Talking to Dead People & Link Up On the Edge #120

On Wednesday night, I was invited to join a group of nine other women to meet at a friend’s house for a little spiritual fun with a local psychic/medium. I had never met with a psychic or a medium before and I found the idea of it to be quite fascinating. Ever since my parents passed away, 24 and 12 years ago, their spirits have always been a very strong presence in my life, so the idea of a person who quite literally talks to dead people intrigued me. So I agreed to join the party.

Being the novice that I am on matters of channeling the spiritual world, I of course asked a few questions first. My main concern was basically, “This is not some creepy middle school Ouija board shit, is it? Because that I cannot do. That freaks me out.” When I was informed that this was a man who simply is able to channel the spiritual world in a very fun and harmless way, I was completely on board.

As the day progressed and the time got closer to the meeting, I was feeling a bit of nervous excitement. Mostly because I really did not know what to expect. My biggest fear at this point was that I would walk into this man’s presence and he would tell me that I was a really bad person, that I reeked of evil, even though I thought I was good. But I quickly realized that it was just a big old case of imposter syndrome on my part! And nothing of the sort happened. Also at a few points during the day, I thought to myself, “This is the kind of thing that my mom would get a huge kick out of. And if she knows I am attending this event, she is all ready to join us.” In fact, I pretty much willed her to show herself. More on that later.
As we all sat down in a circle around the medium, he explained to us how it worked. He basically opens himself up to the spirits and they start giving him messages to deliver. He explained that not everyone would have someone contact them and he had no control over that. Once the spirits start talking to him, he gives descriptions until someone in the room can identify the person. After a few spirits came through that were related to other women in the room, he started giving a description of a woman who sounded very much like my mother. But the descriptions start out quite vague so it leaves you skeptical at first. When no one is grabbing on that it’s related to them, he eventually gets pulled toward one section of people. Suddenly, I felt his eyes on me and he said, “I am getting pulled towards you.” So I admitted that it sounded like it could be my mother.

So he started giving me information and asking questions. He asked if I was one of 4 children. Yes, I am. He asked if there was a lot of distance between us. Yes, again. Not just geographic? No, not at all. No chance of the 4 of us being together ever again? Not a chance in hell, sir. He asked if there was a birthday or anniversary coming this month. Yes, a sibling’s birthday. He asked if I celebrate or recognize the anniversary of my mother’s death each year in some special way. You all know that I do. Ever since I started my blog, every July, which is the month of my mother’s birthday and the anniversary of her death, I pay tribute to her with a special blog post. He told me that she recognizes that and really enjoys and appreciates that I do it. I teared up a little. But the part that really sent shivers right through me was right at the end, he said, “Did you invite her here tonight? She says that you did.” I laughed right out loud and replied, “Yes, I did!”
Then she was gone. And a few other spirits came through. Now right before my mother came through, he was describing a man who was with her who sounded a bit like my father, but it wasn’t quite right. We explored it for a few minutes and when it just wasn’t sitting well with me, my mother appeared. After that, as he was talking to another woman about her father-in-law, he started asking her if she had a shoe problem. She replied, “What woman doesn’t?” But he persisted. “No, like you have piles of boxes of shoes. Many never worn. So many shoes you don’t know what to do with them all.” Hmmm…he was describing my closet. Nobody. And I mean, nobody, has the amount of shoe boxes that I do. I chimed in, “It sounds like you’re talking about me.” For real. “Why would her father-in-law be making fun of your shoe addiction?” “I have no idea. Does he live in my closet?” Chuckles.
And just like that, he was talking about my father, to a tee. So spot on, I trembled. He described the way his entire illness progressed. He described his fear of death right up until the end. I acknowledged, “Now you are talking about my dad.” Then he asked, “You are married, correct?” Yes. “It is your second marriage?” Yes. “Your dad did not like your first choice?” No, not at all. “Well, your second one, he gives two thumbs up and a pat on the back. You picked a good one.” Yes, I did. And I always knew that my parents would love my husband. But it sure was nice to hear it.
“You have children?” Yes. “A son?” Yes. “You gave him your father’s name?” Oh. My. God. Yes. (To be clear, no one in the room knew that. In fact, I only knew two of the women personally and I never told either of them that was how my son got his name.) “You have 2 children?” Yes. “One of each?” No. “But they are opposites?” For sure, they are. “Well, your father wants you to know that he knew them both before they were sent to you. And the one named for him, he put him on his path.” So that’s why he’s a little shit. Thanks, dad. Then this…I have been experiencing this for years…whenever I feel my father’s spirit around me, I hear the flick of a lighter and I instantly smell cigarette smoke, tires, and engine oil. The medium said this, exactly this, “I can smell your father. When he is around you, you smell oil, tires, and cigarette smoke, don’t you?” Indeed, I do.
Then he went on to say, “Oh, he just corrected me. It was him making fun of your shoes. Not her father-in law. And by the way, there is a box of shoes in your closet that has two mismatched shoes in it. Very mismatched. He’s laughing. He’s a practical joker and he thinks it’s hilarious that he switched your shoes.” Of course he is. I haven’t found that shoe box yet (because like I said, there are a lot of freaking shoe boxes in my closet), but when I do, I am going to laugh my ass off. I’ll keep you posted.
So whether or not you believe that we can talk to dead people, I believe that they can most certainly talk to us. My parents have been doing it in a million different ways over the years. This was just another medium for communication. And it was a really freaking cool experience. I would absolutely do it again.
If you are local to the Watertown, New York, area and are interested in exploring a similar experience, I highly recommend Wilson Stevenson. Let me know in the comments and I will send you his contact information.
Have any of you ever visited with a psychic or a medium? What was your experience? If you haven’t, would you ever consider it? I would love to hear your thoughts!
And now your featured favorites from last week.
Debbie of Fashion Fairy Dust shared her post, Floral Mini Skirt & Combat Boots: Adulting is Cancelled. A woman after my own juvenile heart, Debbie is rocking this fun look whilst enjoying those silly squirrel moments that catch the best of us! Go have a read…

Regan of Nifty 50 and Fabulous shared her post, Formula for Easy Fall Outfits. Regan shows us just how simple it is to create fabulous outfits with a few basic layering pieces that every woman should own. If you need some inspiration, go check out her post!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Nessy Wagner
HAllöchen! Danke, dass Du diese interessante Erfahrung mit uns geteilt hast! Das klingt natürlich schon alles seltsam! Vor allem deshalb, weil ja ein Mensch während seines Lebens nie der Gleiche ist. Er verändert sich und auch seine Erinnerung tut es! Seltsam, dass die Menschen, die beschrieben werden, immer die sind, wie sie der Hinterbliebene in Erinnerung hat! Ich habe den Tod schon öfters erlebt. In allen Facetten. Als Ärztin, Notärztin, Angehörige und auch ich selbst wurde reanimiert. Ich habe mit Leute gesprochen, die reanimiert worden waren. Aber nie hat sich mir erschlossen, dass jemand nach dem Tod weiterlebt. Ich Glaube viel eher, dass es Menschen gibt, die aus anderen lesen können, wie aus einem Buch und die sich wirklich nur der ,,Stimmung” hingeben müssen und alle Gedankenfetzten, die im Raum sind, auffangen können. Diese Menschen glauben selbst, dass sie mit ,,Geistern” bzw. Toten sprechen! Insofern sind es keine Betrüger. Auch hat die Natur extra ein Mystifizierungszentrum” im Kopf eingebaut, das uns Außersinnliches glauben läßt und es uns wie eine ,,Wahrheit” vorkommt. Allerdings finde ich es gut, weil Dir die Vorstellung sicher gut getan hat! Aber schon allein, wenn man weiter denkt (was würde die Körperlosen Wesen im Himmel den so treiben? Sie haben ja keinen Körper mehr, so dass sie an weltlichen Genüssen keine Freude mehr hätten)kommt schnell an die Grenzen seiner Vorstellungskraft. Aber das ist auch nicht wichtig, denn es ist einfach schön, so glauben zu können!
In diesem Sinne wünsche ich Dir das Allerbeste und viel Freude, wenn Du denn das ungleiche Paar Schuhe findest (und dessen bin ich mir sicher!).
Alles Liebe, Nessy
von http://www.salutarystyle.com und http://www.gesundheitsmagazin-online.com
Nessy, thank you so much for this wonderful explanation! And you are right, whatever you believe, if it brings you joy, happiness, peace, and positivity, there really is no harm in it at all! The idea that mediums may just be channeling the energy of the living in the room is a fascinating theory and one that I will not discount but will certainly keep in my head for future reference. It is all very thought-provoking, indeed.
By the way, I had to run your comment through Google translate so I could understand, so I am going to just share the Google translation here in case anyone else needs it!
“Hello! Thank you for sharing this interesting experience with us! Of course that sounds strange! Especially because a person is never the same during his life. He changes and his memory does it! Strange that the people who are described are always the ones they remember the bereaved! I have already experienced death many times. In all facets. As a doctor, emergency doctor, relatives and myself was reanimated. I talked to people who had been reanimated. But never did I realize that someone lives on after death. Rather, I believe that there are people who can read from others, as if from a book and who really have to indulge only in the “mood” and be able to absorb all the thought fragments that are in the room. These people themselves believe that they are talking to “spirits” or dead! In that sense, they are not scammers. In addition, nature has incorporated a “mystification center” in its head, which allows us to believe extrasensory and it seems like a “truth” to us. However, I think it’s good, because the performance has certainly done you good! But alone, if you think further (what would the Soulless Beings in Heaven do?) You no longer have a body, so that they would not enjoy the worldly pleasures) is fast reaching the limits of his imagination. But that’s not important, because it’s just nice to be able to believe that!
In this sense, I wish you the very best and a lot of joy, if you can find the unequal pair of shoes (and I’m sure of that!).
Love, Nessy”
Thank you again for this wonderful comment! Have the most wonderful weekend!
Helen C.
Thanks for translating! Until I reached your comment I thought my browser had accidentally translated everything in German and I was ready to hit the reload page button!😓
The comment of Nessy is interesting, a doctor´s perspective is always welcome!!!
That is funny, Helen! Nessy’s comment is very interesting and I am so glad that she shared her perspective on the topic. It is an interesting discussion, for sure.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Sounds like a powerful evening!
It was pretty incredible, Tamar! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Deborah Stinedurf
Omg Shelbee, that is so cool! Years ago I saw a psychic/medium at a gathering at a friend’s house too. I am super open-minded about things like that because some weird sh*t has happened to me over the years. Anyway, I went into it with a healthy dose of skepticism, but I gotta tell ya, this guy was right on the mark. I was super careful to give away no clues, but he was right on the money…it was one of the coolest experiences ever. Thank you so much for the feature my beautiful friend…I’m glad that you get my pre-teen boy brain and squirrel moments…lol!
Debbie, thanks so much for sharing your experience with me! I also have always been a skeptic of things like this, but I also have always felt the spirit of my parents around me and they deliver me messages in so many different ways that it’s hard not to believe it’s them! And I couldn’t get over how spot on this guy was! So cool! I am assuming you all are at least delayed for school today if not completely shut down! There were some crazy goings-on yesterday in eastern Pennsylvania, like a camel on the highway stuck in traffic. Hahaha.
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
I’ve never tried and I’m sceptical. I like to keep control of situations so I don’t think I’d like it. However, my mum went once and was told she’d have twins – a few years later my twin sisters arrived! I do believe in spirits and one of my earliest memories was seeing a kind old lady walk around a bedroom watching me as she went. I felt better for it. When I first told my mum and described my dream and the room, she went quiet and told me that as a small girl I was very poorly. Mum was cuddling me in her room and I had a terrible temperature. Then I calmed down suddenly and my eyes followed something around the room. Mum remembers it because it shook her and said my grandmother had died just before then. I got better quickly after that. Freaky eh!? But as for being able to communicate – I’m still skeptical. But, I like that people can gain some comfort from it xx
Maria, thank you so much for sharing your experience! That is a bit freaky but so many people have experiences like these. And if you gain comfort from it, I think it is a wonderful thing. I have changed my mind a million times throughout my life about my beliefs in these things. But my parents’ spirits have always been very strong around me especially my mom. So when he said that I invited her, I had to laugh. Because I totally could hear her catching wind of this meeting and saying to all of her spirit friends, “Come on, my daughter is going to medium tonight. Let’s crash the party!”
So do you think the spirit watching you as a girl was your grandmother? She was making sure you were okay. And that is such a wonderful thing!
Kathrine Eldridge
This is fascination! Thanks for sharing these amazing experience. I wish you peace in your heart when it comes to your parents. They sure are looking down on you. Love this camo tunic top!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I have had lots of time to find peace with the loss of my parents. This experience just brought me lots of joy!
Julie | This Main Line Life
I’ve never been to anything like that, but it sounds like a really amazing experience.
Julie, it was really quite fascinating! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.
Robin LaMonte
What an exciting evening you had!
I loved reading about your experience with a medium.
I am very skeptical about people who talk with our dead loved ones.
I wonder if they ever talk to people we didn’t like and those spirits came to the party to upset us?
I believe that I will see my relatives in heaven so I guess they can be spirits who crash parties when they are invited.
Robin, thanks so much for reading! I totally thought that same thing…what if someone showed up that we didn’t like or didn’t want to communicate with?! I am guessing it happens. And it would be upsetting for some. I just find the whole thing super intriguing! And I’m sure there are a million different explanations about what is happening and we get to choose what we believe. If it brings us comfort, then why not believe, right?
Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
What a story! I love it! I see and talk to those passed on and have my whole life. I love that you got to experience this. And that coat is fantastic!!!
Vicky, thanks so much for the compliment and for sharing your experience! I suspect I am going to get lots of mixed comments on all sides of this issue! It fascinates me to hear other people’s experiences and beliefs!
Linda Cassidy
Two great feature bloggers today and I adore the outfit. I think I so want to believe that they are there watching us and we will see them again That I want to believe they can still speak to us. Too many fakes though. On another note how about all this awful white stuff covering your city and mine ick. You are right in your email though it sure does make for striking pictures
Thanks so much, Linda! I think if we believe they are watching over us and it brings us comfort, it doesn’t much matter if it’s real or just in our minds. The point is that it brings comfort. And in this crazy world, we all need a little comfort! As far as this snow, yeah, it has messed up my day severely!
jodie filogomo
I bet this was so amazing Shelbee…I’ve never done something like this, but it sounds so fun!!
And your leopard and camo?? Perfect print mixing…I think you’ve inspired me again!
Thanks so much, Jodie! It really was amazing! And leopard and camo is like my new favorite combination ever! I can’t wait to see what you do with it.
I love this combo and the colors are fall perfection. Happy Friday
Edwige | http://www.hypnozglam.com
Thanks, Edwige! Have a great weekend.
Rachael Thomas
How exciting! I have never visited with a psychic or medium, but I do believe in them and that you can talk to spirits. Part of me would like to, and part of me is too scared to do it! Loving your coat and the pattern mixing!
Thanks so much, Rachael! It was not scary at all and I thought it might be, too. It was totally comfortable like an easy conversation. But I suppose a lot had to do with medium himself just having really great positive light energy.
Lisa Richardson
No psychics for this girl, but I’ll take that cute camo tunic!!! Love it with the booties and leopard coat. Cute!
Ha, Lisa! I don’t know if I’m all that into the psychic predictions of the future myself. I’d rather just live it and be surprised! I did like the medium aspect of this though. Thanks for commenting!
Susan Marinelli
What a wonderful experience for you, Shelbee!
I have seen a medium, a pet psychic, and some guy over the phone who claimed my 200-year old house had a live in spirit. It’s really funny, because although I never had any interaction with said spirit, my cousin saw him the first day I bought my house. She described him to a T. Two years later, this phone guy (friend of a friend), helped the spirit to “move on”, and described him the same as my cousin did. Amazing!
I talk to my dead mother and father all the time, and I believe things happen because of them. After my mother died, I really wanted to talk to her about some unresolved issues we had. I went to her house and fell asleep on her couch, and she came to me in a dream! And we resolved our issues! I love you too, Mom! I also talk to deceased relatives that I never even met (my grandfather the butcher, who died two years before I was born). Whenever I am about to spend a whopping amount on meat, I ask him to help me, and he does! Even though I know very little about how to choose good cuts of meat, I always come home with the best cut I can afford! Thanks Grampa! I could continue on and on, (what the pet psychic told me was amazing), but I won’t. Suffice to say, we can channel our spirits, and they live on, and check in on us from time to time. God Bless them all.
I love this post Shelbee, and I hope you find your mismatched shoes soon.
Oh my God, Susan. I have no words except thank you so much for sharing this. You crack me up! And I may need the help of your grandfather, the butcher, too. I am the worst at choosing cuts of meat! Do you think he would help me?
Well, I don’t know if he’d help you or not Shelbee. Give him a whirl. His name is Charles Garberino, and he was a butcher in North Bergen, NJ. Tell him I sent you.
I am going to definitely ask Grandpa Charles for assistance next time I am shopping for meat. I will keep you posted!
Oh wow! That is amazing! I would love to do that once. I visited someone who could write a letter in name of a dead person years ago. I wanted her to write a letter from my grandfather. It was redicoulous! The words were totally not my grandfathers. There are a lot of charlatans in that world too. But you had a great experience.
Nancy, I am laughing so hard at this letter writing experience of yours! I have never heard of such a thing. It sounds completely ridiculous! I am glad that you didn’t believe it. And I am sure there are plenty of charlatans in every line of work! But they are usually hard to spot. Thanks so much for sharing this story!
Hi Shelbee, I can see how this would be a bit intimidating but it has always been intriguing to me.
I bet it was surreal! You look so cozy and warm!!
Hope you have a lovely weekend!
Thanks, Karren! It was actually way more comfortable than I expected! It was just a conversation. Which made it even cooler! I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
Patrick Weseman
That is something that I leave alone to be honest. I believe that the departed are watching what we do but I pretty much leave them alone. I know that sounds strange but it is what I believe. Love your outfit. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Patrick, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the topic. It’s not strange at all actually. There’s plenty of people who feel the same as you. I used to be really freaked out by such things…before I had experienced so much loss of close people. Now it just feels different and safe and not at all weird…to me. I hope you have a great weekend and get to work on that Fashion post!
What an experience, Shelbee. I’m really feeling your leopard coat. I am coveting the CK one that you’ve linked to. P.S. Thanks for replying to my reply last week-ha! It made me feel better, I guess I shouldn’t read comments and try to prepare dinner at the same time–but with the recipe on the computer–what’s a girl to do?! Hugs! Have a great weekend.
Aw, Kim, thanks! Sometimes things just lost in translation. It happens to the best of us! And following recipes on the phone is horribly difficult! The screen times out right when you have raw meat or something gross on your hands! Hahahahaha!
Cheryl Shops
Shelbee, this post made me tear up a little! As a Californian, I am probably a little more woo-woo than most, but there’s no way that medium could have made all of that stuff up about your parents. What a moving (and fascinating) experience! I’m glad you were so open-minded about it all. And this made me want to see a medium so I can talk to my dad!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thanks so much! And maybe it is a bit of hooey, but I have always felt my parents’ spirits around me anyway, watching over me. And the only way we keep their memories alive is to share all of our experiences with them…even the strange ones! It was a really cool experience though. So if you’re not too freaked out by it, I say give it a try!
I’m definitely a believer in stuff like this as a pagan. I think psychic mediums are certainly a mixed bag, but I’m glad you had a good experience 🙂
Thanks, Tianna! I’m sure there are some bad eggs out there as with anything! But this guy was so sweet and had such great energy. Totally worth it!
To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Scripture tells us that the devil knows a lot about us. When you put this kind of stuff into the atmosphere, he will use others to steal, kill and destroy, but do it in a way that appeals to our flesh. No offense, but all of this is a form of witchcraft and it comes straight from the pit of hell. I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you away from this mess. God bless you.
Pam, no offense taken. I invited all thoughts and opinions on the matter and I respect everyone’s perspective equally. However, as a non-Christian, I cannot wholly agree that the presence of my parents’ spirits that I have always felt around me since their deaths is devil’s work. I did not need this experience to feel at peace with their departure. I have been at peace with that for a very long time, due in part because I have continued to feel them around me, watching over me. This experience was “for entertainment purposes only” just as the medium’s business card says. However, I must say that I genuinely appreciate your sharing your views and am always grateful for any prayers that are sent in good faith and love. So thank you very much for joining the discussion. And I do hope that I have not offended you.
What an amazing experience! I’ve always wanted the opportunity to meet wiht a medium. I think it would be fascinating and it sounds like it was for you! I would love to see which shoes are mismatched when you find them! Maybe you could do a blog post with them!
Laura, thanks so much! It was really cool and I think a lot of it had to do with the personality of the medium. He was such a cool, positive man filled with light and joy. I will definitely share when I find the mismatched shoes!
First of all, I love your outfit! I like the camouflage + leopard print combo. I felt a bit emotional when you described how that experience made you feel connected to your parents. I also love my parents so much and it’s hard to be away from them (like literally, oceans apart). You’re a great storyteller and I love your positivity and honesty. #shelbeeontheedgelinky
Thanks so much, Carmela! That means so much to me that you think I am a great storyteller. I can imagine it must be difficult for you to be oceans away from your parents. When my parents were alive, I never lived very far away from them and saw them often. I do hope you get to talk to your parents frequently though! Have a great weekend.
Wow, Shelbee what a powerful and incredible read/experience. So just to say it out loud and admit it, I am chicken. I get scared once all the lights go out in the evening and I hear any noise. So first impression, I dreaded reading your post! Secondly, I was thinking similarly to your thoughts before going into this meeting, is this like the board thing? But, I loved reading your post because how can we not want to talk to the people that was once here with us. The people we love and care for the most. I think experiencing something like this is incredible and that’s really awesome that you were able to do this. Happy weekend!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, I am so glad that you got past your fear enough to read the post! Thank you. In all honestly this stuff creeps me out, too, but this was not creepy at all. It was quite comfortable. Possibly due in part because the medium himself was the nicest non-creepy guy ever. Filled with light and positivity and so gentle and kind. It was just like a regular conversation with anyone. Lights were on, no creepy chanting or boards or anything. He just closed his eyes for a moment and then started talking to us about the messages he was receiving. Thanks again for reading! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well, my friend!
Anna at Muttonstyle
Hi Shelbee, just love the olive and leopard together but more importantly the content. How fascinating. I read this on the train on Friday and couldn’t comment as kept losing signal. I so hope it was genuine. Don’t we, I, want to believe it is. It’s so comforting to think. Thank you so much for writing this and sharing. I found it really an incredible post and hope you link it to continental drift on the 1st Dec.
Thank you so much, Anna! I am so glad that you enjoyed reading about my experience. I believe it was genuine as it was all things that I already felt and knew. My parents have very strong spirits and have been around me ever since their deaths many years ago. But it was cool to experience it this way! I hope you have a fantastic weekend.
Oh wow, what an experience Shelbee. You had me gripped reading everything he said to you. It is amazing how they know so much. I think I would be very scared but also very interested in what they had to say.
Love your coat. Perfect for Winter 🙂
Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays 🙂 Hope you can join us today.
Thanks so much, Claire! I thought I would be scared, too, but it really wasn’t scary at all. It was actually quite peaceful and reassuring.
Helen C.
Shelbee, I am really sorry to hear about your parents passing away. And, although I don´t believe myself in anything supernatural, I think that it offers comfort with the tragedy that is losing a loved one so I have never judged anyone that believes in whatever that eases the pain.
Helen, thank you so much! I agree with you completely that if we find something that brings us peace and comfort than that really is all that matters. I appreciate your comment very much!
Helen C.