Sunshine Blogger Award Part 3 & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #134

A few weeks ago, Shugunna of Nzuri N’ Simplicity nominated me for my third Sunshine Blogger Award. Earlier in the year, I was nominated for this peer blogging award by Rama of Chez Rama and by Jess of Elegantly Dressed & Stylish. You can read those posts here and here.

For those of you who may be unfamiliar with this award, the Sunshine Blogger award is a peer recognition award given by bloggers to other bloggers for their work that inspires positivity and joy. It recognizes creativity in the world of blogging for those who spread sunshine throughout the community. So it is always an honor for another blogger to think of me and find me suitable to receive such an accolade. Thanks so much, Shugunna! I am truly grateful!

If you are nominated for this award, there are a few rules you are supposed to follow.
- Give a quick shout out to the person who nominated you (with a link to their blog, of course)!
- Answer the questions drafted by the person who nominated you.
- Nominate some other blogs of your choosing and draft new questions for them to answer. (According to my research, the traditional number seems to be 11 nominees and 11 questions.)
- Be sure to let your nominees know they have been nominated. You can do this through social media, commenting on their blog, or an email.
- When you draft your post, be sure to list these simple rules and display a Sunshine Blogger Award logo.

But you all know that I don’t like rules very much! They are too confining. So I very rarely adhere to them. I do love answering the questions posed to me by other bloggers so I am going to follow three of the five rules. But since this is my third time, I am going to skip rules 3 and 4. I love you all and I think you all deserve to be recognized! So go ahead and just be a ray of sunshine anyway!

And now on to the questions presented by Shugunna.
1. What made you want to blog?
I started blogging in August of 2015 when my husband was deployed to Afghanistan and I was home alone with my children, ages 2 and 4 at the time. I was bored and needed something to do. I started reading blogs late at night after the kids went to sleep and I pretty much caught the blogging bug. My sister encouraged me to start my own blog where I could combine three of my greatest passions…writing, fashion, and sharing my mental health story to raise awareness. And here I am, four years later, and I can’t even imagine my life without my blog.

2. What is your favorite past time other than blogging?
Actually, for the past four years, blogging has been my main past time. But now that I have quit my regular job to focus on writing full time, I am making much more time for reading. I love books that inspire and educate and force me to think about things that I may not have otherwise considered. Books on philosophy, psychology, and religion are always favorites as well as autobiographies by inspiring people. And this summer I have added bluegrass festivals as one of my favorite past times as well.

3. How do you overcome your fears?
Why, I face them head on, of course. Is there any other way?

4. What motivates you?
I am motivated every day by the opportunity to make a difference in the world. I wake up each morning with a fire in my belly that drives me to use my words to empower, inspire, heal, and reach other people. I simply want to make the world a better place by encouraging everyone I meet to live their very best lives.

5. How do you define success?
If I have reached one person in this world who can say that my words have helped to improve their life in any way, than I have succeeded at what I have set out to do. I suppose I also define success by how much joy and happiness I am able to feel and perpetuate in this sometimes very sad and cruel world. It only takes a smile or one kind word to make a world of difference.

6. Who do you admire?
There are so many people whom I admire that I couldn’t possibly even begin to list them all. But what I admire about each of them is their passion. I am drawn to passion. If someone is passionate about their work, their art, their craft, their hobbies or past times, their families or friends, you can see a light turn on in their eyes when they begin talking about it. That is what I admire. The passion, the commitment, the fire in the belly that motivates them each day.

7. What is beautiful to you?
Joy, happiness, love, kindness, and passion. These are the things that bring beauty right to the surface of a person. When it is true and genuine, it is undeniable and cannot be ignored. I find that to be the most beautiful thing in the world.

8. What are two things you like about yourself?
I am kind. Always kind. Even at times when I really just want to be mean, that is when I become the kindest. And I am determined. Determined to do what I set my mind to. Determined to fight the good fight. Determined to make a positive difference in the world.

9. Favorite style era?
That is a tough question because I love all fashion and appreciate all of the little nuances from every style era. But I think right here and now is my favorite style era because you can do whatever compels you. You can combine any era and genre in the most unexpected ways and if you wear it with confidence, it will work. We are in an “anything goes” style era and where there are less rules, that is where I more inclined to go.

10. Heels or flats?
That might depend on the day! I do love a good statement heel 4 inches high. Those makes me feel like I can take on the world. But I also love tapping into my inner bohemian and being comfortably flat footed or even barefooted. If you find me at a festival, most likely I will just have dirty hippie feet (but I might be carrying my cute shoes with me for effect)!

11. Favorite season?
Autumn. Always and forever.

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Pam of Busy Lifestyle Gal shared the prettiest green floral wrap dress in her post, Sunday Summer Dress. I simply cannot get enough of pretty green dresses!

Lisa of Coast to Coast shared her experience with a new fashion subscription service that has been making its rounds in the blogosphere, Trying Fashom for the First Time. It seems like their stylists are very thorough in their attention to detail in choosing items handpicked for you. So many cute pieces, too.

Shugunna posed some really fun questions! I would love to hear your answers to some of them as well. Either share in the comments or go ahead and write a whole blog post. You can tell them I nominated you!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Michele Morin
Thanks for all the ways you spread the sunshine!
Thanks so much, Michele!
Kellyann Rohr
You wear a beanie so well Shelbee and you pair it so well with your summer outfit! Such a fun style and you look marvelous!
Thank you, Kellyann! I have been wearing my slouchy hats nearly every day! They are so good for covering the gray roots!
I really enjoyed reading this post Shelbee. And I congratulate you on your hard work via blogging. I get so bloody tired sometimes! But I couldn’t imagine life without blogging either! xx
Laurie, thank you so much! Now I am just struggling with how to reach a larger audience with my blog. I feel like I am at a standstill!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Well deserved! Cute look too (:
Thanks so much, Tamar! Have a wonderful day!
Kathrine Eldridge
Loved learning more about you. Congrats on your third award! Thanks so much for the link up Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! It is fun to see the different questions that different bloggers ask for this award. Have a fabulous week!
Congratulations on the blogger award!
You definitely deserve this recognition for all the work you as a blogger!
I stopped writing for a month because we have been traveling and I am always impressed with the women who post almost daily!
I don’t know how you do it!
Love the outfit by the way!
Thank you so much, Robin! You know, I think it is the passion that keeps me posting! Often, I will think I need a break from it all but then I just get inspired and keep going! I hope you had a wonderful time with all your travels.
These are great questions and I love reading your answers! You have a great outlook and philosophy on life! This black and white outfit is so cute! Love your beanie!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! These really were great questions. I had fun answering them! Have a great day, my friend.
jodie filogomo
You are kind Shelbee…that’s why you are such a good friend!!
I loved reading these answers!!
Aw, thanks so much, Jodie! These were really fun questions to answer.
Deborah Stinedurf
How cute are you in that hat?? It is so you! I so agree with you…your kindness is one of the very best things about you…you literally radiate kindness which is one of the zillion reasons that I love you! Speaking of reasons that I love you, I have a funny bird story for you. Yesterday at the same doctor’s appointment that I wrote about in my post, I’m sitting in the exam room while the nurse took my vitals. I kept hearing this sound and I’m subtly (I thought) looking around…at the ceiling…out the window…The nurse asks me what’s wrong. I said, “Do I hear…birds?” She says, “Oh yeah, doctor has a sound machine.” I was freaking because I though there were birds in the ceiling or something! Lol! When my doctor came in I said, “Seriously?? Birds? You chose birds? Why not ocean waves or literally anything else?” Lol! Since she’s awesome, she changed it to ocean waves!
Thanks so much, Debbie! For this lovely comment and for cracking me up on this day that I needed a little laughter! Who would choose bird sounds over the ocean or rain?! How silly! Ha. But I still like that doctor of yours even if she is a fan of birds! And seriously, if I thought there were birds on the loose inside of the same structure as I, I totally would have freaked, too! Damn winged things. All freaky and denying gravity and stuff!
Loved learning more about you, lady- and I love that you’re attracted to people who have a clear passion! That is so awesome. 🙂
Le Stylo Rouge
Ashley, thanks so much! When passion is so clear in someone, I cannot help but be drawn to it! Passion lights people up and it is undeniable and so energizing to be around. Have a wonderful day!
Lanae Bond
Congrats on your third Sunshine Blogger award. You deserve it because you do create amazing content and are helpful to other bloggers.
Lanae, thank you so much for that! I am humbled by all of the wonderful feedback! I hope you are having a wonderful week!
You really radiate kindness Shelbee, so glade to have run across your blog!
Shugunna, thank you so much! I am honored beyond words that you think so highly of me to nominate me for this award. It has been such a lovely pleasure getting to know you as well through this blogging journey! Keep sharing your light, my friend.
Patrick Weseman
Very nice. So cool and happy for you. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I hope you are having a wonderful week!
Jessica A Jannenga
I enjoyed reading more about you Shelbee! We do seem to share the same passion for sharing about our health and how to over come some challenges, our love of fashion and writing. I love your positivity and zest for life! YOu look beautiful in this outfit, I love the black and white and the design on your blouse.
Have a great day!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! These were fun questions to answer. Shugunna did well with them! You know I love to share all of my passions through my writing! I need to find a way to do writing or blogging workshops for people who want to pursue the same!
I always love these types of posts! We actually have quite a bit in common and I loved getting to know you more. You are such light in the blogging community <3
Lizzie, thank you so much! I have really enjoyed getting to know you as well. We really do have quite a bit in common I have learned from reading lots of your posts, too. Thank you for sharing your light with the blogging world!
This made me think of when I first ,,met,, you! You were so different then. You have grown so much as a person! Amazing.
Aw, Nancy, thanks so much! I think we need to keep growing even in midlife or we will miss so much being stuck in our old ways!
This is a great outfit on you Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Shelly! Sometimes going back to some neutral black and white basics works perfectly.
Lauren Sparks
Congrats on another well deserved nomination! laurensparks.net
Thanks so much, Lauren! Much appreciated.
Grace Liang
I absolutely loved reading how you define success. Truly so inspiring! Keep up the great work!
Thanks so much, Grace! I really appreciate that!
Iris Duhamel
I love heels – min 4 Inch but 6 ” is what I am comfortable wearing even after having 3 kids – I love to see people wearing flats but I don’t think they flatter me. Go figure! You look stunning by the way!
Iris, thanks so much! I can definitely rock a high heel, too, if I don’t have to walk too much! 4.5 inches is my maximum (unless it has a platform for more support), my foot just doesn’t bend at the right angle to handle a 6 inch heel! And some outfits totally call for a heel to look the best. But I also like a cute flat especially if I have lots of running around to do.
Grace Liang
I absolutely loved your answer on how do you define success. So inspirational as always!
Grace, thanks so much! It really is true…if I can reach and help just one person then I have succeeded.
Congratulations Shelbee! Reading is a favorite hobby of mine too and Autumn is one of my favorite season! Who am I kidding?! I like them all with the exception of Summer. It just gets so hot to be likeable! And I love how you define success. What a great feeling to know that words are powerful and healing all at the same time. I hope you are having a great day so far and happy Tuesday!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thank you so very much for this wonderful comment! I pretty much love all seasons, too, except summer. Although, I have been enjoying this summer very much even on the really hot days. I am fortunate enough to live in a place where the summers stay quite mild though. Our temperatures are already dropping and staying in the 70’s now which is beautiful. I hope you are having a wonderful week, my friend!
Grace Liang
Loved reading this! Your answers were all so inspiring!
Thanks so much, Grace! These were fun to answer and share.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I need to work on being kinder, especially when I’m feeling crabby (esp certain times of the month!). I loooove that cardi on you! It kind of reminds me of my FabFitFun one. I am sure you are a lovely writer, your posts are always enjoyable to read.
Carrie, thanks so much for the kind words! I can’t imagine you being unkind. But I do understand when hormonal rage takes control! I am living that this week and I can’t even stand to be around myself on those days! Ha. The joys of being a woman.
Anne M Bray
I love what you say about Passion.
My answers (stealth typed while avoiding the self-appointed “boss” who is not my boss)
(this will become a blog post — you get to read it here first!)
1) why blog?
My first blog was started for a drawing challenge in 2008. I was addicted.
My seventh (!) was started to learn WordPress before changing my art website to that platform.
I really like blogging as a way to communicate. Pictures and words — win-win!
2. What is your favorite pastime (aside from blogging)
My creative endeavors are too weighted to be pastimes so I’ll have to say, doing things with my love Severo!
3. How do you overcome your fears?
Powering through. But some? I have some deep fears (heights) that I can’t lick. It is what it is.
4. What motivates you?
5. How do you define success?
Feeling passionate and engaged in whatever project(s) I’m working on.
6. Who do you admire?
All the people who are following their passion, no matter the cost.
7. What is beautiful to you?
Honesty. Nature.
8. What are two things you like about yourself?
I am a creative force!
I love my legs
9. Favorite style era?
10. Heels or flats?
Clogs and Fluevogs (2” heel and under)
11. Favorite season?
Ramp season! “Ramps are a wild onion that grow during the spring in Eastern Canada and the U.S. They’re sometimes referred to as wild leeks, and taste like a balanced mixture of garlic and onion. They’re pungent, to say the very least.” (From HuffPost)
Anne, I absolutely freaking love this comment! Passion, yes, it’s always about the passion! I am so drawn to it every time I see it. You know, I said I face my fears head on…which I do…except that damn heights one, too. I just can’t. Vertigo sets in and I am done! Drug induced heights, however, those I am not afraid of! And legs! You do have great legs! I love my legs, too! My very favorite asset. Hehe. I look forward to your post. Tell them Shelbee nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award! Because you always send me that beautiful California sunshine in so many ways.
Darlene A Messinger
Shelbee, Congrats on another well-earned recognition. It’s interesting to read your answers and your thoughts on fashion. Totally agree! Cute outfit, too. Black and white is a good look on you!
xx Darlene
Thank you so much, Darlene! These were fun to answer and I do love black and white outfits! I wear this combination often.
So fun reading this and learning more about you! You are so kind and open and confident, you inspire me!
Thanks so much, Laura! That is what I aim to do…inspire! I appreciate that validation so very much.
This was such a fun post! I enjoyed learning more about you and how/why you started your blog! Totally agree with you on liking books that challenge my way of thinking and open me up to new ideas! Glad you are finding more time for reading now!
Thanks so much, Gina! It is fun to answer questions from other bloggers or readers because we never know what people want to read about us unless they ask us! Now if I could only get my kids to enjoy reading as much as I do!
Minhal Taher
Oh how exciting that you got nominated by your fellow peers. I loved reading through this post and learning more about you. Thanks for sharing lovely <3
Minhal, thanks so much! It is always so humbling to have your peers think so highly of you! This was super fun to answers these questions and I am glad that you all are enjoying reading the answers.
Love this outfit! And always fun to learn more about you!
Thanks so much, Mireille! It is fun to share more about myself! I am glad you enjoyed the post!
I am relatively new to your blog, but your kindness definitely comes through in your writing.
Thank you so much, Michelle! That makes me so happy to read! I try to always be kind and shine light around me!
Anna Shirley
Congratulations on your 3rd award! It was nice to read it. It is always good to know a little bit better the person behind the blog I enjoy to read. I hope that your motivation to write stays with you for a very long time. Have a great weekend, Shelbee.
Thanks so much, Anna! I love these types of posts, too. It is fun to learn more about my blogger friends as well. These were fun questions to answer. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Loved reading your post and answers Shelbee. I am always interested to hear about why bloggers started blogging. I can not imagine not having a blog too. Thanks for sharing at The Wednesday Blog Hop.Hope you’re having a lovely weekend 🙂
Thank you, Claire! These are definitely fun posts to both read and write. Have a wonderful week!