10 on the 10th: November 2022-10 Memories of the Holiday Season & Link Up On the Edge #321
I know that I have been saying the same thing each month, but seriously, how quickly the time is passing by! How has another month already gone and we are a third of the way through November? I cannot answer those questions for myself, but I can answer Marsha’s 10 on the 10th questions! 10 on the 10th is a monthly series with Marsha of Marsha in the Middle, Leslie of Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After, and Gail of Is This Mutton? Each month, we are presented with 10 questions about a common theme and asked to share our answers in blog post form. This series is such a wonderful way to share…
A Wabi-Sabi Worldview & Link Up On the Edge #320
Decades ago, I was introduced to the Japanese art of kintsugi, which is the practice of repairing broken pottery with a lacquer made of powdered gold, silver, or platinum. It is similar to the maki-e technique, which is a Japanese lacquer decoration used in all sorts of mediums from paintings to vases to decorative boxes and other trinkets. Kintsugi (“golden joinery”) or kintsukuroi (“golden repair”) is not just a practical art form for repairing damaged pottery, it is also a philosophy which views breakage and repair as an important part of the history of an object. The philosophy of kintsugi highlights rather than disguises where damage has occurred. By filling…
Reminder: The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-Workout Wear & Link Up On the Edge #318
It is time again to share your best and worst buys with us…this time from your Workout Wear! What is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book? It is a monthly series that Nancy and I both publish on our blogs on the 15th of each month. Anyone who would like to participate and be featured can send us their photos with a short description explaining if the item was a Good Buy or one that you will be saying Good-Bye to. You do not have to be a blogger to join. Anyone is welcome. We will give you the theme for the next month in each post. Photos will be due to us by…
Down on Copperline & Link Up On the Edge #317
I am not sure if the title of this post caught your attention or not, but I really hope it didn’t pique your interest very much. I chose it randomly as I was loading these images into WordPress and James Taylor’s song Copperline was running through my head like an annoying earworm. A very annoying earworm, indeed, because despite how much I love James Taylor’s music, Copperline is probably one of my least favorite songs of his. But it does apparently have a very catchy tune because the damn thing is still earworming me a day later. Even though this is not a favorite JT song of mine, the lyrics…
New Additions to My Spooky Halloween House & Link Up On the Edge #316
I was never really into Halloween until I had kids. And even then, it wasn’t a holiday that appealed to me. I would indulge all of the children’s costume whims and take them begging for candy even though my preference was always to stay at home and just buy bags of candy for us to enjoy without the door to door beggary. But as the children got older, they became so enthusiastic about Halloween that I could no longer get by with my measly generic attempts at holiday spirit. And when you can’t beat them, I find that joining them is much more rewarding anyway. So join them I did…
It’s Official! I Am a Certified Reiki Level II Practitioner & Link Up On the Edge #314
I had the most extraordinary weekend two weeks ago and I have been so excited to share it with you all. But then I caught the Back-to-School Crud and skipped my post last Friday altogether, pushing this one out another week. I did allude to it earlier this week though. You may have caught the Reiki reference in my crud poem… “...I used yoga and Reiki And resorted to prayer. No matter what I did The crud still made its way here..." It was a very intentional reference and I did use this cruddy sickness as an opportunity to practice my newly learned Reiki healing techniques on myself. While my…
The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book: Eyelet & Link Up On the Edge #313
Welcome to The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book! This is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. A series that I co-host with Nancy where you can choose whether you want to share a Good Buy (which is an item you are really exited about) or a Good-Bye (which is an item you are going to say good-bye to, previously known as a Bad Buy). Every month you can choose which item you want to submit. A Good Buy or a Good-Bye. We will provide the theme for each month. Photos should be submitted to us by the 10th of the month with a few sentences explaining why it is a Good Buy or Good-Bye. The theme for September is Eyelet. “Eyelet fabric is…
7 Ways to Surprise Your Disney-Loving Friends & Link Up On the Edge #312
Do you have any Disney-loving friends who seem impossible to shop for? If you’re struggling to find the perfect gift ideas for them, never fear. I am here to offer some out-of-the-box ideas that are sure to put a smile on the face of any Disney-lover. Walt Disney once said, “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” And that is precisely what I intend to show you how to do today – how to surprise your Disney-obsessed friends with magical gifts they will never forget. Check out these 7 Disney-inspired ideas that are sure to delight any Disney-loving friend on your gift giving list. 1. El Capitan Theatre What…
My Dining Room Makeover: Commonplace Creams to Gracious Greens & Link Up On the Edge #311
I might be the slowest person on earth with my home improvements, taking nearly 2 years just to complete 3 small areas in my house. But slow progress is still progress. Although I would like to pick up my progress pace. I began with my cloffice makeover in January 2021, tackling the smallest space in my home first. It took me an entire year to move on to the next smallest and easiest space, my happy hippie hallway, in January 2022. Eight months later, I decided on a whim to tackle my dining room because it had the least amount of furniture to be moved around. I had one week…
Reminder: The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-Eyelet & Link Up On the Edge #310
Summer in the northern hemisphere is quickly winding down as the children are getting ready to return to school (or have returned already) and the hot and humid temperatures are beginning to recede. Before we launch ourselves headfirst into fall fashion, Nancy and I have decided to have one last summer-inspired theme for this series this year. We have chosen Eyelet as our featured theme for September’s Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. If you are unfamiliar with eyelet, it is simply a fabric that is “characterized by small patterned cut-outs that are typically finished with embroidered stitches throughout the body of the fabric”. (Source) What is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book? It is a…