Style Imitating Art | Book of Hours by Unknown 14th Century French Artists
About Style Imitating Art Style Imitating Art is hosted by Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey, Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge, and Marsha of Marsha in the Middle. Style Imitating Art challenges us to draw style inspiration from pieces of art. Every other Monday, one of the hosts, acting as presenter, selects an inspiration image that they will each post on their blogs. The following Monday, each host shares her art inspired outfit. Participants are invited to submit their art inspired outfits to the presenter by 10:00 p.m. EST on the Tuesday following the hosts’ art inspired outfit posts. The following day, Wednesday, the presenter will share all of the submissions on her…
The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book: Peach Fuzz
Not wanting to overwhelm you with all the frivolity of multiple style challenges and articles in one day, Nancy and I decided to post this month’s Good Buy/Good-Bye Book a day later than normal. We are featuring Pantone‘s Color of the Year, Peach Fuzz, and it seems that I am not alone when I say this color does nothing for me. Therefore, I don’t own much of it and apparently, based on participation for this theme, nobody else really wears Peach Fuzz clothing either. That is a big fail for Pantone! Welcome to The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book! The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book is a monthly series hosted by Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style and myself.…
The Thrifty Six in Denim Days
It was my turn to choose this month’s thrifty theme and I went for Denim Days for a variety of reasons. I probably wear denim the most frequently at this time of year as we transition from winter to spring and the weather is still cool. I also have a lot of thrifted and preloved denim items which would make it easy for me to style a denim based outfit without shopping for something new. Ironically, however, I never did style a new denim themed outfit for this challenge because the weather has been complete shit. It has been raining for days, the ground is all muddy, the sky is…
Cultural Immersion: Dressing for Comfort and Elegance on Your First Trip to India
Embarking on your first journey to India is more than just a trip. It is a plunge into a rich tapestry of cultures, colors, and historical richness that is unparalleled. The nation, known for its vibrant festivals, diverse languages, and exquisite cuisine, also boasts a unique fashion sense that embodies both comfort and elegance. For travelers seeking to immerse themselves fully in the cultural experience, understanding and embracing local dress norms is key. This guide aims to help you navigate the wonderful world of Indian attire, ensuring you are both comfortably and elegantly dressed for every occasion. Understanding the Basics Before you pack your bags, it is essential to recognize…
The Great Mushroom Takeover & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #700
I wore this crazy outfit a few weeks ago to run errands and had no intention of even photographing it until Archie said I looked like a mushroom. This made me laugh and so I insisted he take a few pictures of me. Today seemed like the perfect day to share this fungus-inspired outfit since the masons are coming this afternoon to inspect the chimney and hopefully guide us in the right direction for remediating the mushroom in the ceiling problem. In fact, I am wearing this tee shirt and earrings today for the occasion. It is much too warm for all the rest of it. I bought myself this…
SIA Gallery of Style | “Four Women” by Fernando Botero
It is time for the next SIA Gallery of Style, featuring outfits inspired my latest pick of artwork. Thank you so much for joining us! About Style Imitating Art Style Imitating Art is hosted by Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey, Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge, and Marsha of Marsha in the Middle. Style Imitating Art challenges us to draw style inspiration from pieces of art. Every other Monday, one of the hosts, acting as curator, selects an inspiration image that they will each post on their blogs. The following Monday, each host shares her art inspired outfit. Participants are invited to submit their art inspired outfits to the curator by 10:00 p.m. EST on the…
Style Imitating Art | “Four Women” by Fernando Botero
About Style Imitating Art Style Imitating Art is hosted by Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey, Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge, and Marsha of Marsha in the Middle. Style Imitating Art challenges us to draw style inspiration from pieces of art. Every other Monday, one of the hosts, acting as presenter, selects an inspiration image that they will each post on their blogs. The following Monday, each host shares her art inspired outfit. Participants are invited to submit their art inspired outfits to the presenter by 10:00 p.m. EST on the Tuesday following the hosts’ art inspired outfit posts. The following day, Wednesday, the presenter will share all of the submissions on her…
Reminder: The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-Peach Fuzz
Happy April, y’all! It is supposed to be spring but we have snow forecasted for tomorrow and I am not all that happy about it. Also, I am not thrilled that we are sitting at ground zero for a huge total eclipse event that is happening in a park just a few blocks from our house on Monday. Our little town of 24,000 people is expecting an influx of 174,000 people this weekend to view the total solar eclipse that is happening on April 8. The city has estimated that most of these traveling eclipse viewers will be at the park. I am not sure where 174,000 are going to…
Style Imitating Art | “Buon Giorno Venezia” by Caroline Zimmermann
About Style Imitating Art Style Imitating Art is hosted by Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey, Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge, and Marsha of Marsha in the Middle. Style Imitating Art challenges us to draw style inspiration from pieces of art. Every other Monday, one of the hosts, acting as presenter, selects an inspiration image that they will each post on their blogs. The following Monday, each host shares her art inspired outfit. Participants are invited to submit their art inspired outfits to the presenter by 10:00 p.m. EST on the Tuesday following the hosts’ art inspired outfit posts. The following day, Wednesday, the presenter will share all of the submissions on her…
Songful Style Link Party #25 | “Girl On Fire” by Alicia Keys
Oh my goodness, why are the weeks and months flying by so quickly? Time really does speed up the older we get. I do not think I am a fan of this type of time warp. Yet somehow here we are at the end of March anyway and it’s time for another musical challenge with my fantastic friends Suzy and Marsha! For this month’s challenge, Marsha chose “Girl On Fire” by Alicia Keys as our outfit inspiration. I shared details about the song and the artist as well as some photographic inspiration in this post. I love that these song lyrics were inspired by the struggle and beauty that is…