Wednesday’s Quote of the Week: The Good Life

Yesterday, I wrote a post about Good Life Healing Arts & Gift Shop, and while I was searching for quotes to share in conjunction with that post, I found an abundance of wise words about living the good life. So it seemed an appropriate theme for today’s Quote of the Week post. All about living the good life.

“Life is good when we think it’s good. Life is bad when we don’t think.”
-Douglas Horton

And isn’t that exactly how we attain the good life? It is a good life when we think it’s good. And when we choose not to think at all, when we choose not to count our blessings, when we choose not to have gratitude, when we choose not to feel joy, then life can certainly be very bad. The good life is as simple as changing our perspective and allowing the light to shine in. We get what put out into the world. We reap what we sow. Goodness begets goodness the same way that negativity feeds negativity. It is all about the choices we make in our actions, our priorities, our perspectives. We can be victims or we can be warriors. While I believe that the universe has some crazy plans for each of us, I also believe that we do have some control of our own destinies. And if you want the good life, you really need to just go on and grab a hold of it to make it yours.
Here are some more quotes about The Good Life…
“The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.”
-Bertrand Russell
“We are constituted so that simple acts of kindness, such as giving to charity or expressing gratitude, have a positive effect on our long-term moods. The key to the happy life, it seems, is the good life: a life with sustained relationships, challenging work, and connections to community.”
-Paul Bloom
“The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination.”
-Carl Rogers
“Thank you, God, for this good life and forgive us if we do not love it enough.”
-Garrison Keillor
“Life comes from physical survival; but the good life comes from what we care about.”
-Rollo May
“There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning and yearning.”
-Christopher Morley
“The more you are positive and say, ‘I want to have a good life,’ the more you build that reality for yourself by creating the life that you want.”
-Chris Pine
“The good life is built with good relationships.”
-Robert J. Waldinger
“The good life consists in deriving happiness by using your signature strengths every day in the main realms of living. The meaningful life adds one more component: using these same strengths to forward knowledge, power or goodness.”
-Martin Seligman
“The definition of success to me is not necessarily a price tag, not fame, but having a good life, and being able to say I did the right thing at the end of the day.”
-Jeremy Luke
“The only thing that I am ambitious about is to live a good life. Full stop.”
-Vincent Nichols
“Everything I do is somehow rooted in humanity. It’s always about people; it’s always about ego. It’s always about desperation. It’s quite existential. You know, ‘Am I leading a good life?’ That might be because I’m an atheist, and I think this is all we’ve got, so you better be nice. And have fun.”
-Ricky Gervais
“Not life, but good life, is to be chiefly valued.”
“Just saying you are better than good won’t make it so. But, when you understand what it takes to live the better than good life, and you apply yourself, your life will truly be better than good.”
-Zig Ziglar
“Mellow doesn’t always make for a good story, but it makes for a good life.”
-Anne Hathaway
Are you living the good life?
Living my best life on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Patrick Weseman
Looking very spunky and nice. I am going to steal the first quote and put it on FB. I like it a lot. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Thanks so much, Patrick! Steal all the quotes you’d like! I don’t mind. Have a fantastic day!
Tamar Benjamin
I adore that quote!! Also just adore the vocabulary you use in general!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I do love vocabulary! My word today was ornery. I was feeling all sorts of cantankerous and irascible all day today like a crotchety old hag! I hope your day was more pleasant than my attitude!
Perla Aguilar
these are all great quotes and a nice way to start my day. I love your boots by the way! <3 I hope you enjoy the rest of your week!
-PerlaGiselle | iamperlita.com
Say hello and let’s follow each other <3
Thanks so much, Perla! I do have quite a love affair with fun boots! I have followed you on IG, my friend! And how beautiful is baby Luna Bea! Congratulations to you!
M. Ellis
These quotes made my day… Thanks
I am so glad! Thank you!