What to Wear for an Early Spring Hike & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #217

I am back after a relaxing and productive holiday weekend and I wanted to share a bit of our Easter activities with you. We are not a religious family and so we do not plan much for the Easter holiday. Instead, we view it as an opportunity to spend some family time celebrating the hopefulness that comes with the arrival of spring.
The day began for the boys with a little sweet treat and some cash to spend on video games. I also had promised them that we would try Dee’s Coke with Peanuts so I figured that would be a nice Easter surprise as well. We tried the Coke and peanuts right before we headed out to Poor’s Island for a family hike. Jeff and Ralphie really enjoyed this novel treat, but Archie wasn’t so sure about it. I gave it try and I liked it about as much as I could for a person who doesn’t really enjoy soda.

The kids brought their peanut filled Coke bottles with them on our hike and it kept them energized enough that there were no real complaints during the 2 mile walk. Ever since our first family hike on Poor’s Island in the fall, it has become a favorite walking spot for us. It is short and flat and requires little exertion from my lazy kids!
The weather was a mild 60˚F (15˚ C) and partly sunny. I am still mostly cold until temperatures reach about 75˚ F (24˚ C) but you can see how my arctic baby, Ralphie, is unfazed by temperatures. He would have walked around shirtless if we would have allowed it. I, on the other hand, needed some layers, a jacket, a hat, and gloves. I decided some shades of pink were order for an Easter hike.
We enjoyed all the new signs of life that were sprouting up in the woods. They were bringing me so much hope for the rest of this year…and hope was really what I have been needing.
Right at the beginning of the trail, I spotted this sign in the road…

Ralph and I were really getting a kick out of the teeny tiny things sprouting up that made him look like a giant next to them! A teeny tiny tree and a teeny tiny pine cone…

Ralph was also completely fascinated by the giant cement “toilet paper rolls” just sitting there in the woods.

Skipping rocks is the boys’ favorite activity when we walk along the water.

And I got to smoke some weed in the woods…legally! New York State just passed legislation legalizing adult-use cannabis and now I have nothing to hide from anybody! It was just the kind of Easter grass that I needed in my basket and so I took advantage of a photo opportunity to further emphasize my support for legalized marijuana. Plus, the best place to get high is out in nature. It really does connect me to the earth in a much deeper and more meaningful way.

No hike is complete in my world without a selfie and family photo. So I will end with those and then won’t you join the link party below!

How was your holiday weekend?
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Joanne of Slices of Life shared her post, 6 Month Post-Op Update. Initially, Joanne hesitated to share this post but I am so glad that she did because these are the topics that need to be talked about and they are so helpful for anyone else who may going through a similar process.

Fashion Favorite
Darlene of Aquamarina Style shared her post, Atomic Orange Dress for Spring Zing, featuring this beautifully sophisticated yet casually beachy orange dress. I love the fit and style as well as the gorgeous color.

Non-Fashion Favorite
Claire of Claire Justine shared her post, The Hardest Part Of Having A Dog Is Knowing They Are Dying And There Is Nothing You Can Do To Help Them. While it feels a little weird calling this post a “favorite”, I wanted to feature it so you can all get to know Claire’s sweet pup Mollie and send lots of love and positive energy her way. Mollie has been making appearances on Claire’s blog for as long as I have been reading and I feel super sad for her suffering. Sending lots of love your way, Claire and Mollie!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…(Everything was shopped from my closet)
Outfit Details: Jacket-Gap / Hoodie-Bon Ton / Tee Shirt and Gloves-Old Navy / Jeans and Boots-Torrid / Hat-Wona Trading / Earrings-c/o Anjolee / Sunglasses-Oliver Goldsmith

Dee | Grammy's Grid
Oh, WOW! I like your new blog layout and colors!! I see you tried the Coke with peanuts, yay! Looked like an enjoyable family hike. Just visiting links today, nothing to linkup. I have parties open if you’d like to drop by with some of your posts.
Thanks so much, Dee! The update was long overdue on my blog. I was getting tired of looking at the same old thing every day! The coke with peanuts was super fun to try! I wish I liked soda more because I really liked the squishy, mushy, soft peanuts after they soaked for a few minutes! I am sure we will try it again. I hope you have a fabulous week!
It looks like you had a wonderful hike, Shelbee! And how cool is it you could now smoke a little weed legally lol!?! I love those ‘giant toilet rolls’. Your kids are so much fun!
Huge hugs
Suzy xx
Thank you, Suzy! I was super excited about smoking legally in the woods! And I need to go find out what those giant cement toilet paper rolls really are! The island was manmade by a power company and there was a paper mill there at one point as well. So the cement rolls must have something to do with that. I just get curiouser and curiouser.
Michele Morin
Love these pictures of your family!
Thanks so much, Michele! I hope your week is off to a great start!
That looks like an amazing hike with your family! Those cement toilet paper rolls (they really do look like that!) are so fun. I am so touched that my post was a favorite from last week.
Thanks so much, Joanne! Ralphie was really getting a kick out of the cement toilet paper rolls. They are pretty funny! I wonder what they actually are…I might have to investigate!
Sunday was such a gorgeous day for a hike! Reika and I went on one too! Afterwards, I had to clean off her muddy paws.
Curated By Jennifer
It was a beautiful day, Jennifer! I bet that was fun cleaning off muddy paws! We got a little bit muddy as well!
Great new dramatic look to the website, ‘edgy’ is the word that comes to mind!!!
Thanks so much, Pamela! Updating the blog look was long overdue!
Kathrine Eldridge
Love the new look of your site Shelbee! So glad you enjoyed your Easter Sunday with this family hike. Your layered look is perfect. Thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I have been wanting to update the look of my blog but now I have to figure out some back end stuff with this new theme. Technology is not my strong point! I hope you are having a great start to the week!
Anne M Bray
Change can be good, but white text on black IS SO HARD TO READ!
I have other design complaints, but I’ll leave it at that for now.
Sorry, cannot read your post. My eyes can’t.
Ahhhh, Anne, I was afraid of that with the white on black text but then Jeff told me he liked it! I am still playing around with it. It won’t let me change those colors with this theme! Technology is not my strong point! So this is going to be a process until I get it right! Thanks for the feedback, my friend.
Anne M Bray
Yay, back to white. Much better! And header smaller too. Yay, yay.
Now about that l-o-n-g shopping column. Haha. Changing themes is always full of “fun” technical surprises.
Haha. I just wrote my comment in the “Name” box. Oopsie. Good thing I caught it before Send!
And able to read the post as well.
The cement thingies. You KNOW I love those!
Gah, I just changed it like 5 times! The white background is way better. But what l-o-n-g shopping column are you referring to? I lost my side bar entirely but have it back now. Is that the part that needs cleaning up? I should just email you instead of putting this all in the comments. Haha. But maybe someone else will join in with some feedback!
Anne M Bray
(Typing in the name bar again) (Habitual much?) (HAHA)
Will email you a screenshot. Not sure if others have this issue.
I think I see what you mean…the product thumbnails at the end are coming up in one long list instead of across the page. Ugh. I may have to just stop putting them in.
I love your new blog layout and design! It sounds like you had a perfect day! The spot you hiked is beautiful! So funny about the giant toilet paper rolls!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I have to make some more changes to the blog appearance. It is so tedious and I don’t really know what I’m doing! Haha.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Look at this new blog look!!!
What a great family hike. I was really impressed Cuomo legalized marijuana, I am all for it. I may not use it – but saw no reason for it to be criminalized!
Thanks so much, Tamar! It is exciting news! I am still working on this blog format and the struggle is real!
Isn’t it good to be out in nature! I love to do so! And smoking pot is legall here everywhere, so it’s not strange to see people smoking a joint. A few weeks ago we met a couple of young Italian people in our national park who were smoking and they hide it when we passed. I said, no need to do that in this country!
It is such a relief, Nancy! No more worrying about what people will say when I am smoking! And I am feeling so much more alive now that I can get back to nature.
Oh and btw, the new look of your blog is great!! I like it!
Thanks, Nancy! Although I just changed it like 5 times in the past hour so I am not sure which version you saw!!!
Pam Ecrement
Love the outfit and the new look for the website! Great job! Very appealing!
Thank you so much, Pam! I have been playing around with the blog layout and appearance all morning so I am not even sure which version you saw! But I definitely needed a new look.
How fun! I love hiking and your braids!
Thanks so much, Lizzie! The braids really stand out in tomorrow’s post! It was the reason I braided my hair…and then I changed and went for a hike after we took photos!
Bojana Krienke
Girl, your blog got a new look and I like it (or maybe I’ve just been blogging in haze and hadn’t noticed it until today). Love the hiking photos and how you and your son enjoy the small things in life. I am going to be honest though, what I love most about you is your honesty and aunthenticity. You are honest with who you are and I truly appreciate it. I’ve never smoked weed and I don’t know if I will but I love how honest you are about it. You are an adult, who gets to make their own decisions. Just as I am an adult and I like to enjoy a glass of wine a few times a week with my husband. You make me smile and just feel more confident, so thank you.
Oh my goodness, Bo, thank you for this lovely comment! I seriously just got a little teary eyed! There was a time in my life when I did not live authentically and I tried so hard to be someone I was not. It nearly killed me but it set me on a better path once I realized that I could not continue living as someone else. I made a promise to myself back then to never compromise who I am or what I believe and to always be true and authentic and genuine. It makes me so happy to know that my authenticity shines through. So thank you very much for that validation! And you go on and enjoy your glasses of wine and I’ll enjoy my pot! Wine gives me a massive headache so I stay away from it! In fact, I rarely drink alcohol at all because of the unpleasant side effects it has on me…which is why I love my weed!
Patrick Weseman
Looks like a great time with the family. What a wonderful place to hike and you have the perfect clothes for it.
Like the new law that New York passed. Here in California you can smoke it but there are so many laws where you can smoke it (The secondhand smoke deal). It is illegal to consume, smoke, eat or vape cannabis in public. So when I consumed a gummy the other day while walking in San Francisco, I was breaking the law. It is illegal to open a package containing cannabis or any cannabis products in public. This includes but is not limited to parks and sidewalks, business and residential areas. Like you can smoke it in your backyard but if the neighbor complains you can get in trouble under the nuisance laws. Here is another crazy one, If I am walking along Crissy Field, the Marin Headlands or Ocean Beach and I have it on me, I am breaking the law because I am on federal property.
We got so many crazy laws here. Always have to appease the NIMBY’s around here.
Getting used to the new blog look. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful rest of the week.
Patrick, thanks so much! My blog was long overdue for a makeover! It was stressful but it’s thankfully mostly done! I might need to make a few more tweaks to it though. Those are some crazy detailed rules and regs you have regarding cannabis use. According to what I have been reading, you can smoke pot anywhere in NY where you can smoke cigarettes. There was an article the other day about a guy in NYC walking up to a cop while he was smoking a joint just to test the law…and apparently that was completely legal! Although that was NYC and I used to walk down the street in NYC smoking a joint all the time over 20 years ago and no one ever really cared or said anything to me. In any event, it is progress and progress is good! I hope you are having a wonderful week!
Nora Minassian
I like the new design for you blog Shelbee, looks cleaner and bolder. Looks like you had lots of fun with the fam on your Easter hike and I love that blush bomber jacket you are wearing.
Nora, thank you so much! There was a lot of anxiety involved in getting this new blog format set! Haha. But totally worth it. It was long overdue. I hope you are having a wonderful week!
Sounds like a wonderful hike with the family! It’s so nice to get out in nature and just enjoy the little things in life. Thanks for hosting and happy Tuesday, Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Katie! It really was a lovely way to spend the Easter holiday! I hope you are having a fantastic week, my friend.
I love relaxing + productive weekends, they’re the best! Also loving this rosy jacket on you- so cute, babe!
Le Stylo Rouge
Thanks so much, Ashley! It was a pretty fantastic weekend! I hope you are having a great week.
Rosemary Davis
Thanks for sharing your hiking adventure with your lovely family!
Thank you, Rosemary, for stopping by and reading about it! Have a wonderful week!
Kids and nature—what could be better?! Such a perfect family event! I love your description of a non-religious celebration, too. The new layout looks SOOOO good! I’ll have to get some tips from you! Mine needs an update! Thanks so much for the feature, too, Shelbee. Such a nice surprise and totally appreciated. Have a wonderful week, my friend!
xx Darlene
Thanks so much, Darlene! Celebrating family and the arrival spring is just as important as any religious holiday! To me at least, as a non-religious person. LOL I will help you the best I can if you are wanting to update your blog appearance. But I have to be honest, I don’t know what the heck I am doing! I tried about 12 different themes and when I couldn’t figure out how to customize one to my preferences, I would bail and start new! It is super stressful and I almost went straight back to the old blog format. Let me know though if you need some assistance and I will gladly help the best I can! I hope you are having a fabulous week.
It looks like a beautiful Easter weekend! And the weather looked pretty too, along with your hair! 🙂
Thanks so much, Shauna! One of my friends told me I looked like a rapper with my hair braided, peeking out from under my beanie hat! Hahaha.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I really love your new blog header and design! It really fits you and has a little bit of an edgy flair which I like! I really need to get outside to walk and soon, it is going to be 70-80’s here all week! I love your braids in your hair, such a twist on just a normal braid! I like the pop of color from your jacket and your boys are getting SO big!
Carrie, thanks so much, my friend! I changed the blog theme like 12 times before I settled on this one. It needed an update really badly! It is going to be in the 70’s for the rest of the week here and I am super excited to get outside and photograph some spring outfits! We drop back down into the low 50’s with rain all next week so I will back in my layers. I swear both of my boys have had recent growth spurts! They are getting huge!
Sheila (of Ephemera)
Ooh, lots of changes I see! Looking good, Michelle!
I love your multiple braids, and your pink outfit for your hike. Hooray for legal weed! We aren’t permitted to indulge in public (in the same way you can’t drink in public), but I have my Pax as I find joints too smelly when I’m trying to be unobtrusive. I also like oil and capsules for discreet times.
Thank you so much for the link-up! Happy Tuesday!
Thanks so much, Sheila! The way I am reading the new regulations with legal weed is that you can smoke anywhere that you can smoke cigarettes. Which basically limits me to all the places I would have smoked before…in the woods or on my porch! I can’t imagine I would ever have any reason to walk down the street in town smoking a joint! Although I am sure there are lots of people who would do that. I just read an article the other day about a guy in NYC who walked up to a police officer while smoking a joint to see if the governor’s orders were true…the governor of NY stated that the police were to do absolutely nothing if someone is smoking pot in a legal public location…i.e. walking down the street. I also use oil when I need to be discreet, but smoking will always be my preferred method of consumption. Thanks for sharing your methods!
Laura Bambrick
Giant toilet paper rolls! Too funny! I’ve never heard of coke and peanuts. I’m not a soda drinker so I’m not sure how much I’d like that, but I need to share with my kids to see if they want to give it a try. Interesting for sure! The hike sounds like fun!
Thanks, Laura! I think they really are some kind of paper rolls because this little island used to house a paper mill. But they really do look like toilet paper rolls! The soggy peanuts were rather tasty but I don’t like soda either so it was interesting to try just a taste. Definitely worth it though to try some new treat that is popular in another region of the country!
Cheryl Shops
Congrats on NY legalizing weed! I have a little Cann most weeknights (it’s a low-THC weed drink, kind of like a seltzer) and it’s been a game changer for me. Even more importantly, it will be decriminialized for all the unfairly imprisoned people out there. Everyone wins!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! I have not tried any of the THC drinks yet but I have heard wonderful things about them. I will have to try some once NY gets everything rolled out. Apparently, it will be about a year before we see stores opening up and things like that. We have a few medical marijuana dispensaries but the nearest one is an hour away and I never bothered to get a medical marijuana card anyway. But I don’t have to now! Woot! I hope you are having a fabulous week, my friend.
Deborah Stinedurf
LOVE the new blog design my friend! One of my favorite things to do is to find awesome new trails to explore in the woods. Lucky you…PA is still dragging their feet on legalizing weed even though our super cool lieutenant governor is fighting the good fight…
Thank you so much, Debbie! I put off this blog update for so long because it scares the hell out of me! And then I toyed around with a bunch of different themes and got really frustrated when they wouldn’t do what I wanted. Haha. I finally found this one that seems to have what I want so I am glad it is looking good from your view. And Pennsylvania won’t be too far behind New York. I am actually surprised that it happened in NY first.
Love your jacket ! such a perfect colro for spring too! I need to get a similar one !
The photos of your family are so nice 🙂
Claire, thank you so much! I got this jacket a few years ago and I bring it out every spring because I love the color!
Hi Shelbee, oh wow, first I noticed your new blog layout and thought how amazing it looks. Secondly, what a great day out. It is great getting out in the fresh air. Love your outfit too. Then I noticed that you featured me. Thank you so much for the kind words, you made me cry xx Thank you so much for hosting too and all the hard work you put into the linkys
Aw, Claire, thank you so much for all of these lovely compliments! I have really needed the fresh air so I have been getting outside as much as I can. It is going to get colder and start raining by the end of this weekend and then it is supposed to rain for the entire week, so I will still be wearing my cozy layers for a bit longer. I didn’t want to make you cry with the feature, but I hope you felt some healing energy coming your way!
Lucy Bertoldi
Love that hiking is a family affair ! So much more fun! And I read your Friday post before this one and was surprised with the new layout- ehich I love!!!! Have a great weekend xx
Thanks, Lucy! We do love our little family hikes. My kids are super lazy and it is the one “active” activity that they do enjoy so we try to get family hikes in whenever we can. And I am so glad that my new blog format is appealing! The struggle was real getting it done. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!