The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-August 2018-Kimonos
Welcome to The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book!
Welcome! This is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. Over a year ago, Nancy and I started The Bad Buy Book, a monthly series about our worst purchases. It was a lot of fun to do and we both learned something from it, too! Nancy learned that off-white against her face is not the most flattering color. And I learned that I have a serious problem resisting a good thrift shop find when it comes to pieces that fit “good enough” but “not quite right.” However, after running that series for a year, we decided to change it a bit.
For this series, you can choose whether you want to share a Good Buy (which is an item you are really exited about) or a Good-Bye (which is an item you are going to say good-bye to, previously known as a Bad Buy). We will keep purchasing Bad Buys every now and then for a variety of reasons…it was so cheap, you were in a hurry and really wanted (needed) to buy something, it fit almost quite right. But, of course, we also have those purchases that can make us so very happy. A piece of clothing that you have had for years and that you also wear a lot. Or something you bought on a holiday and every time you wear it you get that nostalgic holiday feeling back. Every month you can choose which item you want to submit. A Good Buy or a Good-Bye. We will provide the theme for each month. Photos should be submitted to us by the 10th of the month with a few sentences explaining why it is a Good Buy or Good-Bye.
Let’s start with my beautiful co-host, Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style, showing us the first image of this month’s theme, my favorite thing ever, Kimonos!

“As I didn’t have any kimonos, I had to improvise. I cut open a dress and it turned into one kimono!”
Nancy, you are a genius, my friend! I may have some dresses in my closet that can be turned into kimonos, too!
And next is the gorgeous Regan of Nifty 50 and Fabulous sharing her beautiful black and turquoise tassel kimono.

“Talk about versatility, this Trina Trunk kimono is actually a beach cover-up! I felt it was almost too nice to wear on the beach so I decided to make it a kimono, wearing it out to dinner with my black knit dress. Wow, what a show stopper! Lots of compliments.”
The dazzling Suzy of Alternative Ageing shared a wonderful kimono that may be making its transition from a Good Buy in her wardrobe to a Good-Bye.

“This [kimono] was bought for a song in Australia in a sale. It was $30 and is now about 3 years old. I have only worn it once in the UK, to a festival. I don’t want to say GOOD BYE to it as it’s so beautiful but it is one of those garments one buys and never gets around to wearing. But it’s on the back of my bedroom door in the hope that I may wear it as a dressing gown if nothing else! It looks great with shorts but, again, it’s been way to hot this summer to wear it to the beach. Plus I would feel way too overdressed. Maybe I should take it to Ibiza or another Festival!”
Now is the divine Jodie of Jodie’s Touch of Style sharing two beautiful kimonos this month. The second one she couldn’t resist sending in because it is a brand new one…you can read about it below!

“I wore my green kimono as a topper over a dress. I think that’s one of the reasons I love kimonos so much, is they are so versatile for almost any occasion.”

Next is my charming friend Michele of @seechele_styles with her pretty summer Good Buy kimono.

“My good buy Thrifted Kimono.”
My good friend, the elegant Rena of Fine Whatever is joining us this month with her super chic kimono styling.

“You can put me under the category of good buy cuz I’m quite happy with my kimonos. I have several photos I could share but I whittled it down to just two. These kimonos were bought at close to the same time and are same but in different colors. As you can tell by my hair, the photo of the black one was taken last year and the wine colored one was taken more recently. In both cases, I’m showing them styled for the office.”
Be sure to visit Nancy’s post to see Rena’s other Good Buy kimono!
Super stylish Lorena of My Every Day Wear is sharing a Good-Bye kimono (although I quite love it on her).

“This is the story of a sad kimono purchased in Forever 21 in 2011. Worn just 6 times in 6 years, I was never able to pull it off !!!!!! I gave up after this last attempt.”
And now is my dear friend, the sassy, sweet, and stunning Susan, an avid reader of my blog and lover of fashion blogs in general! I love that she has been participating in this series with us! She is killing it in her kimonos!

“Here is my green and pink one from Torrid. It is 98 degrees here, so I am wilting even though I am in the AC. And my dog had to help. Anyway…”
The radiant Kellyann of This Blonde’s Shopping Bag shared two stunning kimonos with us (be sure to visit Nancy’s post to see the other one). I am seriously in love with both of them!

“This black floral kimono was an Amazon purchase. I love it because of the great colors and the length – it’s just right – not too long and not too short!”
And finally, my kimono! I had a really hard time deciding which kimonos to feature in this series. I have so many favorites! But I managed to narrow them down to just two…you can see my favorite green kimono on Nancy’s post.

“This kimono is from Rosegal and it is one of my favorites ever. I love the fall colors in it and while I am not a big fan of geometric or tribal prints, the pattern on this one really caught my eye. The duster length and long sleeves make it perfect for styling in the winter, too. And a kimono that can be worn all year long is a keeper in my book!”
Thank you all so very much for participating with us! You are all so lovely, stylish and elegant. We loved to see your Kimonos. Be sure to check Nancy’s post for other amazing kimono styles! And also be sure to hop on over to the other bloggers and see what they are all up to today!
The theme for September is will be a round up of Summer Dresses! Send us your favorite (or least favorite) of your summer dress fashions as a way to say good-bye to Summer 2018. Then bring on the Fall and all of its warm layers and cozy clothes!
Send your photo with a few sentences if it is a Good Buy or a Good-Bye and we will put you in the spotlight! Please submit your photos with a brief description before the 10th of each month to shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com or to nancy@nancysfashionstyle.com.
*By joining The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book, you agree to receive a monthly reminder email for this series.
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

jodie filogomo
Gosh, you have so much fun with all of these fabulous women showcasing their kimonos!! I have a feeling you’re going to need to do this theme again!! Especially with the amount you have in your closet!!
Jodie, this was absolutely my favorite theme so far. I love all the kimonos shared by all of you fabulous ladies! I have another pretty kimono coming to the blog on Friday! Thank you for participating with us once again. I love seeing your beautiful style for these themes!
Yippee! I made it into the book. Kimonos was a great choice for the theme and I’m inspired by all of the great looks. I’ve got a weekend trip to the beach coming up soon and I hadn’t thought to bring a kimono but I’m going to now. Thanks for the showcase.
Rena, thanks so much for joining us! This was my favorite theme so far. Of course, because I am completely obsessed with kimonos! Enjoy your weekend at the beach.
Nancy Baten
Isn t this just a wonderfull collection of beautiful women and their kimono’s! Thank you all for participating! I just love it!
Nancy, this one was my favorite yet! So many great kimonos, for sure. And so many gorgeous ladies!
Kellyann Rohr
Is it wrong that I want to purchase every kimono in this post? I swear I am obsessed! This was a great theme, thank you so much for including me!
It is not wrong at all, Kellyann, because I want all the kimonos in the world! I love your kimonos that you shared! They are both so gorgeous. Thanks so much for joining us!
Definitely, my favorite post, Shelbee! All of these kimonos are beautiful! I love yours because it’s so different, and I purchased my green kimono after I saw Jodie’s green one. Mine is not as pretty as hers, but the color makes me so happy! I never got to send you a photo of my favorite kimono, the Outlander Damask print (also Torrid), but my photographer is still on vacation, and I can’t remember how to set up my IPhone for a delayed shot. This is why you must do another kimono post, for my convenience, lol! Perhaps fall styling for kimonos might be in order? Just sayin…
Thanks for featuring me in spite of my lack of photography skills.
Susan, this is my favorite theme, of course, because you know my overwhelming love for kimonos, too! I think we will have to do another something with kimonos, for sure! I do want to see your favorite kimono. And you photography skills are totally fine! Thank you so much for joining us this month!
Rosemary Davis
You ladies all look marvelous! I love each and every kimono and how They are all styled differently.
Thanks so much, Rosemary! Everyone really showcased their kimono style in the most beautiful way!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Such a fun style! So many fun prints!
Thanks, Tamar! This was by far my favorite theme!
Love the kimono here with the black gloves and the green one!!! Rly would love to know where you got those green velvet booties from in the other oil!!!!
Thanks so much! The green velvet booties are the Denny Booties from Shoe Dazzle. And it looks like they are still available.
Liz Klebba
Love these kimonos on all y’all! (Working on my Southern…) When you posted the theme my mind went “Uh oh. Don’t have a kimono, and I’m not spending the money on something I know would be a Good Bye. I love how they look on others, but my personality needs clothing with less flow, and more structure. I suppose I could have tied a scarf at the corners, and claimed kimono, but that felt like cheating! Love your look with the pearls, band tee, and kimono! Such fun!
Liz, thanks so much! And I think you totally could have pulled off a scarf as a kimono. Not cheating at all…that’s just being creative! Heck, Nancy even cut a dress open and made a kimono. No need purchasing something that isn’t really your style…we don’t want to force anyone to buy something they don’t need or want! Hopefully you can join us for the September summer dress theme though!
Thanks for including my sad kimono story Michelle and most certainly for the compliment 🙂
I really enjoy these Good buy- good bye posts.
Lorena, thanks so much for participating with us! The more, the merrier…even if the story is sometimes sad!