The Perplexities of Social Media & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #126

Humans beings are social creatures. Even the least social among us still require community and interaction to survive in the modern world. Sure, there are some people who choose to live off the grid, but it is only through social education that they have acquired the skills to survive such a remote lifestyle. Social media at its most basic level has been integrated into human societies as far back as ancient times when the first postal services were created as a means of long distance human communication.

Probably few of us even consider ancient postal services as a form of social media in the context of the modern world and the impact that social media as we know it today has had on human society as a whole. With the interconnectivity provided by technology, we can literally reach countless people anywhere in the world within milliseconds of posting something online. We can post on a blog, comment on a news article, share on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media channel that is available.

Anyone can create an account in any forum and post anything they want for the entire world to access. And once it’s out there and it has been seen by one set of eyes, you can’t undo it. Sure, you can delete it later and hope it’s forgotten. But oftentimes, once something is in writing and it has been read, your words, your message, become eternal in some sense. It seems everything is recorded and saved and it can come back to haunt you when you least expect it.

I know I share a lot in public forums…like here on my blog and on my social media accounts. But I do use some amount of discretion when deciding what I am going to share. Everything I share is true and genuine and real, I don’t want to mislead you about that. But I certainly do not share everything. And before I share something that is sensitive or controversial in nature, I weigh it out and think long and hard about it before I share it.

Of course, we never know what types of responses we will receive to anything we post publicly. That is just the chance we take. And because we are taking that chance, we must try to not get angry or upset when a response comes our way that is not what we wanted or expected. The fact is that we cannot control how people will respond to anything…even the most benign things…and we must be okay with that if we are going to put our private lives out there. It is not for us to dictate to other people how they “should” respond. That is just not the way the world or humans operate.

So why am I going on about this topic? Basically because I get frustrated sometimes when I fall into the Facebook vortex of hell. You know, late at night when you have checked out for the day and you just start mindlessly scrolling through your Facebook feed. Some post catches your attention and you begin reading the comments. A long thread of people voicing their unsolicited opinions. But are they really unsolicited? If you posted it in a public forum, aren’t you essentially inviting commentary?

So you scan a few comments and suddenly you see the original poster getting super annoyed by the responses generated from their post. Then a giant frenzied, nasty exchange begins. A big ole Facebook fight! I know you have seen these. And I know you have been sucked into the vortex a time or two. It’s like a train wreck and you can’t look away. You must keep reading. Some of you may even feel compelled to comment yourselves. Me, I never, ever comment in these threads. I do not want to be a part of any of it. Other than to passively read through and move on my merry way, unscathed by a keyboard attack.

The part that perplexes me about all of this is the why. Why do we feel compelled to do this? To share these things? To engage in the drama? Even to simply watch the drama unfold? What is it about us that pulls us in? And why is it so hard to get back out? For me, I am fascinated by the way the human mind works, so sometimes social media gives me a little insight to these inner-workings. However, social media also leaves me feeling lost and confused quite often.

There are different types of people in the world. Everyone knows that. And when it comes to social media, there seems to have emerged distinct categories of people.
There are the people who use social media strictly for marketing businesses resulting in a whole new generation of emerging services like TokMatik for growing a TikTok profile with a large audience. If you are in this category and looking to grow your Instagram following, there are also services available to buy IG likes that will help expand your reach.
There are those who use social media to share family life and photos with loved ones who live at a distance. There are those who simply share links to videos, recipes, DIY projects that they love.
There are those who use it as a motivational tool for themselves and others for working out, healthy eating, etc. There are those who are just seeking a like-minded community to discover and nurture new friendships.
There are those who constantly air their woes over and over again seeking some kind of validation. There are the ones who love to stir up the drama and see how far they can take it.
There are even those who challenge themselves to push the parameters of the rules and see how far they can go before their account gets suspended for inappropriate material.
(I don’t know why that last category of social media users just makes me laugh. If being highly inappropriate to see how far you can go is your thing and you have the time for all that, my goodness, have it at. It’s not really my thing, but I do appreciate dedication to a mission no matter how ridiculous it may be.)

I am sure there are more general categories I could name, but my list just grew quite long. My point, however, is this…put whatever you want out there, but know that there are always consequences to everything. And the consequences may not be desirable ones. Sometimes, they are. You often see people asking for prayers and positive energy in the hopes that it will get them through a tough time. And you know what, that simple offering of an encouraging comment can make all the difference. But if you put something like that out there, you also must be prepared for a negative response or no response at all. Here’s the thing, no one is obligated to do any of it. And we really have no right to get super pissed off if we don’t receive the responses we had hoped for.

Seriously, if I commented on every post that clearly wanted a comment, I would never have time for anything else in life. At all. Ever. I comment when I can and where I feel moved to comment. I also only comment when I do not feel under threat of an attack because sharing what I really feel is not what the person is wanting. And I am not a person who is going to share half truths or candy coated feel goods just because I think that is what you want. I speak candidly and honestly with love and kindness, but sometimes love and kindness can be interpreted as a very harsh approach. Generally, if I feel my response will be interpreted as such, I quietly refrain from offering any response at all.

So with all my ranting seeming to go on much longer than even I had anticipated when I began typing this post, I am feeling even more perplexed by it all! I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this topic. See, I am very clearly inviting commentary on what I am sharing. I promise I won’t get angry or upset if your opinion differs from mine. Share away, I want to see where this discussion may lead! I will ask that you keep kindness in mind when sharing your thoughts, but if you cannot I will still take it all in stride.

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Anne of Spy Girl shared her post, Summertime Link Party. Celebrating her 63rd birthday on June 3 with a link party for all your favorite summertime posts…go check it out and join the party! Anne is always having so much fun over at Spy Girl! She is making her way to New York next week and I might be meeting up with her on Monday! I am so excited to see you again, my dear friend. I do hope we can make it work!

Bo of Bo’s Bodacious Blog shared her post, Hello Polka Dot Cuteness. Cuteness, indeed! Bo is rocking this adorable outfit which goes from cute to sassy from head to toe! I love every element and the combination is brilliant!

If you haven’t entered the $500 Country Outfitter giveaway, be sure to do so here! You wouldn’t want to miss this amazing opportunity to go on a shopping spree!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Kellyann Rohr
Great read Shelbee and I agree with you. FB is such a time suck and one I spend less and less time on. I see the arguing back and forth and have no idea why it’s happening – no one is going to win, maybe they just like arguing or getting their anger out? No idea but I stay away – far away in fact. Keyboard courage infuriates me – if you have something to say SAY it – ya know? If it’s not something you’d say to someone’s face maybe you should keep it to yourself, in my opinion. Oh well!
Cute dress btw – you are looking as lovely as ever!
Kellyann, thanks so much for joining the discussion! The whole idea of keyboard courage cracks me up, too. Because I have none! When it comes to typing something like that, I am downright afraid of the attacks that might ensue! I have much more courage to say things directly to people in person that I do to type it on social media. No keyboard courage here…at all. But yeah, when I do find myself getting sucked into the vortex, that is when I tend to take a nice long break and stop scrolling. I should create a new hashtag…#StopScrolling! I am glad that you understand where I was coming from on this one…as I did get a little rambly! Have a great week, my friend.
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
So many great points. I was watching Ferris Beuller last night and realized what a different life we lives then!! Can you imagine his day off with IG!
Tamar, thanks for reading. That is such a great point! Everything kids do these days, they post on social media. I remember a high school student that I was coaching had posted pictures on Facebook of drinking and smoking pot. And she had me as her Facebook friend. So naturally, I had to speak to her about it. During the conversation she asked me, “Didn’t you do stuff like this when you were a teenager?” And my response was, “Of course I did, but I never took a damn photo of it!” So, so different these days!
Julie | This Main Line Life
Great points. Before blogging I hardly used Soc media and honestly, I’m still not a fan. It just takes way too much time. I like blog posts because there’s more to them.
Julie, thanks so much for joining the discussion. I find social media really hard to keep up with as well. I do three IG posts for each blog post I write (because I like the aesthetics on my feed) and everything shares from there to Facebook and Twitter, etc. I never have time to keep up with much of anything else social media related except for the occasional mindless scrolling!
Kathrine Eldridge
I really try to stay away from FB as much as possible because I get sucked in and I don’t want to lose my cool. That’s why I love Insta so much more. There is less politics and emotions (and you can scroll pass the haters really fast. Lol!) The reason I check FB is to see how family and friends are doing. If I do post something that someone disagrees with, I prepare myself to be respectful and open to their point of view. Thanks for starting this discussion. Love your pretty dress!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I try to just scroll through my Facebook feed to see what kind of life updates I see. But there is so much drama out there! I can usually just scroll past, but sometimes I do get sucked in. Then I laugh as I pull myself away from it knowing full well I should have never traveled down the rabbit hole. Ha. I guess IG is a little better because it is easier to just look at the photos and not always read all the writing. But I do see some drama on IG as well. It is the world in which we live! I appreciate your joining the discussion. It is so interesting to see other points of view on the topic.
So many great points in this post! I try to just focus on what’s going on with my friends and family on FB but it is easy to get sucked into those other posts, especially when you have family members commenting on them! That dress is darling on you! Such a cute summer print!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I am trying to make summer arrive with my summery dress, but it is only like 49 degrees here this morning! I am dressed for Fall and still freezing! I am the same with Facebook, I scroll through to just see what’s going on with friends and family, but then that one thing grabs you and sucks you in. I laugh at myself when it happens. Thanks for joining the discussion today! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Good topic, Shelby. On one of the podcast that I listen to, they talked about this kind of issue. Mainly, the point they were making was that our brains are hardwired to seek out conflict in things that are negative. It’s a part of our Human nature to seek conflict even if there isn’t one as a means of protecting ourselves from danger. We may even fabricate conflict and believe it exists when it doesn’t. Which could explain why some times people get violently and unreasonably passionate about things.
Alice, thank you for sharing that. That is very fascinating information. I am guessing not all humans are hard wired this way though. Because I certainly am not. Or maybe it is a lifetime of being super introspective and trying to figure it all out that makes some of us not seek conflict. Who knows? But it intrigues me so much! I appreciate you joining the discussion! Have the most wonderful day!
Everyone is an expert on social media, in every topic! Social media can easily have you stuck on it. It’s easy for people to share their opinion, start those fb fights when you’re sitting behind the phone. Which I try to explain to my children specially growing up in the world of social media, that it’s okay to have opinions on certain topics. I want them to grow up forming their own thoughts, but if it isn’t something they’ll say in person, it’s best to refrain from saying them period. I think people take social media a bit too serious and sort of forget the point of it! We don’t all have to agree on everything, it’s okay to have different opinions on things. After all it’s what makes us unique;)
Mel, I couldn’t have stated all that any better! I absolutely agree with you. I like to use my social media for marketing my blog and just spreading kindness and light into the world. Because the world needs it! And yes, raising our children in the world of social media does present challenges that we didn’t have when we were growing up. Thanks so much for joining the discussion and sharing your insight!
jodie filogomo
No wonder your post is so long. There is so much to say about this. And I won’t…ha ha. But we all know people who like the drama. And you wonder if that is the idea behind it. I get sucked in also, but I’m trying to be better about it.
Love this dress with the jacket, Shelbee!! It goes to show how a denim jacket is perfect for any age!! (maybe that should be our fall magnificent 8 theme??)
Jodie, I hear you! There is so very much to say on the topic of social media! I do love that I am of the age where I got to live in both pre- and post-social media era. It really is all very fascinating. And there is so much good that can come from it, too. We just need to keep putting the positivity out there! And yes to denim jackets for Fall! I will propose that after our white dress theme for July! Thanks for the suggestions. I hope you are having a wonderful week!
Grace Liang ULS
You are completely right about it all! I try not to spend too much time on facebook because I know I can get carried away into the drama! So much negativity in a world that needs positivity!
Please stop by at http://www.colorandgrace.com every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for linkup parties! Hope to see you there!
Grace Liang
Grace, thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts! You know I am all about putting the positivity out there! We need just keep doing that!
Jean | Delightful Repast
Shelbee, I loved this beautifully written post. I would not be on any social media at all if I did not have a blog (which I started February 2010). Everyone said, You have to be on Facebook. Nope. I have never joined and never will. Twitter and Pinterest are about all I can handle! So no Instagram either. Perhaps more social media would have grown my blog, but I would have burned out years ago if I had tried to play that game. It might be “human nature,” as a previous commenter said, to seek out conflict and negativity; but it is not my nature. I don’t need the drama! #SpreadTheKindness
Jean, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on the topic. I wouldn’t be on social media if not for my blog either. And honestly, I don’t think it has helped grow my following much anyway. I don’t do much except I have everything linked from my blog so that it shares to all my social media accounts. Oh, I do love Pinterest though! I fall asleep many nights looking at all the cute shoes I can find! And I also am definitely not wired to seek conflict! I tend to run as far away from conflict as I can!
You look so beautiful! this is such a cute and chic outfit on you!
Edwige | http://www.hypnozglam.com
Thanks so much, Edwige! Have a wonderful day!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very nice all in blue, perfect coordination of the light blue in the dress to the dark blue of the jacket, tights and boots. You see, you are teaching me.
With social media, I believe in rational discourse. I may not agree with you but I will learn from a view that is different than mine. It is part of my process. always learning and trying to learn about how people think. The problem I have is that we have a bunch of people who are just using social media to vent because their lives are so crappy. Instead of looking at themselves, they just lash out. I told you about the person who called me a hater in a FB group that deals where I live. The funny thing is that other people backed me and said I was right-one even came up with old pics to prove I was right. The one who called me a hater-well she hasn’t been seen since. That made me as happy as an armadillo lying down on a hot paved road.
I do put myself out on FB but I try to have thick skin when I am wrong or catch flack. It is what it is. I am wrong a bunch. It is why I don’t bite off the erasers off my pencils.
Patrick, I love how much fashion knowledge you are gaining! Fashion is all optical illusion and playing with colors and proportions! It is another thing (besides social media) that fascinates me exponentially! I love your attitude toward social media, too. You put it out there because it keeps you engaged, but you know how to take the flack, how to acknowledge and own it if you are wrong, how to get past all the bullshit, and how to keep it light and in perspective. I think the problem with most is losing perspective and context! I think it is cool to have lived in both generations because we can better see the impact of social media compared to life before Facebook. And do tell me, how happy are armadillos lying on hot paved roads? I wouldn’t enjoy that practice very much, but then again, I am not an armadillo! Or am I?!
Suzy Turner
I hardly ever spend any time on FB to be honest with you. I used to but I just can’t be bothered with it these days. I post the odd picture, and share some things on there but I won’t read comments (unless they’re on my posts of course) or other people’s posts if they appear to be derogatory in any way. I think a lot of people share far too many (detailed) personal things which makes me cringe so I avoid it lol!!!
Suzy xxx
Suzy, thanks for joining the discussion! Oh there are definitely a lot of cringe worthy things out there! Sometimes, I wonder why in the world someone would post such things! But to each his own, I guess. So I just keep moving on and generally ignore most of it. But this generation of social media is such a strange phenomenon that I do get fascinated by it, too! I feel blessed to have lived in both eras…pre-and post-social media!
I can agree to what you said Shelbee. I also give it a lot of thought to what I post and what I am willing to post. That is why I also post so little. I use a lot of discretion and it’s not because I am afraid of comments or criticism but rather I think long and hard about what it really brings to the table. I am not much of a drama type so I stay away from things that will cause conflict. I do know some family members who are attracted to these types of things and I have watched drama unfold from the sideline! I hope your week is off to a great start.
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thanks so much for sharing your insight and perspective in this discussion! I totally relate to what you’re saying. I have to be honest, sometimes I get a little bit of a kick out of reading other people’s drama. But that’s all I do…is read it and move on. I don’t want any part of it! One thing that cracks me up…have you ever seen a super dramatic post and there are a million comments and someone will write in the comments, “I’m just here for the comments”? I don’t know why that makes me laugh whenever I see it! I won’t even post that because I don’t want my name anywhere near or on such drama, but sometimes it does give me a good laugh! My week is going okay! I hope yours is as well!
linda cassidy
Kent always tells me, just do not engage. Negative comments are posted because someone wants to get into a dispute. Think of it similar to walking down the street, if someone yelled at you randomly and insulted you, would your tendency be to think they were weird and ignore them or would you start arguing. Troll comments are the same, responding is what they want, so ignore, or block and move forward. Turn the other cheek relly matters in this context.
PS Cute dress
Linda, thanks so much for the compliment and for joining the discussion. I agree with Kent completely! I really refrain from engaging in anything negative, controversial, or political. It is just not worth my energy to get involved in all that. And we are not obligated to read everything that comes in front of our eyes. You are right, if you don’t like it, ignore it and keep moving. I usually don’t even take the time to block the stuff. I just keep scrolling or don’t scroll at all! Easy peasy.
linda cassidy
I commented but it appears to have disappeared, just a test to see if I did something wrong
It only took me two whole days, but I am finally getting around to moderating and responding to my comments! Sorry about that!
So true about the complexities of Social Media. I LOVE blogging, but I’m a very reluctant social media user, and one of the reasons can be all the negativity surrounding it. You raise a lot of good points, and are looking springy and lovely in your pics.
Angela, thanks so much for joining the conversation. Social media really is a tricky thing especially when we didn’t grow up on it! But it is a necessary evil, I feel, if you have anything that you are needing/wanting to market. I guess we need to try to overcome the negativity the best we can like anything else in this crazy world!
Shelbee, it truly can be frustrating to see how some people use social media to stir things up. But, like you say, if you put it out there you’d better be prepared for whatever response you get! It really is a vortex that can suck you in!
xx Darlene
Darlene, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and joining the discussion. On the other side of it all, which I don’t think I addressed in the post, I always feel strongly that you can put whatever the heck you want on your own social media. If I don’t like it, I will just ignore it and keep scrolling. We are not forced to read everything that falls in front of our eyes! But it really is a crazy phenomenon…especially for those of us who didn’t grow up in the era of social media!
So true about the complexities of Social Media. I LOVE blogging, but I’m a very reluctant social media user, and one of the reasons can be all the negativity surrounding it. You raise a lot of good points, (and are looking springy and lovely in your pics).
Thanks so much, Angela! Social media is so difficult to navigate! I love blogging, too, but I struggle with all the ins and outs of social media. It seems like a necessary evil with any type of business these days, too. And then it gets all mixed up with the rest of the world and the crazy that goes on! You need an internet presence if you are going to market anything at all. There is no way around it. But my word, it can be stressful and annoying, can’t it?!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
Ohh, beautiful blue/purple hues in this outfit and I swear you have a shoe for every outfit, girl! 🙂 I really just want to create folders for my different groups of friends on FB, but I don’t have time! Then, when I post I can just share with the group that I want to share with. It is sad, because some people I’m friends with on FB, I can’t remember who they are (like from a blog conference, an old moms group, etc.??). I really need to organize it!
Thanks so much, Carrie! I was so happy with the way these colors photographed! Sometimes you don’t even realize how great a color is on you until you see it in photographs. Grouping your friends on social media sounds like a great idea! But you are right, who the heck has time for all that?!
You know if you ever felt the urge to change life direction, I think a motivational speaker or life coach would be a great path for you! Or even an author! I love reading your posts!
Laura, you totally just made my day! Thank you so much! And those three things are at the top of my list of things I want to pursue…motivational speaking (if I could get over my fear of public speaking), a life coach (if I could figure out how one goes about making money doing that), and writing a book (which I am working on, slowly but surely, but the time constraints of life are killing me)…look at all my dumb excuses! I need to stop making excuses and get going! Thanks for the motivation!
Cheryl Shops
Oh boy, social media. I’m with you on Facebook—I rarely go on it anymore, because it’s just people shouting at each other and not taking the time to actually listen. (Twitter is much the same; I haven’t been on that since November 2016.) Isn’t it funny to see some of the comments people feel empowered to make while hiding behind a computer screen or phone and to think that there’s no way they’d actually say anything like that to someone’s face? 😉
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thanks so much for joining the discussion! The scary thing is that some of the people who say the nastiest things would say them in person as well. Although I am sure there are many who gain false courage to be mean only when they are behind a keyboard. I like to live by these words of Abraham Lincoln…”Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” And Twitter…I don’t even understand Twitter!
Tiina L
What a great post! Yes, social media can be a real cesspit. I’ve abandoned Twitter almost completely because of that. I originally joined because I wanted to follow smart people who are experts in their fields, and I found it interesting. But without exception, all of these smart people have followers who only want to put them, and everyone else, down. It’s almost as if people follow someone just to be mean to them. And I’ve come to the conclusion that there must be people who somehow mistake social media for some sort of self-help therapy: just vent your anger (about whatsoever) on anyone who crosses your path…
And Facebook… Well, I’m on Facebook now, I have 6 friends (= an aunt, two uncles and a few colleagues), I follow a few groups but never comment on anything (and I recognise the phenomenon of angry people getting into petty arguments, the need that some people have of ‘being right’ at any cost etc).
But Instagram, I would definitely recommend Instagram (I have 3 accounts…). There are kittens!!! It’s wonderful!
Tiina, I knew you would not disappoint with your feedback on social media! I have Twitter and literally share links all the time…basically any website I visit, I tweet it! But I never ever log into my Twitter account to look through it or even read tweets or comments to me whatsoever. (Sorry to those who send me stuff on there! I simply don’t even understand it!) Facebook I use a lot for sharing my own blog stuff and family stuff. And IG is my go to as well. You can easily look at the pretty pictures and skip the words if you are not feeling it! Thanks so much for joining the discussion! And for some reason, the Depeche Mode song “People are People” just started going through my head!
Have a great day, my friend!
It was nice to spend less time on social media while on vacation (I did post on Instagram so my few followers would know I was still in the game) and I need to make sure I don’t get sucked into that time warp this summer with the kids at home. Need to give them some mommy time!
Mireille, thanks for joining the discussion! I kind of fall of social media every now and then, too. You do have to unplug and regroup occasionally. Sometimes, I just want to be in the moment and not worry about taking photos and just make the memories. I mean, we still can have memories without photographs and Facebook posts! I hope you enjoy the summer with the kiddos!
I have different approaches according to the specific social media. For example, IG i keep as a safe happy place, blog is just for clothing, twitter for politics, FB for friends. FB I rarely use these days.
Lorena, I like the way you break it down into categories! Then you know exactly where to look for the mood you are in! Thanks for sharing!
Lauren Sparks
I would rather someone type something ugly, if that’s how they really feel, than report me as spam for sharing my blog. That’s what is currently going on with me. I am in FB jail and can’t post anything with my blog url in it. It’s so discouraging. Personally, if I don’t like what someone has to say, I unfollow them, but realize that unless it’s profane or discriminatory, there may be many other people who enjoy the content who can’t now see it. laurensparks.net
Oh no, Lauren! What in the world is going on? I cannot imagine that you have shared anything offensive that would cause such a response. Have you been able to get an explanation from the Facebook police? So weird. I am so sorry that this is happening to you. And I hear you, we are not forced to read anything people post on social media. If I don’t like something, I just ignore it and keep moving. I hope this is resolved soon for you, my friend.
Anne M Bray
I think my Sketch Blog got put in FB jail! An innocent Sketch Blog, with absolutely NO NUDITY! Lately, just sketches of musicians! What? Did someone not like their sketch? Sheesh.
Oh no! Facebook jail is funny! Sorry you were sent there.
Great post Shelbee…and so very true. There’s a lot og crazy comments floating out there for all to see. Sometimes I’m apalled at how rude people will be to another human. I think, “you don’t know that person and yet you shame them with vile venom in your self-righteous tirade”. It’s amazing how angry people get. I have to click off and leave it alone because I understand that most likely my comment will change nothing in those instances. They will only give me high blood pressure. lol. I save my deepest thoughts for trusted ears/eyes. 😉 Anyway, here’s to our continued journey in navigating our way in sharing truth/being real while treading carefully!
Oh my word, Chrissy! You speak my very own thoughts! “Vile venom in a self-righteous tirade”! Ha. I don’t engage with those people either because I don’t want that venom flung in my direction! You are awesome and I am so blessed to call you friend! Thanks for joining the discussion.
Gwen | SlowCookerKitchen
Hear! Hear! I heard it explained one time that if Pinterest is a classy craft show, then Facebook is a bar on Saturday night, 5 minutes after the last call. And I wholeheartedly agree. I do FB groups, but little else there anymore. Unless my niece tags me, then I pay attention 🙂
Gwen, that is a fantastic analogy! I love it! By the way, I just tried to comment on one of your posts and I got this weird firewall error screaming at me telling me access is denied and I cannot comment! Lol. I don’t know if it is something on my end or a setting on your end. But I will try again later!
Gwen | SlowCookerKitchen
I’m so glad you liked that analogy Shelbee. I wish I could claim it as my own :). AND thank you so much for letting me know about that firewall thing. I had issues a few months back and had to learn a new system. I THINK I have everything right now. Have an awesome day!
Gwen, thank you for following up on the issue! I will try again this weekend! I am heading off to work now!
Have a great day!
Jessica A Jannenga
I feel like I am old school and not a huge fan of social media. I see it with younger kids and think the companies are trying to suck kids in earlier these days. If I didn’t use socials to promote my blog, I really don’t think I would be on Instagram.
Love this sweet blue dress on you with the jean jacket! Pretty!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I hear you on all the social media stuff. Before my blog, I only used Facebook. And I used it minimally. All the others, Instagram, Twitter, etc., I only use for blog marketing purposes! I hope you are having a great week, my friend!
Anne M Bray
Oops! I left the tab for this up during my entire vacation and I’m glad I did — forgot to say “thank you” for the feature!
This is a great post. I “got into it” on a FB thread just yesterday, with a writer friend who posted about how she thought Instagram was vapid and superficial. Then her other writer friends chimed in in agreement and, with 9400+ IG posts under my belt, I HAD to add my thoughts. I kept it to the concept that Visual Artists need to show visuals more than words because I KNEW saying anything about Style Selfies would only add fuel to the fire. The friend backed off and said she was posting her thoughts “in fun” (did not translate), and I hit the “Hide Notifications…” choice and exited. Tempted to return to the thread, but perhaps better to refrain. My blood pressure is bad enough. Ha.
Thank you, Anne, for inspiring me always and making me chuckle! But how dare you have thoughts and think that you may share them without reprimand and/or judgment?! Will I never understand the strange intricacies of the human condition?! Someone enlighten me! Actually, enlightenment is probably what keeps me in the land of confusion. Silly humans. Sometimes it is best to just keep our blood pressure down and refrain from fighting with the less enlightened. (Did that sound arrogant? I hope that didn’t sound arrogant.)
Anne M Bray
I was attempting a “teaching moment” but alas, the die-hard IG haters would not listen. And there we have our current political situation in a nutshell. Everyone is on their personal soapbox with their hands over their ears going “Lalalalala”.
That is spot on, my friend!