The Fab 40’s are Just Lounging Around & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #251

As November comes to a close and the snow is beginning to fall in northern New York State, I am just lounging around in my coziest things trying to stay warm and comfortable. This month Daenel has chosen loungewear as our style prompt and now I am feeling like a want to have a ladies’ sleepover party or something! Why do we stop having sleepovers with friends when we get older? Some of the best laughter in life comes in the middle of the night when you are punch drunk with sleepiness and goofing off with your closest friends!
I mean I have been enjoying sexy sleepovers of late, but I generally lounge in something a little less cozy for those encounters. Actually my sexy sleepover clothes usually look something like this or this. Speaking of sexy sleepovers, I had one last night with two more scheduled over the next two consecutive weekends. And since this girl appreciates the spice that variety adds to life, I am a very happy goddess indeed.
But this post is not about my goddess sleepovers, it is about my Fab 40’s friends and how we lounge about on the daily!
I found this adorable tie dye lounge set at Torrid a while back. I was actually not going to purchase it because it was part of a special collection that had a higher price tag than I like to pay. But I had the boys with me while I was shopping and it was literally the only thing I tried on that they loved! And so my children insisted that I buy the tie dye set. I am definitely not one to resist the pressure to purchase cute new clothes and so this set came home with me. I am glad that the boys convinced me to purchase it, too, because I wear it often. In fact, it is currently my favorite lounge outfit…except the off the shoulder style does give me a little chill. That’s where my hat comes in handy!
I added some new winter hats this year from Wona Trading and this tie dye leopard print beanie hat was the perfect match for my lounge wear set. I do wear hats indoors for most of the winter months because I am always so cold. It really does make a tremendous difference in my body temperature when my head is covered.
And since I still like to feel a little sassy and sexy even just lounging around at home, I added this adorable tie dye panty and bralette set also from Torrid. I seem to be developing a new confidence about myself in my underwear so I figured why not share more underwear photos, too. Most of us wear them, so I suppose it can be helpful to share fun styles with you all. I do apologize though if you are getting tired of seeing me half naked. I will put some clothes on for the next post, I swear!
Also, did you notice my newly painted hallway? I finally got around to it. It was a neutral off white color and now it is light gray. Next project is the living room which I will begin immediately at the conclusion of the holidays.

And now let’s check out my fabulous friends!
The Fab 40’s is a group of four fashion bloggers from around the globe. Each month we choose a different theme and invite a guest blogger who is also in their 40’s to join us. This group’s goal is to take on style trends and show how we each interpret and incorporate them into our own lives. With four widely varied views, you are certain to find something that speaks to you each month and encourages you to continue to have fun with fashion after the age of 40.
Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood
Ada and her sweet little fashionista Vivian went for Luxe Loungewear in their cozy sweater tunics and leggings for a sweet holiday mommy-daughter look.

Daenel of Living Outside the Stacks
How cool is Daenel in her loungewear set and long cardigan? I love this photo so much!

Suzy of The Grey Brunette
Suzy looks so cozy in her pink lounge set. And is that stars and moons I see on her pants? So adorable.

And me!

And that’s all I have for you today. How have you been lounging around lately?
We are still looking for a few more bloggers in their 40’s who may be interested in joining this group either on a permanent basis or as a guest blogger appearing only occasionally with us. If you are interested, please let us know either in the comments or through email. We would love to expand this group by adding a few more members for some additional style diversity.
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite: Joanne of Slices of Life

Fashion Favorite: Alexandra of On Rockwood Lane

Non-Fashion Favorite: Jennifer of Curated by Jennifer

Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Loungewear set and bralette and panty set-Torrid / Hat-Wona Trading / Jewelry and Socks-Old / Gloves-Amazon

The set is so cute!!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
The hallway is so light and bright — goes perfectly with your tie dye!!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I am just glad that I finally got around to finishing the paint job.
A sleep over! That sounds like fun! With lots of food and cocktails! And horror movies! Lol. I don’t think my girlfriends would be interested, lol. I am in my loungeset too on IG today! Super cozy isn’t it. Let’s Zoom soon. Want to hear about your goddess adventures.
Haha, thanks so much, Nancy! I would be into your sleepover minus the horror movies! LOL. We definitely need to zoom soon. Maybe the week after next after all my upcoming goddess adventures are over so I can share it all!
Patrick Weseman
Nice lounge clothes. Perfect for staying in the house.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I hope all is well in your world.
Hi Shelby!
I would love to write for you, but I’m old enough to be your babysitter.
Plus your readers don’t care about my expertise: baggy dog park wear.
I love reading your work: always so fun!
Wendy http://theinspiredeater.com/
Haha, Wendy, thanks so much! I bet there are lots of readers though who would appreciate baggy dog park wear! I hope you are having a fabulous week!
Marsha Banks
What a cute lounging set! I love tie dye in just about any form! These pjs look so comfortable and cozy. I have a thing for pjs and find myself buying several new pair each year. Then, I have to figure out which ones to get rid of!
You are looking cute and fit, my friend!
Thanks so much, Marsha! I usually add a few new sets each as well, but I am terrible about cleaning out the old! Thank you for that reminder because I do need to hit my pj drawer soon! It is overflowing with junk that I have no desire to wear any longer!
Suzy Turner
Absolutely LOVE this, Shelbee! I also love that you shared the fabulous underwear set too! You have such cool taste in loungewear. I would have wanted to buy the tie dye suit too, but I’m like you, I always second guess myself if it’s a little pricier than usual—we really should stop doing that because we are so worth it!
The hat is very cool too, although I couldn’t wear one indoors lately because I keep getting hot flushes!
Huge hugs
Suzy xx
Thanks so much, Suzy! I felt super cute in all this fun tie dye stuff! This was such a cute prompt this month! We don’t share our lounging clothes very often but I know I definitely spend more time in lounge clothes than any other kind these days, so we should show it off! I wear hats indoors all winter long! I have to say that having experienced both hot and cold flashes, they both suck equally!
Kathrine Eldridge
Love all the tie dye Shelbee! The lounge set is so cute and loving the bra and panties set too. Such great finds from Torrid! Thanks so much for the link up.
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I have accumulated so much tie dye this past year, it is ridiculous! But it is so fun, too!
The prompt is perfect for this time of year! Love your fun tie-dye set! Thank you for the linkup!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! It was a great theme, for sure. I hope your week is off to a great start!
Michele Morin
Definitely the season for comfy and cozy!
It sure is, Michele! Thanks so much!
Amy Johnson
Your loungewear is so cute and comfy!
Thanks so much, Amy!
You all look so cozy in your loungewear! I have yet to find a great set that I like so I tend to just find comfy bottoms and pair it with a hoodie and some nice thick fleece socks.
Thanks so much, Joanne! Most of lounge clothes are similar to yours…comfy pants and an oversized sweatshirt or sweater. But I do have a few cute matching sets, too.
Jessica A Jannenga
Love this tie dye theme! The set seems especially cozy ! Such cute tie dye underwear! I think the colors and style are fun! It all starts with the undies and being comfy right! I have been lounging in a buffalo plaid flannel nightshirt and got 2 buffalo plaid prints for the pups and for Roy. 🙂
Have a great week!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I definitely felt all cozy, bright, and cheerful in the underwear and loungewear sets both! I love Buffalo plaid. I bet you all look so cute!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I asked my hubby for a new pair of PJ’s this Christmas! And, YES, I did give him a hint of what I wanted. Lol! I love this tie dyed set, it is so colorful! And, P.S. you look great!!
Carrie, thanks so much! I always pick my own Christmas presents now…then I get exactly what I want and everybody wins! I hope you get the perfect cozy pjs, my friend!
You all look super cozy, and your tie-dye is SO DARN CUTE! I love that the boys picked it out. I found the boys in my 5th-grade class to be far more interested in what I was wearing than the girls! Lol!
xx Darlene
Thanks so much, Darlene! Fifth grade boys are something else, aren’t they?! Archie is in 5th grade and he always compliments my outfits. Although the girl next door who is in 6th grade is pretty enamored with my wardrobe! She can’t wait until she can borrow my clothes! Haha. But she’s such a tiny petite little thing, she’ll drown in my clothing!
Your lounge set is so cute- I’m a sucker for anything tie-dye. And your little undie set is adorable, too!
Miss seeing your face around my blog- I hope you’re doing well and I’m so happy that you continue to blaze your own path and reclaim your sexuality! Your freedom and willingness to share with your readers is inspiring!
Le Stylo Rouge
Ashely, thank you so very much! Oh I feel terrible for not making my normal blogging rounds these past few months. Things have gotten so crazy busy and I just run out of time for stuff! I miss reading what everyone has been up to and I am hoping that when the holidays are over I will get back to my regular blog reading! I hope all is well in your world, my beautiful friend!
Cheryl Shops
I definitely still have sleepovers with my girlfriends, but they tend to be when we’re traveling somewhere together, versus at my home (where none of us has enough room to properly host everyone). Still, they’re super fun—I highly recommend doing it when you can!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Oh Cheryl, I love that! I have room enough for a few girlfriends to sleep over but I don’t even really have a few girlfriends who are local enough to pull it off anyway! It would likely be a travel situation like you. It is fun to spend time like that with girlfriends. We laugh and cry and empower and inspire one another. Good strong feminine energy is so healing!
Yay for young enablers! I love the tie-dye set. And your cute undies as well. I have been to a couple of adult sleepovers because we were going to be drinking. During one of them we watched the movie, Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon (at least I think that was the one). It was out there. Suddenly someone pipes up, “I think if I could figure out what was going on with those hammers, I’d have it!” It was so random. We all nearly died laughing.
Hahahaha, I love that story, Michelle! Drunk adult sleepovers are so much fun. So much laughter to be had! We had an adult sleepover with one of our friends a while back that turned into a failed threesome that left us all in fits of laughter!
If I’m not mistaken, wasn’t 2021 declared the “year of loungewear”? Or was that 2020? It’s all a blur at this point. Anyway, you made a great choice with this set and your boys have good taste.
Hahaha, Rena, I have no idea! It seems like the whole decade of the 2020s might become one giant blur! We shall call it the Decade of Forced Rest!
Laura Bambrick
That tie dye set is so cute! Love the off the shoulder look too!
Thanks so much, Laura! I love the off the shoulder style as well, but my shoulders get really cold!
Claire Justine
Loving al the lounge wear outfits, Shelbee 🙂 Thanks so much for hosting.
Thanks so much, Claire! I like to be a little cute in my coziest things…as I am sure most of us do!
The best romper for lounging! It looks so comfy and cute! Also, I really like that color on your walls – so fresh. I have been wanting to repaint my living room from a creamy color to something like this to make it look fresher and brighter.
Thanks so much, Alexandra! My living room is up next and it is also a creamy color that I am hating! I am thinking a light gray with teal accents.
Gray and teal – I feel like you’re reading my mind. Please share when it’s ready – I’d love to see!
I will definitely be sharing when it is finished! Hopefully by the spring time!
Stephanie 139a
Loving all the colour – and the lounging around! Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo
Ha, thanks so much, Stephanie! Lounging is my favorite cold weather activity!