The Back-to-School Crud & My Final Summer Outfit

Happy Hump Day, or in my case, Happy Crud Day!
Actually, there isn’t all that much happy about the current crud that is circulating through the germ factories that we call schools. It started last week with Ralph and he missed three consecutive days of school. Then it caught up to me and I haven’t really left the comfort of my couch in five days. And now it got Archie so he has been home for two days, coughing and aching and sleeping. I have managed to do only the bare minimum like cooking and laundry and getting whichever kid is healthy off to school in the mornings. I even managed to vacuum the living room but I may have overexerted myself there. Lying on my couch and binge watching The Masked Singer and Friends has been occupying most of my time this past week.
I don’t much like to share about the negative bits in life, like lingering respiratory viruses, but this time of illness has also brought out the silly little poetess who lives inside my brain. And that wordsmith of juvenile rhymes has penned this ridiculous verse which will hopefully give you all a good chuckle. Or at the very least, you can probably relate to the current cruddiness swirling around.

The Back-to-School Crud
I caught the crud. They said I might. I said, “No way, I’ll do this right.” I washed my hands And sprayed the counters. I even kept the toothbrushes apart. I withheld my snuggles And refrained from kissing. I thought I was off to a really good start. I ate apples and oranges And Vitamin C. Drank so much water, I keep having to pee. I used yoga and Reiki And resorted to prayer. No matter what I did The crud still made its way here. Up in my sinuses And deep in my chest, I’m coughing so hard I can’t catch my breath. Before you suggest it I know it’s not Covid I took a test confirming It is the back-to-school crud.
With the arrival of fall and back-to-school germ circulation, I figured this was a great time to also share my last outfit of summer featuring my favorite purple tie dye dress from Rainbow Zen that my kids got me for my birthday back in May. I have worn this dress a ton during the summer but only photographed it once in June and then never got around to sharing it. And since the color purple can evoke feelings of calm and uplift the spirit, it is perfect for a post about the lingering crud that keeps deterring my spirit. I should put this fabulous dress on right now and then go lie down in the purple game room so I can absorb the healing power of purple!

For this summer styling of my purple tie dye dress, I layered my pink and purple tie dye button down shirt on top for extra warmth, sun protection, and a fun double tie dye look. I kept my accessories simple with my black sparkly rope sandals, purple leather earrings, and my selenite necklace which was also a birthday gift from my kids. I felt cute and comfortable all day long. Now I wonder if I can winterize this dress with warm layers and boots? Hmmmmm…stay tuned. That might be coming soon.
I hope you are all managing to remain crud-free as we make the transition into the sickliest time of year. May you remain happy and healthy and fabulously you for the rest of the year and beyond!

Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Dress and Necklace-Rainbow Zen / Top-Torrid / Rope Sandals-Nomadic State of Mind / Earrings-Good Life Gift Shop

Well at least something creative came out of the misery! Lol. But it’s awful to feel like everything is to much and all. Sending healthy vibes over to you and your family!
Thanks, Nancy! I have been sleeping on the couch for the past 3 nights so I don’t wake everyone else in the house when I have a coughing fit in the middle of the night. It has helped me some to sleep propped up, too, but I am still so tired from all the coughing interruptions to my sleep. Ugh. It should be nearing the end now…just in time for my miserable period to strike me down with cramps! Haha. I gratefully receive the healthy vibes you are sending my way!
I love the colour of your dress!!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks, Jennifer! Jewel tones have always been a favorite of mine!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
That is such a great color on you!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I really like it, too.
Sally in St Paul
Ugh, I hope the back to school crud leaves your household soon!
Thank you, Sally! I hope so, too! We have out of town guests arriving on Saturday! Eek!
Amy Christensen
So sorry you are struggling with the crud. My hubby and I came down with Covid, so I am still working through the fever, cough and sinus gunk. Yuck! It wasn’t enough that last year I had all the sinus and lung issues, now I had to get Covid! I remember when my girls were young, even though we home schooled, we always ended up with colds and crap in the fall and winter. Hope you all are back to full health soon! Love the purple! It is one of my favorite colors. – Amy
Amy, thanks so much for your kind comment. I am so sorry to hear that you caught Covid. We have been fortunate to have escaped Covid so far but my sister just told me that a bunch of her circle of people have it. Being sick is just rotten whether it’s Covid or just a cold. I hope that you are back to good health soon as well, my friend. I am sending healing energy your way!
Niki | Life as a LEO Wife
We got the crud too. I thought that word was a Southern thing, but I guess not lol! My son has been coughing and having a runny nose for over 2 weeks. I’m going on a week myself. My little carrier monkey brought it home from school. Poor kid feels so bad because he knows I can’t fight it off. Hope you all feel better soon!
Oh no, Niki! I am so sorry to hear this. I moved myself to the couch again last night for the fourth night in a row because every time I lie down, the coughing begins. I have to sleep siting up if I hope to get any rest! I sent my older son back to school yesterday and the nurse sent him home about 2 hours later. I think he may need to say home again today. My kids have missed 3-4 days each already and we are only in the 4th week of school. Whatever this crud is, it is a brutal one! Everyone who has mentioned having it has said it is lasting 2-3 weeks. I am sending healing energy your way, my friend. I hope you all feel better soon! (Also, I thought the crud was a Northern thing. Hahaha).
Marsha Banks
I hope you’re soon back to 100% as well as the rest of your family! I was watching my grandkids and was just thinking I hope they didn’t bring anything home to me. Remember when all we used to worry about was head lice! Love, love, love this purple dress! Absolutely stunning, Shelbee or absolutely stunning Shelbee…both work!!
Thanks so much, Marsha! I am starting to feel better but I still can’t get much sleep due to all the coughing! It is getting really annoying now. Archie went back to school yesterday but didn’t make it through the day so I might have to keep him home again today. As for head lice, I always worry about that! Gahhhh. It freaks me out so bad and drives my kids crazy because if they scratch their heads for any reason, I am immediately doing a head lice check! A head lice outbreak is seriously one of my greatest fears! I am now grateful that we all just have the crud. It could be so much worse…like freaking parasites! Thanks for the perspective switch! Ha.
Mary dreyer
I would like to inquire about Darlene from aqua marina style. I cannot locate her blog. What happened to her?
Hi Mary, I have no idea what happened to Darlene. I have wondered the same. Her blog is gone and she has not posted on her social media accounts in nearly a year. I have no way of reaching out to her except through those platforms. In fact, I just tried to connect with her on Facebook today. I do hope she is okay and all is well in her world. If I hear anything, I will reach out to you and give you an update. It was very kind of you to inquire. I hope you are well and having a wonderful week!
What a particularly nasty crud! And yes, your poem did give me a giggle. But mostly I spent time ogling your purple tie-dye dress. OMG, I love it! Feel better soon, my friend!
Ha, thanks, Michelle! Every time I wear something in a bold purple color I think of you! I am feeling much improved today just in time for Becca to arrive tomorrow for the weekend! Yay! I am so excited to see her!
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very nice. And yes, these kids have tons of germs. It is amazeballs how none of the kids at middle school wash their hands.
Thanks, Patrick! Oh my gosh, elementary and middle school kids can be so gross with their lackadaisical hygiene habits! I hope you are staying healthy in the midst of the germ assault!
Ugh! Yes, we have had the same thing going round our house… the last one succumbed this week (at least I hope it was the same thing the rest of us had otherwise we’ll probably all have a second go round of whatever this was!). I can’t even blame the schools in our case as it just seems to be everywhere. Hope you are all well on the mend!
Oh no, Joanne, I am so sorry that the crud has gotten you and your family, too! I just go both kids back to school yesterday and I am feeling much improved myself. Still coughing though which will probably last for another two weeks. The cough sounds really threatening to others so I am trying to limit my time in public places! I feel like people want to take my head off if I cough in public! I hope you all are feeling better, my friend!
I hope you all feel better soon. I love the dress and you styled it beautifully.
Thank you so much, Lovely! I finally got both kids back to school and I am feeling much improved. I hope you are well and having a wonderful week!
Michele Morin
I just heard on NPR that the flu season was rough in the Southern hemisphere so they’re predicting a rough one for us, too. Hang on…!
Oh dear, Michele, thanks for the warning! I need to up my vitamin intake I think and lock myself in a bubble!
I hope everyone is feeling better. Too cold here for sandals now.
Thanks for linking with #pocolo, sorry for the delay with leaving a comment, hope to see you back soon
Thanks so much, Suzanne! We are all finally back to good health and definitely not wearing sandals any more!