The Bad Buy Book: January 2018-Jackets & Coats
Welcome to the final edition of The Bad Buy Book!
This month’s theme is Jackets & Coats!
The Bad Buy Book is a series hosted by Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge and Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style. Together, we wanted to establish something fun and new. We both talked about our Sitting Shoes and so we came up with the idea for The Bad Buy Book!
We all do our best to look great in our outfits, choose the right accessories, the right makeup, the perfect shoes, and wait for the best light to shoot the most flattering outfit photos. And now we are asking you to show us the items you don’t feel your very best in. You know, those Sitting Shoes, that dress that is actually not quite your color, the skirt that is a size too small but the saleswoman said it looked amazing. We all own those items! And while they may look fabulous, they don’t always feel fabulous! So we want you to show us your bad buys and tell us the story about them! What made you purchase the item? And why do you dislike it now? And why not share them with us? We buy these things for a reason then hide them in the back of the closet. Now it’s their turn to share the limelight.
So let’s take a look at January’s Bad Buys!
Let me start with my lovely co-host Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style. She has this to say about her plum colored puffer coat:
“This is a bad buy because I hate these kind of jackets. But I needed a warm short jacket for when I go to the gym (yes I know, I don’t look stylish at the gym!) on my bike. But I feel awful when I wear this…but it is warm…”

I really like this jacket on Nancy and the color pairing of dark purple with the bright pink is brilliant!
And Jodie of Jodie’s Touch of Style sent us a photo of her stepmom, Nancy, wearing her bad buy jacket. She says this:
“Well, I’m going to send over another of my stepmom, Nancy’s photos for this category! I ordered this coat from VIPme for her, but it’s just a little too small for her to wear over other items. It’s hard to tell in this photo because she has the scarf on, but when it’s closed, it gaps open a little. I thought it was so pretty with the embroidery down the front and back! That’s the disadvantage of ordering online, especially from the China sites, I guess. The good news is she recently handed it down to me, so it’s in my closet now!!!! Score!!!”

I can see why Jodie is excited about getting this beautiful jacket as a hand me down. I would be thrilled with this acquisition as well!
And now my bad buy jacket…
“I wore my bad buy coat for my Black Friday shopping post because I do occasionally wear it even though it is a bit snug! It is a brown leather jacket from Wilson’s Leather which is such great quality leather. I couldn’t resist it when I saw it in the thrift store for $20. I do love the cut and the chocolate brown color, but it really is just a bit snug in the shoulders. It seems a lot of my bad buys come from thrift shops…because I apparently cannot resist the great price!”
And that is it for the Bad Buy Book. This was the last installment! But don’t worry, Nancy and I are cooking up something good for you all and we will be back with a new series soon! We will publish the details on the 15th of February and after that you all can join the party! A special thanks to Jodie who has always been such a great supporter of this series!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Grace Liang
Very interesting topic to show what is not so flatting buys! I love it! I am very careful with what to buy nowadays but I still ended up with some not so flattering pieces for vanity reasons. 😉
Please stop by at http://www.colorandgrace.com every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for linkup parties! Hope to see you there!
Grace Liang
This has definitely been an interesting series, for sure! I noticed a trend in my bad buys with most being thrift shop purchases. Now I know what to be careful of. Thanks so much for stopping by, Grace!
Nancy Baten
Oh, I ment to say that I DON’T look stylish at the gym! I am going to change that straight away! Haha, I like your leather jacket because it is edgy!
Oh, ha! I just updated my post, too! So funny, Nancy!
Nancy Baten
Haha, on my post it says it good! I look A-stylish at the gym! Hahaha.
So funny. I was confused by what you meant! I took out the A-stylish and I just added the “don’t” where you intended it!
jodie filogomo
It’s been fun to go through our pieces and see what a terrible shopper I am—ha ha!!!
Thanks for this fun adventure, Shelbee!!
Thank you so much, Jodie, for such a good sport and participating with us every month! I think you will enjoy what we have coming next!
I love how everyone still makes their “bad buys” work for them. That’s powerful!
Roxanne, that is a fabulous way of looking at bad buys! Proving that everything can be changed just by our perspective! Thanks so much for stopping by.
As a newbie to thrift shop shopping I have made a rule for myself. However low the price is, it has to be a piece that I am going to wear, that fits well and I will feel great in, otherwise it is still not a bargain. Lise
Lise, that is a fabulous rule that I absolutely must apply on my next thrift shopping adventure! I have way too many bad buys from thrifting. Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing that tip!
These are so fun to read. I certainly have my share of bad buys! But I’m trying to be better and shop smarter…aren’t we all? 😀
Thanks so much, Elsie! I am really try hard as well, but I just keep failing when it comes to self-control and resisting a bargain!
Gigi Kiersten
It’s the thing with online shopping. You think you got the right size and it’s either way too small or way too big. I’m looking forward to the next big series you and nancy think up.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Gigi! The new series will be a spin-off of sorts from The Bad Buy Book…hopefully you will join us for it! The details will be published on February 15!
I sometimes have “bad buys” that turn out to be favorites!
Stylin In St. Louis
That has happened to me a time or two as well, Jacqueline! Thanks so much for stopping by and have a great week.
I know the feeling when you buy something because it caught your eye or the price was right only to find out after the return date is non negotiable that it is yours – permanently and you’ll have to make due with it because it is hard to part with after all regardless of how much money was spent, it is money spent! I do love your leather jacket as it is edgy. I like that it isn’t your normal moto jacket that you see a lot on other bloggers. I love Nancy’s puffer jacket because of the color but I can see why the shorter length can be a bit of a bah humbug. Jodie’s new jacket is a score. The details are gorgeous and it looks like a one of a kind coat. Looking forward to the next series you are all cooking up!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thanks so much for this very detailed comment! That was fun to read your take on each of our jackets! My problem is most of my bad buys happen at thrift shops for some reason…and then you really can’t return it! I just need to get better when thrifting. And thank you for the compliment on jacket. I really do love the cut and color of it, too. It usually works better in warmer weather when I can layer just a thin top underneath. But with heavier layers, it is just too tight. Hopefully you will join us for the new series!
Debra Barretta
Hey Shelbee! This was so fun to read. Since I am a new followers will have to read all of the Bad Buys posts. Thanks for “keeping it real” girl!
Stylewise by Debra
Debra, thanks so much! The next series will be a spin off of this concept of bad buys so hopefully you will join us once we roll it out! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week!
Laura || Walking in Memphis in High Heels
Making a bad buy work for you is the best way to make a bad buy great! I love how everyone made these things work for them!
Thanks so much, Laura! This series has been so much fun because when we would choose the theme, I would go scour my closet for some ill fitting garment and make it work. Then I would think maybe it’s not that bad after all! The next series will be sort of a spin off of the bad buys and should be a lot of fun.
Emma Peach
The jacket looks great Shelbee, even if it doesn’t feel quite right. It is hard to resist a thrift store bargain, I have to be strict with myself because I have no room for more clothes! Luckily my mum is happy to take some off my hands 🙂
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! I have to start being more strict all around with my shopping habits! I have no room at all in my closet anymore and really need to do a serious clean out…or move to a bigger house!