Journey into the Weekend & Link Up On the Edge #186
Y’all know I don’t often do straight up “what I am wearing” type of posts. But I have been trying my hand at some seriously deep thinking and philosophical writing this week that my mind might be too exhausted for sharing anything deep today. You will have to check out my profile on Medium to see some of the other things I have been writing. In case you don’t already know this little fact about me, I have my bachelors degree in Philosophy. I also majored in English with a minor in Religious Studies. I share this information because it evidences the fact that I have always had a passion…
Pantyhose That Don’t Suck: Sheertex Opaque Tights Review & Link Up On the Edge #185
You know how I love my tights. I would wear them all year round if the temperatures stayed mild enough on both ends of the seasonal spectrum. I love the way they feel. I love the way they make my legs look. I love the way they erase all the little blemishes and dimples that appear on these 45 year old limbs. I love the way they accentuate that curve of the calf and the way they highlight the contour of the thigh. But there are a few things that I don’t love about tights. I don’t love if they are too tight or too loose around the waist. There…
Festival Season is Coming & Link Up On the Edge #184
Y’all know that last summer was My Bluegrass Summer and I had the best time ever being introduced into the Bluegrass community. I made so many great friends and discovered so much amazing music that I cannot wait for this year’s festival season to kick off. While I will only to be able to attend a few due to budget and time constraints, there are so many great music festivals coming this summer that are within driving distance for this road tripping girl. As I was scoping around the internet to develop a basic plan for my festival travels this season, I figured why not share some of it with…
Winter Break & Link Up On the Edge #183
Every year during the week of President’s Day, my kids have a winter break from school. I am realizing that this is sort of unique to Northern New York as most other school districts only have Christmas break and Spring break. When you add in this third long break during the school year, the end result is that my kids don’t finish for the summer until the very last week of June. However, I have to say that I don’t mind this mid-winter recess because winters here in the North Country are long and cold and those old winter blues begin to take hold some time around Thanksgiving (yes, before…
Eggplant Inspiration & Link Up On the Edge #182
I know I talk about inspiration often, probably too often, but I guess it is our inspiration that gets us out of bed in the morning, pushes us to be creative, pulls at us to make a statement, motivates us to do things, something, anything. It could be as simple as what you are going to wear today. It could be something as monumental as how you plan on changing the world. Whatever it is, we find our inspiration all around us and sometimes in the very unlikeliest of places. Like produce. You know, fruits and vegetables. Now I suppose if you are inspired to create a new recipe from…
Nothing but a Whole Lot of Something & Link Up On the Edge #181
Lately, I have been really wracking my brain to find my writing angle. I know there is something big inside of me that needs to get. Something powerful that will help others in their own struggles. I know that I have the nerve to address the uncomfortable topics in life. I know that I have the capacity to articulate the things that people may need to hear. I know that some of the darkest places inside of me are the places that resonate with even the most distant strangers. And I know in my heart that it is important for me to share. My problem is finding exactly what it…
Friday Favorites 3 & Link Up On the Edge #180
I wasn’t sure if I would have enough things to share for another Friday Favorites post for a third consecutive week. But since I was trapped in a sick house for the better part of the week, I did quite a bit of Netflix binging among some other things that a person does when they are just sitting around feeling kind of gross. Watched/Watching Netflix Original Series Virgin River. It is a classic story of a big city professional (a nurse practitioner) who relocates to a small town to escape the pain in her past and start anew. Of course, she discovers that she brought her pain with her and…
Friday Favorites 2 & Link Up On the Edge #179
I am going to continue with Friday Favorites again this week since I received a positive response to it last week. So let’s get started. Watching Netflix: A stomach bug has struck our house so we have been just hanging around in our pajamas for the past few days. While the kids were curled up on the couch watching videos on their kindles in between napping, I took the opportunity to check out what Netflix had to offer. They so kindly suggested Irreplaceable You as a movie that I might enjoy. And I really did enjoy it. However, I went through a box of tissues because it is damn sad…
Friday Favorites 1 & Link Up On the Edge #178
I have never written a Friday Favorites post before. But since I am kind of exhausted from all the self reflection that I have been engaged in recently, I figured taking a break from such intensity and sharing some fun stuff instead was in order. Frankly, I am also just kind of tired from feeling all dredged down in the icky side of life and you may be sick of hearing about it. So let’s keep it light to kick off the weekend! I am sure you are all tired of reading about everyone’s new year’s resolutions, intentions, and goals or lack thereof. I shared some of my intentions last…
Reminder: The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-Sweaters/Jumpers & Link Up On the Edge #177
On January 15, Nancy and I will be posting the first edition of 2020 for The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book and we would love for you all to join us! It is that time again to share some of your favorite and least favorite items for January’s Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. This month we are featuring Sweaters and Jumpers. Whether they be long or short cardigans with or without buttons, chunky oversized knit pullovers, turtlenecks, cashmere or cotton, plain or embellished or anything in between, we want to see your favorite (or least favorite) sweaters or jumpers. We are firmly planted in cozy sweater weather in the Northern Hemisphere, however, sweaters are really a four season closet…