Temporarily Out of Order & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #244
I mentioned in yesterday’s post about shackets that my MacBook is currently out of order and in the expert hands of the Geek Squad at Best Buy. I have been trying to do some blogging work on Ralph’s brand new HP laptop but it is so different from mine that the learning curve is pretty much irritating the hell out of me. Also, all of my photos are stored on my laptop with the backup drive in the possession of the Geek Squad as well. I was trying to improvise and figure it out but frankly it is too much stress to be bothered with when I will have my laptop back within a day or two.
I was going to skip posting altogether today, but it is my personally designated day of the week to focus on spreading kindness in the world, so spread kindness I will!
Let me take this opportunity to thank the wonderful men and women who work at my local Best Buy. They have been so helpful with multiple issues that I have had recently from the purchase of Ralph’s new laptop and Archie’s new Oculus VR headset to my current MacBook problems. I upgraded to Best Buy’s new Total Tech Support program and now all of my issues are handled as conveniently as possible without having to deal with outside warranty and insurance plans. Particular thanks go out to DJ and Patrick (at the Watertown, New York, Best Buy location) who have been absolutely wonderful in helping this completely tech-ignorant middle aged woman. These are the times when I definitely feel my age!
Go forth and spread some kindness today, my friends! And be sure to join the link party below!
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked): Michele of Living Our Days

Fashion Favorite: Bo of Bo’s Bodacious Blog

Non-Fashion Favorite: Bridie of Heart, Hearth and Crafting

Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.

Michele Morin
SO surprised to be featured here this week!
And thank you for pushing through all the nasty technology challenges. If only there were a way to blog with a really great pen and a pretty notebook…
Oh my goodness, Michele, if there were a way to blog with a pen and a pretty notebook, I would be all over that! It was my pleasure to feature your post this week! I hope all is well in your world, my friend.
Kellyann Rohr
Oh goodness Shelbee, I am sorry about the technical trouble – Ralphie to the rescue! Ha, thank goodness for alternate forms of technology. Hope it gets resolved soon!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! I am picking up my laptop today and hoping it’s all good! Ralphie has been very accommodating this week. I am very proud of him!
Kathrine Eldridge
Hope your macbook gets fixed soon my friend. Thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I have to pick it up this afternoon. Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly!
Technology issues are so frustrating! Hope that everything is fixed soon! Thank you for the linkup!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks, Jill! It turned out to be an easy fix. They just needed to update my whole operating system is all! I will be able to pick it up today and get back to work!
Oh so annoying! What else can I say, this too shall pass….. or something like that…..
Thanks, Nancy! They let me know that the issue is fixed and I should be good for a few more years with this laptop. I can pick it up in a few hours and then I will get that post to you!
Erica Valentin
Hopefully you get your computer back soon! My husband is actually part of the geek squad for the last 20 something years haha!
Thanks, Erica! The Geek Squad has fixed my issues and I can pick up my laptop in a few hours! How great that your husband is one of the wonderful folks who help tech idiots like me! Please let him know that I appreciate the work he does!
Sorry to hear about your computer issues, I hope you can get it fixed and back to you soon!
Thank you for the link up!
Hope your week is going well so far 🙂 It’s a rainy one here!
Thanks so much, Mica! I have been notified that my laptop is fixed and I will be picking it up soon! Hopefully I will get another few years out of it before I will need a new one.
Laura Bambrick
Hope your issues are fixed soon!
Thanks, Laura! I have been informed that my laptop is fixed and will be picking it up later today. Yay!
Amy Johnson
Computer problems are such a pain! It feels like your missing an arm when one of your devices is out-of-order! Thanks for the party.
It really does set you off of a regular routine, Amy! I am able to pick up my computer this afternoon so hopefully all will be good today! Ralphie’s computer has been helpful in the meantime even though it has also been frustrating me!
Pam Ecrement
I feel your pain on the computer issues. When I left the PC world 8 years ago when I got my new MacBook Pro, I was determined I would never go back to the complex world of PC. I just had a diagnostic run on mine yesterday for the the sound it is making and learned my trepid laptop that is still great on memory is “vintage” and will soon need to be replaced. I was given all the recommendations for other Apple choices beyond MacBook Pro since it is more expensive. No idea whether Air or iPad Pro would serve the purpose (and the screens are smaller than my 13 “). Ugh!!
This baby I am writing on was here when I started my website and has everything on it for the last 5.5 years as well as all the work and writing for the book I published in 2017. No idea what can easily be a fit for a replacement.
Glad you still pressed through for today!
Thanks so much, Pam! I actually have never had a PC! The very first computer I ever owned was a laptop. I was hesitant when I purchased the MacBook because I was wholly unfamiliar with Apple products at the time. While they are super easy to use for tech dummies like me, I don’t know if I need all the bells and whistles afforded by Apple for the price tag. While Ralphie’s HP laptop has me in a reverse learning curve right now, I am realizing that it is perfect for my needs. So when my MacBook needs replacing, I am not even sure if I will stick with Apple. But maybe I will because familiarity often wins out at this age! The tech working on my computer has it all fixed and I can pick it up later today. The whole operating system needed an update that I couldn’t figure out on my own. But he said I should be good for another 3-5 years with it before I would need a new one. And I will likely need a bigger screen then rather than a smaller one! Haha.
Pamela Graham
How did we function without the Internet? It almost makes me feel as though I’m letting someone down when I’m not at the end of an email so I feel your frustration!! I fully intend to break the cycle completely on my next vacation!!
I often wonder the same thing, Pamela! Remember the days when we didn’t have information right at our fingertips? We had to actually make real effort to find things out and stay connected with one another! But the internet is so great for information and connection…until it’s not working! Ha. A good long unplugged vacation sounds like heaven to me!
Computer issues can be so frustrating and stressful so I am glad your computer is in good hands. I am thinking I need to put my phone and computer down for several days: I am needing the break as I find myself reaching for either one all the time.
Thanks, Mireille. It was annoying but in the grand scheme of things it ended up not being terrible. I didn’t mind putting down the computer for a few days. Even though I have Ralph’s laptop to work on, I really only did what was necessary and then caught up on some reading and stuff. My laptop is all fixed and I can pick it up soon. That makes me happy but then I am also kind of wishing I could take more time off the computer. But I will likely start doing that anyway. More balance is never a bad idea!
Christina Morley
I’m glad you have that kind of reliable assistance. I’m sure it’s a relief to know something as important as your laptop and photos are in good hands. Thanks for hosting and spreading kindness despite the lack of a computer!
Thanks so much, Tina! I have my laptop back now and it seems to be working just fine now. Fingers crossed it stays this way for another few years!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Computers just like to mess with us!
Ha, I think it was more an issue of me not properly maintaining my computer! I had never run an update and so it lost compatibility with a whole bunch of websites. It’s all updated now and functioning properly so far!
Oh no! Technology can be so frustrating sometimes. And going from Mac to something else… LOL! I remember when I first got my Mac. The learning curve was STEEP haha! I hope your computer comes back good as new <3
Thanks so much, Lizzie! I just picked up my computer and am using it right now. But I needed to run some other update that says it will take 2 hours to finish so everything is moving at a snail’s pace now. OMG, that learning curve to Mac was REALLY STEEP. Using the HP wasn’t too terrbile. I should be good with this Mac for a few more years, then who knows what will even be available on the market then!
Marsha Banks
Ugh…technology! When I was teaching, we would master something, and the corporation would then buy something new! Now, I just sigh and do my best on my clunky website. I’m glad your computer will soon be back in your hands. I love that you posted because it’s Spread the Kindness Day!
Thanks so much, Marsha! I have my computer back and it seems to be good except it is much slower than usual. Oh well. I will keep plodding along on the old girl until she’s good and dead!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
Oh no! I hope your laptop is up and running quickly! But, try to enjoy your break! 🙂
Thanks so much, Carrie! I have my computer back and all seems to be working perfectly!
My reconditioned apple airbook, which I paid cash for and got no receipt and a discount (should have seen that was a major red flag) was so difficult for me to use as I’d never used apple before – and it died rather quickly. AAArrrggghhh. Other people do swear by apple, I think it’s just what one is used to. My notebook that I use is the easiest wee computer in the world. I love it. However – it’s almost at the end of it’s days, and I am not sure about how to get a new one – as I’m noy wanting to pick one out online (lockdown in New Zealand) (sigh…..)
Oh, Ratnamurti, that sounds super frustrating! I have never purchased a reconditioned computer before. I was going to look for a used MacBook for Ralph but even those were significantly more expensive than the new hp laptop. I went for Apple with my last computer purchase because all of our other things are Apple. But I may get something different when it is time to replace this one. I hope you are able to find a suitable replacement for yours when the time comes!
Cheryl Shops
A broken laptop sounds like a very Mercury retrograde thing to happen—hope it gets fixed soon!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
OMG, it is totally a Mercury Retrograde thing to happen, Cheryl! I had managed to get a bandaid fix on it until I could take it in to be looked at and then I was thinking I should have stuck with my bandaid fix until Mercury left retrograde. I got nervous that the repair process would be negatively impacted by Mercury! So far, however, it is fixed and working properly and Mercury exits retrograde in just a few more days! We can make it!
Eeeek! Is there anything worse? I know exactly what you mean. I have my Mac laptop and monitor set up just so. If I had to use a non-mac product, as I have in the past, I would go crazy!! Thanks for jumping on and sharing your usual Tuesday kindness thoughts, my friend. Thank goodness you have the Best Buy support!
xx Darlene
Thanks, Darlene! After two days on Ralph’s hp, it was weird coming back to the mac! It’s so funny how quickly we acclimate to new or different technology when we have to but we resist it wholeheartedly every time! But despite ourselves, we still manage. Haha. I have my computer back and it is working just fine, thankfully!
Sheila (of Ephemera)
Computer problems are the worst. Good luck, Shelbee!
Thanks, Sheila! I am all fixed now and running smoothly! Thanks to the Geek Squad!
Computer issues are so frustrating. But it sounds like you have an excellent team of geeks. 🙂 I finally decided I need to go with the flow while our transition continues. I have only a finite amount of hours in the day, and I have only a finite amount of energy.
Thanks, Michelle! I was able to pick up my laptop yesterday and it seems to be working just fine now. It was a struggle resetting all my passwords after it had been cleaned and updated, but now most of that is all figured out so I can relax a bit! I am glad that you are relaxing into the flow of moving. Just do what you can each day and grant yourself lots of grace on the days when you need more rest than work. I have been trying to paint my upstairs hallway since February! I finally got the trim done and it’s all re-taped for the walls next…since last week. Then this week, I just haven’t had in me. But I will get to it soon because all the supplies cluttering the hallway are annoying the hell out of me!
Bojana Krienke
You honestly just seem to have the kindest disposition in the world. I feel like you always choose kindness and it’s just such a treat. I also want to thank you for the shout out, that just made my Tuesday! It’s a pleasure to hear that costumer service is alive and well. I will say that any time I’ve gone shopping or eaten in a resturant in the US I’ve had great customer service. In Cananda I actually don’t find it to be as good, eek (I hope no one gets mad at me but I really do feel that way). Hope you get your computer back ASAP.
Oh wow, Bo, thank you so much for this wonderful comment! I try to maintain a pleasant and positive disposition as often as I can! I am light and love most of the time! But like all people, I falter along the way. It is very refreshing to see that great customer service still exists. But I suspect it will always be there as long as kind, friendly, compassionate, helpful people exist in the work force. I have only really visited Canada one time, Montreal to be exact, and while I found the people friendly enough, there is definitely a noticeable difference in the demeanor compared to the States. It seems to be more of a reserved friendliness in Canada where we Americans are much less than reserved about everything!
I do have my laptop back and it seems to be working just fine! Hopefully, I can get another 2-3 years out of it!
I’ve had to use my dad’s laptop when Apple was fixing mine! It’s so weird to use a PC after using a mac for so long.
Curated By Jennifer
It really is weird, Jennifer! But after using the hp for just a few days, it was actually weird getting back on my mac! Haha. So funny how much we resist the new but how quickly we adapt to it even in our resistance!
jess jannenga
I need to take my 1 year old laptop and send it to Lonovo to fix my track point, but I do think I would be in the same boat, having to wait as everything is on my computer.
Thank you for the message! Hope they can fix the issue 🙂
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! It is really nerve racking turning over your laptop for a few days! They had it fixed pretty quickly and I have it back now operating properly!
I hope your MacBook makes a full recovery! Very traumatic when precious things like this are out of our hands.
Thanks, Gail! I have my MacBook back in my possession and it has been great so far!
I am all for handing over technology to someone else when it’s not working right! So sorry to hear you are having such issues and I hope they get it fixed soon. Thanks for hosting despite your current predicament.
Thanks, Joanne! I did some trouble shooting on my own first, but as soon as I realized it was out of my scope of capabilities, I went straight the Geek Squad! I have my laptop back now and it is working just fine!
Lucy Bertoldi
I bring all my computer problems to Best Buy! I find them so efficient and patient. Love their service. Have a great rest of the week my friend xx
Thanks, Lucy! Yeah, I have been using Best Buy and the Geek Squad for all of my computer stuff for years and they have never disappointed me!
Catherine, Not Dressed As Lamb
Hehe I’m laughing Shelbee but it’s more of a nervous laugh… I’m also having computer troubles this week, hence my delay with everything from leaving comments to writing blog posts to my grocery shopping not getting finished and me ending up with only a few bits in a basket in my delivery slot. I’m a PC girl and always have been because I like a MAHOOSIVE monitor due to my eyes being so bad!! I just can’t get on with a laptop as those touchy mousepad things drive me NUTS, I need an actual mouse. And yes, I feel like a total nana as a result but I don’t care, LOL
Hope you get yourself sorted, hang in there 😉
Thanks for hosting lovely, let’s hope this comment saves on my not-behaving Chrome browser, grrrr…
C xx
Thanks so much, Catherine! I am not surprised about all the computer issues right now since Mercury has been in retrograde since the end of September. It gets me every time with some kind of communication or technology issues! But I have my laptop back and it is functioning properly, thank goodness! And Mercury will be out of retrograde in just a few days. When I am forced to replace this laptop though, I definitely need a bigger screen size. My eyes seem to be aging faster than the rest of me and I struggle big time with little tiny printed words. I also have never figured out how to operate the mouse pads attached to laptops. I always have to get a wireless detached mouse! I hope your computer issues are worked out soon, my friend! It is a very frustrating thing to deal with, for sure.
Patrick Weseman
Thanks for spreading the kindness. Best Buy is actually really cool. I got my new laptop there a while ago and they were super helpful.
Thanks for hosting andI hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thank you, Patrick! That is great to hear that Best Buy employees are equally kind and helpful in other stores across the country. Good on Best Buy!
Lauren Renee Sparks
I recently had to replace my several year old mac book. I would be lost without it and would struggle to go back to a PC!
I am glad that you didn’t have to resort back to a PC then, Lauren! Technology definitely has an important role for all of us these days!
Lydia C. Lee
It’s terrible when you loose your connection. We’re so reliant!
We really are, Lydia! I have been trying to spend less time on my computer and more time with my face in a book!
I’m so spoilt with Apple I just can’t use a ‘normal’ laptop these days. Currently using my phone as hubby is still sleeping and my laptop is in the bedroom (bad planning) thanks for joining in with #pocolo
I am spoiled, too, Suzanne! All of our devices are Apple except for Ralph’s new laptop. Although the transition back to a regular laptop wasn’t as terrible I thought it would be. But I am glad to have my MacBook back and functioning properly. I chuckled a little at your bad planning! But good on you for not waking hubby to go get your computer!