The Magnificent 8 Style Heirlooms

It seems that with the dawning of new decade, nostalgia for times gone by is on the rise. Just this week, I joined my Fab 40’s friends in showcasing styles inspired by a century ago…the Roaring 1920’s. While I obviously am not old enough to have witnessed the Jazz Age in person, I am old enough to recollect the stories my grandparents shared of growing up during that era. When I was a young child and even a teenager listening to their stories of this simpler time from the past, it seemed liked a foreign and very remote place in time, one that I couldn’t really relate to nor could I understand how they lived without the more modern amenities that we had during my childhood in the 70’s and 80’s.
Now fast forward 40 or so more years and we can barely even remember life before the internet. The insane rate of speed at which we all seem to move in this age of technology can be mind boggling at times when we consider the era of our youth. There is an entire generation of adults, yes adults, who were not even born in the same millennium as I.

And suddenly, those Roaring 20’s when my grandparents were young children, are a century back in time. Yet here we are in the new 20’s when the descriptor “Roaring” takes on a whole new meaning. In the 1920’s, it was more about the decadence and free spirited nature of a post-World War I environment. But that was mostly only experienced by the wealthy minority. My grandparents were very much a part of the underprivileged working class folks of middle America. The new Roaring 20’s seem to be more about an overarching sense of overindulgence, mass consumerism, and abundance in every aspect of our lives.
Yes, we are starting to see a move back to a more minimalist and environmentally aware consciousness. But in this decade, the shift is by choice rather than by necessity. The impoverished majority of the 1920’s were minimalist because they had no choice. Store bought clothing was an absolute luxury while most of the so called common people made their own clothing from inexpensive textiles, one of which was yarn. Which brings me to my heirloom piece that I am styling today. My grandmother was very adept at seamstress work as well as knitting and crocheting, embroidery, and that ever so annoying craft of needlepoint.
I cannot tell you how many needlepoint crafts filled our home during my youth as both my grandmother and mother enjoyed this hobby together. We had tissue boxes, keychains, magnets, Christmas ornaments, wall hangings, plant holders, baskets, and really any other thing that you could craft with yarn and sheets of plastic grid. I apologize to any avid needle-pointers reading this. While I appreciate your creativity and your hobby, it is just not for me.

But I digress. This post has nothing at all to do with needlepoint. The focus is on this gorgeous Wedgwood blue shawl that my grandmother created sometime circa the 1970’s. I was born in 1974 and I am about 2 years old in the picture below. Grammy is wearing her handmade shawl with a really pretty black floral maxi dress and she is rocking that 70’s grandma style, in my opinion. She also made that adorable orange and white poncho that I am wearing. While I no longer have the orange poncho in my possession, I was fortunate enough to have somehow acquired ownership of the Wedgwood blue shawl that has always been a favorite of mine for the past 40 plus years.

Since the very beginning of my blog nearly 5 years ago, I have wanted to style this shawl and share it with this very photo of Grammy from 1976. For whatever reason, I simply never got around to it. But when the Magnificent 8 ladies chose the theme for this month at Roxanne’s brilliant suggestion, I knew immediately that the time had come for this beautiful shawl to make its debut appearance.

Be sure to go check out the rest of the amazing ladies of the Magnificent 8 to see how they are styling heirloom pieces or simply heirloom inspired looks.

The Magnificent 8 is a collaboration among 8 stylish women, each in a different age bracket, ranging from late teens to early 80’s. The mission of this collaboration is to show you just how ageless style is, how we can each dress however we’d like and in ways that make us feel fabulous. There are no age restrictions on style. So wear what you want, when you want, add a smile, and strut your style with confidence. And be sure to check out all 7 of these amazing gals!
Every quarter, we choose a theme and each create an outfit that suits our own personal tastes and fashion choices and we post them on the last Wednesday of every third month. So be sure to go check out everyone’s posts for lots of style inspiration at any age!
Let me introduce the ladies of The Magnificent 8.
- Grace of Graceful Rags is representing teenagers.
- Michelle of Michelle’s Pa(i)ge is representing the 20-somethings.
- Roxanne of Glass of Glam is representing the 30-somethings.
- Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge is representing the 40-somethings.
- Rena of Fine Whatever is representing the 50-somethings.
- Eugenia of Age of Grace is representing the 60-somethings.
- Lesley of Jodie’s Touch of Style is representing the 70-somethings.
- Charlotte of Jodie’s Touch of Style is representing the 80-somethings.
We are showing that you can’t put a number on style!

Do you have any special heirloom pieces in your wardrobe? Or perhaps just an inherited item that decorates your home and gives you all those special feelings of nostalgia and familial connection?
Feeling sentimental on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Shawl-Inherited from my grandmother / Dress-c/o Zaful / Tights-Amazon (Exact) / Boots-Forever 21 / White tee shirt-Old Navy / Hat-Burlington Coat Factory / Necklace-c/o Rosegal / Earrings-c/o Happiness Boutique

Hope the shawl kept you warm! Love those baby blue accents: its a really pretty color with your coloring! I am glad you kept that shawl all of those years. I have a few things of my grandmother’s that I have kept over the years, but it is all jewelry and a few dishes.
Thanks so much, Mireille! This is not a color I wear really at all, but I was really liking the color on me as well. I should wear it more often. And no, the shawl did not keep me warm! I was freezing. Heirloom jewelry and dishes are very cool things to have as well. I used to have an entire vintage hat collection from my grandmother but it got lost somewhere through the years.
That is SO cool that your grandma made that shawl and that you still have it!! Love it paired with the pretty icy blue and white! (And I’m talking about the dress, not just the landscape! Ha!)
Thanks so much, Gina! I was really loving the ice blue against the icy background, too. But I was also freezing half to death taking these photos!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very lovely and classy. You make the perfect winter wonderland model.
Aw, thanks so much, Patrick! That is the nicest compliment!
Eugenia Russell Hargrove
First of all, you look fabulous!! No grandma shawl here, your use of your inherited piece updated with the white booties and beret, très chic my dear.
Thank you so much, Eugenia! I knew that I wanted to style this shawl and I really had no plans for how. I just started scoping around my closet and this is what magically came together. I was super happy with the result!
jodie filogomo
I love that you have a photo of your grandma in that shawl. I only wish I had a photo of my grandma in my dress!!!
I love how you styled this entire outfit. But dang….it looks cold!!
Thanks so much, Jodie! I was so excited to share my Grammy wearing the same shawl! That would have been really cool if you had a photo of your grandmother in that dress. And dang is right! I was freezing my tushy off!
Ruth Josey
What a fabulous outfit! I love the blues and the tights with the white ankle boots and most of all I love your grandmother’s gorgeous shawl! I think I’d be wearing that everywhere. I have lots of things that I’ve gotten from closing down houses or storage units when a family member has gone on and many of the things I’ve kept for sentiment – nothing I’d really wear EXCEPT costume jewelry. I have some lovely pieces and really need to pull them out and figure out how to incorporate them into my wardrobe. The pieces I most wish I could wear were from an elderly cousin who was about half my size 🙁 There’s a gorgeously glam 40’s-ish one-piece swimsuit made out of gold (well, gold material) and a wonderful little top that maaaayyyyybeee I could wear as a cropped top – very 50’s June Cleaver-esque. Oh, and you left out those little lady toilet paper roll holders all of our grandmothers had on the backs of the toilets. Thank goodness I missed out on getting any of those. And your grandma? She was in style back in the early 70’s. We were all in love with the maxi dresses then…..
Ruth, once again, thanks so much for such a thoughtful and interesting comment! Those pieces you have sound so wonderful! A gold swim suit circa 1940’s sounds like the most amazing thing ever! And June Cleaver in a cropped top…I do want to see that kind of fabulousness! I did forget about the needlepoint toilet paper holders. Maybe I omitted that atrocity on purpose. I am seriously laughing so hard right now! My grandmother was pretty sassy and trendy in her day, that’s for sure!
Helena Primeira
The white boots in this snowy environment looked so cute 🙂
– Helena Primeira
– Helena Primeira Youtube
– Primeira Panos
Thanks so much, Helena! I laugh every time I wear white boots in the snow because you can never quite see them in the photos!
This shawl is so pretty! I love a good vintage piece!
xo Logan
Thanks so much, Logan! It is a very sentimental and cherished item. So it was fun to bring it out and style it!
What a beautiful post, Shelbee! I love that this was finally the perfect time for you to style your grandmother’s shawl. The photo of you two is so special, and this post is such a wonderful way to keep her memory alive. I especially love that you look like a pretty winter princess in all of your shades of blue! Your discussion of the Roaring 20s and technology is so pertinent. I’m obsessed with that time frame and am excited to be living through a new era of the 20s myself. My hope is that if I just wear headbands across my forehead enough, I’ll be able to bring the style back – ha! I styled a Roaring 20s look for my New Year’s Eve blog post. They’re just such stylish outfits.
I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week!
Miles of smiles,
Grace, thank you so much! This was such a fun and very meaningful theme. I am not sure how we are going to top it for the next one! That picture of me and my grandmother is really special to me especially because I don’t have many pictures at all from my childhood. It’s kind of sad really. So the few that I do have, I cherish because those are my only memories. I need to go check out your NYE post now. I am sure you absolutely rocked the 1920’s style!
I think it’s amazing that that poncho is over 40 years old! And what more amazing is that you have that photo! I love those kind of garments!
Thanks, Nancy! It really is a cool thing to have stuff like this that I can still wear today. I also have one of Grammy’s knitted hats that I wear all the time. You have seen it plenty on the blog. I only wish I had more things of hers.
That shawl is beautiful!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Thanks so much, Jennifer! It is super cozy, too!
Chrissy Rowden
This is post is fabulous on so many levels. For one, that picture of you and Grammy is wonderful. I love the blue shawl, as the color and detail are perfect for you. Also, how fun is this gathering of generations to collaborate with. You’re always bringing the fun content Shelbee! Wishing you all the best. 🙂
Thanks so much, Chrissy! This photo is one of my most cherished ones! And this collaboration is one of my favorite ones! It is so fun to bring us all together from the ages of 20-80 and style one theme.
I think that is so sweet that you have your grandmother’s shawl! You’re rocking it too.
Joanne, thanks so much! I really do cherish this shawl! Have a great weekend.
Such a cute outfit! I love the pale blue and white color combination. And so awesome to have your grandmother’s shawl.
Thanks so much, Michelle! I don’t wear this shade of blue often, but I love the way it photographed against the snowy background. And isn’t this shawl just wonderful?!
jess jannenga
First, I am going ga-ga over those white booties! I have a pair and need to dig them out! This was a great topic as it is wonderful to see things passed down. I love this outfit on you alot! You do pastels so well and the baby blue with the grey-blue of your grandma’s shawl looks wonderful and has such memories. The pearls are a great addition! I wish I had more heirlooms.. my Dad was one that was a bit OCD about cleaning and he tossed alot of things at my childhood home. We do have pictures though!
enjoy the weekend!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I really cherish this shawl because I do not have many heirlooms that survived moves and such. I used to have an entire hat collection that was my grandmother’s that I really wish I still had. I also had an authentic Japanese kimono that was my mother’s that somehow got lost along the way. And I don’t have a lot of photos either. I guess the few things that may survive just become that much more special.
I wore my white booties way more often last year than I have this year. I think I have 4 different pairs!
I like how you winterised this mini dress, and how sweet you have your grandmother’s shawl, such a special piece. My grandmother always wore a stack of bracelets up her arm – I have one of the charms from her charm bracelet and some of her gold bangles. Sadly I think I lost the gold bangles though 🙁 Still have that charm, and my sister has hers. It’s nice to have things like that to remind us of people who are no longer here.
Thanks so much for joining the #WeekdayWearLinkup!
Thanks so much, Mica! This shawl is definitely one of my most cherished pieces. I used to have my grandmother’s hat collection as well, all vintage hats from the 50’s and 60’s, but it has been lost somehow through the years. It is sad when we lose these heirloom pieces, but at least we both still have a little something!