The Sunshine Blogger Award & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #113

The Sunshine Blogger Award. I am sure many of you have seen this floating around in blogland. This peer recognition award has been around for quite some time. I can’t find any information regarding the origins of The Sunshine Blogger Award, but I do recall receiving a notification a few years back when I just began my blog and I think I didn’t do anything with it because I wasn’t entirely sure what it was all about. Now I have better grasp of it. So whomever that was over 3 years ago who nominated me for this, I apologize that it went completely unacknowledged on my part. My bad, my loss, I feel quite like a doofus right now.

As one has who tries diligently to learn from my mistakes and oversights, I will not ignore this second chance given to me by the lovely Rama of Chez Rama who recently nominated me as a Sunshine Blogger. I am honored, flattered, and ready to tackle the task of living up to this wonderful recognition by a great blogger friend. Thank you, Rama, for believing in me and my blog mission.

Some of you may still be wondering what on earth is the Sunshine Blogger Award. Simply stated, it is a peer recognition award given by bloggers to bloggers for their work that inspires positivity and joy. It recognizes creativity in the world of blogging for those who spread sunshine throughout the community.

There are a few easy rules to follow if you are nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award. But if you are nominated (in particular, nominated by me) and don’t want to participate, there will be no hard feelings at all. I understand that we all have very busy lives and this just may not be something you are interested in doing. Or maybe you have already been nominated and have written a similar post already. In any event, if I nominate you and you decide not to play along, it won’t change my opinion about you in any way. I still love and admire you! But if you do decide to participate, here are the rules.

- Give a quick shout out to the person who nominated you (with a link to their blog, of course)!
- Answer the questions drafted by the person who nominated you.
- Nominate some other blogs of your choosing and draft new questions for them to answer. (According to my research, the traditional number seems to be 11 nominees and 11 questions.)
- Be sure to let your nominees know they have been nominated. You can do this through social media, commenting on their blog, or an email.
- When you draft your post, be sure to list these simple rules and display a Sunshine Blogger Award logo.

So before we get to my nominees, let me answer the 7 questions posed to me by Rama.
1.Why did you start blogging?
I started my blog in August of 2015 when my husband was deployed to Afghanistan. My kids were 2 and 4, I was a stay at home mom, and quite frankly, I was bored out of my freaking mind. I have always loved fashion and writing has always been a hugely important creative outlet for me. Since moving away from home due to my husband’s military obligations, I had given up my education (I was working towards my Masters in Mental Health Counseling). I was passionate about sharing my own mental health journey in the hopes that it could help someone but now that career path had ended. It was my sister who pushed me in the direction of blogging. I wasn’t even sure what it was all about until I started reading lots of over 40 fashion blogs after my kids went to sleep at night. I quickly found a community and some companionship during those late lonely nights and I thought I could absolutely do this blog thing. My sister found a Groupon for an online course on how to start a blog, so I completed the course and launched my blog. It was also at my sister’s urging that I combine fashion with my mental health story since they really do go hand in hand for me. And so Shelbee on the Edge was born…living on the edge of sanity, midlife, and fashion.

2. What is the funniest thing to happen to you while taking pictures?
Hmmm. That is kind of difficult. Throughout the past nearly 4 years, I have had multiple friends who have taken photos for me, but for the past year it has been solely my husband’s job. I have had fun at every single photo shoot I have ever done. Mostly because I don’t take myself seriously at all, so there is always laughter and goofy faces and silly poses. I have never had anything really crazy happen during a photo shoot like falling in a puddle or slipping on ice (which is actually kind of surprising given the ridiculous climate in which I live). I have never had an article of clothing blow away in the wind either. My only encounter with a police officer during a photo shoot was at my favorite ruin porn location (an old abandoned tank factory), but it turned out the cop was my boss’s son so he merely smiled and waved at us as we continued on. Probably, the funniest thing to happen was when I was shooting this formal gown and some guy sat and watched the entire shoot and then seemingly awestruck, he approached me and asked, “Are you some kind of a movie star?” And I answered with a giggle, “Yes, yes I am.”

3. What is your favorite thing about your blog?
Honestly, my very favorite thing about blogging in general is the amazing community of people involved in it. I never would have met so many inspiring and interesting people if not for this space. But my favorite thing about my own blog is probably my #SpreadTheKindness posts. Every week on Tuesday, without fail, I share something that has to do with kindness (like this post). And it all was born from a cruel troll attack. So much love and joy and light has grown from that place of ugliness. What’s better than that?

4. Who inspires you on your blog?
I find inspiration everywhere around me in my day to day life. From other bloggers to my family, my kids, my friends, people I meet at work, and strangers I encounter on the street. I have been inspired by Facebook posts, magazine articles, famous quotes, and television shows. I also share personal experiences, good, bad, and indifferent. Simply put, inspiration is all around me. It surrounds all of us. We just need to pay attention and we will see it right in front of us.

5. What is the most valuable piece of advice you can give to other bloggers/potential new bloggers?
Be authentic and genuine. Be real. Be fearless and shamelessly unapologetic. It is an intimidating endeavor to put all your stuff out into public view, but it is so rewarding in the end. For any negative comments you may receive, you will receive at least 100 positive ones, so never let the negative get you down. Be diligent and consistent. Be kind and loving. Shine your light in your own special way. While you may not have a million readers, you will have at least one who appreciates what you do, relates to it, and is inspired by it. And if you reach just one, your work is successful.

6. What is the funniest thing you have experienced with blogging?
So I don’t know if this is funny per se. Perhaps it is more of an interesting thing that I have experienced with blogging. It has to do with a reader named Paul. I don’t know if Paul reads every single thing I post. I doubt it. My husband doesn’t even read every single thing I post. I don’t know who Paul is or where he lives or if his name is really Paul. But a really long time ago (a year, maybe even two years ago), Paul left some comments and sent some emails that maybe were not so appealing. They were brief, a sentence or two, but the nature of the comments made me uncomfortable. So I emailed Paul with a friendly request to keep it clean and respectful. I thought probably that was the end of it and I would never hear another thing. But here is the interesting/funny/unique/very cool thing about this experience…Paul now leaves me some of the kindest, friendliest, most empowering, and very validating comments. So Paul, if you are reading this post, thank you for respecting my request and my blog space. Thank you for reading my posts and for your ongoing support. I appreciate it very much. Enough so that I just shared it here for everyone else to read!

7. How has blogging changed your life?
Oh, it has changed so many things. I always hated having my picture taken. In fact, from about 1992 until 2008, there is really no photographic evidence that I even existed! I hid from the camera that much. My husband is very big into capturing moments on camera, so once I met him, I started getting a little bit more comfortable with myself in photos. It wasn’t until blogging, however, that I don’t mind it at all anymore. I suppose immersing yourself into those things that terrify you the most really is the best way to overcome those fears. I also have had so many wonderful opportunities that have come from blogging. Opportunities that most certainly have impacted my life. I got to travel to Los Angeles a few years back to see Anne M. Bray’s Fashion Rainbow Art Exhibit in which I was one of her 52 muses. I also had the most wonderful time touring the L.A. area on that trip with Rena of Fine Whatever. I met Sheela Goh in New York City a few years ago as well and that was simply amazing! I became a model for the launch campaign of Sandra Smith’s line of supportive loungewear, Boostwr. I met Sandra at my very first Forever Fierce meet up at Chico’s in New York City as well as so many other amazing women. And cannot leave out all of the supremely inspiring women and fabulous connections I made at the second Forever Fierce meet up I attended in NYC. And all of the other beautiful blogger friends I have made…I am so blessed to know you all. I am inspired every day by each and every one of you even if I have not named you here. Because of blogging, my life is richer and fuller and my horizons are much broader than I ever imagined they could be sitting here in my tiny little Northern New York town.

And now my nominees for the Sunshine Blogger Award. I apologize if you have already been nominated. Hopefully my questions are different, but please do not feel obligated to write a post if you do not have the time, energy, or desire. I still appreciate your contribution to the blogging world and adore you regardless of your response! 11 bloggers nominated, 11 questions to answer. Put your own twist on it. Answer all or none or only some. Just have fun and keep shining your light!

I nominate…
- Elle of The Elle Diaries
- Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood
- Debbie of Fashion Fairy Dust
- Stephanie of Glamorous and Geeky
- Liz of Lizzie in Lace
- Tamar of Random-osity
- Patrick of Adventures in Weseland
- Mitch of Gay NYC Dad
- Karren of Oh My Heartsie Girl
- Ewa of 60 Plus Experience
- Chrissy of Granola and Grace
Here are my questions…
- What is your mission/purpose/goal with your blog?
- Which is your favorite blog post that you have ever written and why?
- What is your most embarrassing moment as a blogger?
- What was the biggest criticism you have faced as a blogger and how did you handle it?
- What are you most passionate about in life?
- Where is your favorite space/location to work on your blog posts?
- What are your top 5 blogging necessities?
- What was the biggest fear you have ever had that you managed to conquer? And how did you accomplish this?
- What is your personal anthem? (Share your favorite song!)
- If your life were in book form, what would the title be? And what chapter are you currently in?
- How do you define success?
And now the featured favorites from last week.
Lisa of Daily Style Finds shared her post, 12 Items to Update Your Spring Closet. Since I live in a very cold climate where winter seems to last forever, I absolutely love that Lisa’s list includes sweaters and faux fur going into spring!

Julie of This Main Line Life shared her post, Who Doesn’t Love Polka Dots? And my answer, Julie, is I have no idea who doesn’t love polka dots! I know I sure do!

Just a reminder, the $100 off a new Jord Watch Giveaway is still going on so be sure to enter just by clicking the link! You can read more about it here or go directly to the entry form here.
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
100% be authentic!!
Yes, ma’am! Now it’s your turn to answer my questions since I nominated you!
For some reason I am awake at 2.00 AM on this rainy Saturday and going through some of your posts I have missed. Maybe I shouldn’t have had two cups of coffee after 8.00. Anyway, thank you so much for nominating me. I was nominated by you and someone else and I am currently working on doing justice to all these amazing questions you asked. The best questions I have seen on any of these Sunshine Award posts. Hands down!!
I loved reading more about YOU here Shelbee because I knew I wouldn’t be disappointed. Plus you can totally write!! Thank you for always spreading sunshine and kindness whenever and wherever!!
And Good Night to me (hopefully!!) (finally!!)
Aw, Ada, thanks so much, my friend! I look forward to reading your answers. And I hope you managed to get some sleep! I cannot drink coffee past about 2:00 p.m. or I will never sleep. Go to decaf next time you want coffee that late at night, silly!
Enjoyed reading Shelbee. As I’ve said before I have enjoyed watching your blog grow. I know how far you have come xx
Thanks so much, Laurie! This was a fun post to write although it took a bit longer than I had anticipated to get it all together!
Lisa @ Daily Style Finds
Thank you so much for picking me as a featured favorite. It makes my day. I enjoyed learning more about you – and about your follower “Paul”.
Daily Style Finds
Thank you so much, Lisa! It was fun to answer these questions although some were a bit challenging. I am glad everyone is enjoying reading the post so far!
Kathrine Eldridge
Love learning more about you! I adore this winter chic look!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! This was a super fun post to write even though I got a little stumped on some of the questions!
Kellyann Rohr
Fun answers, I love that Paul now leaves you kind and empowering comments!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! I really enjoy Paul’s comments now!
So fun to learn more about you and your blogging story! I love visiting this space you created!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Jill, thank you so much! That means so much to me. I am so blessed to have met so many amazing people, yourself included, on this journey. Have a fantastic day!
Michele Morin
Sunshine Award! No surprise there! This is a bright, shiny blog!
Aw, thanks so much, Michele! I try to keep that light shining as best I can!
Shelbee You are so sweet to nominate me! And I was smiling and nodding at your answers…how much we can relate to in the world of blogging and life in general. I enjoyed reading about your start, especially that it was your sister that pushed you initially – my sister was very encouraging for me as well! And this community – how right you are! It’s a beautiful thing!
Chrissy, thank you so much! These questions were challenging, too, but so fun to answer! They certainly helped unblock some writer’s block! I am so blessed to have so many amazing friends in this community. And it is great to be able to recognize one another for the light that we shine into the world. Keep shining, my friend!
I love it. Thank you for writing this post. I enjoyed learning more about you and I feel I know you better now. Spreading kindness is an amazing cause and your words inspires me always and honored to have you as a blogger friend in this blogosphere space.
With love ,
Rama, thanks so much for nominating me. This was such a fun post to write although some of the questions were a bit challenging! But I guess that’s what made it fun. I love how quickly this Sunshine Blogger Award is spreading all throughout blogland sharing love, light, and joy! I am blessed to have gotten to know you along this journey and look forward to learning more as I follow your blog.
jade goddard
Amazing blog post! Loved this
Thanks so much, Jade! Have a fabulous day!
Congratulations on being nominated for the Sunshine Award! What an honor and well deserved. This was a wonderful post to read to get to know you more. I hope your week is off to a great start and happy Tuesday!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Thanks so much, Maureen! This was such a fun post to write and I am loving all the wonderful comments!
You are welcome beautiful, you truly are a ray of sunshine
Hi Paul! I was hoping you would read this post. Thank you so very much! I have come to look forward to your comments as they always make me smile and add a little extra bounce to my step for the day!
jodie filogomo
I loved reading this about you Shelbee!! And about Paul. For a minute I thought you were going to say it was your husband commenting. But your conclusion to the story was even better than that!!
Thanks, Jodie! The conclusion is quite cool, isn’t it?!
Great to learn more about you! Nice outfit, I pinned it to my Fab Blogger Outfits board.
Thanks so much, Gail! I really appreciate the pin and the lovely compliment!
Jean | Delightful Repast
Shelbee, I’m not a fashion blogger, but I didn’t see anything that said I *couldn’t* link a food post, so I did. But if that’s not okay, you can remove it. #SpreadTheKindness – I like that! I would love to see more parents and teachers AND people on social media putting the emphasis on kindness. Whatever else might not be possible for anyone, they can always be kind!
Jean, thanks so much for stopping by! And my #SpreadTheKindness Link Up is for any post at all on any topic! So yes, please, link your food posts and any other thing you are sharing in your space. That is what this little linky is all about…sharing in a kind and loving way, shining our light into the world, and helping one another out. I agree with you completely, more kindness is needed everywhere!
Congratulations on the nomination girl. You do spread positivity and honesty here and I am happy for you. Also, I didn’t realize you had little ones too, you are busy, busy, busy.
Thank you, Bo! It is the legacy I hope to leave…positivity, kindness, light, and love! So it is really validating to be recognized for that. And yes, I do have little ones…they are 5 (soon to be 6 in a week) and 7 and they challenge me every single day…in good and bad ways! Busy is an understatement! Ha. But my life is full and rich and amazing.
Patrick Weseman
Wow, thank you and I will be answering those questions. Do I send the answers to you? Looking and nice and love this post. We got to be true to ourselves. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks so much, Patrick! Actually, you are supposed to write a post of your own answering the questions so other readers can learn more about you! And then nominate some bloggers that you would like to learn more about and draft some questions for them. It is a little time consuming, but I had fun with it!
Congrats on being nominated!! That is so exciting! I love the idea of an award that inspires positivity and joy 🙂 And I very much enjoyed reading your answers as I can identify with them as well. Also, thank YOU for the nomination!! These are some great questions. I better get to work haha!
Liz, thanks so much! You are such a bright shining light in this blogging community and admire you and what you do in your space so very much! I look forward to reading your post and learning even more about you. I am so glad to have met you along this journey!
Jacqui Berry
Well done, It’s so nice to read more about you. So glad you received this award too! Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thanks so much, Jacqui! Some of the questions were a bit challenging, but it was fun to share!
I love the fact that this award travels all over the world! Great to be part of!
It is really cool and so much fun to share! Thanks for reading, my friend! I don’t know if I read your post about it, but I will go check it out soon.
Jessica =
So fun to learn more about your blogging journey! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much, Jessica! It was a lot of fun to answer these questions even though some were kind of challenging.
Cheryl Shops
Congrats on your nomination, Shelbee—well deserved!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thank you so much, Cheryl! Have a wonderful day, my friend!
Lanae Bond
Congrats on your nomination you definitely deserve it!
Lanae, thank you so much! I really appreciate that.
That is wonderful you stood up for yourself about those unappealing comments! Sometimes people just need a reminder! You definitely deserved this award showing sunshine and inspiration for so many others!
Laura, thanks so much! It did feel pretty good to actually get a positive outcome to something that began as quite an uncomfortable Situation!
Lauren Renee Sparks
Congrats and I loved learning all of that about you. laurensparks.net
Thanks so much, Lauren! It was fun to share it!
Deborah Stinedurf
Oh my friend thank you so much for the nomination…it’s actually the second one in a week so perhaps I can combine the two…I guess that really makes me a little ray of sunshine…lol! I gotta say, this expert level layering…well done!
Good for you, Debbie! You are a giant ray of sunshine actually! And like I said, do with it what you please! Answer some or all or none of my questions…however you’d like. But it sure was fun from this side to answer the questions from Rama and then nominate some of my favorite bright shining lights. Thanks for stopping by today and I look forward to seeing what you come up with for your post!
Julie | This Main Line Life
Thanks so much Shelbee for the feature. I loved reading all about your blogging journey and inspirstion. This is such a great way to learn more about each other.
Thank you, Julie! I am loving seeing all these Sunshine Blogger posts floating around. It really is fun to learn more about each other. Have a fabulous day, my friend!
I love your blog and how you share your emotional journey as well as your cool style! Today, was taking notes of your posts so I can be a lil more varied in my pics, lol! You are a day of sunshine!
Mireille, thank you so much for this wonderful comment. I am so flattered by all of it and I love that I have inspired you to take different types of photos! My husband and I have so much fun finding new locations to take photos. But of course, we also have our favorite spots where we go frequently. Have a fantastic day!
Kelsey Bang
I like how you layered! super cute!
Thanks so much, Kelsey! After all the years I have lived in this place where there is snow 9 months out of the year, I have become a master of layering!
Amy Ann Arnold
Congrats and well deserved!
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
Thank you, Amy Ann! Have a great day!
Love the story about how you had a run in with a cop LMAO. thank you for the nomination!
Thanks, Stephanie! I hope you have time to write a Sunshine Blogger post! I would love to read your answers. I hope you are doing well, my friend!
Robin LaMonte
Good luck with the Sunshine Blogger competition.
I have been seeing a lot of bloggers mentioning this lately!
You are definitely a ray of sunshine!
Robin, you are so kind! Thank you! This was definitely a fun post to write!
Anna Shirley
You are spreading kindness, Shelbee, literary. You are making the world a better place. I like to learn about you more. If the Rama wouldn’t nominate you, I would. Have a great day.
Anna, you are so kind. Thank you! You are doing the same kind of work as I, spreading light and love throughout the world. So thank you for that as well!