The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-May 2018-Leopard Print
Welcome to The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book!
Welcome! This is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. A year ago, Nancy and I started The Bad Buy Book, a monthly series about our worst purchases. It was a lot of fun to do and we both learned something from it, too! Nancy learned that off-white against her face is not the most flattering color. And I learned that I have a serious problem resisting a good thrift shop find when it comes to pieces that fit “good enough” but “not quite right.” However, after a year has passed, we decided to change the series a bit.
You can choose whether you want to show a Good Buy (which is an item you are really exited about) or a Good-Bye (which is an item you are going to say good-bye to, previously known as a Bad Buy). We will keep purchasing Bad Buys every now and then for a variety of reasons…it was so cheap, you were in a hurry and really wanted (needed) to buy something, it fit almost quite right. But, of course, we also have those purchases that can make us so very happy. A piece of clothing that you have had for years and that you also wear a lot. Or something you bought on a holiday and every time you wear it you get that nostalgic holiday feeling back. Every month you can choose which item you want to submit. A Good Buy or a Good-Bye. We will provide the theme for each month. Photos should be submitted to us by the 10th of the month with a few sentences explaining why it is a Good Buy or Good-Bye.
Let’s start with my beautiful co-host, Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style. She is sharing a Good Buy for this month’s theme of Leopard Print.

“I have had these sandals for years now, and although the heel is actually too high, I love these! A Good Buy!”
Next is Michele of @seechele_styles also sharing a Good Buy.

“I thrifted these leopard Keds sneaks for $3.48 (new without tags). So comfy. I wear them all the time.”
Kellyann of This Blonde’s Shopping Bag shared two Good Buys this month. Be sure to stop by Nancy’s page to see Kellyann’s other Leopard Good Buy!

“I have a thing for leopard accessories and feel they never serve me wrong! My leopard heels and my leopard flat sandals go with everything and add a little sass. My leopard clutch is one of my favorite pieces, it will be used for years to come.”
Elizabeth of Natty Gal submitted two Good Buys. Be sure to check out Nancy’s post for the other.

“In my mind leopard is almost always a good buy unless it doesn’t fit well! As a fairly neutral dresser, I love the bit of edge that leopard can give an outfit. It’s a classic print but adds so much personality…The vest is a few years old from White House Black Market and one of my favorite layering pieces for in-between weather. The Hunter boot socks are older…I just love the little bit of interest and lift that they give my mostly classic/neutral outfits. The Hunters are just the ‘rainy day’ version of that!”
Chrissy of Granola and Grace also shared a Good Buy.

“These leopard flats are definitely a good buy! Although they were sadly neglected for quite some time, I finally realized the error of my ways in not utilizing them. I like how they add a little interest to whatever outfit I pair them with and since I live in Georgia, I can wear them 3 seasons out of the year! I have my mother-in-law to thank, who is far more stylish than I am, making me her forever student.”
Jodie of Jodie’s Touch of Style has submitted three Good Buys with her mom and stepmom, each showcasing their own leopard print coat.

“I know it’s getting too warm for leopard coats, but they are such a fabulous way to make any day fun!! All three of us love our leopard coats. My mom (the 80+ model on my blog) has had hers for year, and Nancy (the 60+ model) & I just thrifted ours this winter!! They are definitely a good buy!!”
Anne of Spy Girl submitted one of her very favorite Good Buy leopard pieces.

“It’s a ‘Leo Leopard’ lymphedema sleeve from Lymphedivas.com. I have LOTS of leopard in my closet (my favorite neutral!), and I thought instead I’d do a little PSA for those suffering from this condition often (but not only) caused from lymph node removal. Cancer often will spread to lymph nodes after it has had its fun with the initial attack, so any suspicious nodes are removed in surgery along with the tumor(s). I had all mine removed from my right armpit (15 out of 32 cancerous). Lymphedema is caused from swelling around waste fluid that accumulates because no nodes are there to filter it out. Thanks, cancer. At least the pretty compression sleeves from Lymphedivas fool people into thinking I have a bada$$ tattoo. Ha!”
Sonja of YuSt So Me shared a bunch of her leopard Good Buys in one fabulous outfit.

“I think with this print you are always fashionable! No matter what other people think about it!”
I shared a Good Buy over on Nancy’s page. But here I am going to show you a pair of Good-Bye shoes.
“These leopard pumps from FSJ Shoes really should be a Good-Bye but since I have trouble letting go of anything, it may be a while before I actually say Good-Bye to them. I love the sassiness of these pumps with the sky high stiletto heel and leopard print, but they are a tad bit too high for me. I can barely walk in them! They are definitely sitting shoes, for sure, so I may hang on to them for a bit and see if an occasion arises where I can just sit and look fabulous!”
Thank you all so very much for joining us! We love to see all your photos and the stories behind your purchases! This month we have each featured different photos on our blogs, so be sure to visit Nancy’s post to see the others.
We hope to see you all for the June Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. The theme is Gingham! If you have any ideas or suggestions for a theme, let us know!
So start searching for those gingham items that are a Good Buy or Good-Bye! You can email your submissions to shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com or to nancy@nancysfashionstyle.com.
Much love,
Shelbee & Nancy
*By joining The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book, you agree to receive a monthly email reminder.
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

How fun to see everyone’s submissions!!
Leopard has definitely become the print of choice for many of us…especially in shoes!!!
Jodie, thanks so much for joining us again! I really love the leopard theme and I definitely noticed a lot of shoes, too. I am looking forward to what everyone sends in for Gingham! That should be a fun one, too.
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
Oh your sitting shoes look amazing Shelbee 😉
You show us wonderful pieces of Leo good buys
Thanks so much, Tina! I am glad you enjoyed the post. Have a fabulous day, my friend!
Nancy Baten
Fantastic! 😘😘😘😘
Yay, Nancy! Heading over to check out your post in a few minutes!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Love that black and white polka dot skirt!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Tamar! Kellyann’s outfit is so great, isn’t it?!
Kellyann Rohr
My love for leopard continues and I am inspired by all these good buys! My favorite is the lymphadema sleeve – that can be such a painful condition and I am LOVING the positive spin Anne put on it!
Kellyann, thanks so much for playing along with us this month! I am excited to see what you send us for Gingham in June! And Anne is so great, isn’t she? I love that she share her lymphedema sleeve, too. And that she says it looks like a badass tattoo…because I totally thought her sleeves were tattoos for the longest time until she explained!
So many cool looks—and I learned a thing or two as well! Great post as always! Hugs, Nina
Thanks so much, Nina! I am so glad you enjoyed the post. I hope you can join us next month for the Gingham theme.
Jessica A Jannenga
I love sitting shoes! hehe. I have a pair of Donald Pliner very soft lambs leather stilleto boots I bought before I had EDS. I can’t let them go cheap as they were $$$ so if I ever wear them they will be sitting boots!
Love all of the leopard buys< I have a fair amount and love the leopard coats I bought on Poshmark. Always fun and classic!
jess xx
Jess, thanks for stopping by! Sitting shoes is totally Nancy’s term and we love it! I have too many sitting shoes unfortunately. Maybe I need to sit more. Ha. I love leopard, too, and I really need to get a leopard coat for this coming winter. I hope you will join us for June’s Gingham theme!
Lisa Richardson
Leopard for the win!!!! You know I’m APE crazy for LEOPARD! Hahahaha! XOXO
Lisa, you are so funny! Leopard is so great! I hope you can join for June’s gingham theme! Thanks for stopping by and have a fantastic day.
well some things gut to goo :/
Read my post trendy nail colors https://highheelpoodl.blogspot.rs/2018/05/top-5-spring-nail-colors.html
Or how to make your hanger https://highheelpoodl.blogspot.rs/2018/05/room-update-hanger.html
Some things do have to go, Isidora! Thanks for stopping by!
anne the SpyGirl
The dual posting of different images was a bit confusing at first, because I clicked on Nancy’s post first and I wasn’t there. Brief moment of sadness.
I’m all for the gingham theme — I’ll make it my June Link-up Party theme and will let readers know about Good Buy/Good-Bye early in the month. Woohoo!
Anne, I am so sorry we confused you! We were so excited that we received enough photos to do separate posts to avoid identical posts (that was kind of redundant, no? The double posting). Anyway, I am glad you figured out that you were on my post! I loved your submission. Such a great PSA, for sure. Thanks so much for playing along and for making Gingham your June link up theme. You rock!
Wow, such fun looks on all of you ladies!! Love leopard!
Thanks so much, Darlene! This is such a fun series for us!
Emma Peach
I’m a huge fan of leopard print…as you probably know 😉 I love your sitting shoes!
Emma xxx
Emma, thanks so much for playing along with us with month! I love your leopard submission! I am so looking forward to seeing everyone’s gingham for June. Have a fantastic weekend, my friend.
Looks like we all agree that anything leopard print is a good buy! This was so fun to do – you and Nancy are very creative with the post collabs. Keep up all the hard work Shelbee. 🙂
Aw, Chrissy, thanks so much! And thanks for playing along! I am excited to see what we all come up with for gingham!