Easy DIY Sweater Pillows & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #746
I have been getting really bored with the snow and the winter chores so I decided to clean out my sweaters and find creative ways to upcycle them into new and useful things. I have a lot of sweaters and I tried on every single one of them before deciding whether to keep or repurpose. I ended up keeping about half and removing the other half from my wardrobe. I recently watched the Netflix documentary Buy Now! The Shopping Conspiracy which highlighted the staggering amount of waste we create from the overconsumption of goods. While it was kind of corny in its format, the documentary definitely was enlightening about each…
Shelbee on the Rags: “Making Memories” Festival Mat & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #710
I am posting a day early because we are headed to the Smoked Country Jam Bluegrass Festival for a weekend of rural camping, great music, and fabulous friends! This post is the perfect time to share my most recent raggery project since I created this mat specifically for this weekend. About 6 weeks ago, I decided to learn how to weave/twine. I had two pieces of cardboard packaging from my new dehumidifier that resembled small looms. Before investing in any kind of proper loom, I figured I would try weaving on a small DIY cardboard loom to see if I enjoyed it. So I watched a few videos, measured out…
Shelbee on the Rags: “Seaglass” Shaggy Raggy Valance & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #702
My mother-in-law came to visit a few weeks ago and when I showed her my new living room raggy window valance, she expressed an interest in something similar for her living room window, which I was, of course, happy to oblige. Since she was coming to visit us again this week for spring break, I wanted to get straight to work so it would be ready for her to take home. She requested a color palette of pale greens, light tans, white, and ivory with lace and other lightweight fabrics. Specifically, she asked for “something summery.” So I headed out to the thrift shop and found some wonderful unwanted textiles…
Shelbee on the Rags: My Living Room Window Treatments & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #699
Since sharing my living room makeover last April, I have added lots of little details to my decor including the completion of my window treatments. If you recall, I used scarves for the two small windows framing the fireplace and the single window that overlooks my front porch. For the side triple window, my mother-in-law gave me some old lace curtains that I dyed teal which really brightened up the dark wood blinds. I liked it all well enough but the bigger windows felt incomplete. Then my mother-in-law gave me two more lace panels so I dyed those and added them to the single window using the scarf as a…
Shelbee on the Rags: “Raggedy Annie” Shaggy Raggy Garland
I have another shaggy raggy garland to share with y’all! This one was made from the same collection of fabric scraps that I used to make the shaggy raggy skirts for Découpage Denise and Patchwork Shelbee. I wanted this garland to have a mismatched color palette and pattern scheme for a true bohemian raggery vibe. It’s got a little bit of everything and it really makes me smile. If you are interested in my other raggery projects, click here. Except for the few pieces that I have incorporated into my permanent home decor, the rest of my raggery crafts are for sale. If you see any that interest you, please…
Shelbee on the Rags: Patchwork Shelbee
After I had completed Découpage Denise, I loved her little rag skirt so much that I decided to make one for Patchwork Shelbee. Patchwork Shelbee is an old mannequin leftover from the days when I was selling clothing on Poshmark. She had been banished to the back of a coat closet, hiding naked and alone in the dark for years. I was debating getting rid of her but then I decided to dress her up and incorporate her into my home decor instead. I découpaged her with some Mod Podge and scraps of fabric and wrapped a few strings of blue twinkle lights around her and she fits perfectly in…
Shelbee on the Rags: Découpage Denise (DeDe)
In an effort to use all of the scrap material that results from my rag curtains, I have been trying to find creative ways to repurpose even the tiniest bits of leftover fabrics. I have found découpage to be a wonderful solution and another cathartic and relaxing way for me to make my raggery art. All I need is a big jar of Mod Podge, a brush, my rag scraps, and something to glue them to. My first attempt at découpage was the makeover I gave to an old mannequin. She turned out so fabulous that people began to covet her. I call her Patchwork Shelbee. Next I découpaged an…
Shelbee on the Rags: “Coffee Break” Rag Curtain & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #698
This next raggery project was inspired by my “Café au Lait” Shaggy Raggy Garland. After the garland was completed and my older son said it looked like coffee, I got the idea to create a large rag curtain in a similar color palette with the image of a coffee cup. But I really wasn’t sure how to do it! When I created the “Carolina on My Mind” rag curtain in the shape of a tree, I was guided completely by prayer and faith in the artistic process. For the coffee cup curtain, however, I was not confident in faith alone and needed a little more concrete assistance. So I got…
Shelbee on the Rags: “Woodland” Shaggy Raggy Garland
As I stated yesterday, I am going to be sharing lots of recently completed raggery projects over the next few posts. So here is the next one…a shaggy raggy garland in woodland colors. The idea for this garland came from a small pile of clothing leftover from some donated bags. The majority of the leftovers happened to be in this green and brown color palette with lots of really cool textures including satins, tweeds, and various types of knits from delicate to chunky. So I gathered all the greens and tans and browns into my rag palette (and forgot to take a photo again) and created the “Woodland” Shaggy Raggy…
Shelbee on the Rags: “Café au Lait” Shaggy Raggy Garland
It has been about 7 weeks since I shared a raggery project despite having completed a bunch of things since I returned home from my annual winter break road trip. The Unicorn Tears-inspired Rainbow Shaggy Raggy Garland sold at the STATE ST. Market so I decided to make a few more garland strands in different color palettes. I wanted to make one in a neutral color palette thinking it would appeal to more style aesthetics than the bright, bold colors might. I forgot to take photos of my rag palette so you only get to see the final product for this one. The fabric strips to make this garland were…