The Other F Word & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #42
You all probably know by now that I attended the Forever Fierce Meet Up at Chico’s in New York City on October 7. You can read all about that event here. So many fabulous women came together that day on the Upper West Side of Manhattan to represent the Midlife Revolution which was founded by the beautiful and brilliant Catherine Grace O’Connell. But today’s post is not about this powerful movement. And it’s not about the meet up event either. Rather, this post is about an amazingly talented woman whom I met that day.
Her name is Caytha Jentis. She is the Creator, Writer, and Director of the Amazon series The Other F Word.

*This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.
*All photos have been borrowed from the Facebook pages of The Other F Word and Caytha Jentis.
I have to say that I don’t know all that much about Caytha as I only met her for a few brief moments. What I could discern from those few moments, however, is this…she is extremely outgoing, well-spoken, relatable, funny, and very passionate about her work. Her talent became evident when I began watching Season 1 of The Other F Word. With a fervor for making the midlife struggle for women everywhere a thing to be embraced rather than hidden away, she has created a series that will make you laugh, cry, wonder, debate, and feel completely and totally normal as you find your way through the craziness of these midlife years.

The Other F Word follows the lives of four women in the New York City area who find themselves dealing with empty nests, separation from loved ones, death, and that age old issue of rediscovering themselves at this ever so confusing period of life. This midlife period, which begins for many women in their Fifties (hence, the other F word), presents a struggle that I would venture to say none of us anticipated in our Twenties or early Thirties. As a woman in my Forties, I am finding many of the issues addressed in this series to be quite relevant to my life. And even those that may not yet be relevant, I can see the future in this hilariously real and raw production.
Season 1 is presented in 8 episodes with a run time of anywhere from 4 to 13 minutes each. I actually really enjoyed the brevity of each episode since I could very realistically complete watching one episode before the endless interruptions of children and every day life take over. Season 2, which just premiered on Friday, October 13, consists of 6 episodes, each with a run time of just under 20 minutes.

I actually am glad that I was only recently introduced to this series because I did not have to wait for the Season 2 release upon completion of Season 1. The conclusion of Season 1 left me anxiously wondering what will happen next. Are these wonderfully confused and tormented characters going to explore the darker sides of their desires or will they remain faithfully loyal to the path they chose decades ago? Well, I have embarked on Season 2 and I will not answer this question for you. You will have to take a brief moment out of your own very busy schedules and watch an episode or two to see if the story pulls you in as it did me.
If you need to laugh your way through the midlife struggle, shed a few tears, or just feel a level of normalcy amidst the most foreign feelings in the world, then I highly recommend that you take a little peak into the lives of these four brilliantly cast characters! View it on Amazon right here.
And now onto your favorite posts from last week’s link up!
Jessy of Current Bliss shared her post Boho Style in Downtown Nashville. Seriously, how adorable is Jessy’s outfit?! And she is just so darn beautiful, too!

And Chrissy of Granola and Grace shared another boho inspired outfit in her post Give Me All The Spanish Moss. I am loving Chrissy’s fringed kimono! And doesn’t she have the biggest, brightest, most contagious smile?!

Thank you all for visiting and linking up! Be sure to visit some other fabulous bloggers before you run away. You don’t know all the amazing inspiration you are missing out on!
Keeping in on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Thanks for sharing, and for hosting Shelbee. x Jacqui http://www.mummabstylish.com
Thank you, Jacqui! Have a great week, my friend!
Oh, I’m going to look for this! sounds like my cuppa T xx
Laurie, it is so much fun to watch! I hope you love it as much as I do! And to be able to meet the woman behind it makes it that much more enjoyable.
Wow, I am going to have to check this series out. Especially since I am literally months away from the turning 50! Thanks for spreading the word, I had no idea the series even existed. I’m with you though, I love finding out about a series once a few seasons have already been out – I hate waiting between episodes when something is good! Can’t wait, thanks Shelbee!
Kellyann, thanks for stopping by! I think you are going to love it! It will you laugh and cry and sometimes both at the same time!
I have to see that! Perhaps then I can laugh about being a 50er! Lol.
Nancy, definitely check it out! It is really quite funny! Thanks for stopping by!
Kathrine Eldridge
I need to check out this series! Thanks for sharing and thanks for the link up.
Kathrine, I think you will love it! Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a fabulous week!
Jonet Wooten
I’m so excited you were able to attend the big meet up in NYC. What an empowering movement. Xo Jonet
Jonet, thank you so much! It was the most amazing experience and I am so honored to have been a part of it!
Michele Morin
The aging process certainly gives us plenty to laugh about, so we might as well enjoy it!
I could not agree with you more, Michele! It is a hell of a ride, isn’t it?!
jodie filogomo
Isn’t it amazing the women you meet through this blogging, and journey??
How fabulous Shelbee!!
Oh, it really, truly is, Jodie! I feel so blessed and so fortunate to be in a position where I get to meet so amazing women!
Sheela Goh
Such a fabulous premise for a show, thank you for the intro, Shelbee, it sounds like something I must watch!!!
OH My Gosh, Sheela! You will absolutely love it!
Nikki Gwin
I had heard of that show but had no idea what it was about. I think I will check it out. Thanks.
🙂 gwingal
Nikki, it is so, so good! It is so relevant right now to the midlife struggle. It will make you laugh and cry and question and wonder. I just finished season 2 and I just want more!
Helen C
I hadn´t heard before about this series. I´ll check it out! Thanks!
Helen, it really is quite funny with little dashes of sadness and a bit of crazy added in! Totally worth watching!
Elizabeth Ramsey
Can’t wait to check the show out! How exciting to have met the woman behind it!
Elizabeth | http://nattygal.com
It was so amazing to meet her, Elizabeth! Caytha is super inspiring and empowering! I think you will really love the show!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I just turned 40, so I am trying to adjust to being labeled as one in my ‘midlife’ now… so, I am sure I can find lots to relate to in this series! It is so neat to meet new people that are inspiring to us!
Carrie, I think you will really enjoy this show! You should definitely check it out! And I don’t think you need to define yourself as midlife at 40 if you don’t feel like you are in midlife! I think we all reach “midlife” at different ages.
Patrick Weseman
Sounds like an interesting show. I will have to check it out.
Have a wonderful week and thanks for hosting.
Thanks, Patrick! It really makes a great statement about the midlife struggle!
This looks like so much fun! I will have to check out this series!
Laura, it is so funny and relevant. It will make you laugh and cry. Totally worth checking out!
indah nuria Savitri
It will definitely be my fave! Looking at the plots and and casts, I won’t miss it indeed :). Those are remarkable group of inspiring women
Indah, thanks so much for reading! The show really is so relevant and funny and inspiring! I just finished watching all of season 2 and I want more!
Emma Peach
I’ll have to have a look at The Other F Word. The short episodes are what I need because I get constantly interrupted too!
Emma xxx
Emma, I think you will really enjoy the series. It is so relevant to the midlife struggle! And the short episodes are so great for me, too. Thanks so much for reading.
Laura || Walking in Memphis in High Heels
This sounds like an amazing series, I love different series like this!
Laura, it really is a great show! I finished watching season 2 and now I just more!
Shelbee, thanks for sharing this entertaining find. It sounds like a series that I’d be interested in.
Rena, I really think you will enjoy it! It is so, so relevant. You should definitely check it out! Thanks so much for stopping by.
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Julie Nix
Wow Shelbee! I love this post! I’ll have to check out this series. I’m telling you, the forties are a real shock to the system, and I bet the 50’s are even crazier. I know I felt different (and not in a good way) around 43! Sometimes I feel like my brain left my body…my memory is so terrible! LOL
Julie, thanks so much for reading this post! And I hear you on the memory thing! My arsenal of memories just keeps shrinking over time. It’s terrible! This show is so relevant. I think you will love it!
Shelbee, thank you for the shout out and the sweet compliments. Truly it makes a girl feel good, which I know is exactly what you’re going for in your spread the kindness link ups. 😉 Now let’s talk about how much I love that you were able to go to New York, deepen friendships and meet new folks! So cool! And a show that has episodes in 13 minute lengths? That alone makes me curious. As always, thank you for hosting and busting your bootie in the blog world.
Aw, Chrissy! You are too sweet! And as always, it is my pleasure to feature my fabulous blogger friends. NYC was such an amazing experience, for sure. To be in the company of so many empowering women was just magnificent! Thanks so much for all of your support.
Well I totally had no idea what the other F word was all about. Thanks for enlightening me and it surely sounds sad but a great way to reconcile with changing tides of life.
It really a fabulous show, Rania! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.
Thanks, Nicole!
This is such a beautiful post! This story seems truly uplifting. I love how empowering it is for women. Thank you for sharing!
~xo Sheree
Thanks so much for reading, Sheree! It really is a an amazing series and so relatable for to me as a woman in my 40’s. Although my children are younger than the children in the series, it gives me an accurate glimpse into the future!