What It’s Like to Live in a Snow Globe
Who doesn’t love a pretty snow globe? A symbol of childhood, innocence, and the happiest days of our youth. With or without a music box, these glass spheres create a feeling of warm fuzzies all while sharing a cold winter weather scene. Created by glassblowers in France in the early 19th century as adjuncts to paperweights, these pieces eventually made their way to the United States and became popular collector’s items in the 1920’s. They have featured everything from movie scenes to tourist attractions and are a very common gift given to children even today. We have quite a few snow globes around our house and I know I have gifted snow globes on many occasions. Because everyone is a sucker for a snow globe.
*This is a sponsored post. This poncho was provided to me for purposes of this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my entirely my own.
But did you ever wonder what it would be like to live inside a snow globe? Is that a strange question. I know I am not the only one who has considered this idea. There are, after all, movies that have been made about just this concept. I do remember seeing the ABC Family Movie, Snowglobe, as well as A Snowglobe Christmas more than once during the holiday seasons. So clearly there is something magical about the idea of a snow globe and its tiny little spellbinding contents that mystifies and intrigues people who peer inside.
*Poncho: Women’s Plus Size Loose Fur Collar Cardigan Shawl Cloak Coat c/o Rosegal. Unfortunately, this poncho is sold out. Similar here and here. Be sure to also check out Rosegal Valentine’s Gifts before the sale ends!
*Watch: Frankie in Ebony & Gold c/o of Jord.
While the movies portray life inside a snow globe as enchanting communities of perfection, I can tell you that it’s not all the spellbinding reverie that the movies make it out to be. And I would know because, you see, I live inside a real life snow globe! Well, maybe not exactly a globe per se, but it sure has been feeling that way lately. Like I am trapped in a whirlwind of snowstorms with periodic moments of calm which are never quite long enough to allow for the snow to disappear before we are all shaken up again. And you all, my fine readers, are viewing my snow globe life right on your computer or telephone screens.
*Boots: Dalilah Booties from Shoe Dazzle.
Living in the North Country is an interesting experience for sure. And when lake effect snow bands hover over us, it really is quite like an excited child has picked up our snow globe and started shaking it like crazy, giggling uncontrollably as the snowflakes swirl round and round in the most vigorous vortex of white fluffy stuff. However, unlike a snow globe which only contains a limited amount of snow, here in my reality the snow just keeps on coming. And it just continues accumulating.
*Jeans: Torrid Premium Stretch Jeggings – Medium Wash.
For those of you who have never witnessed lake effect snow, I must tell you that it is an awe-inspiring sight. Snow falling at rates of 4, sometimes 5 or even 6 inches per hour, is a mind-boggling vision. Staggeringly beautiful the first time you see it. The second time you see it, the awe turns into “Oh My God, I have to go clear this stuff out of the driveway.” And after that, a lake effect snow warning elicits only dread. Eventually, you just laugh as you are clearing the snow from your driveway only to look back and see 2 more inches have accumulated where you have just cleared it…in the time it has taken you to get from one end to the other.
This is what I am looking at for the next 10 days…with no apparent end in sight.
When my 4 year old ran out of school on Thursday afternoon, shouting excitedly, “Mommy, the groundhog saw his shadow! That means 6 more MONTHS of winter,” I merely hung my head in quiet acceptance and replied, “Yeah, that sounds about right, kid.” So while all of my warm weather friends are beginning to gear up for Spring, sharing all of your airy lightweight frocks, know that I may be stuck in a perpetual winter forever and you will be seeing all of my fur and velvet and boots and other cold weather outfits until sometime in May or June!
Bag: DSW. Similar here, here, and here.
You may now be wondering, “What exactly does a person do when they live inside a snow globe?” Well, we embrace it for what it is. There is simply nothing to be done outside of moving. And that is not an option at this point. So I just go out and create images that appear as if this snow is great and wonderful and full of magic! When in reality, it really does quite suck, to put in bluntly. But the smiles and laughs are genuine. They always are!
I hope you all continue to enjoy my snow covered photos! There are lots more to come.
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.
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jodie filogomo
What a great perspective Shelbee….because we should embrace it just like embracing our bodies!!!
That poncho is gorgeous, and yay for snow!!
Jodie, thanks so much! Of course, it really is the only way…to just embrace it…because I can’t change it! Have a fabulous week, my friend.
Bless your heart. We don’t get as much snow as you do where I live but I understand the thoughts so well. The first snow especially if it is around Christmas is O yea but the excitement goes downhill real fast from there. I am not a snow or cold weather person at all and if I am not careful can get very depressed about all of it. Thankfully the last two years I have been blessed to spend most of the cold weather months in Fl. Take care.
Victoria, thanks so much for your kind words! I have to be careful not to let it get me in a funk, too. I never used to mind it so much but the older I get the less I like the cold and snow. Funny how we change like over the years. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week.
What cute booties and cape! I’d wear that in a snow globe too!
Thanks so much, Nina! Believe me though, you don’t want to live in a snow globe! It is always snowing here! Have a great week, my friend.
Helen C.
I saw the temperature with the 30° and I thought ¨30 Celsius?! That´s practically summer! But then how is it snowing?..Oh wait!..¨. So that´s what below zero looks like! Can you also do some skiing walking? Your boys must have fun though! 😋
Oh yes, Helen, we use the Fahrenheit scale to measure temperature…so 30 degrees F is equal to -1 degree C. Cold and snowy indeed! And actually, I have never been on skis of any sort in my entire life! My kids do love to play out in the snow though. I mean, who doesn’t?! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a wonderful week and I hope those puppies are letting you get some sleep!
Helen C.
Hehe, my puppies are just like your boys in this: they love playing no matter what! It´s been raining for 3 days now and they think it´s sooo fun!
Aw, so cute, Helen! I bet you are having so much fun with those little fur babies!
Patrick Weseman
Just shot all of myths and dreams about living in a place where it snows. After reading this, I think I will stay in a place that I can drive to snow in three hours. Funny thing though, while I was reading this a friend of mine just texted me and asked if I wanted to go paddle surfing with him today. He said the Pacific is perfect and nobody there since it is Super Bowl Sunday.
Patrick, thanks for making me laugh this morning! And for making me a tad bit envious! A beautiful calm blue Pacific ocean would be glorious right now out of the frozen tundra of my snow globe life! You just stay right where you are enjoy your beautiful weather. Thanks for stopping by and have a fantastic week.
Patrick Weseman
One bad thing about the Pacific is that it is cold even on the hottest days unlike the Atlantic which is usually warm.
That I did not know, Patrick! Thanks for sharing. I am not big on going into the ocean anyway. It kind of freaks me out a little!
You know by now that I hate the snow and the winter! But I love winter clothes and shoes better then summer clothes. Your poncho is amazing, what a fabulous color and the faux fur is fantastic. Your ankle boots are the best, I love wedges because they are so easy to walk on.
Nancy, I am getting to a point where I may hate snow and winter, too! But it sure does make for pretty pictures, doesn’t it? And I can’t believe how easy these wedges were to walk through the snow in. They are actually quite high, too, but I did it. My feet were a little frozen afterwards, but you know, it’s all in the name of blogging! Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous week!
Sheltie Times
Most things look good from the outside, which is why the snowglobe appeals to us. I’m ready to be done with the snow shaking this winter. It’s time someone packs that child’s toy away with the Christmas toys and let’s us move towards spring.
Sheltie, I agree with you completely! I am so ready for Spring! Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you have a fantastic week!
Gorgeous faux fur cardigan and burgundy is such a beautiful color on you. BTW, great perspective and a good way to really not get down about our own different situations regarding this topic. I know it’s been a different Winter this year and for us in CA, we probably wished it snowed at least once if not twice this season but instead we are experiencing warmer to hot temperatures. My parents were just in LA this weekend and said it was in the 90s! But like you said not much we can do about nature, we just have to be creative and have fun with what’s around us. I hope you had a great weekend and wishing you a wonderful week ahead!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Thanks so much, Maureen! It is so true, getting angry about the weather is kind of ridiculous and very fruitless. We must just accept it, deal with it, and make the best of it. Have a wonderful week, my friend!
Oh my gosh the weather there is freezing! I would die if i lived there. Your outfit is cute through so that’s a positive of cold weather.
Courtney, thanks so much! I don’t think you would die here, but you might find your tiny little self buried in a mountain of snow somewhere! Have a great week!
Elizabeth Ramsey
Love both your poncho and the necklace! And am also a sucker for snow globes. Love working from home on those Lake Effect days, all cozy and warm while the “glitter” falls outside my window. Have a snug week!
Elizabeth | http://nattygal.com
Thanks so much, Elizabeth! Except on those lake effect snow days, I generally have children home with me making work much more difficult! Although with all the snow we have recently had, we haven’t had many snow days. It seems to snow on the weekends all the time. Have a fantastic weekend, my friend, and stay warm!
Girl – do I know lake effect snow. I grew up in Cleveland, Ohio and we would get totally dumped on! I used to go outside and turn on my car 15 min before leaving to try and unthaw it, haha!
You always find the most amazing pieces from Rosegal! Your poncho is fabulous, and I love me some shoedazzle/justfab! As a side note, your skin looks incredible. Whatever you’re doing to keep it hydrated and youthful this winter is working!
Roxanne, thank you so much for that lovely compliment! I honestly don’t do much to my skin other than wash it with organic homemade soap in the shower. I literally do nothing else. I think it’s mostly good genes! And I really love some of the stuff from Rosegal. You should see how long it takes me to choose something. It’s ridiculous! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful, hopefully warm and snow free weekend. It is snowing here again.
I just LOVE this coat! The coat is gorgeous on you and I love the fur detail! I’m on the other end of the spectrum. It never snows where I live in California (even though I wish it would just a few times!). Instead, it’s over 80 degrees 🙁
Thanks so much, Liz! I am really loving the fur trim on this piece, too. And yeah, 80 degrees and I don’t work well together either. I just melt! I prefer 45-65 degrees. Is there anywhere on earth where it stays within that range all year? Because I want to live there! Have a fabulous week and stay cool.
Gigi Kiersten
I’m so glad you that you are staying warm up there. I have a friend who lives near Albany and she’s praying for an early spring. As for your outfit, I love the faux fur poncho! I love the color, and you always look good in red. I think my favorite part of this outfit is those wedge boots. They are super cute, and I love the bow on the back. Thanks for sharing another awesome post, hon!
Thanks so much, Gigi! I do love dark burgundies on me as well. I had bought so much of this color a few years ago that I had been steering away from it. But I just couldn’t resist this furry poncho! I, too, am hoping Spring arrives soon, but it is, in fact, snowing again as I sit here typing this!
Living in sunny 70 degree temps in February (New Mexico) it’s easy to say, “I Love Snow”…but having gone to college in Western NY…right along Lake Erie…I know the real deal…Love the poncho…love your attitude…your sunny smile could melt away any frigid blizzard.
Aw, Jeanne, thanks so much! It’s good to know that some of my warm weather friends know exactly what I am talking about! Have a fabulous week and enjoy those beautiful New Mexico winter days!
Marilee Gramith
As I read your post and looked at the photos I couldn’t help but think, ” I hope that Shelbee is NOT standing on her DRIVEWAY!!!” I assume that this is just a lovely snow covered road near you and truly a terrific backdrop for these photos.
I’m out here knocking on the outside of the snowglobe to tell you that the capelet and boots you’re wearing are really gorgeous! The black and burgundy striping (?) on the fur collar is so unique and your booties are exceptionally styled and suit the capelet perfectly! You look way to beautiful to be standing on a lonely country road or trapped in a globe.
Did your son need stitches???! Did you ever finish shoveling your driveway???! I’ll bet it’s very challenging to face these sorts of weather conditions without your man at home! Do the kids pitch in on the shoveling? You lead a uniquely robust life in that globe!
My own experiences with lake effect snow meant longer winters and no discernible spring. I’ll be here to enjoy lots of great cold weather stylings. I feel your “edge” Shelbee!
Please call me Jude. Judy is my middle name but the one I use.
Aw, Jude, thanks so much for such a wonderfully thoughtful comment! And no, that is not my driveway! I would be in tears if it were. That is a walking trail along the Black River. The river is behind me in some of the photos and you can see that it, too, is completely snow covered. And just this morning as I went out to clean the snow off the car and the sidewalk…yet again…I was seriously feeling like I’m in a snow globe. Every darn morning, it’s the same thing, as if someone shook up our snow globe in the night and I have to keep cleaning the same snow off of everything! It literally just keeps snowing.
My son did not need stitches, thankfully, and he is all healed up just fine. Sometimes I can get the little ones to help with the shoveling, but often the snow is so heavy that I can barely do it! Another year or two and they will be helping me. Fortunately, my husband will be home Sunday night…so while there is no end in sight for this winter, there is an end in sight for this single parenting gig! I appreciate all of your kindness and wish you a very wonderful day!
We hardly ever get more than a little snow shower around here nowadays. I would love to have snow here this deep Shelbee, but I can not imagine it for more than a few days. Any more than that I wouldn’t be happy. I hope you don’t have it that long. Your poncho is beautiful, what a great colour too. Loving all your photos, you have a great photographer 🙂 Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays. Hope you can join us tomorrow.
Thanks so much, Claire! The snow is pretty the few times it falls, but it does get annoying after months and months of it! It is funny when Spring finally arrives around here, my kids get super excited when they see grass! I remember last year, my youngest yelling, “Oh, hello, grass! I haven’t seen you in so long!” I guess that is how we all feel in these parts. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day.
I love the boots! They are so happy. Stay warm in your snow globe! It is very pretty though.
Thanks so much, Amanda! The temperatures have been tolerable recently, but the snow accumulation is ridiculous! Have a wonderful day!
Emma Peach
Beautiful poncho, I love the faux fur trim, and those boots are fab! Even thought the snow is a pain for you it does make for beautiful photos. It’s been snowing here on and off all day but not sticking. I’d rather have snow than rain, which is in abundance where I live!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! I agree that the snow does make a beautiful background for photos, but I am so tired of cleaning it off my car and shoveling every single day of my life! Ha. I also prefer snow over rain as well…but perhaps in moderation.
Alicia O'Brien
Those colours look amazing against the snow!
Oooh I hope that means our summer will be a long one here in Australia 😀 Shorts and a tee here today ha ha
Thanks so much, Alicia! Well, I hope you have a long and delightful summer, too! I just hope Spring arrives here soon. Have a fabulous day!
jess jannenga
Love the info about the snow globe! My nephew, who is 16 collects snow globes! they are pretty. I love your faux fur poncho.. it looks very glam on you! Great booties too my friend. i love your pictures in the snow, and know my mom is getting snow in Pittsburgh too today!
thanks for linking!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! There is snow everywhere today, it seems! The entire northeast U.S. is getting slammed! We had a random lake effect snow band run through here yesterday that dumped about 8 inches of snow on us in a few short hours. I just got it all cleaned up in time for another 10 inches to fall today! Ugh. No more, I am screaming into the sky! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day, my friend.
Karren Haller
You look amazing in the snow, the cape is such a beautiful color!!! The snow is a perfect backdrop!!
Thanks so much, Karren! I do love burgundies especially against the white background. But I am quite over the snow at this point! Have a fabulous day, my friend.
Laura || Walking in Memphis in High Heels
That cape/poncho is gorgeous! I love the color of it and it really pops against the snow!
Thanks so much, Laura! I do love the contrast of the dark burgundy against the white background, too. Although I am really tired of all the snow! Have a wonderful day.
Amy Christensen
I’m from Buffalo, so I get it! When my hubby and I moved to Toledo, OH, we couldn’t believe how wimpy the winters are. Ha, ha. Your pictures are beautiful and so are you. That wrap and those boots are absolutely lovely. Great shoot! – Amy
Thanks so much, Amy! After living in a snow belt for the past 5 years, I totally laugh at accumulations that measure in inches! We measure snowfall in feet around here. And generally if there is less a foot of snow, schools are not even closed! So funny how relative things are. Have a fabulous day, my friend.
I don’t think I have seen a happier person in the snow ! You’ve got the right attitude. You look beautiful and your skins looks marvellous.
Lorena, thank you so much! It is all fake happiness! Ha. No, I really do love my blogging job and all things involved with it so my smiles and happiness are quite genuine. But the snow…I am completely over the snow. It is causing me to feel dread and disdain!
Shelbee, I love the looks of snow, but I am so realistic enough to know that I could NOT tolerate it like you are! I have a friend that lives up north, and she basically hibernates all winter long. She home schools her two children and doesn’t leave the house for days or weeks at a time, LOL! I’m afraid I would go crazy. I have to say, that poncho is so fabulous!! You are at least staying super stylish in your winter wonderland! Thanks for linking up, and have a great weekend!
Julie, thanks so much for the lovely compliment! I couldn’t tolerate not leaving my house for days at a time. Sometimes, if it is just 2 days that I haven’t gone out, I get super stir crazy and then depression starts to set in. So I really do need to get dressed and go out in the cold and snow for the sake of preserving my mental health! And man, do I give credit to moms who can home school! I need my kids to go to school so I can have some time to get my own work done. Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous weekend.