Thoughts of the Day
My life has qualified me as "experienced" on such topics as Army life, parenting, mental health, loss and grief, multi-tasking, and adapting to all things new (good, bad, or indifferent). I will share my thoughts on these topics and hopefully you will find some calm in the chaos knowing that others have been where you are.
Welcome to Millheim, Pennsylvania & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #129
I know. I know. I know. I said I was taking a blogging break. And what happens when I finally say it? I get inspired. And I cannot ignore the inspiration when it hits. Any creative person knows this. We live for that moment. We wait for it. We seek it out in all corners of our existence. We exhaust ourselves trying to tap into it. We get tired. We take a break. And it is right inside those breaks where we find our inspiration. You can’t fight against the universe. You just have to succumb. And when you finally do, she delivers in spades. So that’s what I did.…
The Fab 40’s Celebrate Pride Month & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #128
Warning: I might get a little ranty in this post. I cannot help myself. It is a topic about which my passions run high. Very high. June is LGBT Pride Month, chosen this month to commemorate the Stonewall Riot in New York City on June 28, 1969. This June 28 marks 50 years since that riot which was the impetus for the LGBT rights movement that we see making a huge impact in the world today. It was my turn this month to choose the theme for The Fab 40’s. It didn’t take me long to decide. By choosing LGBT Pride not only are we showing you have to have…
What to Wear to a Barbecue & Your Own Twist Link Up #9
Monica and I are bringing you some style inspiration for Summer Barbecues in this month’s Your Own Twist Link Up. Your Own Twist is a monthly series hosted by Monica of Jersey Girl, Texan Heart and myself where we showcase our own interpretations of a chosen style theme. We share the theme with you ahead of time in case you are interested in joining us. Feel free to link your own Summer Barbecue outfit ideas below. Or add any outfit, style, or fashion post that you’d like! We publish this post on the third Thursday of every month. But apparently we had some confusion with the dates! That is what…
The Perplexities of Social Media & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #126
Humans beings are social creatures. Even the least social among us still require community and interaction to survive in the modern world. Sure, there are some people who choose to live off the grid, but it is only through social education that they have acquired the skills to survive such a remote lifestyle. Social media at its most basic level has been integrated into human societies as far back as ancient times when the first postal services were created as a means of long distance human communication. Probably few of us even consider ancient postal services as a form of social media in the context of the modern world and…
Wednesday’s Quote of the Week: Celebrating Love in All Its Forms
If you are a regular follower of my blog, you know that I stay far, far away from making any type of statement here that may be perceived as even the slightest bit political. And while this post is merely about celebrating love in all its forms, it may still be interpreted as a political statement by some. But I don’t think it should have anything at all to do with politics. Yet, it does. Sadly and disappointedly, politics seem to enter every realm of our existence right down to trying to tell us who we are allowed to love and even how many we are allowed to love. You…
Getting Back on Track When Things Aren’t Going So Well
Life is truly the greatest gift of all, but there are times where it will get tough. When it does, finding your way back to the right track as soon as possible is essential. Even if progress is slow, moving in the right direction is still progress and that is all that really matters. When things aren’t going as well as you’d like, it’s easy to assume that major life changes are required. In reality, though, the simplest concepts and minor changes can make all the difference. Focus on the five ideas below and you will start to find your way back to the right path. Invest in Healthy Living…
Celebrate With Me
Today is my birthday. I am 45 years old. I feel younger than I did when I was 25. I feel healthier physically and mentally. I feel ready to accept and conquer any challenges that come my way. I feel better equipped to deal with all the ups and downs of life. I feel blessed to be alive and more willing than ever to embrace every single moment that I am given as an opportunity to live this life to the fullest. At 25, I took life for granted. I made plans for the future never realizing that the future doesn’t ever pan out as planned. I wasted too much…
Happy Birthday to This Guy
Today is my husband’s birthday and I would be a sucky wife if I didn’t pay tribute to this amazing man. My life partner, my best friend, my rock, my lobster, my everything. I wouldn’t want to travel this insane journey without him. He makes me smile. He makes me laugh. He makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. Every single day. I am so blessed to have him. I don’t need to say much more because the photos tell you everything. Enjoy! Happy, happy birthday, Jeff! I love you to the moon and back and around the world a million times! Keeping it on the…
The Goonies Never Say Die & Life Lately
Another weekend has past. Another Monday has arrived. Another blog post to write. I have to so much to say yet nothing at all to share. Because sometimes life just gets in the way. There are a million things to do but not a million hours in a day. It seems as if the list is never ending so I just take it one day at a time, hour by hour, minute by minute, hoping that progress will be evident. I have been managing to get outfit photos done, trying to stock pile them before my husband goes to Louisiana for a month and I am sans photographer. I hate…
Energy Healing & Link Up On the Edge #145
Have you ever been caught in a negative energy vortex? This just happened to me over the past few days. From maybe Friday until Tuesday. At first, you think it is just a bad day, but then the bad day turns into multiple consecutive bad days. Just a whole bunch of negative stuff piling on top of more negative stuff. Nothing tragic really. Things that are more just of the irritating nature which become super frustrating after more and more piles on. Suddenly you realize that you are the one attracting the negativity. Because this is the way the Law of Attraction works. One negative thing you can easily rise…