When a Talker Runs Out of Things to Say, Some Lessons & A Fall Outfit
It surprises me how often I run out of things to say. Because I am a talker. Like the kind of talker who talks non-stop, for hours on end if you will listen, about anything and everything and sometimes even about nothing at all. I very rarely sit in silence…except when I am writing (but that is just another version of talking, isn’t it?).
However, it seems that I often run out of things to talk about in my blog space. Yes, I do have a list of topics I want to address, but right now none of those topics are interesting enough to me. Even as I am attempting to draft this post about having nothing to say, I am finding it immensely difficult to concentrate and focus. It could just be lack of motivation. Or lack of inspiration. Or I have a million other things going on that are occupying my mind and my energy. Or perhaps it is the 3 year old rambling non-stop in my left ear that is making the task at hand near impossible.
So I have decided that when I run out of things to say, I will start recycling some bits from old posts. Last October, I wrote a post about 39 Lessons I Have Learned. You can read the entire post here. Today, I will share the first five.
1. I have learned that people do not fit into neat little packages, including myself. It is okay to be a creative combination of many things, to have many facets to your personality, to have many different and sometimes even conflicting likes and dislikes. And that doesn’t make the package defective, it only makes it a more interesting package.
2. I have learned that it is okay to be wrong. But it is also important to apologize to those affected by your mistakes and try to right yourself the next time.
3. I have learned that it is okay to change your mind, your beliefs, your opinions, your tastes, and your priorities. Human beings are not static creatures. We are ever-evolving based on our experiences. It is supposed to be this way.
4. I have learned that as my mind, beliefs, opinions, tastes, and priorities change so will the nature of my relationships with other people.
5. I have learned that all relationships need to be re-evaluated every now and again. Sometimes that will make the relationship stronger or it may just change the relationship and take it in a different direction. But sometimes, it may lead to the end of a relationship. And that, too, is okay. We are not meant to remain close with every single person we meet in our lives for the rest of time. In fact, that would be quite impossible anyway.
*This is not a sponsored post.
Outfit Details:
Jacket: Fort Drum Exchange.
Jeans: Gap Factory 1969 Baby Boot Jeans in True Black.
Turtleneck: White House Black Market (from last year).
Scarf, Earrings, and Necklace: Cato Fashions (no longer available).
Watch: Churchill Timber Watch.
Shoes: Toms Sandstorm Nubuck Perforated Majorca Mules (from Fort Drum Exchange).
Do you ever run out of things to say? What do you do about it?
Silenced on the edge,
Linking up with These Fabulous Link Ups Where I Link Up

You did have something to say Shelby !
Great layering and that shade of burgundy as those trousers look very good. Beautiful styling.
Thank you, Lorena! But it was really something that I have already said! But I guess it’s okay to say it again. Thanks for stopping by and reading!
jodie filogomo
I think it’s perfect to recycle…not only our clothing but relevant findings like these!
All of these are so true…and it seems to take me years to figure it out–I must be a little slow sometimes, ha ha!
And I love your outfit today Shelbee—-pink & burgundy is such a fabulous combination!!
Jodie, thanks so much for that validation! I am so obsessive about always being able to create new and fresh content that is meaningful and sometimes it just isn’t there! So I need to cut myself a break and rely on old stuff sometimes, too!
Love the jacket with this, lady- the drape factor is so good!
Le Stylo Rouge
Thanks so much, Ashley! And I got it for a steal, too, which is always the best part about a great piece!
For someone who ran out of words, this was a pretty long post! Haha, I am not a talker….but all my girlfriends are. So if I am not in the mood to talk, one of my girlfriends is!
So funny, Nancy! Like I said, I can talk forever even about nothing! Hahaha! I guess I am that friend that tends to fill the silence. But maybe not…because most of my friends are huge talkers, too! Sometimes we talk until our throats hurt.
Sheela Goh
I wash my hair. Read true crime books. Watch Forensic Files.
Sheela Goh
And then mope if none of those work.
Moping is one of my specialties, Sheela! Agh! I have been doing a lot of that lately. Unmotivated, uninspired funk!
Sheela, those are all excellent techniques! Sometimes I just throw my hands in the air and give it up!
I like your scarf! The shade of your shirt and shades of your scarf go so well together! I think that looking at what you said in the past can have an effect on you in the present! It’s nice to go back and look at ideas or thoughts you had!
Ruth, thank you very much! I agree…it is interesting to go back and read what you wrote a year ago or ten years ago. Some things are definitely worth re-sharing. Other things may be a little cringe-worthy! Ha!
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
You look amazing shelbee. This mules are great. In germany the weather is not so good to wear open toe.
IWish you a good day!
Thank you so much, Tina! The weather here has just turned super cold so my toes will be covered for the next 6 months! Stay warm!
Mary Murnane
Glad you found something to say! Loved reading this. You look amazing in the photos, too!
Mary, thank you! I am still struggling with coming up with new content for today’s post! Have a fabulous day!
love that scarf!!!! Your outfit is great!!! 🙂
Thank you so much, Stephanie! I really appreciate the very kind compliment. Have a lovely day!
What a cute scarf! Love the sleeveless sweater too!
Jeans and a Teacup
Thanks so much, Jessica! I love this sleeveless sweater for layering! Have a fabulous day.
I often find I am running out of things to say. I love your learning lessons and agree with all of them. Loving your outfit as well. Your jacket is amazing. Beautiful look and wonderful post!
xx, Elise
Thank you so much, Elise. It is nice to know that I am alone in the struggle! Although, I am sorry that your suffer from running out of things to say, too. It is kind of miserable! I think I will be sharing more lessons in the my link up post this week!
loving the fall colors!
Life is just Rosie
Rosie, thank you so much! I just love fall colors. But now it is snowing where I live. I am so not ready for that!
Antionette Blake
I don’t think that I run out of things to say but oftentimes seem that one day I will run out of things to write! #highlatitudestyle
So true for me, too, Antoinette! I apparently never run out of things to talk about…it’s all I do…talk, talk , talk. A regular chatterbox, here! So why do I run out of things to write about? It is so frustrating and confusing! Thanks so much for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!
I tend to be a bit like you, I hate sitting in silence, it make s me feel uncomfortable to I want to talk all the time – my mum is also like this, must be a family trait! I’m liking these colours, I wore similar yesterday nice and autumnal. Blending in with the season – fab. x
Jacqui, I think it is a trait that makes some people envious! I could literally talk to anyone and everyone! However, if I have difficulty maintaining a conversation with a person then it is likely they may have a serious character flaw! Hahaha! Thanks so much for stopping by and for the lovely comment.
Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.
Nicole, thank you so much. Have a fantastic weekend!
Anna-Marie @BeautyandtheBeets
I love your outsit- especially those shoes! Happy Friday!
Thank you so much, Anna-Marie! They are super comfortable shoes, too!
Lisa/Syncopated Mama
I was labeled “a talker” on my cumulative file in elementary school and I can certainly still talk a mile a minute, but I usually won’t for a while. Get me started, though, and watch out! So glad you joined us at #FridayFrivolity again!
Hahaha, Lisa! That made me laugh. Your “permanent record” called you a talker! My husband likes to say to me, “If you would stop running your mouth for one minute and listen to me…” Yeah, I talk…a lot! Thanks for stopping by.
Sometimes all it takes is a change of course to get the creativity flowing again. Thanks for joining up with my Fine-Whatever link up.
That is definitely the truth, Rena! And sometimes it just takes a little longer. And sometimes technology gets in the way! Ha! Thanks for stopping by.