Unexpected Blogging Break & Link Up On the Edge #21
I was forced to take an unexpected break from blogging this week…once again due to crazy unreliable technology. My computer, it seems, had come to the end of its life without warning. While I am not so very mournful over its demise (this particular laptop kind of sucked since day one), the price tag attached to replacing it (especially 7 weeks before Christmas) really did cause some pain.
So after much research, advice and suggestions from friends and family, and tons of deliberation about which way to go, I decided to just be done with traditional laptops (which I have been replacing about every 2 years for the past decade) and make the transition to Apple. So for my return to the blogosphere, I am typing this post on my brand new MacBook Pro with Retina Display. So far, I am really digging the retina display. It is super easy on my eyes especially as I am typing by the light of one dim little lamp (because it is too early yet for bright lights and I have not yet consumed enough coffee at this point in the morning).
The keyboard is a bit smaller than my laptop and I have rather large hands for a girl, but I am sure I will get used that change fairly quickly. I don’t really like that I no longer have a number keypad on the side of the keyboard, but I spent the extra $10 on one that will attach when I need it. And now after an hour long struggle of trying to figure out how to download my photos, I am sufficiently frustrated for the day. (I have not figured out how to edit photos on this thing yet!) But I am sure in the end, as my sister has told me, I will have it all figured out and be a much happier blogger than I was with my busted up old laptop!
Since this one device has cost probably as much as the previous 4 laptops combined, I do hope the investment was worth it. I want to thank all of my friends and family for their input, advice, and opinions that have led me to this new Apple relationship. And I want to thank my husband for understanding how important this purchase was to me and supporting the decision. So an early Merry Christmas to me…because there will be no other gifts after this one. In fact, after this purchase, there may be no gifts for anyone this year! Sorry kids! Santa was all about Mommy this year. (Just kidding…maybe.)
Outfit details:
Poncho: Fort Drum Exchange (old).
Dress: Old Navy Printed Waisted Swing Dress (currently on clearance for $15.00).
Boots: Bon Ton (from a few years ago, similar here).
Socks and Tights: I have had these for years and years. (similar socks here).
Necklace: Walmart (from last year).
*This is not a sponsored post. All items mentioned were purchased by me.
(This was my Halloween outfit that I wanted to share on Halloween, but alas, the cursed laptop had other plans!)
I want to thank everyone who stops by every week and joins my link up! I really appreciate your loyalty and support. I love seeing what you are all wearing, sharing, and discussing each week. And now here are your two favorites from last week:
For the second week in a row, Susan of Over 50 Under 20 shared a post that was a reader favorite with the most clicks. Her Fashion “House of Horrors” is quite the humorous post, so if you are needing a good chuckle, definitely give it a read!
Lana of My New Happy was also a reader favorite with her post October Style Series: Scarves. You all know how much I love my scarves!
Thank you so much ladies for inspiring us and making us laugh!

Upgrading to Apple on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups Where I Link Up

jodie filogomo
Ugh, ugh and more ugh Shelbee!!
Your sister is right—it’ll be better soon, and I’m sure the learning a new machine is good for the brain. But it is quite the bump in the log, eh?
I do love your poncho—-reminds me to bring mine out, so thanks for that!
And happy friday—we love you!
Aw, Jodie, thank you so much! You are so sweet! And I agree, learning a new device is good for the brain especially at my brain’s advanced age. We need to keep up with the youngsters! I remember when I was in college I had some classes where I was still permitted to turn in handwritten papers! I graduated from college just over 20 years ago, which often seems like a very long time ago. But in the framework of technology, it is not really that long ago….but the advances in the last 20 years really do blow my mind! So this crazy expensive purchase is almost required for keeping up. And yes, you should get those ponchos out! I love my ponchos!
Have a fabulous weekend.
Amy Christensen
Shelbee, I have two daughters that are Mac users and I officially became one a year and a half ago. Yes they are initially expensive, but so worth it. I love my Mac Book Pro and can’t imagine using anything else! Love your Halloween look! Thanks for hosting the link up. Have a great weekend.
Amy, thank you so very much for the reassuring words! I am sure as soon as I get the hang of this thing, I will never look back and will have no regrets about ditching the cursed laptop! Have a wonderful weekend!
This is so funny! I had posted my post this morning and got a mail that there was something wrong with commenting! I couldn t figure out what it was and the I get so frustraties too! I was saying out loud to myself: no no not today, I ve got things to do for heavens sake! ……But I am glad you are Happy with your Apple! And then I saw who was most viewed …….funny right! Or havn t you visit Fancy Friday yet? Oh oh oh, hurry! 😂😂😂 But wasn t it fun ,her Fashion horror! Well enjoy your weekend and relax!😘
Haha! Thanks so much, Nancy! I have not made my around to all of my regular blogs yet as I just got this thing up and running and have been trying to get my link up post live! As soon as I get through all of my neglected comments awaiting moderation, I will be making my way over to your page and linkup for sure! Have a great weekend!
Aww, you look so cute in these photos! I like this fun look for fall. That’s too bad about your laptop, but I bet you will love your MacBook once you get the hang of it. Have a great weekend!
Thank you, Jennie! I felt pretty darn cute in this outfit, too. I hope I get the hang of this MacBook soon before I lose my mind!
Sheela Goh
Hey hey, welcome to the Mac Club, my friend 🙂 once you’ve used a Mac, you’ll never ever go back, this I promise you!!!
p/s can I say I adore that your outfit is so thoroughly Halloweeny but not at all costumey? And if it wasn’t for the little nuances (like the ring), I’d have just thought you were very much into colours and punk?? 🙂
My weekly Project Sister Act Link-Up is now live on the blog, and I’d love for you to come by and join in xoxo
Thanks so much, Sheela! I need to make my way around to my regular link ups today, so I will definitely be over to join yours! I am an entire week out of it so I feel a little lost! And this Mac is confusing the sh*t out of me right now (mostly with photos and folders and downloads, etc.)! But I will get it…hopefully sooner than later. Thanks for stopping by and always being so supportive.
Suzy Turner
LOVE this outfit – the dress, the coolest socks ever and that poncho, gorgeous!!
Welcome to the MAC family lol. I made the change a few years ago and I’m so happy I did. I love my MAC and hope you will love yours too.
Suzy xx
Thank you so much, Suzy! I am sure I am going to love it once I get through this transition period. Change is always difficult but almost always good, too, isn’t it? I knew my timing was right for upgrading, too, when the young man helping me in Best Buy referred to my type of laptop as an “old-fashioned laptop”! It made me feel a little old-fashioned myself! Ha!
Emma Peach
I need a new laptop and I’m thinking of saving up for a Mac but they are rather pricey. We have a little netbook but I don’t get on with it. There’s always a bit of frustration getting used to a new device, I’m sure you’ll get there! Love your cute necklace!
Emma xxx
Thank you, Emma! Yeah, they are definitely pricey…about twice as much as I had anticipated spending once it was all said and done. I was sweating in Best Buy as we completed the transaction and my husband needed to drink when we got home! It’s funny that I know how quickly I pick up on the new devices yet I fear the frustration that comes along with the transition. It will probably only take about a week and I won’t even remember how to use my old laptop! Good luck to you on deciding which laptop to get. I am hoping this is the last purchase for a really long time, so worth the investment.
Have a fab weekend!
Patrick Weseman
Hope you enjoy the MacBook and get it working good. Have a great weekend.
Thank you, Patrick! Have a wonderful weekend!
Shelbee, love the dress! Looks so cute on you. Everyone, get to Old Navy and buy some dresses! I just bought this one in a different color, but it was not on sale )-: These dresses are SO flattering and they have a big selection.
Thanks, Susan! And yes, you are correct…so many great dresses that are so flattering for super reasonable prices! I am all stocked up! Have a fabulous weekend.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I have a MacBook Pro and LOOOOVE it. You will, too! I promise! This outfit is def. perfect for the fall with the orange + black and I am just loving those striped boot socks!
Carrie, thanks so much! I am sure I will love it as soon as I understand all the ins and outs of it! And now that I am almost over the sticker shock, I can get on with the learning process. (I was almost afraid to touch it last night for fear I would break it!) Have a wonderful weekend!
Good for you Shelbee! A well deserved treat for yourself. I have only just got the hang of a normal pc so a Mac book would scare the S***t out of me too ! I would be interested to hear about your journey with your new Mac xx
I am sure there will be many trials with this thing before I am totally acclimated, Laurie! So, yeah, I am feeling a little uncomfortable, but I am just going with it! Thanks so much for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!
bummer about your old laptop, but macbooks are really amazing. I’m sure you will love it 🙂 Ever since I made the transition a few years ago, I don’t think I’ll ever go back to windows PC’s. Macbooks are just more convenient and, in terms of technology, they have a longer shelf life and hold their value a lot longer than windows laptops.
Thanks for the input and the reassurance, Tianna! I am sure I will love it as I have transitioned all of my other devices to Apple already. I just have to get through this learning process! Thanks so much for stopping by and have a fab weekend!
Ohh how annoying Shelbee, glad you’re sorted now, it’s a learning curve for now! Love you cute outfit, excellent for this time of year. Thanks for hosting the link up.
So totally annoying and stressful, Jacqui! But it’s done now, so let the learning begin. Thanks so much for stopping by and for the kind compliment!
Loving the Halloween look! Sorry about your computer. The same thing happened to me last year, so a new computer was my Christmas gift. It was my first Mac, and I’m loving it. Definitely worth the investment!!
Thanks, Rachael. So by next Christmas I should have the hang of this thing, right? Ha. Have a wonderful weekend!
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
Oh Shelbee sooo nice. How cute is this spider necklace 🙂
Love the compete outfit 🙂
Xxxxx Tina
Tina, thank you so very much. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Kathrine Eldridge
Love this cute halloween look Shelbee! That poncho is adorable. Hope your computer problems are done now. Have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you, Kathrine! Computer problems are solved, but now I just need to learn how to do everything on the new one! Have a fab weekend.
Sorry to hear about your computer. They tend to go at the worst possible times don’t they. I and my children have all used Apple lap tops for the past 10 or so years, and I wouldn’t use anything else. That being said, when my Apple was four years old, it needed a new battery and other work done that ended up costing $600 but the technician said I should get at least another 4 years out of it. Better than the cost of a new one!
Yes, Apple products and all that go with it are quite pricey! But everyone says they are worth the cost! I hope I get the hang of this Mac soon before I completely lose my mind. Thanks so much for your input on this, Amy!
Sorry about the computer troubles! That’s never fun! I switched to an MacBook Air a few years ago, and I never regretted it! But there was definitely a bit of a learning curve…
Cute outfit! Thanks for the link up & have a great weekend!
Thanks, Andrea! How long did it take to adjust to the learning curve? I am losing my patience only two days in!
Our computer fizzled out a few weeks ago and we replaced it with a Mac also. What a perfect Halloween outfit! Your dress is so cute and I love the poncho layered over it!
Doused In Pink
Thanks so much, Jill. How are you getting along with the Mac? I am getting quite frustrated with manipulating and storing photos!
Knocking on wood and [thwt thwt] as I say I fear a similar tech mishap happening to me. I hope you had files and photos saved on other devices or storage so only time was lost. On the bright side, you are now expanding and exercising your mental skills by learning and adapting to different technology. Cute Halloween outfit and thanks for the link up.
Thank you, Rena! And nope, I didn’t have anything backed up anywhere else. But apparently the laptop is not so far gone that the stored information can’t be recovered. I just need to find someone who knows how to do it or pay another chunk of money to have it done! And expanding the brain kind of hurts! hahaha! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Jessica Jannenga
Dont ya love computers? My hubby is in IT so he has much more patience than I. Sounds like you got a nice one. I love the orange and black and that poncho is sweet, as i really like the hood with it.
jess xx
Oh computers, Jess! You are lucky that your husband is tech savvy! I seem to be the tech savvy one in my house…and that is not good. Not good at all. But I will figure it all out eventually. And yes, the hood is absolutely the best part of this poncho! Have a fab weekend.
This outfit is so cute – that color is perfect on you! I hate computer stuff, and I actually don’t even have a laptop. My son has a Mac and loves it though! Thanks so much for the feature – and have a wonderful weekend!
Lana, thank you so very much! I hate computer stuff, too. I hope to get the hang of this soon though! I just need to keep at it! Have a fabulous weekend.
Tiina L
Oh no, tech issues… Well, I’m sure you and your new computer will get along just fine in no time. How do you usually edit your photos? I use Photoshop Elements, that’s really easy to use, and affordable.
Thank you, Tiina! Well, I had been editing just in the photo program that was on my laptop. But now I cannot figure out anything with photos on the new MacBook! Everything else is running smoothly except the photos. I hope I get through the learning process with my sanity somewhat in tact. I will check out Photoshop Elements!
What a bummer! And those types of things always seem to happen at the worst time, too. But you certainly look lovely! That dress is gorgeous!
Laura, thank you very much! I don’t know that there is ever a good time for the computer to crap out especially in this day and age. We have become so reliant on them. It did force me to take a little break though which I kind of needed. I hope you have a beautiful weekend!
Technologies makes and breaks us, I’m glad you got the Macbook Pro, it is really one of the best.
~ xo Sheree
Posh Classy Mom
Right now the technology is definitely breaking me down! I hope I get through this learning process soon before I completely lose it! Thanks so much for stopping by, Sheree. I hope you have a fab weekend!
Bummer on the laptop but how fun to get a new one for yourself! I love the black and orange combo you wore here!
Thank you, Ruth. I am still struggling with this new Mac but it has only been one day! Have a wonderful weekend.
I hope you enjoy your new computer. I’d be living at the library if mine dies. ha ha!
The outfit is so cute, even though I am a SF Giant fan and my high school colors were orange and black I am still not sure it is my color. But it looks fabulous on you!
Thanks for partying with us on #FridayFrivolity
Audrey, thank you so much! I wasn’t so sure about the orange on me either. It is a bit brighter than I usually wear! But it was Halloween so I gave it a try (and the dress was cute and on clearance so I went for it). I think I need a library at this point…or some kind of help! Have a great weekend.
I hope you get back into the blogosphere soon. Love your outfit!!!
Thank you, Stephanie! If I could only figure out the photo stuff on this Mac I would be golden! Have a fab weekend.
Susan Kanoff
Fabulous fall outfit and love that poncho!!! XO Susan http://www.themidlifefashionista.com
Susan, thanks so much! I do love my ponchos!
Hey Shelbee, I love my mac so even though it takes some time you will figure it out. I promise! I love this color on you. Very energizing and cute cut. Thanks for hosting!
Thank you, Julia! I plan to spend today figuring out the rest of this Mac and some outfit photos planned today, too! Thanks for the input.
Lanae Bond
I hope you figure out how to use it! It took me a while to get familiar to mine but know I am pro at using it.
Thanks, Lanae! I hope I figure it out soon because I am getting discouraged! Have a lovely weekend.
REading your post I was about to say switch to Mac and then there it was. Warning though. While they do last longer, there will eventually come a time when they start to slow down and couple of years after their purchase. Within 4 years you’ll likely need to replace it. This is how long I’ve averaged with each Mac I owned and I’ve had my first in 2006. Would love if you can link up to http://the-wardrobe-stylist.com/2016/10/31/losing-baby-weight-episode-6/
Rania, thank you so much for the Mac information. That is very helpful in keeping me prepared for what’s to come! Although, I do hope it lasts longer than 4 years! Eek. Have a wonderful weekend!
Oh no! I hope your new apple laptop those justice! I have yet to jump in the wagon, but I’m starting to see the good investment it is.
Your orange tunic is super cute! Love bright colors for fall!
Thank you for hosting
I am starting to love the MacBook, for sure, Mel! I do still have some things to learning, but so far, so good. Thanks for stopping and for the lovely comment.
Computer troubles are never fun. Hopefully this new laptop will be smooth sailing from here on out 🙂 Glad you’re back <3
Edye | http://gracefulcoffee.com
Thank you, Edye! I am glad to be back, too. Still figuring out some stuff on the Mac but I am definitely getting there!
Anna Shirley
I hate problems with IT stuff myself. Hopefully, Santa will bring you something anyway…. Very nice poncho.
Anna xoxo
I think Santa already has a few things for me, Anna! But those were already purchased pre-laptop meltdown! Thanks so much for stopping by and have a wonderful day!
This look is adorable :D. Sorry to hear about your laptop woes, but congrats on the new machine. Wishing you luck to figure out working it soon. I despise learning new tech…which sounds weird given that I’m not that old, and that sounds like something my grandma would say, lol.
Thanks so much, Jane! I seriously feel like a gramdma when I am trying to learn new technology! It has been know to make me cry. But I am getting the hang of this one pretty quickly or at least just adapting to it.
Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.
Thanks, Nicole!
Sarah @ Bows & Clothes
Gorgeous fall leaves! I love the color of this dress!
Thank you so much for linking up at Grace + Lace!
Bows & Clothes
Thank you so much, Sarah! And just that quick, the gorgeous leaves are all brown and gross.