The Holiday Series 2018-Happy New Year & Link Up On the Edge #126

As I sit drafting this post on Christmas Day, I am feeling like a much overdue blogging break is needed here on the edge. With that I am going to share my second to last outfit of 2018, the final post in Ada’s Holiday Series (featuring our New Year’s Eve looks), the final link up of the year, and my final thoughts until I return back to my regular blogging schedule some time next week. I will be posting on December 31 with The Fab 40’s and it’s a really fun theme this month, so be sure to check that one out. Then I will begin my short blogging hiatus. I was going to set a firm date for my return to blogging, but I decided that I have been living stringently by my own self-imposed deadlines lately and I am going to return briefly to my comfort zone of flying by the seat of my pants.

I quite like to fly that way. It makes me feel free and uninhibited and allows me to release the weight of the world from my shoulders which I all too often carry around with me. Of course, I will remain diligent in completing the necessary obligations of daily living, but all the extras that I find myself unnecessarily committing to are going to have to wait this time. My kids will be away for 10 days and I fully intend on embarking on a week and a half of complete and total selfishness. Because I don’t do it very often. And because I can. And because I want to. And I am going to do it with no guilt and all pleasure.

I think when we take some time to just let it all go that’s when we allow the universe and our muses to really speak to us. Or perhaps they are always speaking to us, we just need to stop and listen. This next week or two will be my opportunity to just stop and really listen. I can’t wait to see what comes flooding in on me. Hopefully, it will be worthy of sharing here.

But before I go, I have to share the most wonderful story about my new faux fur coat that I received as a Christmas gift from my dear husband. This gorgeous coat came into the consignment shop on a day when I was not working. Denise, the owner, accepted it on consignment, priced it, and hung on the coat rack. When I spotted it my next day at work, I was in a complete swoon over it. With very little expectation of it fitting (it had no size tag), I hesitatingly slipped it on. Much to my surprise and complete satisfaction, it fit perfectly as if it were made for me. I quickly snapped a selfie and sent it to Denise, declaring that the coat would be mine by the end of the week. She tried to persuade me to wait until after Christmas to make the purchase, citing all sorts of random reasons that did not make much sense.
At the end of the week, I returned home without my new coat. As I stood chatting with my husband about the day, his phone alarm went off which caused me to glance down at the screen which was directly in my line of vision. The alert blasted across his screen, “Call Denise about getting fur coat for wife.” I laughed as I read it aloud to him, teasing him that he has not yet managed to surprise me in over a decade. But the gesture made my heart happy.

We called Denise, who was still at the shop, to inform her that my husband was on his way to pick up the coat. She began talking to a customer who had just entered the shop. Then she whispered to me in a slightly panicked tone that the owner of the coat had just walked in and had changed her mind about selling it. My heart sank. She said to send my husband right away and she would try to stall the coat’s owner until he arrived. I found out later that Denise had been planning to get the coat for me for Christmas and a friendly argument ensued between her and my husband as they battled it out about who would get to gift me this beautiful coat.
All I can say is this…I am overwhelmed by all the love and the amazing gestures from both of them. And even though only one got to present me with my favorite gift ever, the story of how it became mine makes it an even more cherished gift than I ever anticipated. Thanks for all the love, Denise and Jeff! I don’t know if I deserve all that, but I sure am grateful! And every time I drape this coat around myself, I will be feeling nothing short of abundant love!
Have you received any special gifts this year?
If you are looking for more New Year’s Eve outfit inspiration, please be sure to check out all of these gorgeous ladies perfectly styled for an end of the year celebration! And stop back on New Year’s Eve for a super fun Fab 40’s collaboration! I want to wish you all the happiest of New Years. May your night be spent making beautiful memories and may the upcoming year be filled with so much peace, joy, laughter, and love.

And now your featured favorites from last week’s link up.
Mel of Mom with Style shared her post, Last Minute Christmas Looks From Your Closet. I absolutely love this easy Buffalo plaid look. Mel also shared three other amazing dress looks in this post, so do hop over and check them out. They are all brilliant!

Chrissy of Granola and Grace shared her post, Eva Trends: The Queen Lace Dress. I am seriously crushing on this dress! The color is magnificent on Chrissy and she is a woman after my own heart using a gas pump as the backdrop for a lacy dress! Go check out those photos!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Have a wonderful New Years and I will miss you while you take your bloggy break!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I won’t be breaking for long! I can never resist the temptation to start posting when the inspiration finds me! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
Perla Aguilar
What a sweet story! Look at how loved you are 🙂 Have a happy new year! ♥
PerlaGiselle | iamperlita.com
Say hello and let’s follow each other <3
Thanks so much, Perla! I will cherish this coat and tell the story of it for years to come! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
What a fantastic coat story! I hope you enjoy your well deserved break! Happy new year!
Thanks so much, Elsie! I will most certainly be enjoying myself! It is already so quiet in my house with no children that I am unsure how to handle it. hahaha. Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
You look great in black and white style Shelbee! Happy new year! XO Tina
Thank you so much, Tina! It is a perfect combination! Wishing you a very Happy New Year filled with so much joy!
Kathrine Eldridge
Love this glam coat and boots! I adore this look Shelbee. Enjoy your break and happy new year!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! Happy New Year to you! May it be filled with peace, love, and joy!
Deborah Stinedurf
Two thumbs up for selfish me time! Enjoy it, learn from it and come back even more freakin’ fabulous than you already are. And ten thumbs up (if I had ten) for that coat and those booties! I’ve been on quite a coat bender lately and this one has me written all over it…vintage, faux fur…perfection!
Enjoy your new year and the time off my friend! xo
Thanks so much, Debbie! You do have the most fabulous coat collection ever! We get so many amazing vintage coats in the consignment shop but they are never my size! This was the first one that fit me and I nearly jumped up and down with excitement when I tried it on! I feel like a damn rock star when I wear it! And the boots, as fabulous as they are, might be sitting shoes! They are a bit too high for walking much! But this is the price we pay for fashion, right?! Ha. I wish you the very best in the New Year, my friend! May you continue to be as phenomenal as you already are!
Michele Morin
Blessings to you in 2019!
Thank you so much, Michele! May the new year be filled with peace, love, and laughter for you as well!
Oh what a,, surprise,,!😂😂😂 But I have to give it to you, that coat looks absolute amazing on you! And what about those boots!! Love them!
Thanks so much, Nancy! I do love my new coat so much, but I love the story of it even more! It is one to tell the grandkids, for sure. And as fabulous as these boots are, they are most definitely sitting shoes! I wish you a very Happy New Year, my friend. May it be filled with so many blessings!
HNY my dear Michelle!
You certainly know how to make a statement with those boots.
Thank you, Lorena! You know I do love statement boots! You can change an entire outfit with fabulous footwear! Wishing you a very Happy New Year, my friend!
Bojana Krienke
First off the outfit and the coat are AMAZING and you wear it with such confidence. Love the way you pulled this outfit together and even more that you highlighted your husbands sweetness. I am also glad that even bloggers I look up to, such as yourself, need a break. I took and break when my little had surgery and life got overwhelming. It really made me ponder if I want to continue. I don’t have an answer yet but I do know that I am going to slow down and write/post when it feels right. I’d love any insight and advice others have. Until you return, enjoy doing the things that recharge you.
Bo, thank you so very much! I really appreciate your kind words and encouragement. I definitely love blogging and have not even considered giving it up. But I get myself so concerned with sticking to a very strict posting schedule that not only does the joy go out of it but then I start delivering content that I am not satisfied with. I need to sit back and let things simmer a bit so that my muses can feed my creativity better! So I think if you love blogging and use it as a creative outlet, you should continue on at your own pace. If it is a hobby, keep viewing it as such so you don’t lose the joy of it. If it is a job and it is generating necessary income, then that can change how you approach the whole thing altogether. I use my blog as a creative outlet and a launching pad of sorts for my writing goals. So for me it is a mixture of hobby and work…I still look forward to the interactions with all of you fabulous bloggers every day. It is my favorite time of day…drinking my coffee early in the morning, responding to comments, and making my rounds through blogland. I just wish I had more time to do it! I hope you find the answer that is best for you! The New Year can bring us all some new insights for sure. Wishing you the best in 2019!
What a fabulous look! This coat and boots are too gorgeous!
Happy holidays lovely!
Edwige | http://www.hypnozglam.com
Thanks so much, Edwige! I hope you have a wonderful New Year!
Rachael Leung
What a beautiful coat, and great story! Wishing you a wonderful new year, and relaxing break!
Thank you so much, Rachael! I hope your New Year is filled with so many blessings!
What a great story! And a great symbol of love. Enjoy your blogging hiatus. I find it is always good to take a break once in a while. It helps you remember why you do it in the first place. Happy New Year!
Thank you so much, Amanda! I agree with you completely…we need to remember the whys of what we do. It is so very important. Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
Thanks for sponsoring all the Link Ups. I love reading about your thoughts and insights. This outfit is perfect on you. What a great story about the fight to give it to you–special in so many ways.
Enjoy your hiatus. It is much deserved.
xx Darlene
Thank you so very much, Darlene! I will definitely cherish my new coat and the story of how I received it! Wishing you a very Hapy New Year. May it be filled peace, love, and joy!
You must feel so very loved. What a great story. laurensparks.net
Thank you, Lauren! And yes, I definitely feel very loved! Have a wonderful New year!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very nice. Thanks for all you do. I hope that you have a great New Year’s and enjoy your blogging break. You will be missed. Have a wonderful weekend. Hope you are back in mid-January as I am going to post a blog based on your suggestion.
Patrick, thank you so much! I won’t be away from blogging for long! In fact, I will probably be back to posting regularly sometime next week. So really just a few days. I can’t wait to see your blog post based on my suggestion! Have a very Happy New Year, my friend!
Your sequin booties are TOO FUN! I just love this whole glam outfit! I hope you enjoy your time away from blogging!
Thanks so much, Laura! Sequins always make me smile! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
beautiful coat, well deserved, you look great in it
Thanks so much, Paul! Wishing you a wonderful New Year!
That coat looks so cosy and what a funny story behind getting it! 🙂
Hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and you’re having a nice end to 2018 🙂 Christmas was busy but fun here as I hosted it for the family. Enjoying more family time now as I am still on leave from work. Enjoy your blog break, I had a little one over Christmas and it was wonderful!
Away From The Blue Blog
Mica, thank you so much! It is nice to spend time with family without work obligations hanging over your head! I took a few days off from work and went to visit my sister. I hadn’t seen her since last Christmas so it was really nice. And now I am enjoying my break all kid-free! Wishing you the most amazing things to come in 2019, my friend. Happy New Year!
Marie Moody
This has to be my most favorite outfit that I’ve seen you post. Love the black & white look along with how you have your hair and make-up also. Thanks for sharing….. and oh heck, I even like the cute lil’ gazebo!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR! HUGS!
Thanks so much, Marie! I definitely feel all sassy in this outfit! Wishing you an amazing New Year! May it be filled with peace, love, and laughter!
Love these boots! So beautiful!
Happy New Year 2019!
xo, Joling
Thank you so much, Joling! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
I took an unintended break and it was amazing! Not feeling guilty is such a blessing and I’m so glad I’m finally at that point. Happy New Year Shelbee! Wishing you a bright 2019.
PS…the coat was a good choice!
Thanks so much, Shelly! I seriously just laid around for the past 4 days and I have to admit that a little bit of guilt did creep in. But I’m going to just let it go because it’s done and I needed it! Wishing you all the best in 2019!
Shelbee– What a gorgeous coat!! I’m glad that it’s yours! Enjoy your blogging break and Happy New Year!
Thank you so much, Liberty! And now the weather has been a bit more mild than usual so I haven’t had the opportunity to wear my new coat again! Oh well, I have a lifetime to show it off. Wishing you all the best in 2019!
Lynda Hardy
Wow those boots are Uh-MAAAAZing! I hope you enjoy your hiatus!
Thanks so much, Lynda! They are cute, but hard to walk in! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
Robin LaMonte
What a wonderful Christmas story and gift!
I love the faux fur coat! I thought it was real until I read the post.
Isn’t it nice that you work for someone who thinks so highly of you?
Happy New Year friend!
Robin, thank you so much! I will cherish this coat forever because of its story! There is so much love in it! Wishing you all the best in the New Year, my friend!
jacqui berry
Looking lovely my friend, I love the white jeans – I need to get mine out again, when the wet weather disappears that is! Thanks for joining the #chicandstylish #linkup Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thanks so much, Jacqui! White jeans can definitely be troublesome in mucky weather! But they do manage to brighten up the dreariness. Happy New Year to you!
Jessica A Jannenga
That coat was made for you! How wonderful a story that both your friend and hubby wanted to get it for you. It can be hard for hubbys to surprise us, right? Love those fancy booties too! Do enjoy the time to yourself and relax!
thanks for linking!
jess xx
Thank you, Jess! I felt like the coat was made for me the moment I tried it on! I absolutely love it. But it has actually been a bit too warm lately to wear it. And yes, it can be very difficult for husbands to surprise us. Ha. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
I was so happy to see that you wore this glam black+white outfit for our final post of The Holiday Series 2018. I hope next year’s Holiday collaborations are even bigger and better. And I hope 2019 is the year I FINALLY GET TO MEET YOU LIVE, TOO.
Now, back to the outfit. It is perfect to end the year with. I knew as soon as you said Denise was coming up with reasons for you not to buy it, that she or your hubby would gift it to you. As I continued to read through your post, I smiled even more reading your coat story and what a great story attached to such a great coat! And those sitting shoes are some of the most beautiful boots I have ever seen. So gorgeous!!
Thanks so much, Ada! Both Denise and my hubby are much too kind to me but I am always grateful to have them both in my life. I do love this Holiday Series and very much look forward to being a part of it every year! Next year will be most fabulous I am sure. I hope I get to meet you in person as well this year. That would be amazing! Wishing you all the best in the New Year, my friend.
OMG I left the longest comment here from my phone and it disappeared?! Arrrgggghhh. I was saying how I loved the final look of this Holiday Series and that you went entirely with black and white. The coat and boots are gorgeous and those sequined boots are indeed perfect for NY Eve, despite being sitting shoes. When you started telling the story about how your friend from the boutique didn’t want to sell you the coat, I had a feeling either her or hubby would buy it for you for Christmas. What a great story attached to a great coat!! 😊 Looking forward to all the future collabs and hopefully a bigger and better Holiday Series in 2019! Wishing you and your beautiful family a year filled with good health, prosperity, love, grace, adventures and much more. I hope 2019 is the year we get to meet each other life, dearest Michelle. 💖💖💖
Ada, I received the first comment and it should be published on the post now! But I will publish this one, too, just in case!