The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book: Eyewear

Welcome to The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book!

Thank you to all the wonderful folks who join us each month! We appreciate you!

The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book is a monthly series hosted by Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style and myself. Every month, we invite you to share a photo or two of your Good (or Bad) Buy items that fit the stated theme. We ask that you also provide a short description explaining if the item you are sharing was a Good Buy or one that you will be saying Good-Bye to (formerly known as Bad Buys). Nancy and I will both publish a round up post featuring all of the submissions on the 15th of each month.

Anyone who would like to participate and be featured can send us their photos with a short description via email. You do not have to be a blogger to join. Anyone is welcome! We will give you the theme for the next month at the conclusion of each post. Photos will be due to us by the 10th of the month.

If you sent me a photo, but do not see it in my post, be sure to check Nancy’s post. If you don’t see your photo in either post, please let us know right away and we will add it. Sometimes the submissions can get lost in the shuffle.

Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style
Nancy's Fashion Style
“When it’s hot and sunny, I love to read in my garden. And I always wear sunglasses then. But when I am at home I don’t use my oxygen glasses, but just the tube over my face. (You can read on my blog what I mean.) So for at home I have about 10 pair of sunglasses that I use. Green, brown and black. Huge and small. And I am wearing all of them! They are all cheap ones so I don’t need to be carefull. All Good Buys!”
Jodie of Jodie’s Touch of Style
Jodie's Touch of Style
“I’m such a fan of the option of online prescription glasses because I can get many different colors for such a good deal. I never realized how much I would wear this yellow green color but it’s been one of those pairs of glasses that I wear all the time!”
Anna of Looking Fabulous @ Fifty
Looking Fabulous @ Fifty
“Here is a picture of me wearing sunglasses that I bought on a whim. I came to see my optometrist to pick up my new reading glasses when I spotted these funky sunglasses in his shop window. I knew that I had to have them no matter what. Every time I wear them, I get compliments from total strangers. So it was a very good buy.”
Heather of Bauchle Fashion
Bauchle Fashion
“I bought these Celine Polarised sunglasses thinking they would be worth the money, and found out they were too heavy with not very good quality. I ended up saying Good Bye to this pair of eyewear for good.”
And Me!
“I bought these prescription Kate Spade sunglasses a few years ago and quickly realized that I kind of hate them. The frames are blue tortoise which I love but I really don’t like them as sunglasses so I rarely wear them. I much prefer my purple Oliver Goldsmith sunglasses that I shared on Nancy’s blog. So these are currently not a Good Buy. However, I have an appointment with the eye doctor in a few weeks and I am going to switch the lenses to clear ones which I already know I will like much better, thereby converting these sunglasses from a Good-Bye to a Good Buy!”
Next Up for July: Shorts

You are invited to join us in July to share your favorite (or least favorite) Shorts. They can be short shorts, Bermuda shorts, extra long shorts, biker shorts, sport shorts, overall shorts, short rompers, or even skorts. Just put them on, take a photo, and send it to us to be featured in our Good Buy/Good-Bye Book.

You are welcome to send two photos if you’d like to be featured on both blogs. Remember to include a brief description about your submissions. Please submit your photos and descriptions by the 10th of July to or to so we can put you in the spotlight.

*By joining The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book, you agree to receive a monthly reminder email for this series.

Keeping it on the edge,


Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


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Shelbee on the Edge