The Bad Buy Book
The Bad Buy Book is a series co-hosted by Shelbee from Shelbee on the Edge and Nancy from Nancy’s Fashion Style. We wanted to establish together something fun and new. We both talked about our Sitting Boots and so we came up with the idea for The Bad Buy Book.
We all have our bad buys, the boots you only wear when you don’t have to walk (sitting boots), the dress that is actually totally not your color, the skirt that is a size too small. It hangs in the closet and never gets out. But we want to see it! We want you to showcase your worst purchase!
Every month on the 15th, we will both publish a post sharing the photos you have sent to us along with their stories. Photo submissions will be due by the 1st of each month so we have time to edit and compile all of the entries. At the end of each post we will let you know the theme for the next month’s post. Photos and the story of your “Bad Buy” can be emailed to shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com or nancybaten@upcmail.nl. Please put “Bad Buy” in the subject line.
02/15/2017 Welcome to The Bad Buy Book
03/15/2017 Sitting Shoes
04/15/2017 Trousers
05/15/2017 Jewelry
06/15/2017 Dresses
07/15/2017 Tops
08/15/2017 Sandals
09/15/2017 Skirts
10/15/2017 Jackets and Blazers
11/15/2017 Cardigans
12/15/2017 Handbags and Purses
01/15/2018 Jackets and Coats