The Bad Buy Book: November 2017-Cardigans
Welcome to November’s edition of The Bad Buy Book!
This month’s theme is Cardigans!
The Bad Buy Book is a series hosted by Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge and Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style. Together, we wanted to establish something fun and new. We both talked about our Sitting Shoes and so we came up with the idea for The Bad Buy Book!
We all do our best to look great in our outfits, choose the right accessories, the right makeup, the perfect shoes, and wait for the best light to shoot the most flattering outfit photos. And now we are asking you to show us the items you don’t feel your very best in. You know, those Sitting Shoes, that dress that is actually not quite your color, the skirt that is a size too small but the saleswoman said it looked amazing. We all own those items! And while they may look fabulous, they don’t always feel fabulous! So we want you to show us your bad buys and tell us the story about them! What made you purchase the item? And why do you dislike it now? And why not share them with us? We buy these things for a reason then hide them in the back of the closet. Now it’s their turn to share the limelight.
Every month on the 15th, we will both publish a post sharing the photos you have sent us along with a few sentences about your bad buy. Photo submissions will be due by the 10th of each month so we have time to edit and compile all of the entries. At the end of each post we will let you know the theme for the next month’s post. Photos and the story of your Bad Buy can be emailed to shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com or nancybaten@upcmail.nl. Please put “Bad Buy” in the subject line.
So let’s take a look at this month’s Bad Buys!
I am going to start with my fabulous co-host Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style. Nancy says this about her cream colored cardigan:
“I am banishing all of the white tops and cardigans out of my closet since I learned, through this Bad Buy series, that I must not wear that color against my face! This is the last one to go.”

Nancy submitted another cardigan this month. She doesn’t like the color of this one.
“And this is also such a awful one! Why? I just don’t like purple! Any shade of purple!”

Next is Nancy from Jodie’s Touch of Style. Jodie submitted Nancy’s photo for this month’s theme and says this about her cardigan:
“This cardigan was just too big for her, and she actually ended up giving it to my husband to wear. (Don’t tell her, but since it’s in my closet, I actually wear it around the house too since it’s so warm). So it may have been a bad buy for her, but a good thing for me—ha ha!!!”

And I also have two cardigans for this month’s Bad Buy series.
“I couldn’t resist this chunky knit kimono style cardigan on clearance from Target. I loved the light blue color and the fringed hem and the cozy style, but it is kind of frumpy. I still wear it often when I just want to be cozy, but there is no way to avoid the frump factor in this one!”
“This black and white polka dot cardigan is one of my favorites, so I guess it isn’t really a bad buy…except that it is way too small and has been since the day I bought it. I just have to always wear it open with only a very light layer underneath it.”
I hope you enjoyed this month’s Bad Buy Book series and our cardigans! Next month’s theme is Bags! Any bag will do! We hope to see what you all have hanging around your closet!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Laura || Walking in Memphis in High Heels
Oh man, I have so many bad buys. Sometimes things can look so great on the hanger or even online and we get it not realizing.. nope doesn’t work lol.
Laura, thanks so much for reading! I probably have an entire wardrobe of bad buys! Ha. I guess I should start putting them up on Poshmark! But it is nice to know that I am not the only one with all the bad buys.
jodie filogomo
I love knowing that you two are just like me at times!!! Thanks for putting this together!!
Ha! Thanks so much, Jodie! And that is a wonderful comment…to be considered “just like you”…because you are awesome!
Cardigans that stay open are trendy, so the black n white one you have is a Great fit on you. Enjoy!
Neti, thank you so much. It is a little snug in the shoulders and upper arms. I think I just got a good camera angle! But I do still love the polka dots.
I like them when I first buy them, but gradually begin to dislike something. Thinking why did I buy it! Thanks for sharing you guys. x Jacqui
Jacqui, thanks so much for stopping by! I do the same thing as you. Or I love something in the store fitting room mirror but it looks horrible when I get it home!
Thanks for coming to the Top of the World Style linkup party. I love your skirt!
Thanks, Nicole!