Outfits of the Day #ootd
I love to put together outfits. I find something calming and exciting in the process. And if I think I look good, I tend to feel great! Hopefully, you can find some inspiration here for feeling amazing in your own body.
Romance & Ruffles | May Stylish Monday Link Up
Romance and Ruffles is the theme this month for our Stylish Monday Link Party. While I am a hopeless romantic and a total love junkie, ruffles are a thing of scarcity in my closet. I have a few bits and pieces that have a ruffled hem or some flouncy tiers but none of them were really speaking to me as I got to thinking about this style prompt. And if the clothing isn’t speaking to me then I am not hearing it or seeing it or wearing it. I almost declined to participate this month because of my lack of ruffled motivation and then I remembered this bold and dramatic…
6 Ways to Feel More Comfortable About the Way You Look
Do you ever struggle with self confidence? The older I get, the more I realize that self confidence is an fickle emotion that tends to come and go in waves for all of us. We may feel confidence in the way we look on Monday, only to feel awful about ourselves by Wednesday, returning to a place of self confidence on Friday. Repeat that cycle a million times and you have my life in a nutshell. But I am certain that I am not alone in this capricious cycle of self confidence. With a focus on the now, I think today is the perfect day for all of us to…
A Little Black Dress for Casual Days & Link Up On the Edge #243
It is finally Friday and I thought I may not survive this week! Last weekend’s festivities and celebrations completely wiped me out and set me way behind in my blogging obligations. I have spent every day this week trying to play catch up but fell a day behind on nearly everything that I attempted. To add insult to my already dead motivation was the fact that I was physically and mentally just pooped. My email inbox is currently overflowing with unanswered messages, I have not made my typical blogging and commenting rounds, and I feel awful about it all. But we cannot recuperate lost time. Once the day has passed,…
Happy Birth Month! What Does Your Birth Month Say About You?
Every May for the past five years, I have been joining Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood for her birthday celebration. And every May when I sit down to write the birthday post, I get stuck. I never know which angle to take because we have so many birthdays to celebrate in May. So this year, I am going to have a little fun with what our birth months say about our personalities. Of course, this is all just for entertainment, but sometimes these silly birth month predictions ring true. And even if they don’t, it is still rather entertaining, in my opinion. Born in May I am going to start…
Style Imitating Art: Sky above Clouds IV by Georgia O’Keeffe
Serendipity happened again this week with the Style Imitating Art prompt. I had photographed this particular outfit the day before the curated artwork was announced. As I sat down to edit the photos with my newly saved laptop wallpaper that is the chosen artwork, I quickly noticed that I could not have styled a better representation of the painting even if I had tried. When serendipity happens, I do like to just roll with it. So let’s get right to it… About Style Imitating Art Style Imitating Art is hosted by Daenel of Living Outside the Stacks, Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey, and Terri of Meadow Tree Style. Style Imitating Art challenges…
The Magnificent 8 in Our Fancy Pants
The term fancy pants has a rather negative connotation with every definition I have found using the word pretentious as the primary translation of this mid-19th century American idiom. But my magnificent friends and I are all far from pretentious in our versions of this month’s Fancy Pants theme. In fact, pretentious is the probably the opposite of what I am…even in my fancy pants. I think my entire outfit cost less than $50 and that includes my shoes which were probably around $30 (I can’t recall because they are a few years old now). I found these tie dye pants on a thrifting adventure last fall. I think they…
Ditsy Florals for a Ditzy Gal & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #220
I know it is the very end of April and you are probably thinking I should be less layered up. But let’s face it, it will not be warm enough here for true spring fashions until June at the earliest. In fact, just this morning my weather app was predicting snow flurries again this weekend…when the calendar flips to May. So bear with me for a few weeks longer and I will start to show a little more skin…it will be very pale pasty white skin, but a little exposure to the sun will do my translucent epidermis a world of good! Until then, however, I have been combining some…
The Fab 40’s are Inspired by Water
“A drop of water, if it could write out its own history, would explain the universe to us.” Lucy Larcom April showers may bring May flowers but this whimsical little adage forgets to mention that May flowers require April showers for their very existence. In fact, we all depend upon water for our own survival and existence. And sometimes I feel like maybe we neglect the importance and the power of this element. It deserves respect and celebration as the powerful force of nature that it is as well as recognition for its life sustaining properties. As we trudge through the early days of spring when it is still a…
Adventures in Thrifting Part 9: Creative Mending & Link Up On the Edge #241
I did it! I finally tackled my ever growing pile of mending and I got straight to the bottom of the pile in just a few short days. The bulk of my mending work was spent on this thrifted polka dotty dress from Zara. My local Salvation Army thrift store has been receiving excess and damaged products from Zara in abundance recently. There is one huge long clothing rack that is filled with just this brand. Most of the items still have the tags on them and are in brand new condition. Some of the items with tags do have minor damage like spots or perfume odors or slight tears…
Inspired by InStyle Magazine: Jodie Comer in Givenchy
I have not shared an Inspired by post since the beginning of January when I featured a thrifted men’s shirt styled as a dress that was inspired by my dear friend Grace of Graceful Rags. I suppose the reason it’s been so long since my last post is that I have been feeling very uninspired lately…as I am sure many of us are as we continue on in this weird, weird world of social distancing, half covered faces, and soul sucking isolation. Then a few weeks ago, Jodie of Jodie’s Touch of Style (not Jodie Comer) shared a post, Easy Ideas about Recreating Outfits From a Quirky Fendi Ad, featuring…