Thoughts About Plaid with EvaTrends & Link Up On the Edge #123

It is no secret that I adore plaid and that I love the selection of clothing from EvaTrends. So when I was asked to collaborate with them by sharing 3 items of my choosing, I simply could not resist this adorable Plaid Leisure Dress. The last EvaTrends dress I shared was all about the leopard print, another favorite pattern of mine. But leopard is a print that I had to grow to love whereas I think I came into this world with a strong affection for all things plaid.
There is just something about the lines and colors of a tartan that make me feel nostalgic for a time that existed long before I did. A time that was innocent and proud, hard working and pure. The way the various colors of different tartans are woven together to create the perfect combination that is simple yet intricate make me yearn for days gone by. But since we can never get back time that has passed, we must be content in the present. And in the present, I have this really cute and super comfortable plaid dress to showcase.

You also know that I love words. Probably more than I love plaid. And quotes. Quotes which are the brilliant stringing together of beautiful words to create impact and meaning. But did you know that there are actually some pretty magnificent quotes out there that revolve around tartan and plaid? That’s really freaking cool, in my humble quote-loving opinion. Let me share.
“Nowhere beats the heart so kindly as beneath the tartan plaid.”
-William Edmondstoune Aytoun
“Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaids comes easy.”
-Albert Einstein
“When I was young and bold and strong, The right was right, the wrong was wrong. With plume on high and flag unfurled, I rode away to right the world. But now I’m old – and good and bad, Are woven in a crazy plaid. I sit and say the world is so, And wise is s/he who lets it go.”
-Dorothy Parker
“What if in Scotland’s wilds we viel’d our head, Where tempests whistle round the sordid bed; Where the rug’s two-fold use we might display, By night a blanket, and a plaid by day.”
-Oliver Goldsmith
“It is always confusing why anyone would choose to wear a plaid shirt.”
-Daniel Handler
“You wake up one morning and there it is, sitting in an old plaid bathrobe in your kitchen, unpleasant and unshaved. You look at it, heart sinking. Madness is a rotten guest.”
-Marya Hornbacher
“You should see Nina’s clan tartan,” she said, pouring herself more tea. “It’s white with orange, green, and royal blue. Horrendous.”
“We took to calling any obnoxious pattern Clan MacGarish,” I said.
“Or MacHideous,” added Laurence.
“MacUgly,” I continued.
“MacClash,” he countered.”
― Molly Ringle, What Scotland Taught Me
“When I pictured myself, it was always like just an outline in a coloring book, with the inside not yet completed. All the standard features were there. but the colors, the zigzags and plaids, the bits and pieces that made up me, Halley, weren’t yet in place. Scarlett’s vibrant reds and golds helped some, but I was still waiting.”
-Sarah Dessen
“Certainly in days past no one ever sat down to design a plaid for the MacLumphas and wove into the texture blue for the varicose veins, red for the bloodshot eyes and purple for the claret nose of the clan chief.”
-Micheil Macdonald
“All of a sudden I had to remember some words that Marlowe had told me over fifteen years ago: ‘Dead men don’t wear plaid.’ Hmm… Dead men don’t wear plaid. I still don’t know what it means.”
-Steve Martin
Plaid is a pattern that speaks to my heart and soul and I’m not sure the reason. But whatever it is, you can be sure that if you show me something plaid, I will instantly love it.
As far as this dress goes, it is a heavy sweatshirt type knit on the sleeves and the front and back are a little longer than the sides. The cuffs are trimmed in the same tweed like plaid as the front and back panels of the dress and all have a raw fringed hem. The inside is super soft and the weight is substantial enough to keep me warm during my cold flashes. My only complaint is that the frayed edges kept shedding and I was pulling long strings off of my dress all day. I suspect, however, that once the fray hits the stitching, it will stop and then my dress will be the perfect plaid piece and one of my favorites in my wardrobe. If you are looking to add some unique pieces to your winter wardrobe, you should definitely check out EvaTrends. They are offering my readers 15% off your entire order using code SH15 at checkout. Happy shopping!
Are there any prints or patterns that just really grab hold of you in this way? Or am I just a really strange bird? Any answer will do. I have no shame in my odd passions! Quotes, plaids, tartans, words, clothes, shoes, and such. All bring me such joy! And so do your comments!
And now your featured favorites from last week’s link up.
Carrie of Curly Crafty Mom shared her post, 3 Must Have Looks from PinkBlush. I always adore Carrie’s easy on-trend styles. She makes everything look great!

Corinne of Wondermom Wannabe is killing me with her Eggnog Truffles recipe. Two of my favorite holiday things include truffles and eggnog. Then she went and combined them into one amazingly delectable thing and I am dying right now! Must make these soon.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
That coat is amazing!
Thanks, Tamar! It is at least 20 years old and I have worn it every winter since I got it. It never goes out of style! Have a wonderful weekend!
Kathrine Eldridge
Love this very modern plaid dress! I adore the sleeves. Thanks for the link up Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! It really is a fun unique dress! I got so many compliments on it. Have a fantastic weekend, my friend!
Robin LaMonte
I love this tartan plaid dress on you!
I have never seen one quite like it before.
I am sitting here looking at all the bloggers who have posted cookie recipes and they have made me hungry!
I will enjoy popping over to their blogs to get their recipes!
Merry Christmas!
Thanks so much, Robin! It was the uniqueness of this dress that immediately drew me to it! And I hear you about the cookie recipes! I want all the cookies right now especially since I have been on a 7 day cleanse of only fresh fruits and veggies! More on that next week. Have a magnificent weekend!
Julie | This Main Line Life
I love that Dorothy Parker quote. So true. Have a great weekend.
It is a good one, for sure, Julie! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.
Who knew there were so many quotes with “plaid”? You really look fantastic in this dress, it is so unique.
Thank you so much, Kim! I was shocked to find all the plaid quotes! I did search without much hope and was pleasantly surprised! Have a fantastic weekend, my friend.
Michele Morin
You do such good work! Every post is a delight to see and to read!
Thank you so much, Michele! That means so much to me. Have a fantastic weekend!
jodie filogomo
How funny…I never knew there were so many quotes about plaid.
I do love it. But my favorite is probably houndstooth (maybe there’s a correlation since I used to be a dentist…haha)?
Thanks, Jodie! I was surprised myself to find so many quotes that included plaid and I was so excited about it, too. Oh, the silly things that make my heart sing! And I think your dental background is exactly the reason you have a passion for houndstooth! It makes total sense! Have a fantastic weekend, my friend.
Seriously, how cute are you!!? That dress is adorable and I love it with those boots!
Thank you so much, Laura! You are too sweet! Have a great weekend!
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
What a cool and fashionable piece Shelbee – I love how you are wearing different styles now! Love the plaid and you look so great! Stay warm!! Maria
Thank you so much, Maria! I try to mix it up with my fashion choices to keep it interesting! I hope you have a fantastic weekend.
Love your style! So perfect!
xo, Joling
Thank you so much, Joling! Have a fantastic weekend!
Rachael Thomas
I love this dress on you Shelbee! The cut is so fun, yet the tartan adds a classic touch. I love it paired with the boots!
Thank you, Rachael! I was uncertain about the shapeless fit for my body type, but I do love this dress now that I put it on and took the photos! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Karren Haller
You always make fashion fun!! Love where you took the photos, beautiful surroundings!!
Dont forget to stop by and share on either #omhgff Link in Profile or
#Omhgww http://ohmyheartsiegirl.com/heartsie-girls-wonderful-wednesday-136 in progress
Have a lovely week, Holiday Greetings!
Thank you so much, Karren! I try to keep the fun in everyday living! Finally making my link up rounds now on this cold, snowy Satruday morning. Have a fantastic weekend!
Cheryl Shops
Loving the plaid dress and your fun tassel necklace, Shelbee! Both are really unique and fun. Have a fantastic weekend, and thanks for hosting!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thank you so much, Cheryl! This dress was a love at first sight piece. And I have had this necklace forever. It is a staple in my wardrobe! Have a fabulous weekend, my friend.
I love the way you wore that plaid, the tweed design on the bottom sure makes it look expensive! Love the idea of infusing quotes throughout the post – lovely post!
Angela | http://www.lenorth.com
Thank you so much, Angela! This dress feels expensive, too! And I do love a good quote…especially when I lose my own words, quotes save me! Have a fantastic weekend.
And you are great with words…as well as styling plaid. 😉 That being said I’m with you on this plaid…love it. Now how did you find a quote that goes along with plaid?? Only you girl!!
Ha! Thanks, Chrissy! A little Google and then searching! What DID we do before Google?!
super cute! I love plaid and I love your boots! Have a great weekend xx
Thank you, Tianna! I do love these boots, too! I think I want them in another color! Have a great weekend, my friend.
The quotes are a great touch this week! laurensparks.net
Thank you, Lauren! I always love a good quote…because words make my heart sing! Have a fabulous weekend, my friend.
Lisa Richardson
I swear the Eva Trends site has so much stuff on it and every time someone does a post, I’m all…I didn’t even see that. LOL. I’m mad for plaid these days too. You wear it so well, Shelbee!!!
Thank you so much, Lisa! This dress is by far one of my favorite pieces that I have ever been gifted fro my blog. And I agree, there are so many cute EvaTrends pieces and no one has been featuring the same ones! I hope you have the most wonderful weekend.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
You are too, too sweet to feature me, sweet friend! I hope you have a glorious weekend! I just love this dress from EvaTrends, the houndstooth pattern with the color is so pretty and I love how your boots pick up a touch of the burgundy in the dress!
Carrie, thank you so very much! I literally fell in love at first sight with this dress! I want to try wearing it with a bunch of different colors of boots to draw out the different colors. And thank you for inspiring us all with your fun style! Have a fantastic weekend.
I love your fashion sense and style. However, I think that you are very great and so everything looks good on you.
would you like to be a friend and follow each other? If you follow me,
I’ll follow you back. Thank you! ^^
Thank you so much, Roseline! I am heading over to check out your blog now. Have a fantastic weekend!
love that dress and the jacket!!
Thanks so much, Stephanie! Have a fantastic weekend!
Sorry, I am a bit late! What a fabulous boots, love the color and the print is ons I adore! Have a great weekend dear Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Nancy! I am always a bit late so no worries! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
Wow Shelbee what a wonderful style. you look gorgeous!
Thanks so much, Tina! I hope you are having a lovely weekend!
Emma Peach
I love your dress Shelbee, it’s so unusual. Hopefully it will stop fraying and not completely unravel!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! It is very unusual which is what drew me to it. I washed it and it stayed in tact so there is hope that it won’t unravel!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very nice in plaid. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend.
Thank you very much, Patrick! I hope your weekend is fantastic as well.
You look amazing! I adore plaid and that dress is super cute on you!!!!
Thanks so much, Becky! Have a wonderful week, my friend!
Looking hot enough to melt the snow
Ha! Best compliment, Paul! Thank you!
Elizabeth Ramsey
Love how the colors liven up the basic black and white houndstooth!
Thanks, Betsy! It is a really cool color pattern within the houndstooth. I was drawn to it right away. I hope you have a wonderful week!
Such a gorgeous look!I love the dress! Carrie looks awesome!
Edwige | http://www.hypnozglam.com
Thanks so much, Edwige!
Barbara Chapman
Ahhhh, sooo cute, Shelbee! My mother would have wanted this houndstooth plaid jumper for Christmas!!! (I think it’s houndstooth…) It is super cute! I think it’s our Scottish heritage which is why we look good in plaid. Oh, and I laughed at some of the great plaid quotes you found!!! On a side note, Ancestry.com says I am at least 40% Scots with all my ancestors coming from Nova Scotia (did I tell you this before??).
Thank you for hosting the party, too. I haven’t done any fashion style posts but this one everyone might really enjoy: DFW Costumers Guild tea. I went with another blogger friend you may know, Laura Ingalls Gunn of Decor to Adore. Sooo fun and it was like stepping back in time!
Happy Christmas season to you and I love your boots, too. Pinned several photos. <3
Hugs and blessings,
Barb 🙂
Thanks so much, Barb! That tea sounds like such a fun time…I love stepping back in time! And it is so cool to find out the detailed information about our ancestry, isn’t it? My DNA showed that I am 98% Northern European (which I basically knew), but what really fascinated me was that about 45% of my DNA is very closely matched to that of the Ashkenazi Jews. That I never knew! I grew up knowing that my great grandparents and great-great grandparents came from Italy, Sweden, Wales, Austria-Hungary, and various areas of Slovakian regions. Perhaps it is my Welsh heritage that makes me love plaid so much!
Merry Christmas to you and your family and friends!
Just perfect Michelle – the houndstooth print dress is a gorgeous garment and it just looks so festive.
Thank you so much, Lorena! I will definitely be wearing this cozy dress often!