The Fab 40s are Inspired by Earth

“The Earth is what we all have in common.”
Wendell Berry
Last month, Suzy had chosen Water as our inspiration to create an outfit for the Fab 40’s. We had so much fun with it and received a lot of wonderful feedback so we decided to continue on using each of the remaining three elements for the next three months. This month was Ada’s turn to choose and because she is a Taurus which is an Earth sign, she has chosen Earth as our inspiration.
Recently, I have been doing a lot of yoga that focuses on chakra realignment and connecting with the elements which has led to me thinking about my relationship which each of the four elements. My zodiac sign, Gemini, is an Air sign. While I relate very much to many of the typical Gemini personality characteristics, I do have trouble connecting to the element of Air. Water has always been a much stronger elemental force in my life. I have always relied on things related to water to find my passion and my solace. My motivation and my rejuvenation are closely connected to this element as well. But Earth comes in a close second to where I feel myself most firmly rooted.

“Time spent among trees is never time wasted.”
In ancient Greek philosophy, the element of Earth is associated with the qualities of heaviness, matter, and the terrestrial world. It is also connected with the sensual aspects of both life and death. In the classic Greek and Roman myths, the element of Earth is represented by various goddesses. But my favorite story about an earth goddess is that of Persephone who was the daughter of Demeter and Zeus. When Hades abducted her with the approval of her father Zeus, Persephone became the queen of the underworld. The myth of Persephone’s abduction and her periodic return to the surface of the earth represents her purpose as the embodiment of Spring and the personification of vegetation and rebirth and growth. When she retreats back to the underworld, disappearing into the earth after the harvest, Autumn begins and leads to the barrenness of Winter until Persephone resurfaces again in the Spring and through the Summer.
Classical Greek art portrays Persephone draped in traditional Greek robes usually carrying a sheaf of grain. Sometimes she appears as a mystical divinity holding a sceptre and a little box, but the majority of representations show Persephone in the process of being abducted and carried off to the underworld by Zeus.
As the Goddess of Spring and Nature, Persephone is a symbol of immortality or as Cicero called her, the “seed of the fruits of the fields”. As the all pervading Goddess of Nature, she produces and destroys everything which places her firmly alongside such powerful divinities as Isis, the goddess of healing and magic, and Rhea, the mother of Gods. But as the Queen of the Underworld and the Goddess of Death, Persephone is often referred to in literature as “the dreaded Persephone” and some traditions have even forbidden her name from being spoken.
I suppose it is this stark contrast of opposites that really draws me toward Persephone and it is the stark contrast of life and death that stirs up all sorts of different ideas about what represents the element of Earth. The colors of Earth vary greatly depending on the season and the cycle of death and rebirth as represented by Persephone.

“One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken.”
Leo Tolstoy
When it came time to create an outfit inspired by the element of Earth, it took a bit of brainstorming. Generally when we think of Earth in terms of style and fashion, our minds are immediately directed toward earth tones which in its narrowest sense means any color containing some brown (the color of soil). The more generalized definition of earth tones is simply neutral colors or colors that are muted and flat emulations of natural colors. Many earth colored dyes originated from clay earth pigments like ochre, sienna, and umber.
In a broader sense, earth tones can also refer to “natural colors” meaning any colors that appear in nature such as brown (soil), green (vegetation), blue (sky), white (clouds), red (sun), gray (rocks). Color palettes that fall into this category create a warm and inviting, earth-friendly atmosphere. And since true earth tones in their state of muted neutrals are not my favorite, I went for a brighter representation of natural colors in blues and greens.
I recently purchased these blue and green tie dye booties from a new to me website Privileged. Sadly, they are sold out, but they have a fun collection of crazy tie dyed sandals in stock for Spring and Summer.

I had envisioned wearing these booties with my ivory lace maxi dress, but it was too muddy when I took those photos so my boots never made it out. And then as I was brainstorming how I wanted to style an Earth-inspired outfit, I glanced down at these wonderful boots and all I could see was a globe or a topographic map of Earth. And so I built the outfit from the Earth up which is exactly how it should be done for this theme!
I incorporated blues for the sky with my denim overall shorts which also remind me of farmers who are deeply connected to the Earth. Sticking with the farmer idea, I also added a tan straw hat. A tiny floral print on my tank top, a vibrant green cardigan, green flower earrings, and my favorite fox necklace finished off the look with all the earthy things…flowers, animals, and the majestic colors of an Earth that is thriving and coming back to life. And this Spring, unlike any other in my lifetime, really truly is a time of rebirth for all of us as we emerge from the dark desolation of this past winter and year.

“The proper use of science is not to conquer nature but to live in it.”
Barry Commoner

“The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.”
Lady Bird Johnson
And now let’s check out how my fabulous friends styled their Earth-inspired outfits.
The Fab 40’s is a group of four fashion bloggers from around the globe. Each month we choose a different theme with the goal of taking on style trends and showing how we each interpret and incorporate them into our own lives. With four widely varied views, you are certain to find something that speaks to you each month and encourages you to continue to have fun with fashion after the age of 40.
Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood

I love Ada’s bold and vibrant romper in the same bright colors of Spring as my outfit. She looks like a beautiful modern day goddess of Spring, brilliantly blooming in the sunshine!
Daenel of Living Outside the Stacks

The muted earthy tones of greens and browns and tans that don’t always work for me are absolutely perfect on Daenel. She always give me the sense that she is deeply connected to the Earth with her boho vibes and grounded personality. I knew that she would create a very warm and earth-friendly outfit for this theme. I love it from the ground up!
Suzy of The Grey Brunette

And Suzy went with the narrow definition of Earth tones in her monochromatic brown and khaki outfit. I love how she blends right in with the natural background and I know that Suzy is very grounded in the natural elements as a yoga instructor herself. Such a great outfit for connecting with the natural world!
And me!

“The Earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations.”
John Paul II
Let us celebrate this life we are given and cherish and respect this Earth that sustains us. How do you feel connected to the Earth?
*We are still looking for a few more bloggers in their 40’s who may be interested in joining this group either on a permanent basis or as a guest blogger appearing only occasionally with us. If you are interested, please feel free to let us know either in the comments or through email! We would love to expand this group by adding a few more members for some additional style diversity.
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Overalls and Tank Top-Thrifted / Cardigan-Target (Old) / Boots-Privileged / Earrings-Michal Golan / Necklace-Gift from my mother-in-law (I feel like Suzy now!)/ Hat-c/o Rosegal (Old)

Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Those shoes are amazing!!
Thanks, Tamar! And they are incredibly comfortable, too!
This is an adorable outfit! And I love those boots! Going off to peek at the Privilege website….
Thanks so much, Michelle! They have some pretty crazy footwear on that site. I am not affiliated with them at all but I do have to say these boots are incredibly comfortable. They were on sale for under $40. I think many of their shoes are upwards of $80. Do let me know if you purchase anything from there!
Michele Morin
That Wendell Berry quote!
He is one of my favorite writers and thinkers.
Aw, that is so cool, Michele! I am glad that I chose that quote to share! Have a fabulous day, my friend.
Good lord, those ankle boots are amazing! Never seen tie dye boots before. The colors are gorgeous!
Thanks so much, Nancy! I was dying when I spotted them and I showed them to Jeff and he said, “I never ever encourage you to buy new things because you have too many things already, but THOSE BOOTS you have to have!” I never hesitate to buy when I have the husband’s approval!
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very nice. Love the shoes.
Thanks so much, Patrick!
Sheila (of Ephemera)
I love this twist on “earth” as a theme – I immediately thought of a topographical map (of the ocean floor??) when I feasted my eyes on those stunning boots! Your thoughtfulness about what each piece in your outfit represents is awesome.
Well, are you going to keep us in suspense?? Do you like butter? 😀
Thanks, Sheila! Aren’t these boots so fun?! I didn’t see the earth in them right away because I was too taken in by the vibrant tie dye. But once I saw it, I will always see it and these will forever be my hippie earth boots. And yes, I do like butter! But I don’t think I needed Ralphie to be holding buttercups under my chin to figure that out. Everything is better with butter, like Paula Deen says! (OMG, I wanted to make sure I was getting Paula Deen’s butter saying right so I searched for “Paula Deen on butter” and now you must search that as well. The images that popped up of Paula Deen on a stick of butter just made me almost spit out my coffee!)
What a fun outfit, Shelbee! You look amazing! Those booties are everything!
Thanks so much, Lovely! These booties really are everything! I love them so much. And they are wicked comfortable, too. Have a fabulous day!
I’m really loving the green!
Curated By Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! Me, too! It is my favorite color ever.
Those booties are so much fun! I love that bright green on you and how fun to have a pair of shorts overalls: used to have a pair about 20 years ago but haven’t tried any since then. They are so fun: I should!
Thanks so much, Mireille! These boots are so comfortable, too. And they were on sale for under $40 so I was a very happy hippie! I just recently found these shorts overalls at the consignment shop. They are a Target brand and I was afraid that they were a tad bit too small in size large, but when I tried them on, they worked! I was very happy about that. I think a pair of shorts overalls would look adorable on you!
The outfits suits you perfect. You look awesome on all the pictures. The Shoes are great.
Thanks so much, Saree! I really appreciate that!
Loving the green. Great boots, love them 🙂 #CreativeMondays
Thanks so much, Claire! These boots were definitely irresistible!
Ada Furxhi
I am in love with those boots first of all. They are so you, also. I loved reading about how you created this look, the farmers aspect, the fox necklace, all of it. You always do such a great job with these informative posts too.
P.S. I know exactly what I have in mind for both AIR & FIRE, too.
P.P.S. Is there any way for my info (name, blog name, email) to save every time I comment at your posts. It used to be able to, but not in the last year and a half, I ALWAYS have to type it in.
Thanks so much, Ada! These boots were simply irresistible when I first spotted them! I have no idea yet what I am going to style for our Fire theme. I think I have some ideas for Air though. But this element series is really fun!
About the commenting part, I have no idea why that has changed. Probably some update in WordPress shifted it around. A really long time ago I created a few keyboard shortcuts for my name, email, and url for typing into the comment sections. That has saved me so much time over the years. You still have to type it in but I used shortcuts of just a few letters. I hope that helps!
Anne M Bray
Tie Dye booties?
Only you!
I hope to see a head-to-toe tie dye outfit on 7/15, no matter how clashy.
Of course, I have tie dye booties! Hehe. I like the idea of a clashy head to toe tie dye outfit! A tie dye explosion of sorts. Or it might look like tie dye vomit. Ha.