Where Did My Mojo Go? & Link Up On the Edge #114

It seems I have lost my mojo. First, I have to say that I absolutely despise the word mojo. I am not sure why. It just sort of offends my ears and contaminates my deep rooted obsession with and appreciation for the English language. Mojo is defined as the art or practice of casting magic spells and it is often used contemporarily to mean one’s confidence, influence, or personal charisma. But if you search for a synonym (which I did because I don’t like the word), you are met with a barrage of drug related terms like crack, cocaine, and dope. To be clear, I have not lost my stash of illegal narcotics. It’s hard to lose what one never possessed in the first place. I have, however, seemed to have lost a bit of my personal charisma. But that doesn’t make for a very catching title, does it? “Where Did My Personal Charisma Go?” So I guess I will stick with mojo for purposes of this post.
And since I really have lost my mojo, this post will be a short one. Until I find it again, I am lacking all sorts of things, not just my confidence and influence. I seem to be lacking energy, drive, motivation, inspiration, and time. My goodness, am I lacking time. So somewhere, somehow, in the past month or so, my mojo has disappeared. I am hoping it will find its way back to me because I sort of feel like a wet dishrag without it. Flipping and flopping my way around through my daily list of responsibilities until I collapse on the bed at the end of the day without a clear thought to be found anywhere within my vacant mind.
Perhaps a vacant mind will do me some good for awhile. Too busy to get caught up in nonsense. But who knows? Maybe it is all nonsense. One of the great big questions of life…what’s our purpose here? Sometimes I can get too caught up in that mind-f*@k. That is an exhausting endeavor all on its own. Too much thinking. Sometimes we just need to stop thinking and start doing something. Anything. So for now, that is where I am…I am in a doing mode. Not really sure if there is any direction to all the doing, but that’s okay for now. I am feeling a little overwhelmed, too. But this too shall pass. As all things do. Just another stepping stone on this journey. Until I find my mojo again. Thanks for bearing with me.
And thankfully, I had these pictures on back up from April since I have had no time to take photographs lately. And no, there is no snow here. Not yet anyway. That is snow and ice from the end of April. But tell me, have you ever lost your mojo? What did you do to get it back? I’ll take any fragments of wisdom right now…they are all precious.
And now the featured favorites from last week.
Sigrid of Life Notes to File shared a very thought-provoking post, How to Be Happy When You’re Alone and Feeling Lonely. She shares wonderful words of wisdom that would be very helpful for anyone struggling with feelings of aloneness. This is definitely a must read!

Jennie of A Pocketful of Polka Dots shared a striking black and white outfit in her post, Chevron Tights with Berkshire Legwear. I am totally on a patterned tights kick right now, so I am loving Jennie’s fancy stockings paired with this fabulous outfit!

Laura of I do DeClaire is a girl after my own camo-loving heart with her post, You Got That Where? I guess I need to make a trip to where Laura got this adorable camo henley top. So stinking cute! You’ll have to hop on over to her post and see where she did find this adorable top.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Kathrine Eldridge
We all have peaks and valleys and I’m sure you will come out of this valley stronger. Love this cozy chic look and thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I will for sure rise out of this valley. In the meantime, I am just riding the ride! Have a great weekend.
Hi Shelbee! You might have lost your mojo, but not your moto! An infinitesimal bit of humor for a Friday morn.
I am also obsessed with words and language, and don’t particularly care for any word I can’t get a clear definition for. Googling mojo led me to some sort of Portuguese sauce, which actually looks very tasty, but not what I was wanting atm. One time I was reading the dictionary (I can’t help it, it’s interesting!), and learned that words don’t make the dictionary until they have been used for a set number of years. Can’t remember the number and too early to search for it. This means we’ll probably be seeing more of mojo.
As usual, I digress. So glad you had these photos on backup, since you are looking wonderful and full of mojo!
About the loss of mojo, happens to me all the time, or maybe I just misplace it. Ridiculous business drains it right out of me, and I turn into a sentient automaton. Going through the motions doesn’t suit me, and I have found that collapsing is very helpful. But when you don’t have time for that, sometimes B vitamins can help. Not directly, but helpful in that they give you energy and mental clarity, two things that are very necessary for the return of mojo. Prolonged periods of high heat and humidity also sap my mojo, and I find myself accomplishing nothing, and willing to accomplish nothing.
Hang in there my dear. You are overextended, and need a minute to catch up.
Susan, oh sweet Susan, you are certainly capturing my heart even more with this comment. Mostly because I never met anyone else who enjoyed reading the dictionary. I have been known to get lost in the pages of the dictionary reading the roots and history of words (especially curse words…that always fascinates me how they became to be called “bad words” and who so arbitrarily decided to label them as such). Also, automaton is one of my favorite words in the English language and I recently used it in a conversation with a dear friend. I was so happy and pleased that we went onto an in depth conversation about the word itself. Ah…I am just as passionate about words as I am about fashion! I have amassed a collection of moto jackets in recent years so hopefully wearing them will attract my mojo back. In fact, I am wearing one today and feel a bit more mojovated than normal!
Susan Marinelli
Kindred spirits! I have a Webster’s International Dictionary from 1957, that I found in 1999 in the trash (!!) It is so enormous, (3167 pages) and heavy, that I had to get a special stand for it so I could use it. Leather bound and has every word I’ve ever looked for, and it is such interesting reading. Roots, history, linguistic rules, derivative languages, all of it! At the time of it’s printing, Webster’s must’ve been hiring, because there are directions for submitting words and your curriculum vitae (love Latin). Language has always intrigued me. At the tender age of 18, I tested with the Air Force, and was supposed to go to be a linguist (interpreter). However, my boyfriend took the test with me, got one more answer wrong than I did, AND THEY GAVE HIM A HIGHER SCORE BECAUSE HE WAS MALE! This was in the seventies, so they actually told me this. I was so mad, I stalked out of the office, yelling. And I was not kind either. They said that was how they did things, and I replied that I didn’t want to be any part of THAT! (although I put it rather more indelicately). The Air Force called me for weeks after that. I said forget it, and instead went to college, much to the relief of my parents.
Ah, digression, thy name is Susan. So glad to hear you are feeling more mojovated than normal! That is one that should make the dictionary!
Susan, I absolutely love your stories! When are you getting that blog of yours up and running, my friend?! Sorry I took three days to respond to this comment…I actually did just unplug all weekend and lived in the moment…all the wonderful moments of the weekend…time spent with friends and family and a glorious 4 hour nap on Sunday afternoon! I will be back to normal in no time…whatever normal is! And thinking of maybe doing a weekly word post…short and simple and sharing a word of the week…maybe on Wednesdays…because I do love alliteration!
Susan Marinelli
I am very happy about your nap and unplugged weekend Shelbee. I honestly don’t know how you do it. On the rare occasions when I tried or was forced to work seven days a week, I got burnt out extremely fast. And bitchy. Anyway, I would so enjoy a Wednesday Wordfest. You can definitely count on me for a few comments.
Thank you, Susan! I am still feeling lazy so you won’t be hearing much from me this week! But hopefully by next week, I will be back with all sorts of fun and sass!
I hope I am just beginning to get my mojo back. I too have been treading water for about six weeks. Because I didn’t slow down and take note of what was going on, I got sick which only adds to the lethargy and fear that everything is slipping away or spinning out of control. I realized that once again, I had signed on for way too much. I had agreed to a small project that morphed into an epic and I mean epic problem. Which, once it got going, I had no control over. What a mess! What a stress ball. Finally I had to let go of everything and regroup. I outlined my priorities and dumped everything else. First post I feel good about in a while. Hopefully we are on a roll.
Nina, thank you for sharing your experience with me. I am definitely taking on a lot lately. Along with losing my mojo, I seem to also have lost my power to say no. Guess I need to be more diligent about that! I am so sorry you got sick and I do hope you are mending quickly. Maybe some day we will learn to listen to our bodies. Have a fantastic weekend, my friend, and try to relax some!
Suzy Turner
I’m sorry you’ve lost your mojo, my friend, and I really hope you find it very, very soon. I’m sure it’s just hormones messing about with you (as so often happens to me!). To try and cheer you up, here’s what the word Mojo reminds me of: Austin Powers…. https://youtu.be/a6Acigj8isc
Huge hugs to you Shelbee <3 <3
Suzy xxx
Suzy, thank you for the laugh! Much needed! And I do always think of Austin Powers, too, when I hear the word mojo. Too funny. Maybe I need a time machine to help me find my mojo. Or I could just go steal some from Mr. Powers! Have a great weekend, my friend.
Helen C.
I immediately though of Austin Powers too 🙂
Shelbee, it will come back! How you have strength to still wright your thoughts, take (cute) photos, work two jobs, take care of family and household, I don´t know! I am sending positive energy all the way from Spain though! And lots of hugs! <3
Thank you so much, Helen! I took the weekend off from blogging stuff and even took off from work on Sunday and slept all day long! It was heavenly and very much needed. Hopefully, I will feel the energy returning soon.
Tiina L
You and me both, sister…
Sometimes it feels as if you’re just running in that endless hamster wheel, with no way out. The mojo will come back, of course, eventually.
Yes, Tina, definitely just like a hamster wheel! Just waiting for the wheel to break so I can escape. Ha. Thanks for relating. The mojo always come back…I am just a little impatient is all. Have a great weekend, my friend!
jodie filogomo
I do think this happens to all of us. And embracing the down days makes life a little easier. (not that it’s easy to embrace them). I always wondered how you post 5 days a week. It seems so overwhelming to me. Sometimes my 3 days a week kills me!!
Sending tons of hugs Shelbee!!
Jodie, thanks so much for relating to me and for sending me lots of hugs and positivity. So, two of my posts every week are just quick wish list posts. They don’t take much time or effort to put together and now my husband writes the Sunday posts! So really, I am only working on two posts a week! Get your hubby writing some for you, too!
Patrick Weseman
I guess there is truth in what someone once said “The triumph of the uncluttered mind,” but anyway I am just a simple grinder. I grind along and the mojo comes and goes but I am still out there grinding. I guess I am simple like that.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Patrick, thanks so much for your valuable insight! The triumph of the uncluttered mind, indeed! Sometimes just focusing on the grind is the best way to go about things! And uncluttering one’s mind is a necessary activity that we must all do every now and again. I had a wonderfully relaxing unplugged weekend and now I am almost ready to get back to it all!
Girl, I totally get you on losing the mojo thing. For a couple of months I was struggling, particularly when it came to the blog. I just didn’t have the time or energy and even briefly considered just quitting. Changing out one of my weekly posts to selfie OOTD posts has helped and I am about to send out a blog survey to assist with more directional tweaking. I am also trying to set some small goals every day for work, the blog, and around my home. Checking those off help my peace of mind and like I am not spinning in circles. Finally, I am making myself ignore what isn’t on my list for that day and actually relax and take time for myself. I am beginning to feel more like myself again and am actually finding inspiration returning. Whew…
Thanks so much for the feature this week! Such a lovely surprise.
Have a wonderful weekend, friend. 🙂
Jennie, thank you so much for this…for relating and understanding the struggle. I am considering a little reworking of my blog schedule, too. I have to. I can’t keep on a daily posting schedule as I just don’t have the time or energy to do it all. And I also want to make sure that what I am posting has value. I didn’t realize how difficult the transition would be from staying home to working 3 jobs! I honestly thought it would be an easy transition and that I would still have plenty of time for everything I want to accomplish. Silly me! I appreciate all of the support and wonderful comments I am receiving in response to this post. And it was my pleasure to feature you this week, my friend!
Dawn Lucy
Aww Hon, we all lose our mojo from time to time … it always comes back! 😀
Dawn Lucy
Thank you, Dawn Lucy! I am so grateful to all of you for sharing your encouraging words with me while my mojo takes a break!
Rosie Doal
Yes! Feeling those polka dots and the hat. I went a bit polka dot crazy this week too x Rosie xxx
Thanks so much, Rosie! Polka dots are always fun, aren’t they? Heading over to check out your polka dots now!
Edwige Teko-Folly
I love this polka-dot!
Edwige | http://www.hypnozglam.com
Thank you, Edwige! There is nothing more whimsical and fun than a bold polka dot!
Susan Hinesley
Geez, girl! Did it ever occur to you that working multiple jobs and being a wife and mother might make just make it a tad difficult to feel “mojo”? Forget about it, and take a break if you can. Thanks for posting, even if you didn’t have time to take pictures. Can totally relate!
Susan, thanks so much! I have definitely been spreading myself too thin lately. So I took a nice unplugged break this weekend and it was wonderful! I guess I tend to set some lofty goals for myself and then I exhaust myself trying to meet them all. It is time to reevaluate and get back on a healthier and more “doable” schedule. I appreciate all of the support and encouraging words!
Nancy Baten
You will never lose your mojo!
Aw, Nancy, thanks so much! I think my mojo was just taking a little nap! It will wake up soon, I’m sure.
Thanks for sharing such an honest post, I think we all loose our Mojo every now and again, but that’s perfectly normal and when we feel like that what is important is how we deal with things and pick ourselves back up.
You look gorgeous in these photographs and praying for a happy month for you and wishing you a very HAPPY FRIDAY also.
Have faith pretty lady all will be okay!
Laura xo
Laura, thanks so much! I am feeling so empowered from all of the wonderful comments I am receiving in response to my lost mojo! I guess the ebb and flow of our inspiration is the normal way of life…and an upcoming break will do me a lot of good, for sure! I appreciate all of your positive words and support and encouragement. Have a lovely weekend, my friend.
Marilee J. Gramith
I’m convinced that mojo is a fleeting state of mind. I also think that the link between our physical and mental health shows up in our ability to maintain our unique, but fragile personal charisma. When you have too much on your plate something’s gotta give!
Being ” ON” is draining to our personal energy and you demand a lot from yourself my dear! Your boys, husband, (availability, nurturing, supporting) , shopping, cooking , cleaning , photographing, writing (as sincerely and meaningfully as you) and posting as frequently as you do! Holy s___! Too bad they don’t sell mojo rejuvenation in a spray!!!
Take a break sweet girl!!
Jude, I appreciate your words so very much! Thank you. Being “on” is definitely draining and eventually one’s mind and body let us know when we have taken on too much. There is a break coming in my near future for relaxation and rejuvenation…that may, in fact, be the “mojo rejuvenation spray” you speak of…simply forcing oneself to take those necessary pauses in life! Stay tuned and have a great weekend!
Sigrid Chu
Hello Shelbee,
Thank you very much for featuring my post in this Link Up On The Edge! I hope that my post will be able to help out some of the readers of your blog.
Thank you too for your link-up. I’ve discovered so many great blogs from your link-up!
Sigrid, thanks so much! It was my pleasure to feature your inspiring post. I am so glad to hear that you have found value and discovered fun new blogs through my weekly link ups. Thank you for letting me know that! Have a great weekend.
Hey, Shelbee! I think you are entitled to some lost mojo. We can see way out here in blogland that you’ve been very busy. I’ll bet you’re still doing a great job dressing the mannequins at the consignment store, as well as, encouraging the young homecoming-headed girls at C. Russe. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
Kim, thank you so much! I am definitely plugging away at all of my jobs and responsibilities! I love what I do and so that keeps me motivated. But a blogging break is due and I am sure I will find much inspiration once I stop and smell the roses, so to speak! I appreciate all of your support and encouragement so much! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
sorry to hear you’ve lost inspiration! I try to travel or go have new experiences or watch a new movie when this happens. Otherwise, I get out and enjoy the weather and take walks 🙂 Hope you get it back soon <3
Tianna, thanks so much for the suggestions! I am definitely going to take a break soon and do something to reenergize. My mojo will come back in no time! Have a wonderful weekend!
Liz Klebba
I know the song of the lost mojo…
The trick is to get out of yourself and take care of yourself all at once, a very tricky balance. Do something nice for yourself, that don’t cost anything. Baths, snuggles with littles, a favorite movie. Then do something that scares you; try something new. Finally, do something for someone else (not a family member). (All these should be IRL, not in the virtual world!)
Best of luck finding it again! Looking for it rarely brings it back around; it hides in plain sight. It will pop back in when you aren’t looking…
PS: Make sure to check your meds & hormone levels if it goes on for more than a week or two! Muah!
Liz, you are awesome! Thank you so much for these fabulous tips! I am going to take a bit of blogging break this week and I am going to put into action the wonderful tips that I am receiving from my blogger friends. I particularly like your 3 things to do and I am writing them on a sticky note on my desk so I don’t forget them! Stay tuned as I am sure I will have to share the outcome. Thanks for being supportive and encouraging! Much gratitude, my friend. Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks for featuring my post from last week! I hope you get your mojo back soon! I can completely relate, although I typically start the week strong and loose my mojo every Thursday or Friday. It’s a habit of trying to do too many things all at the same time and I just get burnt out! Hope you have a great weekend Shelbee!
Laura, it was my pleasure to feature you! I am always inspired by your style choices! And I agree that the weekly cycle can definitely get stuck on repeat…start strong and burn out. Same here. On Mondays, I am usually energized and full speed ahead and by Friday I am near dead! Make sure you are also exercising proper self-care…as we all need to do. Have a great weekend!
You sound just like my inner monologue lately! I’ve been on the struggle bus, feeling overwhelmed and unmotivated to do anything, not even things I usually enjoy. I blame the weather. I always have a hard time transitioning to cold – and in general. You are beautiful and awesome, so don’t let a slump get you down. You’ll bounce back and be better than ever! Have a great weekend 🙂
Amanda, thank you so much for your encouraging and empowering words! The slump will for sure pass so I’m not getting too upset about it, but I do think a break is in my very nature future…before I collapse from exhaustion! We have had lots of rain lately which definitely hurts my mood…I need a little sunshine and Vitamin D to keep my antibodies activated! I hope you are pushing your way through your slump as well because you, too, are quite awesome! Keep shining, my friend!
Cheryl Shops
Shelbee, lots of hugs to you. I think everyone loses their mojo from time to time (and I agree with you, that that’s a weird word). My grandma always said that when you’re feeling helpless, you should help someone. I think it’s good advice, and it always makes me feel better, even if it’s just something small like being kind to someone. And since kindness is your M.O., that should be easy for you to do!
Cheryl Shops | wwww.cherylshops.net
Yes, Cheryl, yes! Helping someone else is definitely a great way to redirect myself. I already feel a bit more motivated, but I think a break may be in order as well so I can regroup and revive. Thanks so much for sharing your Grandma’s words of wisdom!
Bettye L Rainwater
I’ve got plenty of MOJO right now, I just can’t find the TIME to MO! Or Jo 🙁 So I’m frustrated, just coming at it from the other side of the fence.
Sometimes just a week off. A real week off. Don’t “just gonna…” anything. TAKE A WEEK OFF. Go for a drive. Go someplace new. Read a book. Listen to some podcasts. Watch a movie. Take a nap. Go to the bookstore. Go to a museum. Walk in the woods. Sit by a stream. Race a train. Feed the birds.
And if you don’t feel better at the end of the week, TAKE ANOTHER WEEK. Ha. In the big scheme of things, two weeks not blogging (or shooting writing prepping etc) is not going to un-do all your hard work.
That’s all I got 🙂 Hope you feel better soon.
Bettye, I hear you loud and clear! And that may just be what I need to do! And I may start it right after I respond to all the wonderful comments to my post about losing my mojo! Thank you for the gentle nudge and the encouraging words. I hope you find a way to channel your mojo so you can rid yourself of the frustration! Have a great weekend, my friend.
I agree with Jodi. It happens to everyone. I just try to push through and focus on something good ’til I get my mojo back. 🙂 Ps. LOVE the polka dot sweater Shelbee!
Xx, Nailil
Nailil, thanks so much! I am definitely riding out the mojo-lull until it returns! I guess it is just the natural ebb and flow of life.
You’ll get it back my friend! I think as bloggers we give and give..and love to give and share – it’s what we do. BUT, it can be exhausting and if your body and mind is telling you to take a break – then please listen and do so. ITS OK TO PAUSE! We will all still be here on the other side when you are feeling re-energized. This post is extra timely for me as I decided just this week to post ONE quality post on AskSuzanneBell.com and spend more time working on other content, social media, video and enjoying life and my family! I currently blog for and manage 2 websites and honestly, my brain was on over load! Take care of yourself this weekend, do something you love or nothing at all…it’s all ok!
These photos are fun by the way! It’s also totally OK to use past photos, don’t assume we all saw them the first time around…:)
Suzanne, thank you so much for this comment! I definitely need to relax and recharge. I work all weekend and I was going to try to still post on Saturday and Sunday, but I think this may be the weekend where I need to take a break from blog posts…we are planning a fun family day on Monday at a pumpkin patch so I am looking forward to that, so you just may not see anything new from me until Tuesday! And good for you for recognizing that you were also overextending yourself and cutting back a little. Self-care is not an option, right?! It is super important and we must do it. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Amy Kennedy
Hi Shelbee, Fantastic post because I think that happens to a lot of us. Sometimes at Christmas, I get through the whole season and complete everything on the “list” only to find at the end I feel I missed the most important part, the heart of it all. I think its so wise that you are allowing yourself some margin to refresh and refuel a bit. You are an amazing writer, I love your posts. Taking a little time to rest (while keeping your doing tasks going) is akin to stopping at an oasis to rest and refuel. I think your mojo is still there, its just resting in the shade for a moment.
Amy, I absolutely love your perspective on this! Thank you so much. Yes, my mojo is at a rest stop for just a moment. We do get caught up in all the stuff that we all too often lose sight of the heart of it. I took heed of that this weekend and completely turned myself off to everything except being in the moment (plus a nice long nap on Sunday afternoon). It was so needed and I feel myself coming back to life already! I am so grateful for all the kind and supportive words I am receiving in response to this post!
Elizabeth Ashley Ramsey
Hang in there, friend! It happens to the best. Get some rest, try to put it out of your mind and it will find it’s way back to you.
Betsy | https://nattygal.com
Betsy, thanks so much! I managed to get some major relaxation time in this weekend. It was so needed. And I think I may only post 2 blog posts this week while I get my brain back in order. Slowly, but surely, I will be back to normal, whatever normal is! Have a fantastic week!
So sorry to hear you’ve temporarily lost your mojo, Shelbee! Ha, I don’t really like the word either … It does happen to everybody, especially taken the busy lives we’re all leading. I’m sure it will come back! xxx
Thank you so much, Ann! I suppose it is all part of the journey…the ups and downs and all that jazz. Ooh…maybe I should use “jazz” as a replacement for “mojo”. I have lost my jazz! But it seems to be slowly returning after a relaxing weekend.
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
Shelbee I send you a very very huge hug and much love! ❤️
Thanks so much, Tina! I can use all the hugs and love I can get…those wonderful things feed the good energy!
Amy Christensen
I honestly don’t know that I’ve ever had “mojo”! Ha, ha. You are doing so much. Is there anything you can cut back on? I know you are working, you have kids and a spouse, you do a lot with your blog, networking and on and on. Don’t spread yourself too thin, because you are the only you there is! Take care of yourself by doing those things that we so often put off, like a bubble bath, binge watching a favorite show, taking a nap or giving yourself permission to do something just for you! Hang in there. – Amy
Thank you, Amy! I have been cutting back a bit on my blogging schedule because I just couldn’t keep up with daily posts! And this weekend, I did get someone to cover my Sunday shift and then I took a 4 hour nap…the most glorious nap ever! This past week, I may have spent too much time being social as I went out 3 nights during the week…which this old body cannot handle! Ha. But a relaxing weekend where I turned it all off was definitely helpful. I am slowly starting to return to my normal energetic self! Have a wonderful week, my friend.
What a cute knit! I love the polka dots! 🙂 Hope you feel inspired and motivated and find your mojo again soon! Sometimes I can get inspiration from the most random things!
Hope that you are having a lovely weekend! It was forecast to be wet and rainy here but it hasn’t been too bad which is nice 🙂
Away From The Blue Blog
Mica, thank you so much! I did take a few days off to rest and relax and just go have some fun with friends. I think I can already feel my inspiration returning! It has been a bit rainy and dreary here as well, but today is looking to be nice and we are heading to a Fall Festival with the kids for some quality family time! I think that will bring even more inspiration my way.
Kellyann Rohr
Oh friend, I think you’ll get your “personal charisma” back soon but the major life adjustment of working 3 part time jobs is no doubt responsible for what you’re feeling. It’s hard to bounce back from a big change like that especially when you’re going in all different directions – mom, wife, blogger, employee, and all around fabulous person! I know what it feels like and I know how happy you’ll feel when it returns.
You are amazing!
Thank you so much, Kellyann, for your positive and encouraging words! I have just been so tired with all of the running around that I finally collapsed on Sunday and slept all day long! Oh that glorious rest was needed. Now, hopefully, I will start to feel my energy return!
Amy Ann Arnold
I have had times where I felt like this too! I think when you do anything creative like blogging (and I see fashion as such a creative thing) it happens. Wishing you all the creative juices and energy!
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
Thank you so much, Amy Ann! It really is exhausting when you tap into your creativity every day. It eventually runs out and you need time to let it replenish.
Praying for your mojo to return. Makes a girl feel out of sorts! laurensparks.net
Thank you, Lauren! Definitely out of sorts! But getting back to it!
I think we all go through this cycle dear, but as with any cycle, it comes back. I’m sure you’ll find your mojo sooner or later. Anyway, chic and comfy look you have here dear. Cute photos you have here.
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
Jessica, thanks so much for your encouraging words and kind compliments! I appreciate it all so very much!
Versatile Style by Tracey
I know that feeling of losing your Mojo, such is the twist and turns of life. Perhaps it is a necessary break. When it finally dawns on me that this is the issue, I put on music and dance and go for walks in the sunshine until it returns.. Hoping you find yours soon!
Tracey, thanks so much for sharing you cure for lost mojo! I think any way to unplug from it all is the best way to clear the clutter to allow our mojo to find its way back. I hope you have a fantastic day!
Bojana Krienke
Oh my goodness, you crack me up. I am glad that you haven’t misplaced any illegal narcotics but am sorry to hear that your mojo is misplaced. If you happen to find it with mine, send it my way. Time is killing me. Hahaha. On another note, you certainly don’t look like you’ve lost your mojo, in fact you look fantastic! How did I not know that you host a Friday link-up. Adding it to my list ASAP!
Thank you so much, Bo! I am glad that I was able to make you laugh. And if I find all the missing mojo, I will certainly send some your way! And yes, please do join my Friday link up! And my Tuesday one as well!
Thank you so much, Bo! I am glad that I was able to make you laugh. And if I find all the missing mojo, I will certainly send some your way! And yes, please do join my Friday link up! And my Tuesday one as well!
I am sorry Shelbee that you are feeling this way. Life has a way of throwing curveballs at us when we least expect it, doesn’t it? But it can be a good thing in disguise. I think ever since I started this blog life got fun but also complicated. As someone who likes simplicity that’s a big upset. I also have been fighting a nasty cold for the past 2.5 weeks which turned out to be walking pneumonia! Ahhh good times, right?! So I have been letting the blog slide. Not that I was ever posting on the regular! Lol But you know, sometimes when we are spread too thin some things have had to give. You know your life best and I know you will prioritize things once the overwhelm settles. But until then, I hope that this week will be good to you. Hang in there and sending you all the hugs!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. I am so sorry to hear that you have walking pneumonia! That sounds just awful. And you are right, that is the way our bodies tell us we are doing too much. I am off from work today because my kids have some kind of nasty viral infection. While I hate to see my kids suffering, I am a little glad that it’s an opportunity to force me to stay home today. Maybe I will catch up and get ahead on some blogging things! Sending you lots of healing energy, my friend. Take care of yourself!
Fonda @Savvy Southern Chic
You look adorable in this outfit. I’m sorry you are in this place- I’m certain it will pass. I find myself so tired now days and without any time. My 9 to 5 job is sucking the life out of me, but this too shall pass.
Thanks so much, Fonda! Yeah, lack of time isn’t so much my problem as lack of energy once I get home from work. I am hoping that soon my body and mind will adjust and I will be more productive in the evening hours. I hope this passes for you as well!