What We Wear Underneath It All | May Stylish Monday Link Up

As indicated by the title, the theme for this month’s Stylish Monday link party is What We Wear Underneath It All. We were able to choose whatever angle we wanted for this theme. Since I am no stranger to writing underwear reviews or sharing pictures of myself in my underwear, I was happy to share my newest discovery in the world of undergarments. If you are interested, you can read some of my other underwear posts here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. That’s a lot of heres which means a lot of underwear posts. But I do wear underwear every day so why not share them?
So what’s special about today’s underwear? Well, they are period panties! My dear friend Suzy had recently shared her new period knickers and I was intrigued to read about her experience. While I was familiar with this idea of panties that we can wear during our periods in place of pads or tampons, I was not completely sold on the idea. My first reaction was actually repulsion when I first heard of these things. I wondered how comfortable they could be and also wouldn’t you need to change them every few hours like you would a pad or a tampon? I don’t have time for all that.

But after reading Suzy’s review, I decided to investigate further. Especially now that my perimenopause period is almost nonexistent. In fact, I don’t bleed enough to warrant a tampon plus they have been incredibly uncomfortable ever since I had children. So I have been doomed to wearing pads for the past 11 years which is just about the most uncomfortable thing ever to me. Have you ever tried to do yoga with a bunched up wad of blood soaked cotton jammed between your legs? Yeah, it’s not ideal. I don’t care how comfortable pad commercials make them sound, it’s all lies! So if there is a way I can have adequate protection and maximum comfort, please show me the way.
Not sure where to begin my search, I started with Amazon and ended up ordering the INNERSY Women’s Hipster Period Underwear because I liked the colors and the hipster boy brief style. They are lined with super absorbent padding that is washable. The padding is really designed to only handle a light flow but it offers extra security if you have a heavy flow that basic feminine products can’t handle. I like that the crotch area is lined in black cotton fabric which makes it much easier to not feel like you have to change your panties multiple times throughout the day.

My period panties came in the mail just before my last period so I had the opportunity to try them out in time for this post. I had a heavier than normal flow for the first 2 days so I wore a panty liner anyway. But the last 3 days, I generally only experience light spotting. It was so nice to not wear a pad and feel secure that I was protected from any mishaps! And I could do yoga comfortably during my period. That is a huge benefit to these underwear. I tend to skip exercise completely during my flow days but now I don’t have to.
My only complaint about these particular panties is that I don’t really like the fit of hipster panties! I saw it, I read the description, and I ordered them anyway. They are comfortable except I do prefer a little higher waisted panties. I don’t like when the top of my butt crack is barely covered. I need a good 2 inches of coverage above the butt crack. These maybe give me 1/2 inch. But they are comfortable enough panties to try for another month or two. If I am really loving them, I may order a different style.

So period panties for the win!
Now let me talk about my favorites in bralettes and sports bras. I have been hating regular bras lately and while I did recently stock up on some really cute and sassy ones, I rarely ever wear them and opt instead for bralettes and sports bras. Torrid is my go-to place for bralettes, bras, and sports bras as they have the best selection for big boobs.
Have you ever noticed that most undergarments for bigger busted women are just plain old ugly? Well, Torrid has taken care of that for me. It’s all so darn cute that my newly cleared out underwear drawer is overflowing once again. For size reference, I wear a 36DDD or 36G depending on the brand and style. In Torrid bralettes and sports bras, I wear a 0 or 00, also depending on the style.

The three bralettes featured in this post are the Black Rib Scoop Neck Seamless Bralette, the Lightly Padded Bralette-Lace Cotton Stars Black, and the Wide Lace Bralette-Cotton Rainbow Stars. The two cotton star print ones are exceptionally comfortable. They fit in the same way as my favorite cotton tie dye bralette. The black scoop neck one is comfortable except the scoop neck causes a 4-boob phenomenon unless my shirt also features a scoop neck. If I wear the right shirt, the scoop neck bralette just gives me really great cleavage!
Also bralettes for the win!
There is nothing worse than wearing uncomfortable underwear. It is enough to ruin even the best of days! So don’t skimp and don’t settle until you have found exactly what works best for you. There are certainly enough options available!
Now let’s see what the rest of my stylish friends are wearing underneath their clothes.
Stylish Monday is a monthly series published in collaboration with a group of international fashion and lifestyle bloggers. It is another opportunity to be creative with our personal style as we join together each month with a style prompt or theme. We also host a link party where anyone is welcome to add their personal style posts.
We fashion bloggers love style prompts and themes! They keep us on our toes and they keep our creativity blooming. They force us to think outside the box and try new things. They push us out of our comfort zones and really great things tend to happen when you step out of your comfort zone.
For lots of inspiration from around the world, you are bound to find something that appeals to you. Be sure to visit each of these amazing women for not just fashion inspiration…each woman in this group brings different and interesting elements to the blogging community.
Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood

Julie of Fashion Trends and Friends

Lucy of Lucy Bertoldi

Nicole of High Latitude Style

Nina of Sharing a Journey
Suzanne of Ask Suzanne Bell

And Me!

What are you favorite underwear?
Featured Favorites from April’s Spring Trends
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Underwear-Amazon / Bralettes-Torrid / Belly Button Ring-Spencer’s / Earrings-Anjolee / Mushroom Necklace-Gift Shop in Sylva, North Carolina

I was so intrigued by your post topic Shelbee, and couldn’t wait to read your review. My menopause ship sailed a long time ago, but I’ve heard these things work for light bladder leakage too. What are your thoughts on that?
The group nailed the theme as usual!
Thanks so much, Andy! I would say that these panties definitely work for light bladder leakage. After my first child was born, I had bladder leakage issues and I always needed to wear a pantyliner. When I was pregnant with my second, I thought my water had broken at 28 weeks and had to go the ER. It turns out I simply peed my pants. At that point, upon the doctor’s advice, I started doing Kegel exercises like a madwoman and now I have no more bladder leakage issues! But I do suspect these panties would be perfect for that!
Lucy Bertoldi
Shelbee, these must be relatively new, as I never even heard of period panties! Too bad ou don’t like the cut (they’re super cute though on you!)- other than that, sounds like an idea I would have liked to try when needed over 10 years ago!!
Thanks, Lucy! I had heard of these panties for the first time a few years ago and I thought it was a super weird concept. But where I am now, they make sense and I love them!
Suzanne Bell
I love that you shared your period panties, and where were these when I was in dire need of them. How freeing to not have to wear a pad (or tampon for that matter). I am thrilled that someone finally came up with this concept – brilliant. And your sportbras and bralettes are fantastic – great to have options for parger chested women. thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much, Suzanne! As much as I do enjoy just sharing pretty underwear sets, I really loved the this theme to share some practical undergarments as well. I really love how everyone took a different approach and shared lots of great options in undergarments.
Marsha Banks
All I can say is I am so happy to be done with all of that!!! I haven’t had a period in well over a decade and don’t miss it even a tetch! I still have hot flashes…usually when I’m stressed…but the other nonsense is over and done with! But, what a game changer these underwear are!! When I first started having periods, we had to wear those nasty belts and slot the pads ends into the belts. So very uncomfortable! The pads with wings were wonderful! And, now another evolution in women’s sanitary needs. I wonder if a woman invented them? Either that or it was a husband who got tired of his wife’s b*tching!!!
Can I just admit I love seeing my face on other blogs? Can I, please? Yes, I am just that vain!!! Thanks for the link party, Shelbee!
Hahaha, Marsha, you make me smile with every comment that you leave here! Thank you for that. Oh, I hate the pads with wings! The wings get all twisted about and then they stick to the inside of my thighs which is an awful sensation! And I never understood the teeny tiny panty liners that are so small that your vagina just swallows them up! What is the freaking point of that? I can only imagine how horrible the pad belts were! I am so ready to be done with all of this, too. I keep telling myself that each month is one month closer to the final end of it all!
Kathrine Eldridge
Thanks for sharing these wonderful undergarmemnts. They look so comfy and I adore all the colors. You look amazing in all of it! This a great them idea for a post with summer coming. Thanks for the link up Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I thought this was a really great idea for a collaboration theme as well! We all wear underwear so why not talk about our favorites!
They look so comfy! I love the stars!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer!
Julie Augustyn
Hi Shelbee!
These period panties sound pretty great! I could have really used them back in the day! Luckily, I’m beyond that point in my life! I love all your fun colored sports bras! I actually tend to wear a sports bra over my bra! Not sure why but I never feel fully supported in a sports bra..constantly on the hunt for ones that support me and keep in…big chested girl problems! Another great and informative collaboration!
Julie xo
Thanks so much, Julie! I cannot wait to be on the other side of this menopause nonsense! I never felt completely supported in bralettes or sports bras either and I would only wear bralettes with a bra underneath. But that started to feel silly to me and it wasn’t that comfortable so I tried sizing down in the bralettes and then then they really hold everything in! Maybe worth a try for you as well. Find one you like and try it one size smaller!
Ada Furxhi
I applaud you for posing in your underwear – looking great! All looks very wearable and comfortable while also being cute. I just learned from your thorough review about what exactly are period underwear. And I agree about wearing comfy underwear and cute bralettes. Love your bralettes. I am glad I was brave to participate in this collab. It is not for the faint of hearts! LOL
P.S. So glad you can finally leave a comment with Google comments.
Thanks, Ada! I guess I equate posing in my underwear to posing in my swimsuit. It’s really all the same! This was a fun idea for a theme and I really enjoyed learning about the different underwear products that everyone loves.
Great post! I like your frank reviews and sharing.
Thank you for participating in Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 19.
Thanks so much, Carol! I really appreciate that! There’s no point in writing a review that isn’t open and honest!
Period panties! I read about these on Suzy’s blog as well! I am past needing such things – thankfully – but I certainly would have been intrigued. I’m glad you’re finding them to be an improvement so far.
Thanks, Michelle! I am anxiously awaiting a time when I will be past needing such things as period panties! They definitely make things a bit more comfortable but certainly not as comfortable as never having a period again!
So fun to see everyone’s interpretation of this theme! I have looked at panties like these, but am so skeptical! Not curious enough to test them out, but I enjoyed reading your thoughts on them. I will have to check out Torrid – I like in sports bras and bralettes!
Thanks, Alexandra! I was not only skeptical about these underwear, I thought the whole idea was totally gross. But then I realized that it’s the same thing as wearing a panty liner or pad all day just a bit more comfortable and better for the environment! But I am still not totally trusting the panties during heavier flow. I only trust them for light spotting.
Torrid bras and bralettes are the best!