The Sunday Afternoon Quarterback #9: No Such Thing as Beginner’s Luck in Fantasy Football

Penn State is off this week so I am giving Jeff the week off from writing. But I wanted to give a brief update on my history with football as well as my rookie season in Fantasy Football. My friend Carson asked me if I would join his Fantasy Football League this year because they needed more people to get it going. I was hesitant at first because not only do I not understand how these fantasy leagues and their rules and scoring systems work, I don’t even understand how football works!

However, this summer I decided to make it my mission to try new things. So when the opportunity presented itself in the form of a text from Carson simply asking, “Hey, you wanna join my Fantasy Football League?”, I figured I should just go for it. Try something new and see what happens. Maybe I will learn something. Maybe I won’t. But worst case scenario is that I paid $20 to have a little bit of fun. Life is short, so I spent the $20.

To be clear, I am not one of those girls who gets excited about football games and sits glued to the television cheering over touchdowns and yelling at pass interferences, fumbles, and penalties. In fact, other than touchdowns, I don’t know what any of those other things even look like. All I see is a bunch of football players huddling and running and crashing into one another and throwing a ball in one direction or another. I have always wanted to be one of those girls who gets it. The girl who can hang around with a bunch of football loving guys and know exactly what’s going on. A guy’s girl, you know. But try as I might, it is something I will never be.

So I have long since settled into my role as the girl who appreciates the passion and excitement of others over a good football game. I love the mood that is set when a bunch of friends gather around the television to watch their favorite sport. I’ll make the food. I’ll bring the drinks. I’ll share my thoughts about good sportsmanship and quality athleticism. I’ll chime in on some of the politics of contract negotiations and whether or not college players should be allowed to receive compensation for their talents and hard work. But you will never hear me yelling at a referee over a bad call. Because a bad call is not something that I will ever be able to identify.

I will look the part of the biggest fan. I will put on the fan gear and style it in unique and fun ways. I will root for your team if I am watching the game with you. Unless my husband is in the room, then I will always root for his team. Because, well you know, it is compromises of this sort that make for a successful marriage. And while I may not understand the game, I do always love to have it on the television.

It gives me all sorts of nostalgic feelings from childhood. My father always had football on the television. Back when we only had one television in the house. (Actually, we still only have one television in our house.) He didn’t watch the games so much because he enjoyed them, but because he was a bookie. And a pretty successful one at that. The job has changed considerably over time, with new technology being implemented regularly; such as the pay per head service from BossAction that allows private bookies to give their players access to a fully equipped online sportsbook, casino, and racebook.
I’m sure my father would barely recognize it nowadays! So, he would be flipping from channel to channel, taking notes about the over/under and statistics and all that shit that I have no knowledge about. As a result, however, he didn’t have a favorite team. His favorite team was whichever team was going to make him the most money that week. But being from Pennsylvania, we did have a tendency to root for Pennsylvania teams, but only when there was no money riding on the outcome.

Fast forward to adulthood and my father has been gone many, many years. I met my husband, whom you all know is a huge Penn State fan. But when it comes to professional football, he is a Steelers fan. Not the Eagles. Do not ask about the Eagles. He doesn’t like them. And it is a passionate dislike. An emotion that I don’t quite understand. It is just football. But okay, I’ll ride along on my happy wave of indifference and support those Steelers. But in all honesty, if I were watching a football game with Carson, I would be the biggest Carolina Panthers fan the world has ever seen. And Patrick, if I were hanging with you, the Cal Bears would be my team.

Now onto the business of Fantasy Football. What in the sweet holy hell is this nonsense? First of all, I really thought beginner’s luck would pull me through. That has not been the case. I got the first draft pick and scored myself Saquon Barkley. Everyone was jealous. My outcome was promising. I started off the season projected to place second in the league. But very quickly, as I lost matchup after matchup, I have been sitting at last place in the final standing projection. My current record is 2-6-0 with only one other team in my league with a worse record than mine.

Our league has 8 teams and other than Carson and myself, I know none of these men. They are all friends with each other and I was the invited outsider. And a girl. And clueless. So while I have been the subject a few jokes here and there in the nonstop text thread that has been going strong for months, I can certainly throw a good burn and quality GIF into the mix every now and then. They said the loser was going to have to wear a tee shirt similar to the one below.

I have a feeling that I am going to be wearing that tee shirt once the season comes to a close. So be prepared. But y’all know I will rock that shirt unlike any other Fantasy Football loser. Because if I am going to lose, I am going to lose in grand fashion and great style!

Pray for me and send me some winning energy. Or don’t. Because this is all in fun anyway. No need to cross energy wires with people who really need some positive vibes sent their way.

Do you play Fantasy Football? Do you prefer college or professional football?
Come back next week for the recap of the Penn State vs. Minnesota game.
Until then,
We are…
Losing on the edge,

Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Tee Shirt-Gift / Coat and Shorts-Thrifted / Sneakers-Target (Old) / Belt-BedStu / Hat-Gap (Old) / Tights, Necklace, and Earrings-Old

Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
I do fantasy football with friends and love rooting for my Eagles but I am also not glued to it all Sunday!
Good for you, Tamar! I admire a girl who gets it…even when I don’t! Thanks for sharing. Have a great Sunday!
You look fabulous! The leaves changing colors is so beautiful too 🙂
– http://www.christinacenci.com
Aw, thank you so much, Christina! And now the snow has begun so the pretty leaves are pretty much destroyed for the season. But the snowy photos are fun, too.
Cristina - Memories of the Pacific
I’ve never played fantasy football nor do I know how it works but I’m wishing you the best of luck with it!
Thanks, Cristina! It is all so confusing! I am just laughing my through it now!
Cute graphic tee and I really like your sparkly shoes! I have a similar pair, you’re reminding me I need to give them another wear! 🙂 Good luck in the football league!
Hope that you had a great weekend 🙂 Despite a bit of a rainy one we managed to get to the beach which was nice 🙂
Thank you, Mica! Yes, definitely show off your sparkly sneakers! We had a very cold and rainy weekend as well with some snow and ice so not beach weather for us at all!
Agent 54
We Are Penn State!
Yes, we are!!! Thanks for stopping by!
I have no knowledge of fantasy football and really don’t know much about regular football either. Can you tell how much of a sports fan I am in general LOL. But it’s fun to hang out in front of the TV with the family to watch a game occasionally.
Wishing you lots of luck in your game of fantasy football, but like you said you will rock wearing that t-shirt should you loose!
Great way to style the shorts for colder months!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Ellibelle, thanks so much for your kind words! I do love to wear shorts all year round and it is the only way to do it with layers of tights! I might actually win my matchup this week which will take a tiny bit further from last place. Maybe. I hope! Hahaha.
I’m with you – its more about the fun, food, and dressing up than the actual football game! I’m a Browns fan by default, which is sad because they really suck. I’ve never joined a fantasy league because I have no idea what the heck is going on with those, but you’ve inspired me to give it a try some day!
Thanks so much, Roxanne! I really am having fun in the fantasy league. The guys get so hyped up about the performances of their players, it cracks me up! When I am in a close matchup (like this week), I get a little nervous just watching the score board change on the Fantasy app, but I still have no idea what’s going on! You should try it though, just for the hell of it! And some woman who understands it all should create a Fantasy Football for Clueless Women app!
Patrick Weseman
Thanks for the shout out. I don’t play fantasy football at all. I got too many things going on. It is funny, I am a San Francisco 49ers fan and not a Raiders fan even though I am an East Bay person.
Looking very nice. Tights with shorts and tennis shoes is a cool look. Hope your Monday is going good.
Thanks, Patrick! I have too many things going on, too! Which is probably part of the reason I still don’t understand the whole thing. I was laughing when I decided to link to you in this post! You are our most valued Sunday Afternoon Quarterback follower!
I’m totally diggin’ the pattern and texture play you’ve got going on here! And those shoes! This is such a fun and edgy look. Perfect for football Sundays!
Thank you so much, Shauna! I love playing with texture and patterns. I feel boring if I don’t have something all mixed up in my outfits. Have a great day!
jess jannenga
Have fun with the Fantasy Football! I don’t know exactly what that entails! Being from Pittsburgh, I am a Stillers Fan! So I love your shirt!! I also am not a guy’s girl when it comes to football on tv.. I know what is going on sometimes, but I am not hardcore when it comes to sports on TV. I just have great memories as well, of my Dad and brothers watching the Steelers on Tv and getting really into it. Memories of my Dad shouting to where you could hear him down the street! This is a cute look, I love it with the sparkly sneakers!
Have a great day!
jess xx
Aw, thanks so much, Jess! I thought you might be a Steelers fan as well! While I don’t understand football all that much, I can get really involved in a college basketball game! We were watching Duke play Kansas the other night and I was screaming at the television louder than Jeff was. I even got a little nasty with my yelling at the opposing team (that would be Kansas, I am a long time Duke basketball fan) to the point that Jeff looked at me with his jaw dropped and said, “Where is my wife? What did you do with my wife?!”