But wait, there’s more witchery to discuss!
Do you remember the show Charmed (1998-2006) about three sisters who are good witches saving the world from evil? My sisters and I loved that show when it initially aired. But I was married to my first husband at the time and I was not allowed to watch shows like this. Sex and the City was also forbidden. He caught me watching an episode of Sex and the City once and it turned into a huge argument that ended up being one of our last because I left shortly after that one!
In any event, I have revisited and watched the entire Sex and the City franchise since then and now I am finally onto enjoying Charmed as well. My kids laugh at the “ancient” special effects in this show, but I still love all of it. It is bringing me so much joy to watch this whimsical show about good versus evil where good almost always prevails. Escapism at its best!
And that’s all I have for you. I am a day late again and rushing out the door to get to Archie’s very first football game. I am so proud of my boy!
Featured Favorites

Keeping it on the edge,

Anne M Bray
Wow! “Most popular” this week!!!!
I was hesitant to put a more personal post amidst the travelogue that I’ve been writing on Substack. This encourages me to get the next post up, which involves family stuff.
That’s very weird about the tarot class. One would think, in a somewhat spiritual situation like that, the instructor would have everyone introduce themselves. Strange indeed.
The phone intro though sounds to me like the beginning of a telemarketer call. Unexpected friendliness! Maybe that’s why you’re making people grumpy?
Yes, yes, definitely share the more personal stuff! I do believe that people really enjoy those things. I also thought it very weird that the Tarot instructor didn’t do introductions. I have known him for years and he is very friendly and outgoing so I was very surprised. Maybe he was having an off day. Who knows? And yes, I can see how my telephone greeting can sound kind of telemarkety, but, but, but, do telemarketers really call school attendance lines at 7:00 or 8:00 a.m.?! I have to go through multiple prompts just to get to the attendance office. I think in this case it is more a matter of a grumpy grumpster taking their grumpy mood right into the workplace. I am sure fielding parent phone calls all day in a school is a rather annoying and frustrating job, but if you can’t be nice doing it, maybe choose a different job. And friendliness shouldn’t ever be unexpected! I actually do expect it from everyone. Which does leave me disappointed quite often. Ha.
I have become spoiled here in NC. Polite social etiquette is practiced by the majority of people. And I must say that when I lived in Las Vegas, a town that survives almost on tourism alone, the majority of people were friendly enough. Hospitality filtered down into the community from the big casinos. Not quite as universally as here, but better than some places. Dan and I have talked often of the people who seem miserable all the time. It seems like it would take so much energy to be miserable. I don’t understand it. But they probably don’t either.
I love this outfit!
Thanks, Michelle! Oh, I definitely notice a huge difference in social etiquette between Asheville and where I live. Maybe it’s just so cold and dreary here for our long winters that it puts people in a perpetually bad mood? I don’t know. I have lived here for 11 years and I am still in a perpetually good mood despite the weather. But the miserable people really can have an effect on those around them. Which is why we are planning to move to the quiet of the mountains with friendly little Asheville nearby!
Some people are adversely affected by weather. But then maybe relocate? Or use one of those bright SAD lights? Or, I don’t know…., try not to be an asshat! I’m so glad you’ll eventually be joining the awesomeness of the Blue Ridge Mountains. 😀
I guess as the population continues to grow, so too does the asshat demographic grow! The more people there are, the more chance of we have encountering the asshats. I cannot wait to get settled in a mountain hideaway!
Suzy Turner
Shelbee, I FREAKING love this, my friend!! You look fabulous…it’s the perfect witchy and whimsical look in every sense!
I totally agree with you about people out in the world. So many of them just SUCK, right?! I mean…how wonderful is it to answer the phone to someone so friendly and full of life? Why on earth would you then be rude? I just don’t get it at all. Whenever we stumble across people like that when we’re out and about and they have resting bitch face that doesn’t change even when they serve me, I will do everything I can to try and make them smile! It’s hard though!! But sometimes it works and that makes me day lol!
But generally speaking lately, we’ve come across a lot of total morons lately. Seriously…so much so that we’re thinking about leaving the region where we live! Although it’s not just the morons, it’s the intense heat and the craziness in the summer… it’s just too much. I want to be somewhere quieter! With less morons LOL!!
Rant over LOL!!!
As for Charmed…OMG it was my FAVOURITE show back in the day. I ADORED it! I’ll still watch it now if it comes on. That and Ghost Whisperer. Sex and the City we never actually watched but we’ve watched all the movies and the more recent spin off!
Anyway, I’ve taken up enough of your time, Shelbee lol!!
Huge hugs to you, my friend
Suzy xxx
Oh my goodness, Suzy, thank you so much for this comment. You made my day with this rant! Honestly, I feel like the whole world has been telling me that I am the crazy one for my entire life. It only took me 50 years to finally realize that it’s actually not me! The whole freaking world has lost its collective mind. For real. It is so disheartening, isn’t it? We are planning a move far, far away from heavily populated areas. As soon as we get these kids through school, we are out of here! I am even contemplating an “off-the-grid” lifestyle after that! Sending you lots of hugs right back, my friend.
Shelbee, I love your whimsical outfit! The background in some of your photos makes such an appropriate atmosphere for your title, with the dark clouds and stone wall. I so empathize with your feeling as if social etiquette seems to be largely a thing of the past. I feel it to. It seems there are so many unhappy people, only grudgingly doing their jobs, and really not wanting to bother to be nice! Thanks so much for mentioning me in your favorites this week, hope you are having a good weekend with the people that you love!
Di, thank you so much for such a lovely comment. I really appreciate it! I am fortunate to live in a small city surrounded by very large rural areas with beautiful landscapes. The North Country might be lacking in social etiquette, but the scenery sure is pretty! I hope you have a most wonderful week ahead, my friend!
Your True Self
Hi, Shelbee – This print mixing is perfect and now I’m inspired to see if I have kimonos or dusters that go with any of my printed dresses! Wish I could see close ups of your jewelry. Rainbow Aura Quartz is so beautiful. Thanks for the link up – Angie, yourtrueselfblog.com
Thanks so much, Angie! I love mixing and matching prints in this wild combinations. I find it too easy to just add a solid color with a print. Hahaha. I need to get better about taking close up photos of my jewelry! Have a lovely week ahead, my friend!
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very nice. I love the fedora. No one practices social etiquette in 2024. You would be surprised what I see from the middle school kids in my school. It is scary. Of course, I when I call parents and use Mr and Mrs, they think that I am from outer space.
Anyway, thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks so much, Patrick! Somehow that makes me a feel little better. Like I’m not the only one from outer space! Ugh. It is scary and sad. I hope you have a blessed week ahead, my friend.
Debra | Gma’sPhoto
Shelby, I absolutely think your cool witchy dress is beautiful and comfy! Charmed was one of my favorite shows as well. My daughter actually was the one to get me hooked onto that show! Even the Twilight movies, hahahah.
I wonder if COVID and just social media (FaceBook, snapchat, tic tok) has attributed to the coldness when actually speaking directly to someone. People posts only tell half of the story, usually the better part. Not realistic and then that leads a person to feel down about their own lifestyle. Am I making sense here? This is the main reason I do not participate on FaceBook much nowadays.
I hope you have a wonderful week.
Take care and best wishes.
Debra, thank you so much! Oh, I love the Twilight series, too! I definitely think COVID and social media have very much to do with this shift in social etiquette. I don’t participate in much of anything of a social nature these days because of it. I hope you have a most wonderful week ahead!
Marsha Banks
Oh, Shelbee!!!! This is the perfect outfit for you! I love the mixing of patterns, and that lace sticking out is just so glorious! I really hate it when I go somewhere and introductions aren’t made. I don’t know many of the people in this town so I make it a point to introduce myself. I remember learning how to make introductions when I was in 4th or 5th grade. I know that’s not taught anymore because there’s just so much other stuff to be taught. And, honestly, those kinds of things should be taught at home. I don’t care who starts the introductions (I think I was taught the elder person is introduced to the younger person first) as long as someone introduces everyone. I’m going to remember this for when I’m doing presentations at church. Those are such little things that can set the mood for so much! As for the person answering the phone…I have decided I’m giving people grace these days. I was in line the other day at a customer service desk, and this woman went in the exit end. The woman behind me said something about her cutting the line. I looked at the lady behind me and said, “You know what? I’m just going to give her grace today because it is a little confusing and maybe she’s in a hurry.” The other lady just smiled and nodded her head in agreement. We just need to be building people up and giving them grace, holding space for them, and being the best person we can be. But, it’s tough not to react with a grouchy response, I know!
Have a wonderful and grace-filled week! Thanks for the link up!
Thank you so much, Marsha! Oh, I never react to grouchiness with grouchiness! Grouchy people need kindness and light and love and like you said, grace, so I just turn up the volume on my kindness, light, and love when dealing with the grumpies. Then I seethe when I get home! LOL Keep your light shining bright, my friend! The world needs it.