What in the World is this Wonderfully Weird Weather?

I have never loved summer the way I have loved it this year. Usually I am good and ready for the autumn temperatures to arrive, but right now I am embracing every last drop of summertime that the planet is willing to offer me. We are expecting a high today of 83˚F (28.3˚C) which is extraordinary for where I live. Last year at this time, Becca and A.J. visited from North Carolina and this is how we were dressed. It was cold, y’all.

I can’t remember the exact temperature, but I’ pretty sure it was in the 50’s. I guess fall is just coming a little late this year because Monday is going to bring us a high temperature of 49˚F (9.44˚C). As much as tardiness is one of my biggest pet peeves, I will forgive autumn hers because I am here for these final days of feeling the sunshine kiss my skin before the frost arrives.

This might be the fewest amount of words I have ever put into one post. But I have oodles of photographs of summer outfits that make me really happy. So I’m just going to share them because it’s my blog and that’s what I feel like doing!
Has your weather been weird and/or wonderful?
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Dress-Torrid / Kimono-Wona Trading / Sandals-Birkenstocks / Hat-Gift from a Goddess Friend / Jewelry-So Much Jewelry to List I Don’t Want To

Gorgeous outfit! We have been in the low 80’s too, but not too unusual for here. Definitely much enjoyed though. See you in a couple of weeks! I’m so excited!
Thanks, Michelle! I am so excited for our trip! We leave one week from tomorrow! Eeeek. I will touch base with you before we leave though!
Marsha Banks
We have definitely had a weird summer of weather. We started August with lots of rain which made our yard so lush and green. Then, the heat set in. Luckily, it hasn’t been very humid at all. Our temps are supposed to drop tomorrow night. I just hope fall lasts for several weeks rather than several days. Makes me wonder what the winter is going to be like.
We actually had a rather mild and very pleasant summer compared to the rest of the world which seemed to be roasting in super high temperatures. I think we only hit the 90s maybe 3 days all summer long. It is actually really humid here right now. The rain comes tomorrow and stays for a week so things will cool off significantly. I, too, hope we get some fall weather and don’t head straight into winter! I am a little afraid of winter. As you know, warmer temperatures that last longer into the fall create much better conditions for tremendous amounts of lake effect snow!
I also love this sunny weather a lot. It never took this long to switch on the heat! And this weekend we get summer temps again. Yeah, still wearing summer dresses!
We have been using our air conditioners this week, too, and we rarely turn them on all through the summer months. The humidity has been really high as well. The rain starts tomorrow and sticks around for a week so things should start cooling off significantly. Until then, I will keep wearing my summer clothes, too!
Just got back to Michigan and the weather is also weird. Was also weird in Istanbul as well.
Curated by Jennifer
We are definitely in a global warming phase, that is for sure! I am not complaining now, but I might be complaining in a few years when the heat becomes unbearable. Haha. We actually tied our record high temperature in my town yesterday at 82˚F (27.8˚C). Our average for this time of year is about 65˚F (18.3˚C).
Definitely weird. This weekend we’re expecting temperatures of 24 (75 fahrenheit) which is unheard of for October. I still don’t have my winter clothes ready. It’s welcome, I’ll be gardening, but is also sinister with global warming. Have a good weekend Shelbee!
Welcome yet sinister! That is the perfect way to describe this wonderfully weird weather, Gail! I am definitely embracing these final days of warmth and sunshine and hanging my laundry outside to dry! But I suspect winter will come at us hard and fast! I am not ready either.
Patrick Weseman
Looking nice and glad that you are enjoying the weather. It is 90 degrees here in the Bay Area.
Thanks so much, Patrick! Stay cool, my friend!
Suzy Turner
If I lived where you do, Shelbee, I might even be enjoying the last of the summer too lol. I know how cold it can get for you over there. Here though, I’ve had enough of it. I desperately want some cooler weather. Yesterday we went for a ride of the motorbike and I was sweltering! It didn’t help that I was kinda having the odd hot flash as well, but I just wanted it to be cold lol!
You look stunning, by the way! This outfit is so perfectly you, my friend!
Suzy xx
Thanks so much, Suzy! The warm weather has finally left us and it is cold and wet and gross now. I guess it is time to retire my summer dresses until the spring! I hope you get some cooler weather heading your way soon, too!