The Holiday Series: A Holiday Home Tour & Thursday Moda Link Up
Welcome to the third post in a six post series so graciously coordinated by Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood. The Holiday Series is a multi-blogger collaboration where we share with you different holiday inspired outfits. First, we shared our Thanksgiving outfits. Then we shared our Black Friday outfits. Coming next week, we will be showing you our Winter Wedding outfit ideas. But this week, we are doing something a bit different and taking you on a tour inside of our homes to see how we decorate for the holidays.
So welcome to my home! In particular, my living room. We remain a tad on the side of minimalism when it comes to decorating for the holidays. A standard fake tree with white lights and our vast collection of random ornaments that have been collected over the years. I have two very special items that adorn our tree every year: my very first pair of baby shoes and my first born’s very first pair of baby shoes.
Mine were a gift from a relative when I was born and they feature gold embossing on the sole with my name (spelled incorrectly) and my birthday.
And my son’s crocheted sneaker booties, which were a gift from a friend before he was born.
My tree does feature many other special ornaments, each with its own special story. But that would take an entire book to share all of those memories with you. Perhaps next year, I can show some of my other special tree decorations.
But let’s move on…last year during the major Christmas clearance sales, I scored a whole bunch of fun things from Dollar General at 90% off the ticket price. Who can resist that? I got these cute Santa Claus figures and buckets of shiny Christmas balls.
And we can’t forget Naughty Rudolph…he’s our version of The Elf on the Shelf. Although he hasn’t been up to his regular shenanigans in a few years (mostly because I’m just too damn lazy for all that)!
Having two young children, we of course need to have the countdown calendar. I took these photos with 29 days left until Christmas. But at the date of this post, there are only 18 days until Christmas.
And cinnamon scented pine cones always create a warm festive feel.
And our very big stocking which makes its way to all sorts of different places each year. This year it is hanging on our front door.
We got this giant stocking for my oldest son’s first Christmas in 2011. And I thought it would be cute to put the baby in the stocking!
He doesn’t fit in it any more.
We haven’t hung any outside lights yet because we recently moved and just discovered there are no outside outlets so we are still working out the logistics of how to proceed with this mission!
There is also Shelbee, my mannequin who stands in the hallway for photographing Poshmark and boutique items. She was feeling a little festive this year, too!
The sign my father-in-law bought for the kids last year hangs in the hallway.
One last thing that is very special to me is my Lenox Nativity. I began purchasing pieces to this set for my mother when I was in college. Each year for her birthday and for Christmas, I added a new piece. While it is not a complete set, it is very dear to me as my mother cherished it so much. When she passed away, I claimed it as my own (I did purchase it, after all)! Now that my kids are getting old enough to understand they are not to touch it, I can proudly display my Nativity on the dresser in my living room. Now if I could just get the cats to understand that they are not play on the dresser top!
That concludes the holiday tour of my home.
Let’s check out how the other ladies have decorated their homes for the holidays! And then won’t you join Ada’s Thursday Moda Link Up…you can link right at the end of this post!
Do you have special decorations that you put out every holiday season?
I hope you enjoyed this short tour of my living room! Come back next week to see what we have styled for a Winter Wedding.
Feeling festive on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Absolutely in love with the mannequin! What a fabulous way to infuse a little fun and edge into your decor. That Lenox nativity is gorgeous. Ours is packed away somewhere and never made it out this year. I’m blaming the kitchen reno!
So happy to be participating in this series with you!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! The mannequin was my husband’s doing! There were so many extra lights when he reached the bottom of the stairs so he decided to decorate Shelbee! And a kitchen renovation is no joke, so I don’t blame you for leaving some decorations packed away! I will be making my way to the other posts soon after I take the kids to school. Such a fun collaboration, for sure. I am glad that you joined us!
How beautiful your house looks. I miss having young children in the house at Christmas, no advents this year – except one for my grand-daughter. The tree is up and looks all sparkly so “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” Jacqui
Jacqui, thanks so much! It is always such fun putting everything up with the kids. They get so excited! Enjoy your holiday with your granddaughter!
So lovely!!
Thanks so much, Tamar!
Cheryl Tucker
Oh I love holiday decorations. Just last night I went outside and took pictures of a neighbors wonderful outside decorations. Its the one thing that puts me in the holiday spirit! Everyone did a fabulous job in your post!
Cheryl, thanks so much for stopping by and checking it out! We also love decorating for the holidays. My kids love it so much that about once a week we all hop in the car and just drive around looking at the houses are decorated. They get so excited by the really lit up homes!
jodie filogomo
I crocheted booties like that for our nephew last year. But funny story because I’m a knitter so crochet is harder for me to get the gauge correct. Therefore I had to crochet 5 of them, to get 2 to look close in size (they weren’t ornaments–they were meant to wear)!!!
Oh my goodness, Jodie, that is hilarious! These were meant to wear as well, I just turned them into ornaments! I don’t think I ever did put them on his little feet anyway. So you could turn your mis-sized pairs into cute ornaments though! Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a fabulous weekend!
You did such a great job Shel. I love seeing all the details up close. I love that you too add little miniature first baby’s shoes to the trees and you use a lot of ornaments and pinecones to feel bowls and jars like I do. Your Nativity set is stunning and I need to invest in one. And I love that the mannequin is named like your blog’s namesake lol. She is so fancy!
I wrote something about everyone’s decor on my post today. It will take a long time reading it but it is worth it. 🙂
Thanks so much, Ada! This was not a topic I ever thought of sharing on my blog, but it was really fun! So thank you for inspiring me and inviting me to join. I just finished running some errands and now have a few minutes to sit down and read everyone’s posts! I, unfortunately, did not have time to comment on everyone’s decor in my own post but I thought the images really spoke for themselves anyway. Plus I want my readers to visit the other posts to get the details! I will be sending you my winter wedding outfit photos soon. Have a fabulous weekend!
love the Christmas festive looks!
Thanks so much, Stephanie! Gets you right in the holiday spirit, doesn’t it?!
I love the baby shoes and booties on the tree – so sweet!
Thanks so much, Carol! I don’t even know when I started doing that. I think I found my baby shoes somewhere and wasn’t sure what to do with them, so I turned them into an ornament!
Thank you for sharing all this cute decorations, Shelbee. I am actually looking for some, for this Christmas. I need to do my Christmas tree, too.
Miri, thanks so much for stopping by and checking out what we do for Christmas! I hope you find all the beautiful Christmas decorations that you are looking for. Happy Holidays!
This is such a fun, festive post. Love it!
Thanks so much, Johanna! It was so much fun to put this post together, too! Have a wonderful weekend and a blessed holiday.
Helen C
That´s minimal Christmas decoration for you? For me that´s full holiday mode!!! I love it! It looks like fun being at your home :)))
For us, as we don´t have kids, a few holiday ornaments and a tree are more than sufficient but I can´t wait to have kids(If we are lucky, of course) and get the house full of Christmas decoration!
Ha, Helen! I guess I compare myself to all the beautiful homes you see on Pinterest! And my mother-in-law goes all out and decorates every single room in her home. We stick to the living room. I am praying that you get a Christmas blessing in the baby making area! Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend.
Helen C
Thanks, Shelbee!!
your christmas decor is so beautiful
Wonder Cottage
Thank you so much! And thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful weekend.
Laura || Walking in Memphis in High Heels
I love all the shoes on the tree! I have a similar set of shoes with my name and birthday on them!
Thanks so much, Laura! I think I may need to start a smaller table top tree for the holidays that is fashion themed! All shoes and clothes and accessory ornaments. Wouldn’t that be fun!?
All the holiday photos and decorations have inspired me, as I have just started to put things out. Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful ideas Shelbee!
Cherie, thanks so much for visiting my holiday home tour post! With your impeccable sense of style, I am sure that you decorate your home in the most beautiful way for the holidays! Pour some egg nog (if you love it like I do) and get to work! I’m glad I could inspire you.
Chrissy Rowden
Shelbee, I thoroughly enjoyed this home tour. In fact, I’m going to pretend I popped into your home on my 25 Days of Christmas trees tour. 😉 I always ask what the ornament favorites are, etc. you answered beautifully. Love the baby shoes! And how precious is your nativity set and the bittersweet memories that must be rolled into each figurine. Thank you again for the tour! It was lovely.
Chrissy, thank you so much! This was such a fun post to do and I totally never would have done it if not for Ada’s convincing me. I cannot even remember when I started adding the baby shoes to my tree. I think I found mine in a box somewhere (probably during the holidays) and wasn’t sure what to do with them, so I hung them on the tree and now their permanent home is with the Christmas ornaments! I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a blessed holiday!
I love your baby shoes and your first born’s baby shoes are on the tree. Christmas trees should be filled with memory. I love helping my mom decorate her tree with all the ornaments we made and gifted over the years.
Thanks so much, Lee! This was such a fun post to do. I seriously have a story behind almost every ornament on my tree. My son was asked to bring an ornament from the tree into school and I was being so ridiculous! Every one he picked, I was like “No. You can’t take that one. It’s too special because…” I finally let one go that we had two identical ones and even that was hard to do!
I love the picture of him in the stocking – very cute!
Thanks so much, Carol! If I recall correctly, I don’t think he was too thrilled with being stuffed in a stocking! Haha. It is a good blackmailing photo for his teenage years though.