The Boy Fashion Blogger: Introducing Radical Ralphie

On Friday night, my 6 year old, Ralphie, expressed a sudden interest in my blog. He asked if I get paid “actual money” to do this job and when I replied yes, he was sold. He very emphatically and with much determination and conviction announced, “Well, then, Mommy, I want to be a boy fashion blogger.”
I took him through a brief overview of the ins and outs of blogging, explaining social media and showing him the different platforms. He told me he had heard the word “social media” before but he didn’t know what it meant. He now knows. He also seem to completely understand the “importance of likes” on social media. After his short introduction to blogging, he promptly stripped off his mismatched sweatpants and hoodie and raced up the steps to put on a proper fashion blogging outfit.

After dressing himself…yes, this is the outfit he created on his own…he came downstairs and stated, “ I am ready for my photoshoot.” He began heading outside where I always take my photos and I explained that we couldn’t take pictures in the dark. He was not pleased because he was ready and in the mood to work that camera.
So we snapped a bunch of photos in the poorly lit living room and I promised that we would do a proper photoshoot outdoors on Saturday. But before we went to bed on Friday night, he insisted that I post one of his photos on social media. So this photo was posted on my personal Facebook page.

He then parked his cute little butt in front of my laptop for the duration of the evening and watched his Facebook likes grow. He had about 50 within the first hour and then he became a boy possessed, telling me that he just knew he would have 100 likes before bedtime. He did. I believe his “like” count was 104 when we tucked him in. As I sit here writing this on Sunday evening, his “like” count is sitting firmly at 175. And he couldn’t be prouder of himself.
The Saturday photoshoot time couldn’t come quick enough. He was up and redressed and ready to go but first we had to stop at the local kids’ consignment shop because he needed “a really cool leather jacket” to go with his outfit. Unfortunately, the only leather jacket they had was about four sizes too big. But guess what is at the top of his Christmas list now…

He also insisted that he wear sunglasses because that is what boy fashion bloggers wear for pictures. And he informed me that he will be using his chore money to buy a new shirt. I fear a monster has been created, but it is the sort of monster that is so ridiculously adorable that I can’t help myself but to indulge this new passion.
And so a new series has been unexpectedly born here at Shelbee on the Edge…Radical Ralphie, the Boy Fashion Blogger. Yes, he also branded himself with no help from me. If his passion remains strong, I guess you will be seeing Radical Ralphie here every Monday.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop Ralph’s look…

My goodness what a joy! What a fabulous fashionably young man! You did a great job Ralphie!
Aw, thanks so much, Nancy! He will be so excited when I read him the comments!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Oh my goodness. This made my morning!!!!
Tamar, I just laughed out loud because when I added the link to your link party, I kind of figured this post was going to get you in the best way! Thanks so much, my friend!
He’s a fast learner!
Barbara, thank you so much! He has also learned that when not taking pictures, key is comfort. Sweatpants all day for him today!
That is so adorable!! And I am impressed with his choice of an outfit! My boys always just want to wear sweats and long sleeve tees and it is an effort to remind them to choose church clothes on Sunday. I wish they would wear jeans every so often!
Good job, Ralph!!
Mireille, thank you so much! I am impressed with his style choices as well. This morning for school he was right back in his sweats and tee shirt that don’t match. Some fashion blogger he is! I am excited to style his new bomber jacket though. Thanks again…and be sure to read my post tomorrow…there’s a little shout out in it!
What a great outfit he picked out for this first fashion post! And congrats to him! He definitely has an eye for fashion and love the name “Radical Ralphie”!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Thank you so much, Ellibelle! He was totally cracking me up with all of it! Then when he got dressed for school today, he was back in his mismatched sweatpants and tee shirt with his pants pulled up too high like he is waiting for a flood to come! This kids is killing me.
Ralphie needs his own blog! Just adorable!
Thanks, Melody! He does need his own blog but until he can run it himself, this will have to do. This momma does not have time for another blog! Ha.
jess jannenga
I really enjoyed reading this Shelbee! Ralphie is quite a stylish young man! Look at that pattern mixing ! I think it is great to have a creative endevour and that he is interested in fashion. Also love the poses! I look forward to more!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! We had looked at some pictures of boy models and he was mimicking them. I was laughing so hard! He wouldn’t smile because the pictures he saw were all so serious.
Patrick Weseman
Someone has a great future there. So very nice. Just a fashionable as his mother.
Aw, thanks so much, Patrick! Much appreciated!
Jacqui Berry
My word, what a lovely blog post and it’s so good to see your little one following suit! He looks the perfect model too! Thanks for sharing with us Shelbee. x Jacqui
Jacqui, thank you so much. He is a little character, that’s for sure. I have no idea where he gets it from! Haha.
His cuteness will help surpass your like count!! Kids should have something they enjoy doing and be consistent with it. Way to go Ralphie. Wait I’m sorry Radical Ralphie!!
Hehe, thanks, Jody. He is a piece of work, for sure. We will see if the passion sticks around for him! He is as stubborn as he is cute.
OMG! He is so freakin’ cute! I am surprised he is only 6 because he has all the poses. Radical Ralphie poses better than I do! And what a great outfit and awesome name.
Thanks so much, Michelle! He was studying some little boy fashion models and copying their poses. He was totally cracking me up! He would not smile no matter how I pleaded. He was all like, “This is how boy bloggers do it, Mommy.”
Julie | This Main Line Life
Oh, he’s a natural. He’s just cute as can be and that’s a really terrific outfit he put together. He really has an eye for it.
Thanks so much, Julie! He is definitely onto something here, for sure! Wish me luck with this one!
Rad is looking quite dapper, and slings that fashion attitude like a pro. The lad merely requires a leather jacket to elevate him to superhero status. I bet a pair of combat boots might land him and his fashionable mama on the Ellen show. Well done, Radical Ralphie!
Susan, you crack me up! Thank you. Combat boots would definitely complete his radical persona. I will have to see if I can sell him on a pair. He is quite picky!
jodie filogomo
oh my gosh Shelby! This is the best! It’s even better than my husband modeling for my blog. Your son has such style and this is going to catapult him into Fame and Fortune soon. I can just tell.
Jodie, thank you so much, my friend! I don’t know about all that fame and fortune as of yet…he loses interest in things quickly and can be as stubborn as he is cute…so we shall see! Wish me luck with this one, though. He is something else!
Anne M Bray
Watch out Bryanboy. #radicalralphie has the moves!
Ha, I didn’t know who Bryanboy was. I had to go look him up! He’s got nothing on my Radical Ralphie!
Anne M Bray
He IS one of the OG fashion bloggers, we’ll give him props for that. But Radical Ralphie looks poised to take the world by storm, one pose at a time!
Ralphie came into the world ready to take it by storm!
Marilee Judith Gramith
Radical Ralph ROCKS! Clearly he has a knack for styling a great look!
I think you should challenge him to get creative with his sweats!! The athletic/leisure vibe is always big for dudes! I think he can nail it!!
What a nice surprise for you mom, Shelbee! Ralph has been paying more attention to your process than you were aware and he’s trying to follow the lead of a fashionable mother!
By gosh! I think he’s on to something!
Aw, Jude, thank you very much! He definitely pays more attention to me than I ever thought! Especially when he was posing…he was doing some of my favorite ones! He is a little character, that’s for sure. I am happy that he is passionate about something. Hopefully, he stays interested even if it is just for a short while.
Aww, he is too cute! And he’s got style! Look at him already pattern mixing and he’s got the posing down. 🙂 Love the name he chose, too. I will certainly look forward to Ralphie’s weekly posts!
Jennie, thanks so much! He is a little character, that is for sure! His poses and the serious faces he was making were totally cracking me up! I hope he keeps his enthusiasm because this could be a fun ride!
Oh my goodness, he’s a natural!! What a great job Ralphie did, from creating his look to his photo shoot!!
Absolutely precious!
xx, Elise
Thanks so much, Elise! I hope I haven’t created a monster with this! But he is back in sweatpants for school this week. I guess comfort is key when we aren’t taking photos.
Haha that is so cute! I like the sweater and print mix going on. Just remember to always do you and even if people don’t like it, no big deal because YOU DO!
Thanks so much, Ruth! That is an important message to pass on to our little ones, isn’t it? Be true to yourself because you can’t please everyone!
Suzy Turner
OMG Radical Ralphie is born! And he is just AWESOME! What a wonderful little boy you have, Shelbee. And I just adore that he has been so inspired by his gorgeous momma. I love some of his poses, and look forward to seeing his future posts!
Big hugs, my friend.
Suzy xxx
Thanks, Suzy! He is such a little character and totally has the personality to be a blogger boy! I hope he stays passionate about it!
Laura Horton
Ralphie is the perfect GQ model! Such a cutie!! Thanks for Linking up with The Style Six.
Aw, thanks so much, Laura! He is definitely a character. I think he found his calling!
Eugenia Russell Hargrove
Love this, how fun! Ralphie doesn’t need a tutorial on how to pose and what to wear, I can already see children’s brand collaborations with Ralphie.
Eugenia, thanks so much! He cracks me up! He looked at a few pictures of kid models in clothing ads and he had it down pat!
OMG Ralphie I could use some lessons – I’m so bad at posing!!
Thank you, Pamela! He is something else. He totally had the poses right from go!
Aww, how handsome! 🙂 My boys always ask me who the photos are when I take photos of them or myself (or get them to take pics!) but I’ve not explained the blog to them yet. maybe in a few years! 🙂
Hope that you had a wonderful weekend 🙂 Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp 🙂 I just posted this week’s linkup, I’d love you to join again!
Thanks so much, Mica! The kids come with us a lot for photoshoots so I think they kind of get what I do, but not entirely. I am trying to explain to Ralphie that it isn’t great to get so obsessed over his “likes”!