The Mean Reds & Your Own Twist Link Up #5

“’You know those days when you get the means reds?’
Truman Capote, Breakfast at Tiffany’s
‘Same as the blues?’
‘No,’ she said slowly. ‘No, the blues are because you’re getting fat or maybe it’s been raining too long. You’re sad that’s all. The mean reds are horrible. You’re afraid, and you sweat like hell, but you don’t know what you’re afraid of. Except something bad is going to happen, only you don’t know what it is. You’ve had that feeling?’
‘Quite often. Some people call it angst.’
‘All right. Angst. But what do you do about it?’
‘Well, a drink helps.’
‘I’ve tried that. I’ve tried aspirin, too. Rusty thinks I should smoke marijuana, I did for a while, but it only makes me giggle. What I’ve found does the most good is to just get into a taxi and go to Tiffany’s. It calms me down right away, the quietness and the proud look of it; nothing very bad could happen to you there, not with those kind of men in their nice suits, and that lovely smell of silver and alligator wallets. If I could find a real-life place that made me feel like Tiffany’s, then I’d buy some furniture and give the cat a name.’”

When Monica picked Red as our theme for February, we had in mind Valentine’s Day and Women’s Heart Health Month. Little did I know how completely appropriate Red would be for the mood I have been experiencing these past few days. I am not much of a Valentine’s girl at all anyway. In fact, the only Valentine’s gifts I ever enjoyed receiving were when my father would bring me and each of my sisters a box of chocolate and one long stem red rose when we were kids. Every Valentine’s Day without fail. He died when I was just 20 years old and I never ever felt much excitement around Valentine’s Day after that. But it’s all good because we express our love and affection in my family every day of the year. Gifts given for no reason have so much more meaning than those bestowed on commercial holidays.

So I planned my outfit without Valentine’s Day in mind and a slight intention of discussing Women’s Heart Health since February is the month to raise awareness. But the only thing my heart has been feeling lately is heavy, overwhelmed, and tired. So let’s just talk about the mean reds instead. Have you ever had them?

I find it somehwat funny that these photos made me think of Holly Golightly and her mean reds since my last post was all about My Bipolar Life. I think the mean reds describe my current state perfectly. There actually really is nothing bad in my life except the regular things that can be inconvenient, annoying, and sometimes trying…but can also be easily dealt with when they come at you one at a time. It is when they come heaving down upon you all at once in an unpleasant storm of shit that you feel yourself start to crack a little. But then you remember your strength and you stand tall and firm and weather the storm. And you are left with that feeling of the mean reds. Maybe I just need a trip to Tiffany’s.

How do you cure the mean reds? Or the blues? And how do you weather the storms of life that we all too frequently encounter?
Won’t you join us with your favorite looks in red (or any fashion post that you would like to link). And be sure to check out Monica’s post as well! Stop by tomorrow for The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book with Nancy as well! We will be featuring graphic tees.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

I loved the movie and the book! Great post. I associate Valentine’s Day with my mother—she was my original and did it every year until she died. Nothing like it honestly. Red is one of my favorite colors <3
Becky, thank you so much and thanks for sharing your Valentine’s Day history. Parents really do have a way of making these silly holidays special. Have a great weekend, my friend.
Patrick Weseman
Looking nice and I love that sign behind you. All around great pics.
Thank so much, Patrick! Have a great weekend.
I’m feeling especially fiesty this time of year, too. Perhaps I need a trip to Tiffany’s! Your outfit is so cute, and the decrepit building behind you is such a cool backdrop!
Thanks so much, Roxanne! What is it about this time of year that causes such discontent? I love that you used the word “decrepit”! We have lots of buildings like this around here! Have a great weekend, my friend.
Shugunna Alexander
Shelbee I love ponchos, I have several but not RED, yours is really nice. Going to get me a red one for fall.
Thanks so much, Shugunna! I love ponchos do and don’t seem to wear them enough. I bet red would look so amazing on you!
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
That quote from Tiffanys is so amazing – it really helps me to understand the feelings a bi-polar person goes through. Hope your red is turning golden Shelbee – until then head out to a snowy field and scream like hell. If I lived near you, I’d drive over and do it with you xx
Maria, thank you so much! I think I need to go scream as loudly as I can somewhere! Since you can’t do it with me, maybe we set a time and do it simultaneously! Ha. I hope things start to look up for you as well, my friend.
Julie | This Main Line Life
That’s a great poncho. Love that it’s plaid.
Thanks so much, Julie! I have it in olive green as well! It is a great poncho. Have a fantastic weekend!
You look great in red – even if it’s mean. I am continuing to pray for you in the troubles you are experiencing. The book I just read might be a help to you. I posted a review on this link up. laurensparks.net
Lauren, thank you so very much! I am starting to feel back to normal and stronger than I was two weeks ago. I always come out of these episodes stronger so that is one benefit! I will definitely check out your book review. Thanks for linking it!
Love the red poncho, the print is just perfect.
Xx, Nailil
Thanks so much, Nailil! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
Susan Marinelli
Yep, I know the mean reds intimately. I know that movie too, and how kind of you to reprint one of my favorite passages! A trip to Tiffany’s always dispels the mean reds, but for me, so does watching the movie, along with a large glass of wine, and herbs, for medicinal purposes, naturally.
I have detested VD for a long time, with boyfiend or without. The only ones who have it right are the little kids, who laboriously complete a peel off Valentine for each person they care for. And eat lots of chocolate. It doesn’t even depress me, I just feel superior to all who are trying to obtain reservations or buy flowers.
That does not mean that I don’t Carpe Diem and dress up for the occasion. I looked smokin hot this VD, but honestly, nothing compared to you. As per usual. The poncho is grand, and I recognize those jeans from my own closet. I am gonna have to stop commenting on your footwear, which always are perfection.
Susan, my friend, as always, you have summed up my feelings about VD in perfect form. And I love to call it VD as well…it is an ironically funny abbreviation for a stupid lovey holiday! Although our Valentine’s Day has been sort of tainted by a recent tragedy in my town where my 7 year old went to school weighed down with a giant box of heart shaped cookies to celebrate with his classmates only to be informed upon arrival that one of his classmates had died in a house fire early that morning. Not sure my kid will ever view Valentine’s Day the same way ever again. Neither will I. But alas, it wasn’t a holiday I much cared for anyhow.
Susan Marinelli
I was so sorry to hear about your seven year old’s classmate, Shelbee. I said my prayer for the wee one, and hope he (and you) can weather this tragedy with equanimity. Or at least some semblance of composure. And if the wee one can’t handle it, thank God he has you there to help him. You may think your words don’t help, but they do. When I was that age, I lost my friend Rosemarie Green and her Mom to a car accident. They were on their way to a sleepover when they were hit. It was awful, but my Mom cried with me, held me, and told me never to forget my friend, and that she would never truly die, unless I forgot her. And I haven’t. Only time can lessen the grief, but it never goes away. I regret your little boy has to handle this at his tender age, but if he is your son, he must be strong and wise.
Susan, I cannot thank you enough for sharing this comment and your experience as a child. We are resilient, that’s for sure, and in time, Archie will be able to process this all. He seems to be doing better with it than I am right now, but they are also on school break this week. I think when they return to school next week, it may bring a lot of feelings to the surface. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, my friend.
Claire Justine
Love your red poncho Shelbee, red is my favourite colour 🙂
Thanks for sharing at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop.
Thanks so much, Claire! Have a great week!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Classic movie!
Indeed, it is, Tamar! I need to watch it this weekend, I think.
Anna at Muttonstyle
This is one of my favourite looks I’ve seen you in Shelbee. Just love this red and the shape and texture. Thanks for linking and I’ve joined yours of course. See you this week on link ups too I hope.
Thanks so much, Anna! Every time I wear red on the blog, I realize how much I really do love it as well!