’Tis the Season for Gratitude & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #250

“I am happy because I’m grateful. I choose to be grateful. That gratitude allows me to be happy.”
Will Arnett

I began the year 2021 with a focus on perspective and gratitude so it seems fitting to head into the end of year holiday season with the same focus. The past two years have certainly changed all of us in one way or another. We have experienced good things in the midst of all the bad just the same as we experience bad things that can creep into our lives when everything seems good. The one thing that I have learned through all of it though is that none of it lacks value. In fact, it seems to be a solid truth of nature that the hardest things have the most value of all. Hurt and pain, disappointment and frustration, heartbreak and anger…all of the most unpleasant of human emotions…they are the very things that bring the most value to our lives.
I cannot even count how many times I have backed away from things in life because I was too afraid. Afraid of hurt and pain, disappointment and frustration, heartbreak and anger. Sometimes it’s just easier to not have to feel all those negative emotions. But without the negative emotions, we have a tendency to remain stagnant where we are, limiting our personal growth. We grow through the hurt and pain, the disappointment and frustration, the heartbreak and anger. And because growth comes out of pain, we should appreciate it on some level. Or at the very least, not be afraid of it.
So I am ending 2021 the same way that I began it…with a focus on perspective and gratitude.
I was going to paraphrase this wonderful article on Gratitude from Psychology Today about the benefits of practicing gratitude, but instead I will just refer you to the article itself. It describes the emotion of gratitude as well as the personality trait. Those who are more naturally inclined with a grateful nature tend to experience more happiness than those who struggle to feel gratitude. And I have to say from personal experience, it’s true.
So why not approach this holiday season as the season for gratitude and try to maintain that sentiment all the year through!

“When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and the tide of love rushes in.”
Kristin Armstrong

“Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.”
Doris Day

“No duty is more urgent than giving thanks.”
James Allen

“For my part, I am almost contented just now, and very thankful. Gratitude is a divine emotion: it fills the heart, but not to bursting; it warms it, but not to fever.”
Charlotte Brontë
About my outfit: I recently scored this blue plaid duster from Torrid clearance and thought it would make for a wonderful casual Thanksgiving outfit. I kept everything in blues and grays and black with a pair of boyfriend jeans, a black turtleneck, and my new black lug sole booties from ShoeDazzle. (If you are a shoe collector like me, do check out their insane Black Friday sales. I swear you won’t regret it!)
I bought these boots as a “sort of” replacement for my new Doc Martens. I love my new Docs, but I have to say they are so damn heavy that when I walk Ralph to school I feel like I ran a marathon rather than took a leisurely 4 block round trip walk. I have been wearing these ShoeDazzle boots nearly every day since I got them and the Docs have been banished to their shoe box for the time being. I am sure I will wear them again. They will be great when it gets really cold and snowy here. In the meantime, perhaps I should work on my leg strength so my boots don’t poop me out entirely!
I also wanted to draw your attention to my gorgeous new dragonfly earrings. They were the perfect compliment to all the blues and grays in my outfit. I received them in the mail a few weeks back from one of my wonderful new goddess friends. It was such a lovely surprise and I have been bursting to share them with you all.
I am so grateful for so many things this year including generous and kind goddess friends. I also feel like I am in possession of more riches than any one woman could possibly desire. I am blessed beyond words and fortunate beyond my own comprehension. And as such, gratitude will reign supreme in my life for the rest of my days.
What are you grateful for this season?
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked): Marsha of Marsha in the Middle

Fashion Favorite: Alison of Midlife and Beyond

Non-Fashion (But Still Fashion) Favorite: Sheila of Ephemera

Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Duster and Jeans-Torrid / Turtleneck-Charlotte Russe / Boots-ShoeDazzle / Gloves-Amazon / Belt-BedStu / Hat-Wona Trading / Necklace-Thrifted / Earrings-Goddess Gifted

This is such a cosy autumn outfit! that duster is a real statement piece and works so well with the colours of your outfit! 🙂
I agree it’s important to focus on the things we can be grateful for – we often have more things to give thanks for than we think!
Thanks for the link up!
Hope that your week is off to a good start 🙂
Thanks so much, Mica! I agree with you completely…we definitely have much more to be thankful for than we even realize. I think we spend too much time seeking out more, more, more that we forget how much we already have!
Kathrine Eldridge
You hit the nail right on the head my friend. We do need to sit with the not so good emotions because it only makes us grow and gives life more value. I had to hear that again so thanks for sharing. Love how you styled this chic duster my friend and thanks for the link up!
Thank you so very much, Kathrine! I am glad that I could offer a little reminder on the value of our hurt and pain. And I know that you know all too well what wonderful things can come out of our most painful experiences. Keep shining your bright, beautiful light into the world, my friend!
I’m trying to focus on gratitide as well! Love your outfit!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks, Jennifer! Gratitude is definitely a game changer!
Michele Morin
My husband gave me dragonfly earrings for my birthday. Favorites now!
Oooh, I love that, Michele! My most cherished pieces of jewelry have all been meaningful gifts from special people!
I’ve been trying to write in my gratitude journal daily. It’s so easy to get caught up in the negative. Love this relaxed chic look on you! Such a fabulous duster! Happy Thanksgiving!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thank you so very much, Jill! I still have not started a gratitude journal but I do focus on gratitude every single day! And I focus on shifting my perspective back to gratitude whenever I start feeling kind of crummy about things. Gratitude really is a game changer! Happy Thanksgiving to you as well, my friend.
I love this fall outfit. That duster is incredible!
Thanks so much, Amy! I was so happy with this purchase!
jess jannenga
I remember when we were younger we would all go around the table at Thanksgiving and say what we were thankful for. I often think of what I am grateful for and what i have been given. It is so important to do this and appreciate what we have. Love the quotes, especially the Doris day one.
Your outfit looks aweseome! Love the plaid duster with the boyfriend jeans and those boots look great! I asked Santa for a pair of brown combats, so I am hoping they aren’t too heavy!
Have a Happy Thanksgivng Shelbee!
jess xx
Thank you, Jess! Yes, I remember the Thanksgiving go-around-the-table-gratitude talks! I hope you get your brown combats! Just maybe don’t go for Docs! Haha.
Kellyann Rohr
I love the quotes you used – they are all like gold. And that duster? Yes, you majorly lucked out with that one. I would love one just like it – perfect. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! It is a fabulous duster! I am so happy with it. I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving as well, my friend.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
That is such a fun fall look!
Thanks, Tamar!
Marsha Banks
Oh, Shelbee, I need to read this every doggone day! I have struggled with keeping my spirits up over the last couple of years…for many reasons. I even write a monthly article for my church originally based on gratitude! I may need to go back and reread those. I saw something on social media saying we should emerge from the many situations over the last four years a changed person. I am trying to figure out how ive changed or even if I’ve changed. You, my friend, keep me thinking!
I simply adore that duster! Plaid and a duster? Gold! Love the entire look!
Marsha, thank you so much, my friend! When I look back over the years of my life, I realize that I have changed exponentially sometimes in just a matter of a few short months…depending on the life experiences that are happening. Honestly, I feel like I emerge as a new person every time I have to just process some crappy feelings. Haha. So I am betting you have changed more than you know! Revisiting gratitude and shifting our perspectives are easy ways to get us to where we want to be going! I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Marsha Banks
And thanks for the shout out! I may have jumped up and rushed across the room to show Nigel!! And, as always, thanks for the link up!
Haha, you are very welcome, my friend! You just gave me the biggest smile ever! I get super excited when I am featured, too!
I remember reading (I can’t remember where unfortunately) that any emotion that you visit regularly is like making a path through the woods. The more often you travel it, the easier it gets to travel as you tramp down the weeds, break off the interfering branches, etc. With each jaunt the path becomes easier to traverse. So you’d better choose which emotion you are visiting carefully. You can visit anger, and sadness or you can visit gratitude and optimism. I’ve always remembered that and sincerely try not to visit the emotions I don’t want to rule me.
I realize that many feel it is better to experience your emotions, and while I don’t disagree entirely, my agreement is only up to a point. While that emotion is useful – helping you to make changes way from a negative place – then yes, experience it. But allowing anger to become a familiar friend? No.
Gratitude is a good antidote to such emotions.
Love that duster! Fun outfit.
Michelle, thank you so much for sharing this comment. I love that analogy of our emotions being like a wooded path. And I agree that I never want to visit the ugly emotions more often than necessary, but it is definitely true that they are easier to process each time you encounter them. I don’t like to let feelings like anger fester for long though, so I do like to visit them quickly and get through to the other side. Gratitude really is a wonderful antidote for that! It can shift you right out of a bad space pretty quickly. I hope you are having a wonderful week!
Oh those earrings are so perfect. I love dragonflies and have a gorgeous precious dragonfly brooche. I’m glad that you have so much to be grateful for. Being grateful, to be able to be grateful(lots of people take everything for granted) is a beautiful thing. I’m grateful every day! For this amazing life!
Thank you so much, Nancy! I love dragonflies! And your attitude. And my amazing life, too. It really is something special to wake up every day with another chance at life. I am grateful for that simple fact every day. The rest is just icing on the cake!
Midlife and Beyond
What a great autumnal outfit, Shelbee. I love the duster with the jeans and those boots are fabulous, right up my street! I find the older I get the more appreciative and grateful I am. Especially, my family keeping healthy both in mind and body. It is such a testing time for everyone the world over. Thank you so much for the feature – enjoy the rest of your week. xx
Thanks so much, Alison! I can totally see you wearing an outfit just like this and looking completely fabulous in it, too! Keeping a perspective of gratitude has really changed my life this past year. It’s almost as if once you gain that perspective, you can’t lose it again! I hope you have a wonderful week as well, my friend!
Christina Morley
I normally say something about your outfit, but today what stood out for me was how lovely your hair is looking!
I’m so happy that you are in a good headspace and able to be grateful. I still remember the anxiety you faced with having to avoid people and then having to go grocery shopping. I think many of us felt it but some more intensely than others.
I wish your family a blessed Thanksgiving!
Thanks so much, Tina! I haven’t had my hair cut in about 2 years so it is just growing and growing and growing! I probably should go get it trimmed soon. My headspace got a little foggy yesterday with anxiety over taking the kids to the doctor for physicals. I get such terrible anxiety going to the doctor’s office for any reason. I started panicking 4 different times to the point that I had to take my mask off for fear I was going to pass out. But somehow because of my new outlook and perspective, I got through it all pretty easily compared to other times! I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving as well, my friend!
Christina Morley
Oh, that’s awful! I have bumped my car driving to the doctors with a sick kid. And I have had the shakes too when typing a text message to my husband while sitting in the waiting room. It’s just anxiety and stress. So, I totally understand, even if they aren’t sick! 🙂
I forgot to say how pretty your photos are and I love the setting of the autumn woods!
Aw, Tina, thanks so much for sharing that. It was all just anxiety and I have become quite well equipped over the years in dealing with it, but sometimes it still sneaks up on me! But all is good now!
Jacqui Berry
Love it Shelbee, you always look so well put together. Thanks for hosting the linkup. Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! I really appreciate that!
You look stunning! Wonderful and Lovely Post dear! xoxo
Thanks so much, Jennifer!
What a beautiful post! Than you for sharing this. Those quotes really put things in perspective and I think it’s important to have gratitude, especially during the holiday season. Your outfit looks so cozy and cute too!!
Aw, thanks so much, Lizzie! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend.
Laura Bambrick
I know what you mean about Doc Martens! How did we wear those all the time in high school? Haha! These are super cute that you have on and have the same vibe!
Thanks, Laura! I have two other pairs of Doc Martens that are not anywhere near as heavy as the new ones I bought. Although maybe I should stop being such a wimp about it and wear the boots for a good leg workout! I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving, my friend!
Rosemary Davis
You are so right about gratitude being the first step to happiness and contentment! Sometimes, we slip and forget. But, thankfully we remember and find our way.
Thanks for being here and bringing us all together.
Happy Thankgiving!
Aw, thank you so very much for this lovely comment, Rosemary! I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving!
jodie filogomo
You always know how to talk about the right thing at the right time. Life is never easy all of the time, but we certainly learn a lot from the “bad” times and try not to be afraid of it!!
Love the outfit, and that duster is really something special especially since it was on sale.
Oh, thank you so much, Jodie! Keeping perspective is the best way to maintain that proper balance between all the good and bad things. And learning to appreciate the value in all of it has been life changing! I hope you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving, my friend.
Your reminder to “… approach this holiday season as the season for gratitude and try to maintain that sentiment all the year through” is just so perfect. Thank you for sharing it and I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.
Thank you so very much, Rena! I hope you and your family have a very blessed Thanksgiving as well!
I LOVE your beanie!!
Thanks so much, Alexandra!
What a fabulous outfit!!
Thanks so much, Joanne!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
That plaid button down duster is so fun! I am going to take a look at that article. I have a gratitude journal I was gifted and I haven’t used it yet. I want to start using it daily. Yes, since Covid I have felt just kind of off in my life and I’m really wanting to bounce back from it.
Thanks, Carrie! I really enjoyed the parts in the article about having a personality of gratitude and how it really does go hand in hand with happiness levels. I think the gratitude journal will help you get back on track! I don’t use one but I have been doing a lot of the same type of stuff when I meditate and do my energy/chakra yoga work. I have definitely bounced back a lot since this time last year. Sending you lots of positive energy! Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.
Patrick Weseman
Looking very nice. Grateful that we are friends. I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thanks for always hosting this great party.
Thanks, Patrick! I am grateful that we are friends as well! I love this fun little online community and all of the wonderful friends I’ve made! I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Cheryl Shops
While 2021 has been somewhat of a sh*tshow, I am at least grateful that it’s (almost) over and that my loved ones and I are still standing. On a lighter note, I love this nod to the grunge era that you’re wearing today. Happy Thanksgiving, friend!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! I, too, am grateful for all the small things…waking up every day to have another chance at life is one of those things! But maybe that’s actually not a very small thing at all! I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving as well, my friend!
Emma Peach
Fabulous cosy outfit! I love the plaid duster. I had no idea Doc Martens were so heavy – I’ve never owned any. Despite the turbulent past couple of years there is much to be grateful for. I try to remember that when I’m feeling a bit low or grumpy. Have a great rest of the week!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! I have other pairs of Doc Martens that are not nearly as heavy as these. I think it may just be the specific style that I bought! Yes, keeping a perspective of gratitude definitely helps to get through the more troublesome things in life!
OMG you look so lovely!
Thanks and keep sharing great content.
Diana – http://www.hijab-style.com
Aw, thanks so much, Diana! I really appreciate that!
Another fab outfit and I’d already spooted the dragonfly earings before you drew attention to them. I write a weekly One Daily Positive post and post a photo a day in an attempt to focus on the good things in life. Thanks for linking with #pocolo
Thanks so much, Suzanne! I love your concept of One Daily Positive! I will be sure to check out those posts!