Transition & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #297

Merriam-Webster defines transition as “a change or shift from one state, subject, place, etc. to another.” The Cambridge English Dictionary defines it as “the process of changing, or a change from one form or condition to another.” And Dictionary.com describes transition as “movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another.”
These seem like simple enough definitions to explain a rather profound concept that permeates the entire human experience. Life often seems like it is an endless series of transitions. We are constantly changing from one state to another on the most basic levels as well as on the deepest levels of our existence. We learn from each experience whether it was a planned experience or not. As a result of our experiences, our beliefs and opinions will start to transition as well.
Transitions are essential for personal growth. They are the process by which we apply the lessons we have learned from one experience to our future experiences. Transitions are a required ingredient for evolution. Some transitions are easy while others may be more difficult, but when we are facing a transition point we generally have no choice but to move forward into the unknown with the best of intentions.
“Knowledge is power, and it can help you overcome any fear of the unexpected. When you learn, you gain more awareness through the process, and you know what pitfalls to look for as you get ready to transition to the next level.”
Jay Shetty
We make countless transitions every day as we shift from our morning routine to our daytime routine to our evening routine. When our routines get disrupted, we make transitions to accommodate for the unexpected. As we grow and change and those around us grow and change, it forces transitions on our relationships. As the economy struggles, it forces transitions on our financial approach. As the seasons change, it forces transitions on our wardrobes.
And wasn’t that a fun transition…straight to fashion?

I think we are probably past what would traditionally be called the transitional season when our wardrobes get stuck between summer and fall, but I still have a few transitional outfits to share. I wore this outfit on a cooler summer day back in mid-August but it is something I could easily transition into fall with long sleeves and boots.
I have had this paisley poncho for years and it pairs so perfectly with flared jeans and rope sandals for a very boho vibe which, you know, is my favorite fashion aesthetic. Staying in tune with my hippy heart, I wore three handmade necklaces, handmade earrings, and a handmade hat. (The links to all of my accessory creators are at the end of the post).
This outfit is super basic made special with handcrafted accessories and a fun paisley print. If you are feeling uninspired in your closet, why not try something simple like jeans and a loose fitting top and then pile on your favorite accessories. Sentimental or other special accessories are so great for adding a personal statement to an easy outfit as well as for transitioning a basic look from boring to lively. In addition to accessories, creative layering is a wonderful way to transition your summer favorites into the cooler seasons. Lightweight ponchos can quickly turn into fall clothes by layering a warm turtleneck or cozy sweater underneath and summer dresses are just one blanket scarf away from autumn perfection.

Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked): Joanne of Slices of Life

Fashion Favorite: Cheryl of Cheryl Shops

How do you handle transitions? Which types of transitions do you find more difficult than others? Do you transition your wardrobe on a seasonal rotation or do you keep everything on hand for trans-seasonal styling?
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Poncho-Wona Trading / Jeans-Charlotte Russe / Rope Sandals-Nomadic State of Mind / Mala Beads-Zen Spirit Malas / Hat-Linda Gibbs Handmade / Earrings-Good Life Gift Shop / Moon Crystal Necklace-Enlightened Lotus / Sea Glass Necklace-Loretta’s Custom Made Jewelry

A great take on transitioning! You are so right about accessories and it’s where we mostly fall down. We’ve all got basics – it’s what we do with them that transitions them into something special. Creative layering – I like that phrase!
Thanks so much, Pamela! I really appreciate that. I am always reminding myself to think creatively with layering. We have so many different options for layering over and under things but we sometimes get stuck in traditional thinking that we miss out on a whole bunch of variety in our wardrobes.
We had temps in the 30s and flurries this week so I feel like I’m already transitioning fall clothes to winter! Your poncho is fabulous! Love this boho look!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks, Jill! We have had frost already by no snowflakes yet! We are actually having a fall which we usually don’t. It usually goes from July straight to winter!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Just loving this boho look! So fun and flowing!
Thanks so much, Tamar! Happy Tuesday!
Amy Johnson
That is the cutest outfit, I love the poncho.
Thanks so much, Amy! I do love when I can be comfortable and stylish and this easy boho vibe is really working for me these days! I hope you are having a great week, my friend.
I love, love, love this outfit! (You knew I would, right?) The poncho is totally amazing! The fabric is gorgeous.
Awww, thanks so much, Michelle! Of course, I knew you would love my paisley poncho! Hehe.
jess jannenga
Oh, geez. See, my mind is on health these days, and when I read “transitions” , I thought you were going to talk about going into Menopause!! LOL. Yes, clothing transitions.. got it! I love the poncho on you, the whole outfit epitomizes your style. THelighter jeans look great with it.
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! Menopause has come up a few times in the comments so you are not alone in associating transition with menopause! I didn’t even think of that when I wrote this post, but I wish I had! I would have addressed menopause symptoms, too. Menopause is one of those transitions that is completely forced upon us and we have no choice but to deal with it! I have been focusing a lot of my Reiki self healing practices on this exact thing! I hope you are having a wonderful week, my friend.
Absolutely love this boho look on you! I think the style suits you well! Also, I agree about transitions and it’s something that I’ve thought about too. We’re always constantly changing, evolving and transitioning into new seasons during our life. Love hearing your thoughts!
Lizzie, I really appreciate that! Thanks so much. I am finding this easy bohemian vibe to be very suitable for my current lifestyle. If I settle into this style, maybe I will be able to cut my wardrobe in half again! You know I am all about embracing change and growth so we can all become better humans!
Jacqui Berry
Brilliant post Shelbee, hop you’re having a super week. I love that top too. Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! I hope your week is going brilliantly as well, my friend!
I love everything about this outfit from the flared jeans to the beautiful tunic to that adorable slouchy hat! Thanks so much for hosting. What a surprise to find my post was most viewed!
Thanks so much, Joanne! I definitely find this easy bohemian vibe most suitable for my current lifestyle! I hope you are having a wonderful week! I have sick kids at home again this week. Arrggh.
I am glad I found your blog. You are so beautiful in these photos. I believe we all need transition and it is everywhere in life.When the time is for a transition,we should do that.
Thank you so much for beautiful and very kind words, Amila! I really appreciate that. Transitions are definitely a major part of the human experience!
Cheryl Shops
Aww, thank you so much for the feature! It’s definitely transitional weather here in SF (currently 72 degrees!), and speaking of transitions, I think I’m starting to get hot flashes, ugh!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks, Cheryl! It was my pleasure! We are expecting temperatures in the 70s early next week. We are experiencing a beautiful fall this year! Oh my goodness, I feel you on the hot flashes! I had to change my sleep shirt twice two nights ago because I kept waking up completely soaked in hot flash sweats. This is one transition that I really wish would hurry up and finish!
Laura Bambrick
You are rocking this boho chic vibe! But then again you rock all of the vibes!
Awww, thanks so much, Laura! You are too sweet!
Marsha Banks
Would you believe we had snow last night? But, we’ll be back in the 70s this weekend. Having been a Hoosier my entire life, I know how to dress for the changing weather! We always say if you don’t like the weather, just wait a bit and it will change! My favorite thing is to wear layers over layers! And, accessories like scarves are just so necessary!
I adore this look, Shelbee! It’s so perfect for your boho vibe! And, thanks for the link party!
Thanks so much, Marsha! Layers and layers and layers is totally my cold weather jam! My neighbors started a little joke a few years ago that you know winter has arrived when I start wearing everything I own at the same time! I can’t believe that you had snow before we did! We have had a few frosty mornings but no snowflakes yet. And we are expecting high 60s and low 70s early next week. We are actually having a fall season this year which is wonderful! We usually go from July straight into winter!
I’m not a person that transitions easily. But change is growth so necessary. Just like in my wardrobe, if I don’t do the transition, it can’t grow. And i want it to grow, lol.
Some things are easier to transition than others, for sure. I don’t transition my closet because I have enough room so I don’t need to. But I do think that I handle transitions fairly easily. Maybe!
Love this boho look and cute hat. I rotate clothes seasonally except for a few items that I either like to look at and stroke, or are genuinely wearable all year round.
Thanks so much, Gail! Oh, you just made me giggle that you keep some things accessible to look at and touch year round! That is so great! I am fortunate to have a whole closet room which fits my entire wardrobe except for my sweaters and blanket scarves. Those are sorted and stored in bins in the basement because they are so bulky and I have too many!
Love this boho look! The poncho is beautiful.
Thank you so much, Lovely! I really appreciate your kind words.
You look so cute!!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks so much, my friend!
Suzy Turner
I love how you made the transition to fashion there, Shelbee! I also love how profound this piece is. As for the outfit, I adore the ‘bohoness’ of it! The addition of the hat makes it perfect for the cooler weather (even though you took the photos in late August), and changing the sandals to something warmer on the toes would be perfect. I adore it!
Big hugs
Suzy xx
Thank you so very much, Suzy! I really appreciate your kind words. I am going to share another boho transitional outfit tomorrow because I still have a few late summer looks to post and I have been way too lazy lately for outfit photos! But it is really easy to transition these looks with a few accessory changes. I love that word bohoness, by the way! I will be using it from now on!
Patrick Weseman
Yes it is that time of year to transition. It is such a strange time of year also. The weather can not make up it’s mind. Looking great. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks so much, Patrick! Oh yes, the weather has definitely been a bit strange here ranging from the 30s in the early morning hours and then peaking near 70. I never know how to dress these days! I hope your week is going well, my friend!
Mica - Away From The Blue
This is such a great boho outfit! the colours and print of the poncho look so nice with the light bootcut jeans 🙂
Thanks for the link up! Hope you are having a lovely week.
Thanks so much, Mica! I definitely feel most like myself when I wear these easy flowing boho looks! I hope you are having a wonderful week, my friend!
Emma Peach
I love your poncho and crocheted beanie! Such a fab boho look!
Emma xxx
Aw, thanks so much, Emma!
Cute outfit! I especially like the hippie vibe. And the print on your poncho is gorgeous! This is exactly the type of outfit that would be comfy in our southern fall (October – November), but I know you live in a colder climate.
Thanks for hosting the link-up.
Thank you for sharing this post in the Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 38.
Carol, thanks so much! I have always loved paisley prints and so I fell in love with this poncho as soon as I saw it. However, I don’t love the color on me, but the print makes up for it!
Love this outfit, especially the rope sandals, still quite warm over here in the UK, but not dry enough for rope footwear. Thanks for linking up with #pocolo
Thanks so much, Suzanne! Oh, the rainy season. I don’t ever wear these rope sandals in the rain. I am afraid the soles would get really slippery! But I do have another pair that have a rubber sole rather than a rope sole and they are fine in the rain. I hope you have a wonderful day!