The Chapter Book My Children Love & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #59
There is a chapter book that my children have recently discovered. I use the term “discovered” loosely, as I essentially said, “Hey, kids, we are going to read this book. Mommy went to school with the author and illustrator and I think you will really like his drawings and the story.” I have had this book since it is original publication in 2009 before I even had children. I read it myself then, laughing all the way through at the irony and sarcasm while being in awe of the amazing comic book style artwork that adorns nearly every page. The combination of chapter book and comic book is a unique approach to telling a fun children’s story with a lesson involved.
*This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.

Written by Eric Wight, a professional artist, illustrator, and animator, the Frankie Pickle series combines humor and creativity with action and adventure that appeals to my young sons (ages 4 and 6) as I am sure it would to any children in that age bracket. Eric Wight has an incredible ability to translate his story telling capabilities into his whimsical, fun drawings. Clearly, his imagination that used to take him to very interesting places during high school Physics class has served him well. Whoever said you will never use what you learned in Physics class in real life was quite mistaken.

While my boys and I have only enjoyed Frankie Pickle’s adventures in cleaning his room and tackling his closet of doom, I am sure we will be purchasing the rest of the books in the series. With Easter coming soon, these books will make the perfect addition to their baskets as well as a wonderful substitute for candy!

For some super fun reading for your little ones this Spring, consider some adventures with Frankie Pickle that are sure to ignite their imaginations! Read more about Eric Wight’s work in animation and illustration here.
And now your favorite posts from last week.
Stephanie of Glamorous and Geeky welcomed the newest addition to her family and shared her birth story with us in her post Welcome little one, preemie mom. What a journey she had bringing this handsome little guy into the world. But here they are, healthy and happy and fiercely wonderful!

And Gail of Is This Mutton? shared her empowering and very helpful post, Five Ways Not To Be Invincible As An Older Woman. I love her tips and the message is important! None of us should be invisible. We should stand up, stand out, and be fabulous, no matter what our age!

If you entered the $200 Target Gift Card Giveaway, head on over to Elegance and Mommyhood to see who the winner is!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Pam Greer
Sounds like such a good book!
It is super cute, Pam! Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
Christina Morley
Happy Valentine’s Day! Wishing you a fabulous week. Thanks for hosting!
Thanks so much, Christina! Same to you!
Kathrine Eldridge
Looks like such a cute book! Thanks for the link up!
It really is super cute and fun, for sure, Kathrine, with a lesson, too. Lessons are always good! Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
Michele Morin
Sounds as if these are crafted in the crazy tradition of Captain Underpants, which my kids loved. Nothing like a little sarcastic humor to get kids reading.
Actually, Michele, it’s funny you referenced Captain Underpants. We were watching Captain Underpants a few weeks ago and my kids loved it. And then I was like “Oh, if they love this, they will love Frankie Pickle!” And I was right! Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!
Cheryl Tucker
How fun it is to have a book by a friend! The illustrations are fabulous! Thanks for sharing and happy Tuesday! Cheryl
Thank you so much, Cheryl! It definitely takes on more meaning when you personally know the author behind the book. Granted it has been many years since I have actually known Eric except through Facebook and social media, but still it is a very cool thing! Have a great day, my friend.
jodie filogomo
It’s fabulous when the kids love a book so much, Shelbee!!
Oh it makes my book loving heart sing, for sure, Jodie! It took a while to get my kids interested in books, but finally we are getting there! Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
That book sounds like a cool read.
It was super fun and silly, Courtney, for sure! Thanks for stopping by!
How fun is that story – my boys would love it. Thanks Shelbee. I love all of your variety. 🙂
They totally would, Chrissy! My kids were so into this story and the illustrations! You should definitely check out this series! Thanks so much for stopping by and have a great day.
Patrick Weseman
That is so cool. Very nice. I don’t care how we get our kids to read or interested in books as long as we do it. Kudos to you. Even better when when you the author. I remember taking my kids to the library every Saturday when they were little (about 100 years ago) and doing all the library stuff. Trust me, it pays off.
Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I agree with you completely that we need to make that effort to get kids interested in reading! Thanks for sharing your experience with it all! Have a great day.
Emma Peach
I love reading with Isobel, some kids’ books are funny on another level for adults! We are enjoying David Walliams’ books at the moment – they are so hilarious!
Emma xxx
There is definitely some humor in Frankie Pickle that they didn’t quite understand yet, but it had me laughing! I will have to check out the David Williams books. Thanks so much for the recommendation, Emma! Have a fabulous day.
Brings back memories of when my kids were little, so many special moments reading with them. Looks like a very funny book series!
Thanks so much, Cherie! I did start losing sight of the importance of reading with them and watching educational tv shows. We recently have picked that back up and are enjoying books like these as well as shows like Blue Planet. They really do make for cherished memories and time together.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I love putting things like books in my kids Easter baskets! My daughter is really into chapter books right now! How neat that you know the author!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Carrie! Yeah, I definitely need to get better at giving the more educational and healthy things for gifts instead of the junk they always want! Have a great day.
jess jannenga
These books seem so fun for kids, i can tell my the titles! I used to teach Elementary students and it’s always great to find book that has some humour, fun but teaches something/a lesson. thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful week!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much for stopping by! There are so many books for kids out there and my kids read a lot of them, but it’s hard to find those special ones that they want to read over and over again. I think Frankie Pickle may be that for my kids! Have a great week, my friend.
Daisy Jones blog
Shelbee love the illustrations in that book fabulous. I wish I could do stuff like that!
Exciting news that you are writing about fashion week ENJOY!
and last but not least thanks for hosting this special link up !
ashley xxx
Thanks so much, Ashley! I was having fun watching the live stream of the runway shows, but now technology is being my worst enemy and I cannot get it to load! I wrote one review of the Badgley Mischka show. Oh the designs were so pretty! Thanks for stopping by and linking up. Have a fabulous week!
sounds like a great book!!!
Thank you for the feature!!!
It was a super fun read for both myself and my kids! And it was my pleasure to feature and your beautiful birth story! Congratulations again! I hope you are getting lots of rest.
We love reading and are always looking for a new book. Thanks for sharing these!
I think you will love this series, Laura! These is enough humor for adults, too. Thanks for stopping by!
That book looks really interesting! I’ll have to let my daughter read it, hopefully she will enjoy it too!
It is a super fun read, Amanda! She will probably love it! Thanks for stopping by.
The books look fabulous, Shelbee! I do think this is something I missed out on, not being a mother, having the chance to snuggle up with my kids and read to them… I know that would have been one of the highlights!
Suzy xx
Thanks so much, Suzy! It is definitely one of those very special things we do together and I too often don’t make a priority. I need to get better at that! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day, my friend.
haha I love how you say loosely!! it’s funny but I guess as long as it’s a great book, it doesn’t matter how you discovered it 🙂
Thanks, Rania! I try my best to keep everything light hearted and fun at all times, that’s for sure! Have a great day!
Lisa Richardson
How crazy cool that you went to school with the author. Of course you would share it with your kids. My kids were huge readers until they hit high school and there was so much reading involved it kinda killed their love for recreational reading. Major bummer. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweet friend!💕
Thanks so much, Lisa! I used to be a crazy reader myself and my patience for it has definitely died down since I have had kids! Plus blogging takes so much of free time and I would rather read blogs anyway! Ha. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Laura || Walking in Memphis in High Heels
I love this! I used to love being read to growing up, and then also reading to practice!
Thanks so much, Laura! I was an avid reader most of my life. I used to find such a great escape in books for as long as I can remember. But now that I have found my voice, I am enjoying writing much more than I enjoy reading these days.
Sheree Ho
This book looks so interesting! I’ll have to read this to my kids. Thank you for sharing!
xo, Sheree
Thanks for checking it out, Sheree! It really is a fun book with humor that will make the parents laugh, too! I hope you guys love it!
Amy Christensen
I have a 7 year old grandson and these books look like they would be right up his ally. Thanks for sharing, Shelbee. – Amy
Thanks so much, Amy, for checking out this post! He would probably love this book. My son will be 7 in a few months and he is so into this comic book style of reading, too. And he loved the shorter chapters. I would love to hear if you do introduce your grandson to the adventures of Frankie Pickle!
Donna Reidland
This sounds like a hilarious and entertaining book. Looks like a fun party with lots of posts to sample, too.
Donna, thanks so much for stopping by! I do get a lot of wonderful posts linked up here that cover a huge variety of topics! I hope you find lots of inspiration!