The World Is Your Oyster & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #10
Did you ever hear that phrase? It is one that I have carried with me for many, many years. There once was a very influential man in my life…when I was in my mid-twenties. I was going through a divorce. I was still trying to discover myself. I was trying to figure out the person whom I wanted to be. I was working full time and going to law school at night. I was driven. I was determined. I was spiraling out of control. Much of this period in my life is really just a blur. It is sort of unfortunate that I don’t recollect much of it. Or maybe not. Perhaps it is better that I don’t remember the crazy. The crazy that was me. And the havoc that I very possibly may have been unknowingly subjecting others to. Ah, it is in the past now and we have all moved on.
While I may forgotten a lot, I do remember this man. He was fifteen years my senior. He was my boss. He was my mentor. He was my support system. He became my best friend. And eventually because the crazy got to be too much even for me, we lost touch. However, I had the opportunity to meet up with him this past weekend in New York City. After twelve years. Twelve years is quite a long time. And so much as changed. For me especially.
We met for coffee and our meeting was brief because I had other engagements scheduled. While I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation and catching on topics such as family, kids, work, and people we used to know, an hour and a half just was not enough time to say all the things. All the things that I wanted to say. So I’m just going to say them here.
One phrase he always said to me was “The world is your oyster.” I think, at the time, I didn’t really understand. I was a child really. I was only in the early years of discovering myself. I had no idea what opportunities were out in the world. No idea at all. I worked in New York City and it was face paced. And I worked hard. And I worked long. And I had so much energy (if only I had half that energy now). I was young, single, without kids. My only obligations were work and fun. And boy oh boy, did I have fun. Probably too much fun. But maybe not. Maybe that is when a person was supposed to have fun. And I think he knew that. So he pushed me to work hard and to have fun. Things he did and said back then confused the hell out of me. But now…in hindsight…he really is a brilliant man and the things he did and said make so much sense now.
He encouraged me when I needed encouraging. He taught me when I needed learning. He soothed me when I was hurting. He calmed me when I felt crazy. He pushed me when I needed pushing. And he pushed me away when I needed to start figuring shit out on my own. And I’m pretty certain that pissed me off back then. But now, twelve years down the road, after I have, in fact, figured shit out on my own, I realize the genius behind what he did. And for that, I need to say thank you. Thank you so very much for knowing what you were doing when I had absolutely no clue. Thank you for making me stand on my own. Thank you for always doing right by me. And thank you for making me realize…finally…that world is indeed my oyster.
After this wonderful reunion, I hurried off to meet the fabulous Sheela Goh of Sheela Writes. And I must say this…she is even more magnificent in person. She is astoundingly beautiful with the most soothing accent and calming voice. But more importantly, she is so genuine and sincere and kind and warm and welcoming and smart. And funny. Quite funny, indeed. Oh, how we laughed. Our time together was also harried due to obligations that Sheela had, but it was like we had known each other for years and we were just catching up. We couldn’t speak fast enough to fit in all the topics we wanted to discuss. We never missed a beat…not a moment of awkwardness was to be found. And I have to say that I left there feeling exhilarated. And without ever speaking the words, Sheela essentially has reaffirmed for me that the world still is my oyster. So thank you for that, Sheela. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Spending time with an old friend and a new friend on the very same day has left me feeling motivated and quite invincible…like I could conquer the world. Thank you both for being your amazing selves and pushing me to think beyond my own limits. The world is my oyster. And it is yours, too.
Outfit Details
Dress: Kohl’s Apt. 9 Ribbed Sweater Dress.
Polka Dot Top: StyleWe Zijue Crew Neck Bow Polka Dots Short Sleeve Blouse (No longer available in black. Only available in red.)
Boots: Charlotte Russe Qupid Drawstring Flat Over-the-Knee Boots in Burgundy.
Coat: Target.
Has anyone ever had that kind of impact on your life? Has a simple phrase carried so much meaning that it has stuck with you for a lifetime?
And now it is time to #SpreadTheKindness.
Your favorites posts from last week were…
Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood with her post Currently, February 2017.
And Kayte of Mass Musings with her post Comfort Is Key.
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Sarah Lennon
So many cute outfits! I love how creative you are, even with all that snow!
Sarah, thank you so much! When you are buried in snow, it’s the little things like cute clothes that get you through the winter!
jodie filogomo
Wow, Shelbee, what a fabulous day that must have been.
It is amazing how we gain so much knowledge and perspective as we get older!
So your title is so apropos —we can change the world!!
So true, Jodie. And I love the concept of we can change the world…in fact, we have been doing just that for all of the generations before us. (I just got my kids tee shirts with the phrase “I can change the world.”)
By the way, when I was researching the origin of the phrase “the world is your oyster”, I kind of got stuck on the interpretation but you just made it so clear. It is from Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor and the actual phrase is this: “Why then the world’s mine oyster, Which I with sword will open.” And now I see that oftentimes, we must arm ourselves in our efforts to make changes…whether that be literal or figurative. I choose to arm myself with words (and cute clothes)! Writing has always been my best weapon, my best outlet, my best way to communicate. The world is my oyster and I am armed with my words!
Thanks so much for your always thoughtful and throught-provoking comments, Jodie! (You are at the top of my list of bloggers whom I would love to meet in person one day, by the way! I think we would have fabulously stimulating conversation!)
How lovely to meet up with some blogger friends! Hope your day has been filled with love Shelbee. I’m sure it has xx
Laurie, thank you so much for this lovely comment.
Kathrine Eldridge
Good for you for seeing the wisdom that your friend had. So glad you could meet up and have this revelation. Thanks for sharing your story. Love this chic look and I adore that coat! Thanks so much for the link up and Happy Valentine’s Day!
Kathrine, thank you so much, It is amazing the clarity that comes with age, isn’t it? If only we could have such wisdom when we are young and crazy! I guess that is why it is important for us now to share our wisdom with the younger generations and hope that eventually they learn and grow from it. Have a fabulous day!
One phrase that has stuck with me throughout my life is something my mother always said — “this too shall pass”. Whenever I’m struggling or afraid, I think of her and say that phrase and it does help immeasurable. Thanks for sharing this, Shelbee!
Maggie, thank you for sharing that. That is a phrase my mother often said as well and one that has stuck with me, too. It really is quite helpful and quite true…because it does seem that the hard times always do pass and just having a little bit of confidence that they will pass is often enough to get you through.
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
You look sooo amazing Shelbee. This Outfit is fabulous. And you had a date with Sheela! Great! xoxo
Thanks so much, Tina! I did have a date with Sheela and it was amazing!
Love the boots!!! Such a great color on you!!!!
Stephanie, thank you so much! Have a fabulus day.
Sammy Hayes
Loving those boots shell. Also so happy for you that you got to meet Sheila – she seems like such an dynamic person to be around 🙂
Thank you so much, Sammy! I am so glad to see you back at the blogging thing again and feeling inspired! Sheela is very dynamic and her energy is completely contagious!
What a great day! I really think we all need older and younger friends, and ones we have known for a long time as well as new ones. They all help us to grow in different ways…
I absolutely love your outfit! The OTK boots are fabulous, and I’ve been eyeing a white/off-white coat for a long time now…
Andrea, thank you so much for such a wonderful comment. It is so true that we can learn from everyone who comes into our lives…one way or another. And if we are on the lookout for these lessons, we will always continue to grow.
By the way, I found this coat in the Target clearance for around $20. I have one from many years ago, but it seems to have shrunk! Ha.
Have a lovely day!
Some great advice for anyone Shelbee, glad you had a good time. Thanks for hosting the link up. Jacqui
Jacqui, thank you so much for the lovely comment! Have a fabulous day!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
You are such a great writer. I always enjoy reading your posts and they are so meaningful and I always take something away from them. Love how you got to meet your old friend, it sounds like he was placed in your life when you most needed him. And, meeting blog friends is always the best! Polka dots and burgundy boots, such a perfect combo!
Carrie, thank you so much. That is one of the best compliments a writer can receive! Validation that what I am writing has meaning and importance to someone other than myself. I cannot thank you enough for that!
Patrick Weseman
Very cool, that you were able to meet up with him. I glad that you did.
Thanks for hosting and have a great rest of the week.
It definitely was pretty awesome, Patrick! Thanks so much for stopping by.
Anne the Spygirl
Another wonderful read, my friend.
Love what you’ve been writing for this series. Don’t you dare stop!
I’ll add Adele to the mix, since I sketched her at lunch today.
Anne, you are too kind! And I don’t plan on stopping any time soon! #SpreadingTheKindness is my mission and it is a very important on at that! Yes to Adele!
Michelle, the world is your oyster, my friend, and you are its pearl … glorious and lustrous! You were very lucky to have had such a wonderful friend/guide/mentor all those years ago. And how fabulous for you and Sheela to meet in person. I’m still pumped from our meeting in December as well as from the blogger meet up this past weekend in Arizona. You look fabulous as always and thank you for the link up.
Rena, thank you so much! I am totally still excited about our meet up in December. I love that I now have had the opportunity to meet 3 fabulous bloggers! I do hope you are writing a post about the Arizona blogger meet up. I am super excited to read about it!
Anna Marcus
I admire your determination and hard work ethics, Shelbee, they are so important in life. Love the outfits, you look great
Anna, thank you so much.
Debbie Stinedurf
Fabulous advice and a beautiful post. So glad that you got to meet up with him again after all of these years. I’m sure that you are, but send him this post! And soooo…jealous that you got to meet Sheela! She is an amazing human being. 🙂
Debbie, thank you so much! (And yes, I did send him the post!) It was so amazing to meet Sheela! And I hope someday that I get the chance to meet you in person, too!
LOVE this post. I feel like days like that are such a gift! I’m so glad you got to see your old friend and mentor and then a new friend too. It does make you feel invincibile!
Vicky, thanks so much! It really was a fabulous day and worth every second of the 4 plus hours of driving!
This outfit is adorable, both the outer part and the inner part. Love that dress with the dark red skinnies. How cool that you met Sheela. Did you two fun and funny ladies have fun?
So cool that I am featured too – thank you!
Thanks so much, Ada! Actually, these are thigh high boots not skinnies! Cool, right?! And yes, we had so much fun. We talked so fast and covered so many topics in such a short time period! But I wouldn’t change any of it…except maybe more time was needed! But that was my fault…I was late. Damn city traffic got me all goofed up!
It was my pleasure to feature you, my friend. Thank you for inspiring us!
I LOVE this post for so many reasons. Most have already mentioned all of the greatness from this writing, but for me it shows how far we come as people. To me, every person we meet influences who we are and especially when you are solely spreading kindness. Overlapping the old and new remind us of our roots, yet also how far we have come. I think far too often we let relationships go that were crucial and I am so happy you had such a wonderful reunion and meetup. Makes me a little nostalgic as well for some people who had been that important in my life as well (high school coach, certain teachers, old friends etc). Great post and amazing outfit, you are glowing 🙂
Aimee, thank you so much for this wonderfully meaningful comment! I couldn’t agree with you more!
Quirky Homemaker
Love spreading the kindness! What an awesome thing. 🙂 Glad you were able to meet up with your past mentor and a new friend. BTW, LOVE the burgundy boots!
Thanks so very much! Keep spreading your kindness, too!
Sheela Goh
I need a moment. Someone needs to scoop me. I melted. Back in a smidge xo
Best. Comment. Ever. Mic Drop.
Betty Sue
I love that polka dot outfit, but it sure looks cold, there!
Thank you, Betty Sue! It was actually a relatively warm day!
Anna Shirley
It seems that you have a lot of fun in NYC. And it was much more. It was time to see Shelbee like a young girl trying to understand herself and her place in the world and see yourself now. Great journey….
Anna xoxo
It really was a fantastic experience, Anna! Thanks so much for such a lovely comment.
What a wonderful day! Old and new friends, how fun! Love this look, your coat and boots are amazing!
xx, Elise
It really was, Elise! Thanks so much for stopping by and for the lovely comment!
Amy Christensen
Love your coat, Shelbee and how absolutely fun to get to hang out with Sheelah! Isn’t meeting blog friends fun? And that you got to reunite with someone who had been influential in your life…that is so cool. Life is too short to not take advantage of these opportunities. Well done! You look fantastic. – Amy
Thank you, Amy! At first I was debating about making the trek into the city. It was a 5 hour drive to my mother-in-law’s so she could watch my kids, then 2 hours from her house into NYC and back again in the same day! Basically, there was a lot of travel to get there. But in the end, I am so glad I did it. It was completely worth it!
Love those OTK boots! Thanks for sharing your story; its is nice to re-connect with special people. Thanks for linking up at Fabulous Friday!
Mary, thank you so much! It was a really amazing day, for sure!
Very creative! Love all these outfits!
Edwige | http://www.hypnozglam.com
Thanks so much, Edwige!
Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.
Thank you, Nicole!
Those boots are ABSOLUTELY fabulous! I’m in LOVE!
Rachel, thank you so much! They are supremely comfortable, too!
Jess Powell (Babi a Fi)
Awesome outfit – I love the long pearls with it! #FridayFrivolity
Thank you so much, Jess! Pearls are one of my all time favorite accessories!
It’s amazing how much we learn and take away as we get older. That’s so nice you got to meet up with a blogger friend. Loving this look too with those fun boots and long beads. Beautifully Candid
Sierra, thank you so much for your kind comment! Age definitely has taught me many things!
Emma Peach
What a lovely, uplifting post. I often think “if only I knew then what I know now”, but it’s all part of growing up I suppose. Someone (sadly now passed) who gave me lots of very sound advice in my turbulent teens used to say “you can’t put an old head on young shoulders”. How true in my case!
Emma xxx
Emma, thank you for this lovely comment! I love that saying so much. I am going to add it to my arsenal for doling out advice to young people! Have a fabulous weekend.