Wear the Red on Your Pants Not on Your Skin This Winter & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #55
Okay. That might be the corniest blog post title ever in the history of blogging. I was trying to be clever and it simply didn’t work. But like I discussed the other day, sometimes you need to just a take a chance and see what happens. So there it is…my chance for today. My attempt at forcing two unlike things into one blog post. So if you haven’t already clicked away from my page shaking your head in dismay and silently saying, “This woman is odd. I’m outta here,” then keep reading and I will get to my point as quickly as I can.
*This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.
Getting to my point…Does your skin suffer tremendously during the cold winter months? My issue lies mostly with my hands when it starts getting cold. My knuckles crack and bleed and my cuticles turn into a complete nightmare. When I try to use lotion to soothe the damage, my hands turn the color of these pants and the burning becomes so intolerable that I have to wash off the lotion…creating a vicious cycle of unbearably and irreparably dry hands all winter long. But I figured that we live in a civilized world with a multitude of products at our fingertips so there had to be a way to keep the damage from occurring in the first place. And frankly, I prefer to wear bright red pants not bright red hands (there’s my corny but effective segue from fashion to soap).
If you remember back in August, I wrote a post about transitioning to a healthier lifestyle for my entire family. While my goals included some major changes in diet (I am still working on that…slow and unsteady progress at best), it also included a transition to more natural and organic cleaning products in my home. I mentioned that my 4 year old suffers from severe eczema and for two years the products recommended by the pediatrician have made zero improvements to my son’s skin. Since writing that post, I have switched our laundry detergent to the Shaklee Fresh Laundry Concentrate. Granted, this will take some time until all of our things have been washed with the new detergent. So in an attempt to find a more immediate remedy for my son’s eczema, I tried an olive oil based soap from Catalina’s Creations.
Catalina’s Creations is a locally woman-owned small business in my community which specializes in “handcrafted soaps made in small batches to assure quality.” They use only natural ingredients to color and scent their soaps staying true to the organic quality of the soaps they produce. I spoke with the owner, Amy, looking for suggestions to assist with the eczema issue at hand. Amy recommended any of her fragrance-free soaps with an olive oil base. Having tried so many different products (many which included ingredients that I couldn’t even pronounce) from doctors and friends with no positive results, I was all on board to give this new natural soap a chance.
Changing nothing other than our detergent, I began using the soap on my son during his baths which occur every other night. I threw away all commercially produced bubble baths and baby washes and used only this soap on his hair and body. Within 2 weeks, he was completely eczema-free! And has been for months now. I quite literally couldn’t believe it. But the evidence is not lying. For years, I struggled to get his eczema outbreaks under control and nothing worked. Who would have known that the perfect remedy was right in the tiny soap making kitchen of one amazingly knowledgeable and very dedicated local woman?
Once I saw the incredible result with my son, I switched all of my soap to products from Catalina’s Creations. I noticed that when I use her oil infused soaps on my hands, my skin stays mostly moisturized without the need for lotions. Granted it has been bitter cold this winter, so if I stupidly go outside without gloves or mittens, my hands will inevitably become chapped. But a quick warm wash with a bar of organic soap usually moisturizes enough to soothe the damage. I also have transitioned my shower soap and have noticed my skin is much less dry than it has ever been in winters past. I don’t think that I will ever return to commercially produced soaps.
So if you suffer from eczema or any sort of dry broken skin and you are using regular commercial soaps, it might be time to consider a change to a more natural or organic option. And if the backs of your hands are the color of my pants, check out some of the amazing soap formulas from Catalina’s Creations. You won’t regret it.
Below is a short photo gallery of my own personal soap stash! So many lovely aromatic scents (for me, not for eczema-boy) and whimsical molds to cheer up your kitchen or bathroom. Both of my boys get a kick out of the adorable molds that Amy often uses. So not only does Catalina’s Creations provide a natural, organic, healthy substitute for chemically-infused commercial soaps, but her products also make bath time lots of fun!
You can find Catalina’s Creations on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Have you made any lifestyle changes recently that have completely surprised you with the outcome? I would love to hear about it in the comments.
And now your favorite posts from last week.
Debbie of Fashion Fairy Dust shared her post Velvet Duster & OTK Boots: It’s All A Matter Of Perspective. Not only am I completely dying over her fabulous velvet duster, but I can relate so very well to her matter of perspective!

And Elsie of Polished Whimsy shared her post Current Obsession: Bodysuit Outfits. I have to say, Elsie looks so amazing in every one of the outfits she styled, making me wonder: Could I pull off a bodysuit?

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Hand made soaps like this are so much better for you than your high ph regular brands. Loving those jeans btw!
Thanks so much, Laurie! And I am so glad that I finally discovered this…I had been using the harsh commercial soaps my entire life never thinking much about it. Better late than never, I suppose! Have a great week, my friend.
You look amazing in these red jeans, certainly brighten up a dreary day. Thanks for sharing them Shelbee. x Jacqui
Thank you so much, Jacqui! Two years ago, I thought red pants were only appropriate on young children! Boy, how I have changed my style tune. Have a great week!
A lot of goodness here Shelbee! I totally understood the title of the post btw – so not corny at all, or maybe I’m corny too – who knows? Anyhow, love the red pants on you – they look great and I’m missing seeing snow in the background! Catalina’s Creations sound heavenly and I’m sure in your harsh Winter climate they are a God send! That velvet duster of Debbie’s is one of my favorite pieces of hers – I was so happy to see her featured in that fabulous outfit!
Thanks so much, Kellyann, for this wonderful comment but mostly for relating to my corniness! These photos were taken back in the fall when there were still vibrantly colored leaves on the ground! There are many more snowy pictures to come! And seriously, after I use this soap, it feels like I already moisturized. It’s amazing! And yeah, Debbie’s velvet duster still has me in a sartorial swoon! I hope you have a lovely week, my friend!
Tiina L
This was interesting, thank you. I’ve always been wary if organic products (very bad experience in the past) as they may also cause allergies. I have sensitive skin and avoid any scented cosmetics, lotions and soaps. Actually, I only ever use Nivea in my skin… and the chapped skin in winter, oh dear! My fingertips start peeling if I neglect to add handcream once an hour.
Tiina, I totally understand your concern about allergens in organic products, especially since my little guy has severe food allergens. Fortunately, for me in this situation, Amy of Catalina’s Creations is so knowledgable about all of her ingredients and their benefits and potential allergens, that I felt comfortable trying her products. And it was a success, to say the least! It’s funny that you reference Nivea as your only product…because for me, unscented baby Aveeno lotion is the only one I can tolerate on my skin without burning…I have even had terrible reactions to certain lotions that have been marketed as all natural and organic. It is all so crazy what the weather can do to our skin, too! Thanks so much for reading and I hope you have a fabulous week. Stay moisturized!
So chic!!
Thanks, Tamar!
Deborah Stinedurf
I’m loving those jeans, they fit you beautifully! You look so French chic with the stripes and beret. Thank you so much for the shout out my friend…have a fabulous week!
Thanks so much, Debbie! My husband kept calling it my French look, too! I was definitely feel the chic vibes all day that I wore this outfit. I wish you a wonderful week as well!
Nancy Baten
Can you believe I hate red pants when men wear them!I don’t think I have ever worn a red pants, but I love these on you. They are a great fit!
Thanks so much, Nancy! It is so funny that you said that about red pants! I don’t know how I would feel about a man in red pants. And up until 2 years ago, I thought only a child could pull off red pants. But I have changed my tune since then and I love these pants, too! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day.
Kathrine Eldridge
Love the black and red color palette Shelbee! These soaps look amazing and perfect for gifts. Thanks so much for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! They really do make fabulous gifts! She will create gift baskets to order for anyone who wants to go that route! Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous week.
Michele Morin
Very foolishly, I gave away my red pants because someone said something disparaging about them.
I regret it now, and I guess I should just go replace them.
Oh no, Michele! Actually, up until about 2 years ago, I thought that red pants were only appropriate on small children. But I have since changed my mind and I have a few pairs of red pants now…polka dot ones and floral ones. I hope you you disregard that disparaging remark and go rock out some red pants yourself! Thanks so much for stopping by and have the most wonderful day.
Suzanne Smith
I love handmade soaps and Pumpkin and Lemongrass sounds heavenly! While we don’t have the extreme cold weather, I do find that I’m much drier during the winter.
Your red pants are great…they fit your amazing personality! Loved this post!
Suzanne, thank you so much! I haven’t yet tried the Pumpkin and Lemongrass but they all smell so delicious! I am sure I am going to love it as much as I love all of her soaps that I have tried. My skin feels so soft and moisturized when I use these soaps, too. And red pants are the best for a little self-expression, aren’t they?!
Nope. Not cheesy. I’d much rather wear red than live red. This is a great post! I switched detergents some time ago but occasionally slip back into the chemical stuff when I get lazy and need a good chemical clean. lol. My soaps are local with the exception of one i’m currently using that my mom brought back from her visit to Ireland. I think I need to go there and get another bar of that soap! What do you say? Blogger convention in Ireland. haha. Anyway, I love the red pants with the black and white top. Cute as always!
Thanks so much, Chrissy! Wait…it wasn’t Irish Spring, was it?! Hahahaha! That was actually my soap of choice for years! Not anymore though. And a blogger convention in Ireland! Yes, please. That would be amazing. I better start saving now…maybe we can do it in 2025!
The soap sounds great. I will share the post with my SIL because my nephew has eczema as well. I’m sure she’ll love a homemade organic product as well! Thanks Shelbee!
Elsie, thank you so much! What a fabulous way to spread the kindness, too! I really was amazed by the results.
jodie filogomo
If it works that well, it’s almost like magic, Shelbee!!
It really, really is, Jodie! I cannot sing enough praises because the results were amazing! Thanks for stopping by, my friend, and have the most wonderful day.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I just love these red pants with the gold zipper details, and so cute with those embroidered boots! I don’t suffer too much from dry skin in the summer, but I am religious about using lotion. I do think some people just have more sensitive skin, though (insert my daughter!!!).
Thanks so much, Carrie! I actually don’t have much of an issue with dry skin except on my hands and sometimes my legs in the winter. And the severe sensitivity is isolated to the backs of my hands. I can put anything on my legs with no issue, but nearly everything I have tried on my hands results in flaming red and burning skin…even products marketed as organic have done this. So I am super excited to have found a product that is working wonders for me! Your daughter should definitely try some homemade organic products!
Nikki Gwin
Odd is good. Who wants to read the same ole same ole???
My sister in law makes goat milk soap and it is much easier on my older skin.
🙂 gwingal
Thank you so much, Nikki! That is a fabulous attitude and one that embrace. I am odd and that’s totally fine by me! And goat milk soap sounds amazing! I will have to see if Catalina’s Creations does a similar one. If not, I may have to find it somewhere. Thanks for sharing that information and have a wonderful day!
Patrick Weseman
Very nice title. Hand made soaps are the best. They may cost a little more but they are so much better for you. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week.
Thanks, Patrick! And yeah, I was resistant at first because of the cost but then I realized two things…I was spending more than the difference on lotion…which I don’t need nearly as often anymore…and why go cheap when it comes to healthier skin for everyone in my family. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day.
jess jannenga
Hi Shelbee, wow that is great to hear that it cleared up your son’s eczema, that is tough! my brother had it. i always stop by this shop in Asheville when we go to check out the natural soaps, love the smells. sounds like a great company for your soap and it helps your dry skin. Loving the red jeans with the black and white sweater, and you are making me want to get a beret, they look so cute on yoU!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much! If you haven’t tried the natural soaps in the Asheville shop, I highly recommend it. It really does make a world of difference especially with maintaining the natural moisture in my skin. And you definitely need a beret! It would look so stunning with your hair. You would totally rock the look! Have a fabulous day, my friend!
Okay so first of all, very cute outfit. The red pants are a nice pop of color to your stripes sweater. It’s a top notch combo! Second of all, reading all the description of the soaps just made me hungry! Lastly, what a great find! I was born with dry skin and not sure if this something you can pass on but my son too has dry skin. While our skin doesn’t crack, if we don’t moisturize it does get itchy and sometimes very itchy. So we must try this and see if it works for us. Hope you are having a great day and staying warm and toasty. My hubby said it’s-5 degrees in Canada so I don’t even want to ask what the temp in your area is. 😱😩😂
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Thanks so much, Maureen! It is actually a very mild 27 degrees here right now! I might not even need a coat! I highly recommend trying a natural or organic homemade soap. My understanding is that many commercial soaps pull the glycerin from the soap and use it to make lotion. The result is the soap dries your skin and you have to buy the lotion to moisturize. The homemade soaps leave the glycerin in thereby moisturizing while washing and much less lotion is needed. I could be incorrect as this is not my area of expertise. And I am sure there are commercial soaps that don’t practice this method. But I have had such great results with the homemade soaps that I highly recommend giving it try! I can’t imagine how your skin would suffer if you lived where I do! Have a great day, my friend, and stay moisturized!
P.S. Her ingredients sort of make me hungry, too!
Cheryl Shops
Shelbee, I also suffer from eczema, and like you, I’ve discovered that the most natural, non-mass-produced products work best. The next frontier for me is making my own body butter, but that’s a step I’m not yet ready to commit to! 😉 I hope you guys stay well moisturized these next few months!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thank you for sharing your experience here! If you do make homemade body butter, let me know! I would love to try it!
u look so cool in red pants 🙂
You can see my last video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrRiR-XRQeU
and my blog https://highheelpoodl.blogspot.rs/
Thanks so much, Isidora! I am really digging the boldness of red pants right now!
Mary Leigh
OH, this is excellent! I’ve also been fighting eczema with our little one! Which soap, specifically do you use that cleared it up? Maybe we need to try some olive oil soap!
Mary Leigh, thanks so much for reading! The soap that really did the trick with the eczema was the Basil Calendula Unscented Soap which is a blend of coconut, olive, and sweet almond oils with ground basil and calendula petals. It lathers beautifully and my kids both love how soft it is to wash with. The Unscented Coconut Soap and the Honey Oat Soap would probably be good, too. I highly recommend trying a new soap for the eczema. I just can’t believe that after years of trying to solve this issue, all it took was switching to organic soap.
These soaps sound incredible! We are really suffering this winter from dry skin especially. I need to look into changing our soaps! Great idea!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Laura! It really has made a world of difference. In winters past, my hands were so unbearably bad with chapped, raw knuckles and I am having almost no issues whatsoever this year. And as you know, it has been brutally cold which would tend to make the chapping worse. I also have been pretty diligent with wearing gloves every time I step outside which helps, too. I do highly recommend organic soaps for much healthier skin all around.
Laura || Walking in Memphis in High Heels
I love you in these red pants! I love the top that you paired them with, so perfect. Winter does unspeakable things to my skin too, so far it’s made my face unbelievably dry!
Laura, thanks so much! I seriously used to think that only young kids could pull off red pants, then I found these! And I do love the wow factor they provide. I have not ever had a problem with dry skin on my face as I am generally more on the oily side, but I do also moisturize daily. I wonder if organic soaps with help with the dryness on your face. Have you found a product that gets you through the winter?
Trina Morgan
Love your jeans girl! You look wonderful! 🙂
Thanks so much, Trina! Have a fabulous day, my friend.
I love the bright red pants. They make me smile. I’m not sure if I could pull off the look, but it looks great on you! Have a great week!
Thanks so much, Amanda! And I think anyone can pull off red pants as long as you accessorize with a smile and a whole bunch of confidence! Thanks so much for stopping by and have a wonderful day.
love the details on the pants! Love red pants!
Thanks so much, Stephanie! Red pants can definitely brighten up a dreary winter day.
I will check out that soap! My hands are so painful right now. I’m literally greasing them up every night and sleeping in gloves!
Thanks for stopping by, Stefanie! I have been only using these soaps on my hands for the past few months and I rarely even need lotion any more. It’s fantastic because I hate the feeling of lotion on my hands. Definitely check them out! It’s totally worth it.
Rosie Holtzman
I guess all the kool kids are wearing red pants and a black and white striped top!!!
Thanks, Rosie! I guess if you think I’m a cool kid! Haha! Have a great day.
Emma Peach
How incredible that these soaps have made such a difference! I’m in the process of using up showers gels and liquid soaps so that I can switch to natural, organic soaps, mainly because they are better for the environment. Since I became vegan the frequent bouts of stomach ache and bloating I used to suffer from have gone! I guess dairy didn’t agree with me too well. Thanks for linking up!
Emma xxx
Emma, I love following your transition to a full vegan and organic lifestyle. I don’t know if I am ready for all that, but I have to say I am so pleased with the transition in these personal hygiene products. I am still using up the rest of a bottle of Tide (but only on my own laundry not the kids) before I have fully transitioned to all organic laundry and soap products. On that note, I have to mention that I used the charcoal night time soap last night and I never have felt so clean in my entire life! I wonder if I have ever been clean before that. It was so amazing with a fabulous exfoliating effect. Just wow! Thanks so much for stopping by and have a fabulous day!
Emma Peach
Meant to say that I love the Parisian-style outfit! The red pants are fab!
Aw, thanks so much!