Wednesday’s Quote of the Week: Celebrating Love in All Its Forms

If you are a regular follower of my blog, you know that I stay far, far away from making any type of statement here that may be perceived as even the slightest bit political. And while this post is merely about celebrating love in all its forms, it may still be interpreted as a political statement by some. But I don’t think it should have anything at all to do with politics. Yet, it does. Sadly and disappointedly, politics seem to enter every realm of our existence right down to trying to tell us who we are allowed to love and even how many we are allowed to love.

You guys, I simply cannot wrap my brain around this idea of limiting love. Where in the world did this concept even come from? I have no intention of offending anyone so I will not make any assumptions about where the limits on love began. All I will say is this…for me…love is love. It’s as simple as that. We cannot help whom we love, we cannot help when it happens, where it happens, how it happens. We can turn our backs on it but that doesn’t really lead us to anywhere that we would want to be. It is not a choice or a decision that we make, it is simply the way of the universe. It brings us to the people we need in the moments that we need them and it makes love happen. And that, in and of itself, is a miracle. A miracle deserving of celebration.

I have written numerous posts about the nature and evolution of love and I am proud to say that I cannot and will not impose boundaries on the limits of my love. The more I love, the more loudly, the more boldly, the more passionately, the more extensively that I offer my love, the more freely and abundantly that I give it and share it with the world, the more I get back. And it creates this never ending cycle of replenishing itself. The more love I give, the more love I get, the more love I have to give. It is completely boundless and totally uninhibited and the most beautiful and amazing thing I have ever experienced in my life.

Yet, there are people and institutions that will tell us, “No. You are not allowed to love that way. It is unacceptable by our standards.” Standards that are narrow and arbitrary. Standards that I refuse to abide by. Standards that we should all refuse to abide by. Love is love. In its truest and purest sense, it is unconquerable and stronger than anything.

June is LGBT Pride Month. And it is the perfect opportunity to bring awareness to love. Just love. No matter who is feeling it towards whom. It is no longer about being open-minded. It is more about being open-hearted. If your heart is where it is supposed to be, it should lead your mind to the right place as well. I simply cannot understand why this matter is still up for debate in 2019 in this country, in this world, in the realm of politics or religion. There is enough ugliness, enough hatred, and plenty of other reasons that we dislike each other for our differences…whom we love and how we love really does not need to be one of those reasons. The fact that we are capable of loving is enough for us to respect one another and support one another.

I don’t like to combat hatred with name calling, but I couldn’t help but share this quote from the very wise Morgan Freeman.
“I hate the word homophobia. It’s not a phobia. You’re not scared. You’re an asshole.”
Morgan Freeman

Do you place limits on love? Or are you willing and able to celebrate love in all of its forms today, this month, and every day of the year?

Celebrating love on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Remember to enter the $500 shopping spree giveaway from Country Outfitter. It is open until July 7, 2019!

Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Yes yes yes!!!
I do not get how people can claim to “love thy neighbor” but treat someone how loves differently than themselves so horribly.
Thank you, Tamar, for getting where I am coming from! It really baffles me completely!
I love your dark floral print dress and boots!
Beautiful post.
Basic human right to love freely. I have such a hard time wrapping my head around what feels like basic hatred towards others. We have to do better.
Love that quote!
Thank you, Becky! And yes, we definitely need to do better!
jade goddard
omg you look so happy! I love your style its kinda like what I would wear! just perfect! love the dress and them boots are stunning! thanks for sharing sweetie <3
Jadieegosh Instagram
Thank you so much, Jade! I generally am a very happy individual! Life is too short to waste my time on negative things. Instead I fill my life with love and laughter…lots of both! I hope you have a fantastic day!
Patrick Weseman
Looking so chic. Love the hat, boots with tights. Very nice. I believe that Love is better than hate and if we put a little love in your heart the world would be a better place. I am dealing with someone on FB who called me a hater of my city which I grew up did all my education in and still live in because I want to see improvements. She doesn’t understand that I love this city and want it to be better. The funny thing is I looked at her other posts and all she does is hate on anything and people who are not like her (people who are not white, Christian and middle class). So, I am going to resign from that group and go about my business. Not worth my time.
Patrick, thanks so much for the lovely compliment! And I do not perceive you as a hater at all. I only ever see you posting positive things and you are always sharing so many great things on your blog in and around your city. Some people are incapable of finding happiness so they must try to bring others down to their level to make themselves feel more worthy. Good call on leaving the group and going on your merry way!
You’re so right… love is love; these should be no limit to it.
Love your jacket!
Radi, thank you so much! If we all just felt this way about love, wouldn’t this world be so much more amazing?!
Yes! I think it’s funny, in a frustrating kind of way, that the people who base their lives on the teachings of LOVE sometimes are the least likely to condone a love that doesn’t match THEIR idea of what love should look like. Love is love! Thanks for the great post!
Laurie, thank you so much for sharing your perspective on the topic! The world needs less judgments and much more unconditional love, for sure!
Ellen Hawley
I love the quote. I’m not sure it’s true–some people are genuinely terrified of their own feelings and it makes them homophobic as hell. Others, though? I agree, they’re just assholes.
Thanks for your post.
Ellen, thank you so much for your insight and perspective on the topic! It makes me sad that so many people can be that out of touch with their own feelings. I am very introspective and do lots of work on my self internally to try to live my very best life. And it is a great life. I wish everyone could get to that place. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Jacqui Berry
Pretty floral dress, love the style on you Shelbee. Thanks for joining the #linkup Hun. Jacqui Mummabstylish
Jacqui, thanks so much!
Hi Shelbee!
I clicked over to the evolution of love but it looks like that post isn’t taking comments anymore so I will leave mine here. I LOVE purple! And purple boots? Wow! But I don’t love purple the same way I love people in my life. I think our English language leaves much to be desired in the way it expresses “love.” Other languages have more words for it, like Agape, Phileo, Charity…..
I want to say something about how you said “love is love. It’s as simple as that. We cannot help whom we love, we cannot help when it happens, where it happens, how it happens. We can turn our backs on it but that doesn’t really lead us to anywhere that we would want to be. It is not a choice or a decision that we make, it is simply the way of the universe. It brings us to the people we need in the moments that we need them and it makes love happen.”
By that do you think it’s okay for me to just love another man besides my husband, because I couldn’t help that love just came my way and happened and I couldn’t help it– with somebody else? I mean, I guess there are people that think that is okay. I guess there are people that don’t just have a two person relationship. But if I committed to loving one person, and then along came somebody else…. that just wouldn’t be very nice, in my opinion— but I know it happens all the time.
I want to say something about self-love, too. I know you’re all for it. But I think that people naturally have self-love. Kids have it when they’re born, normally. It comes out in selfishness amongst siblings. Because they love themselves the most. I kinda get what you’re saying, but I would describe it more not as self-love, but as self-acceptance. I accept myself (with my big nose and ugly teeth and strong personality : ) ) as God made me– “I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…”
And instead of self-love– I need self-denial in my life. I need to deny myself and put my husband’s needs before mine lots of the time (I’m not saying it’s fun.) [I can see people getting mad right about now.] But Mothers deny themselves every day, when we care for our children, and put their needs above our own. So it’s okay I deny myself towards my husband– and he sometimes denies his needs and puts mine first. He washed almost all the dishes this past school year!!! : ) He also feeds the dog and the cat….
So self-denial. It’s what you do when you truly love someone else. If you love someone else, you put them first, above yourself.
You think and write very deeply, Shelbee. I appreciate that.
Liberty @ B4andAfters.com
Liberty, thank you so much for sharing your insights on this topic. And to answer your question about loving a man other than your husband…I only see that as loving another person in addition to your husband. Loving one person does not shut off your love from others. For me, I think it only allows you to have more love to go around. Focusing all the love we have on one single person can start to become a bit neurotic. We love our spouses, our parents, our children, our friends. And of course, each love is different. So why can’t we love someone in addition to our spouses that we also have a physical attraction to? It doesn’t make sense to me to turn off love when you feel it starting to bloom with someone. Love is a beautiful, miraculous thing and we need it in our lives to thrive. All kinds of love. Now, I am sure there are many who would not agree with me on that! And that’s okay. Because it is the differing opinions that keep this world an interesting place, isn’ it?
I agree with your idea of self-denial when it comes to our loved ones as well. But self-love, self-acceptance, and self-care (or whatever phrase you may choose) are very important, too. Because if we are not caring for ourselves, we cannot be at our best in order to care for the ones we love. Of course, we deny ourselves many things in order to make our children and spouses happy. A lot of the self-denial also comes from mere responsibility of life. There is a natural give and take that occurs to make a relationship harmonious. My husband definitely denies himself many things to make sure that the kids and I have everything we need and want. But I also deny myself for the same reason. It is the what makes a family work best!
And this part…”So self-denial. It’s what you do when you truly love someone else. If you love someone else, you put them first, above yourself.” For me, putting your loved one first also includes not denying them things that make them exponentially happy. And if one of those things is a companion other than myself that feeds a part of my husband that I cannot provide, how can I deny him that and then profess true love?
I know that my thoughts on this are very unconventional. But it is who I am and how I think. And I am a very, very happy and peaceful human being because of it.
I appreciate you sharing so much of yourself and your thoughts here, my friend! You also think and write very deeply and these conversations definitely fuel my philosophical fire!
Ada Furxhi
What a beautiful written post. So much yesss!! I agree with every word. I am so glad you wrote this. On top of this, this outfit is so darn cute. I love the dress, the layering, the boho vibes. Again this outfit is very you but still smth I wear often too.
Cannot wait to wear some 🌈 stripes this month.
Thanks so much, Ada! I have been changing up my style so much lately from boho to cowgirl to chic and sassy! It is so much fun! I have some rainbow stuff coming this month, too. Stay tuned!
Congrats, you are being featured at Thursday Favorite Things.
Aw, Bev, thanks so much! That is such an honor and such a lovely surprise! Have the most wonderful day!
Beautiful autumn styling! I like to wear such dresses with a cashmere scarf and cardigan when it gets cold. Then I feel comfortable and warm.
Thanks so much for your kind words! Cashmere scarves and cardigans are so warm and cozy!