The Thrifty Six are Blooming in Spring Florals

This month Jane has chosen florals for our Thrifty Six prompt. Florals are a classic print that I am fairly certain will remain an infinitely timeless classic in fashion. But the fun thing about floral prints is that they come in literally every color palette as well as a limitless variety of different sized prints from ditsy florals to giant oversized psychedelic floral prints. And when it comes to preloved floral pieces, I have a lot in my closet. The real challenge was choosing a starting point.
I opted to begin with this beautiful indigo ditsy floral printed shirt dress that I had purchased at my local consignment shop two years ago. I never wore it because it just was not fitting quite right. It was a little snug across the bust and hip area so the buttons were doing that awful gaping thing they do when an article of clothing is too small. And I do appreciate it when my clothing fits properly. Ill-fitted pieces might be one of my biggest pet peeves on myself as well as on others.
*Style tip: If the clothes don’t fit, don’t wear them! It doesn’t matter how cute the article of clothing may be on the hanger, if it doesn’t fit your body, it is not going to look great. You might need a different size or you may need an entirely different silhouette. Or you could try styling an improperly fitted garment in a non-traditional way to make it work better for you.

“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change.”
Because this dress was ill-fitting on me, I had planned to eventually style it in a non-traditional way. Leaving a shirt dress unbuttoned and wearing it as an outer layer or jacket also gives you more versatility in styling options. But then this pretty little floral dress just got lost in the closet shuffle for the past two years.
When it was time to focus on something that is preloved and floral, I figured it was the perfect opportunity to give this dress another go. I was pleasantly surprised when I put it on and buttoned it up and it fit perfectly with no button gaping whatsoever. It looked cute, but then I felt like it was kind of boring so I ended up unbuttoning the dress and wearing it as a jacket instead anyway!
I layered it over a silver knit tank top (Ralph Lauren) and dark denim trousers (Levi’s) that I purchased at the same consignment shop around the same time. I accessorized with my preloved beaded floral bag that I first shared in for our sparkles and sequins prompt back in November. Then I added silver accessories to complete my thrifty spring floral look.

We went out for a drive to seek new photo locations and we remembered this abandoned miniature golf and go-cart course on the outskirts of town. It has never been opened for the eight years that we have lived in this area so we snuck in! Shhh. Don’t tell. Sometimes I trespass. And sometimes I get yelled at for doing it, too!
Case in point, the photos from yesterday’s post were taken in an area surrounding the parking lot to the local public library systems building. And guess what I learned that day? I learned public library buildings are not at all public when some lady came outside screaming at us to get off the property immediately because it was, in fact, private property. We politely apologized and started walking to our car. All the while we were walking, the lady kept yelling that it was private property. Go have a look at the photos in that post and see how threatening and “up to no good” I look! Also, can someone please explain to me how a public library building is private property? I am completely baffled.
But I am not going to get my feathers all ruffled over how strange people can be and what a weirdly selfish and oddly possessive world we live in.

Now let’s check out my fabulous thrifty friends in their preloved floral prints.
The Thrifty Six is a group of international fashion influencers who meet once a month in our little space on the internet to share our thrifty outfits. On the third Monday of every month, we will all share an outfit based on a theme that features preloved wardrobe pieces. Shopping and reselling preloved clothing is so much better for the environment and you can find some of the best fashions in thrift or charity shops. The Thrifty Six are here to inspire you to shop second hand!
The Thrifters:
- Emma of Style Splash
- Grace of Graceful Rags
- Jane of Preloved-Vintage-Handmade
- Lucy of Lucy Bertoldi
- Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style
- Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge
Emma of Style Splash

“My favourite floral prints are vintage 70s styles in warm hues of brown, orange and yellow. This dress – which I found on eBay – definitely fits the bill with its gorgeous floral pattern. I’ve completed the outfit with a preloved orange bag and tan belt…now I just need a garden party to go to!”
Grace of Graceful Rags

“I’m certain I have something thrifted and floral back at home, but since I’m at school, I had to venture out to find something new to fit this month’s theme…An excuse to go shopping. I’m not complaining! I found this absolutely adorable floral romper from a nearby consignment store and love the girly silhouette and cutout in the front. Now I just need a brunch to attend!”
Jane of Preloved-Vintage-Handmade

“Florals on the edge of danger!…Florals are pretty, florals are romantic, feminine and soft. Florals are gentle, delicate, sweet and joyful…Uh Oh – Reeewind! This is florals on the edge of danger! In nature yellow and black warns of hazard; just look at creatures with a deadly sting or bite! In human society, black leather and studs are badass! Culturally associated with bikers, punks, deviants and mavericks. Bring this all together and you get edgy, belligerent and powerful – Sometimes I like to take an idea and just shake it up a bit!”
Lucy of Lucy Bertoldi

“I’ve named this flowery dress/ jacket, a Dracket lol! I thrifted this one years ago, new tags and all- plus- it’s pure silk! Thought I’d pair it with these outrageous floral pants for a great hodgepodge look. The prints are totally different and yet they match due to common colours: Matching prints 101! It works perfectly here, don’t you think?!“
Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style

“These skirts are two different ones! You might think, well they look alike to me. They do! But the one on the left was a new one, bought somewhere in 2013/2014. I wore it so often, it was such a great skirt. But after a few years it was worn and washed out and I had to throw it away. The one on the right I bought pre loved in 2019! I was so happy to find it again! And I am wearing the same jacket on both photos! The jacket is from the time when I was still working, I stopped in 2012. This skirt is so versatile, I love to wear it with heels, sneakers, slippers! It’s super stretchy and so easy to wear! What a fab skirt!”
And me!

“I found this beautiful floral dress at the consignment shop when I worked there a few years ago. I love the color and the tiny print and the shirt dress style, but when I brought it home, it just didn’t fit quite right. Fast forward to now and I have lost a bit of weight making the fit much better for this dress. But when I styled it as a dress, It was cute but really kind of boring and so I opted to wear it as a jacket instead over my mostly thrifted outfit.”

Have you found any fabulous thrifted or preloved items recently? I have so many favorite things in my closet that were purchased second-hand, I would love to hear about your favorite preloved purchases as well.
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Dress, Top, Jeans, Bag-Thrifted / Shoes-Nina (DSW) / Earrings-Target / Belt-Old / Necklace-Gift from my mother

Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
What a fun outfit! Love the pop of color and the flowy-ness!
Thanks so much, Tamar! Happy Monday!
What a great way to wear the dress in a different way, it looks really good as a layering piece and love the color too! A really great outfit!
Fun photo location too, how sad that it isn’t in business anymore! Too many fun things to do have closed!!
Sorry you ran into trouble for taking pictures at the *public* library, who would have thought!!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Thanks so much, Ellie! I love shirt dresses for this reason. They give so many other styling options! It is sad that so many fun activities that were so popular during our youth are a dying off so quickly. Sometimes I do wish we could travel back to a simpler time! And no more pictures for me at the private public library buildings! Haha.
You’re looking great! Loving the look of gray and purple together!
Life is a Shoe
Thanks so much, Celyn! This outfit definitely made me smile with the fun colors! Have a fabulous week!
Amy Christensen
You gals all look so lovely in your florals. Shelbee that dress works great as a duster and you could layer it over so many things, like a dress or shorts. I would definitely hang on to that. It makes me want to see what I can find at the thrift stores in the way of dresses that I could wear like this. Great idea! – Amy
Thanks so much, Amy! I do love shirt dresses like this for exactly this reason. They are so versatile and you can really do a lot with them. Often, shirt dress styles do not look great on my body so I usually always end up wearing them opened like jackets or dusters. But I do want to style this one again worn buttoned up as intended. It is a really pretty dress! Dresses, coats, and shoes seem to be where I gravitate when I am thrift shopping, too. I hope you find something fun!
I really love the colour of your kimono!!
Curated By Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! Have a great day
Sheila (of Ephemera)
I love all these florals – what a diverse bunch!
OMG, people do like to get upset at really minor things, don’t they? I’m fairly certain PUBLIC libraries are not private property, but then, I’m also sure that the Screaming Person has been dealing with less nice folks (likely drug use or otherwise skeevy-looking people hanging around) during all of this. I laughed at you trespassing on the mini-golf course! It’s a fun setting for pictures!
Thanks so much, Sheila! People really do get upset over the silliest things! I was clearly just taking some photos with the river behind me. I didn’t even take weed with me! Haha. But you are right, who knows what people are dealing with? But that should kind of work both ways, shouldn’t it? Perhaps a better approach would be for her to simply ask if we needed something and then maybe politely inform us that she preferred if we did not take any photos. But that’s just me and I do have a tendency to expect too much kindness and respect from the world at large. Instead I will just trespass on golf courses…until I get yelled at! Have a fabulous week, my friend!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very nice and what a nice place to shoot.
Thanks, Patrick! Have a wonderful day!
What a cute outfit! Loving your shoes and your pants!
Life is a Shoe
Thanks so much, Celyn! Have a fabulous day!
I love how you styled that dress as a duster! I love the color and is such a pretty print!
Thanks so much, Lovely! I love shirt dresses for exactly this reason!
Kathrine Eldridge
I love how you styled this shirt dress! The silver tank is a nice contrast to this beautiful indigo color. Amazing look Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I was really pleased with how these colors photographed. This was a great outfit, too, for just regular daily wear working from home. I hope your week is going well, my friend.
Oh Shelbee, I am drooling over the color of this ditzy floral print. OMG! So yummy! And I really like the dress used as a lightweight jacket. What an awesome outfit!
Thanks so much, Michelle! It was this deep indigo color that really caught my attention, too. Which is why I bought the dress and kept it even though it didn’t quite fit right! But it fits now! Yay!
Emma Peach
The dress looks great layered over the jeans! You made me laugh with your trespassing, but being shouted at was very uncalled for! Some people can be so territorial…I guess they don’t need a guard dog with her around!
Emma xxx
Ha, so funny, Emma! She was like a guard dog! So nasty about it, too. Oh well, hopefully she is having a better day today. Thanks so much for your lovely compliment!
That is so weird about the library! I had fun with my son the other day after his eye doc appointment, we drove by the side of the Pet Smart building and I decided it was a good spot for blog pics! Really loving the cut of your pants. And I am all about wearing dresses as kimonos lately.
Thanks so much, Mireille! I don’t want to be too confusing about the library building…it is like an administration/office building for all of the public libraries in the county. So I am sure they don’t deal directly with the public in there. I just find it very ironic to scream about private property with a giant sign that says public library in front. Haha. I have taken pictures there multiple times before and never had anyone say a thing to me. Maybe she was just having a rotten day. I love that you took photos by Pet Smart! I sometimes stop back behind all the shop buildings in town for pictures, too!
Hahaha, I have also trespassed into several places for photo-ops and I have also been yelled at several times! Are you really a blogger if you haven’t?! Lol. I love how you styled this floral dress as a jacket, so creative!
Thanks so much, Grace! You are so right! Getting yelled at for trespassing on a photoshoot is like a blogger right of passage, isn’t it?! That is so funny. People are so sensitive and possessive about stuff though, aren’t they?!
Jessica A Jannenga
Hi Shelbee
Making my rounds, I have been sick this week. I think this is a great color on you and love that you didnt give it away, but wear it as a duster! The touches of metallic with your belt and shoes are perfect for summer too!
Love seeing everyone in florals, you know I love em!
thanks for linking!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I do want to share this dress worn as a dress one of these days. It is really pretty and feminine and flirty. I am so sorry that you have been unwell this week. I have been super busy so I am glad that my health has cooperated. I hope you are feeling better soon and can enjoy the weekend!
Amy Johnson
I love this look! How cool to take a shirt dress and wear it as a kimono. Great pants too. Thanks for linking up with us at Ageless Style.
Thanks so much, Amy! I love shirt dresses for this reason! They are super versatile for styling in different ways. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead!
Barbara Chapman
Shelbee, I love your dress made into a long cardigan and I totally loved reading everyone’s bios!!! I cracked up at Jane’s kick-ass outfit; it does say Biker Chick/Punk Rocker! 😉 Happy to feature your fun post at Share Your Style #305 this week for you. <3
Which reminds me… I just opened up a cardigan sent to me by a friend in the IOOF (Odd Fellows/Rebekahs) to wear next year at the Texas Grand Lodge meeting. Well, the original must have been a beautiful large silk scarf which was cut to allow arms to pass through! I am sooo excited to have this incredible black scarf cardigan with large red and other colored roses on it!!! It will be worn WELL beyond just for Rebekah's meetings… It is stunning! I could model in your post! 😉
Anyway, it's not thrifted but it was only $25, and a bargain. Back to last coat of paint on last half of ceiling…
Barb 🙂
Barb, thank you so very much! I did see my feature yesterday and I really appreciate that! It is always so exciting to see myself featured on other blogs! Your scarf cardigan sounds beautiful! Black with a big bold floral print…that is right up my alley. I do hope you share some photos when you wear it. I hope you finished painting the ceiling so you can relax and enjoy the weekend (or start another project).