Where Would I Be Without GPS & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #137

I am always fascinated by the migratory habits of animals in the wild and how they navigate their way back and forth to the same locations thousands of miles apart every year without missing their mark. Especially marine animals. Whales that travel thousands of miles under water to the same place at the exact same time every year for just a few days to mate only to return the thousands of miles back to their primary habitat. How do they do this?

I know animals have internal navigation systems and ways to communicate with one another to stay together within their packs as they travel. Scientists believe that many of these migratory animals use biomagnetism to help their navigation. The magnetic materials in their brains make them more sensitive to the changes in the earth’s magnetic field which in turn helps them remember their way. Tapping into these changes in the magnetic field, animals are able to “remember” the route they are supposed to travel.

But how did they know the route in the first place? It’s one thing to “remember” it from traveling it before. I can’t go anywhere for the first time by relying on some internal navigation system. In fact, spin me around three times right where I’m standing and I won’t know north from south or east from west. Actually, you probably don’t even have to spin me around! I am completely directionally challenged.

As you know, I have been traveling quite frequently this summer. Driving everywhere, I have logged over 6,000 miles in my brand new car. Visiting lots of new places that I have never before visited. But I could never have arrived at my destinations without Google maps and GPS. Before GPS, I would print out Mapquest directions any time I had to drive into unfamiliar territory. But if I missed a turn, I was lost. That’s it. Turned around and confused and clueless as to where I was as well as the direction I should be going.

Back in my mid-20’s, I traveled a lot for work and I always had my Mapquest directions on hand. But I also had a cell phone. So if I did get too lost, I could just call my home office and ask for help. Not that they were always helpful. But it made me feel secure to have a line of communication when I got lost. And I got lost. A lot. Sometimes I even pulled over and asked strangers for directions. They were almost always willing to help. Do people ask for directions anymore? Or is there shame in that, too?

Even now with GPS, I still get lost. For example, yesterday was a not a good travel day for me. I had spent the weekend with my best friend in Easton, Pennsylvania. I had to drop the kids off at Gramma’s in Weatherly, Pennsylvania, before heading back to Watertown, New York. Granted, I did grow up in the Lehigh Valley area which encompasses Easton and it is where I learned to drive a car. So one would think I would have some direction memory when driving in that area. Nope. Not really. Totally clueless.

I typed Gramma’s address into Google maps and the route it gave me was totally ridiculous, taking me 25 miles out of my way to get on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. I was able to recognize that this was a roundabout route to my destination and I knew there was a much more direct route taking back roads, but I couldn’t manage to get the darn GPS thing to change the route for me. So I decided to wing it on my own. It is about a 45 mile drive from point A to point B which should have taken a bit over an hour on back roads.

For my own feelings of security, I left the GPS on, hoping it would redirect me at some point as I was ignoring her directions and trying to navigate on my own. Only to find myself yelling at the thing over and over again that I did not want to go to the turnpike. Eventually she stopped nagging me. By some miracle of memory, I got to where I wanted to be without the help of the GPS. A sense of satisfaction and relief came over me. The kids were quiet and calm in the back seat, everyone content with a beautiful summer drive through Pennsylvania corn fields.

However, the feeling of content did not last long. For beautiful summer drives in Pennsylvania generally lead you straight into construction zones and closed roads. Sometimes there are labeled detours. Other times there are not and you are completely on your own trying to navigate your way through unfamiliar windy back roads. At least it was day time and I could see where I was even if I didn’t know where I was.

So one construction zone led me to one detour which led me straight into another construction zone which detoured me again which in turn led me directly into another construction area for a third detour. I was seriously so turned around I wasn’t sure I was even in Pennsylvania anymore. My 45 mile, one hour and few minutes drive turned into a 70 mile, two hour drive. Without my GPS directing me through all these twists and turns, I might still be out there driving, trying to find my way home.

I do have an atlas in the trunk and I actually do know how to read it. But who wants to be bothered with all that when we live in this age of technology and some sexy British voice can sooth us and direct us home? But seriously, where would we be, where would I be, without an outside navigation system? I don’t have any biomagnetism that I am aware of that is going to direct me anywhere. I would just sit at home trying to find my way out of my own head.

Are you directionally challenged like me? Or are you one of those people who knows exactly where you are going?

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Betsy of Natty Gal shared her post, OOTD: Loco for Leopard. Proving that leopard is here to stay heading straight into the Fall season, Betsy has styled this cute tie waisted top perfectly for the transitional season.

Kathrine of Kathrine Eldridge Wardrobe Stylist shared her post, Snakeskin Sandals. Another animal print that is trending hard going into the Fall season, we are going to see lots of cool snakeskin prints on clothing and accessories. This casual look by Katherine is edgy and cool for a day of just about anything!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look:

Patrick Weseman
I am somewhat directionally challenged but I can read a map and know where North, South, East and West is. Sometimes GPS drives me crazy. People rely on it too much. I was driving with some people and I knew where I was going but they were swearing by the GPS. Turns out I avoided a lot of traffic and got there much earlier.
Looking very nice and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thank you so much, Patrick! One thing I do like about the GPS is that it sometimes knows when there is traffic or construction and will reroute you based on that. But it isn’t always correct either which can really screw you in the end!
Jessica A Jannenga
I am so directionally challenged. You know the proverbial paper bag! I remember getting lost when I first moved to Columbia SC, and I was to meet my sister at the mall. Did that, and then I did not know the area, so I drove around , long story short, and kept driving, it got dark, and finally state troupers had to help me out. It was scared sh**less as this was long before cell phones, gps etc.. I love your pink gingham top especially with the snakeskin boots! nice!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I totally have stories like that of getting lost and having no idea where I was before cell phones. When I was in college, I was visiting my boyfriend at his graduate school which was about 90 miles from me. I missed an exit on one of the highways and never realized it. I kept heading north when I should have shifted to west. And I kept driving and driving until I hit the state border when I finally realized I had done something wrong. I stopped at a truck stop and a truck driver escorted me back to where I needed to be! And that was all in the dark, too. Because it’s not scary enough being lost, turn the lights out on us, too!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I just love this pink gingham top, especially since we usually see gingham in black/white or red/black… it is a little more gentle and works for that summer to fall transition. Oh gosh, one time GPS led us to a flooded road in the middle of nowhere when we were trying to get to a wedding (that we were running very late to!). LOL. Sometimes it is a blessing and sometimes… not so much!
Carrie, thanks so much! I was so drawn to this plaid because of the subtle colors. And that is a GPS horror story! It’s bad enough when you are late for something so important as a wedding. And then to have the GPS lead you even further astray. It’s like the universe was playing a practical joke on you!
Kathrine Eldridge
I have no idea where I would be without GPS! Love this chic casual look. I’m obsessing over those booties! Thanks so much for the feature and for the link up.
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I used to drive all over the place in unfamiliar territory in my 20’s and I found my way without GPS. But now I just get so nervous if I don’t know exactly where I am going. The older I get, the more nervous I am about getting lost…especially in the dark! These old eyes don’t see very well when the lights are out!
Oh, Mapquest! Those were the good ol’ days haha! It’s really funny because I’ve always been kind of like a human GPS of sorts. I have a weird obsession with maps so I know where pretty much everything is and how to get there haha. However, I do love the ease of GPS!
Oh my word, Lizzie! I have to say I am a bit envious that you can navigate with ease! I can read a map, so that’s a good thing when the GPS fails me. But I do appreciate the ease of just having some voice tell me where to go!
Oh I’m no good with and without GPS! Just put someone next to me who says how I have to drive please! Gorgeous boots!
Hahaha! Thanks, Nancy! I am best just as an oblivious passenger myself!
Laura Bambrick
Oh man! I always wonder about the early American explorers and how the heck they managed to explore a place AND get back to where they started! I’d still be out wandering! Haha!
Hahaha, Laura, I know! I never would have survived!
Darlene A Messinger
Shelbee, I loved your story!! I used to be able to navigate solidly with a good sense of direction. That made it really challenging to accept the driving directions from the sexy British lady and she and I used to have WORDS! Once I just gave in and did what she said, it almost always worked. As a result, I’ve lost some of my own directional sense! Or maybe it’s just aging? Lol!
Thanks for making me laugh–we’ve all been there!
xx Darlene
Darlene, thanks so much for sharing your GPS story! I think I definitely have become so reliant on GPS that I have lost even more of my directional ability (what little I had to begin with). We have all yelled at the GPS lady, haven’t we?! Thank you for making me laugh as well!
Deborah Stinedurf
Lol! I can somewhat figure directions out on my own. Back in the day I used to love going for drives with my friends and getting lost on purpose so that we could find our way back. I do however totally rely on my gps even though I can read a map.
Love the gingham top and all of the lightness in this outfit…so pretty!
Debbie, thanks so much! I remember getting lost on purpose as a teenager. We would flip a coin to determine which way to turn! It was fun…as long as I wasn’t driving. Haha. I guess I always got nervous driving in unfamiliar territory.
I remember the days before Mapquest when we had to write down directions and go by someone’s memory! I don’t know what I’d do now without the GPS! Glad you found your way! Love your snakeskin boots and this chic look!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I remember as a young child driving to my grandparents’ house which was only one town over and I never could understand how my parents knew how to get there. I guess I have always been directionally challenged! Thankfully, my children are not and they remember how to get places if I ask them!
Lauren Renee Sparks
I don’t know what I would do without GPS! laurensparks.net
Ha, Lauren, you would be lost with the rest of us!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Remember when you went to AAA to have them highlight a route for you!!
Great outfit as always!
Oh my goodness, Tamar! That is so funny! Do people even use AAA anymore for anything? Thanks for stopping by!
Cheryl Shops
Where would I be without GPS? Completely lost! 😉
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Ha, me, too, Cheryl, me, too! I can read a map, but the atlas in my trunk is probably way outdated and it would get me more lost!
Jean | Delightful Repast
Shelbee, I don’t go anywhere for the first time without explicit directions written out for both getting there and getting BACK from there! Thanks for hosting #SpreadTheKindness.
Jean, I started writing down the directions, too, in addition to using the GPS. There was one weekend this summer I went to a festival way out in the middle of nowhere. I had typed the wrong address into GPS and it took me to some random farm. Then I lost my GPS signal! I got really scared. But I was able to backtrack to where I had signal again and get myself properly oriented. Now I write down the directions in case I lose GPS signal. Thanks for sharing your experience!
Your post made me laugh because I’m equally challenged with directions! My husband gave me an old-fashioned compass, as a joke, because I complained that when Google is directing you in central London it says “walk NE on Oxford Street” and I have no clue what direction NE is. Another thing I do is disbelieve the sat nav, and that gets me in no end of trouble. Thanks for joining #WowOnWednesday Shelbee!
Gail, thanks so much for reading! I am glad I gave you a good laugh. I could have used a compass way back in the days when I worked in New York City. For a decade, I worked there and without fail, every time I came up out of the subway station I would walk in the exact wrong direction! I would get to the corner and see the street sign and realize I had to turn around and walk back the way I came. I always tried to be discreet so I didn’t look like an idiot! Lol. I suppose some of us are blessed with good direction while others of us are cursed to get lost often!
I can relate because I, too, am directionally challenged! Even my son knows where North is, doh! But I am not ashamed. I have gotten lost way too many times in this life to feel that. At this point, I embrace it and expect it – GPS or not. I hope your week is going well so far and happy Wednesday!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thanks so much for stopping by and sharing! I am so used to getting lost at this point in life as well that it really is no matter! I’ll find my way eventually!
I rely very heavily on GPS!!!! Finally getting back in the blogging groove!!! I just tagged your blog in my post, too! It’s a summer flashback post because I’m soooo behind! I loved reading about your Asheville visit!!
It was sooooo hot that week!!!! I hope you loved it so much you’ll come back!
Aw, Becky, thanks so much! It was insanely hot that week that I was in Asheville. I eventually just surrendered to the fact that I was a hot, melting mess and I gave up trying to look cute! But I had the most amazing time and do plan on visiting again!
What a fun tunic! I’m glad you made it home in the end! I prefer to have the GPS on when I’m driving if I’m going someplace new, as then I can focus on the road instead of trying to remember where to go. it’s lead me on a few strange paths before though, haha!
Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp 🙂 I just posted this week’s linkup, I’d love you to join again! 🙂
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Mica, thanks much! I put on the GPS for long rides even when I know where I am going because I like to be able to check how much further I have to go!