Spiritual Healing & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #102

Three weeks ago, I introduced you to my new friend Leti and her Good Life Healing Arts & Gift Shop in my post, The Good Life & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #99. I shared some photos of the leather jewelry that is handcrafted by Leti and promised to show you my new earrings that were given to me as a gift by my friend, Denise, who owns Solitary Consignment where I work. Denise chose the olive green feather earrings for me and I absolutely love them! I was so excited to build an entire outfit right around my new earrings.

Have you ever built an entire outfit around one accessory? I do this often. It gets my creativity jump started in the mornings when I have one small item in mind that I want to wear that day…like a beautiful pair of new earrings, a fabulous pair of boots, a fun scarf, or an edgy hat.

With my new olive earrings in mind, I decided this Torrid military style jacket in olive would be perfect. Plus this jacket has been hanging unworn in my closet for quite some time and I have been wanting to show it off. I recently obtained these knee high black patent boots that have some definite military vibes, too, so on they went with a pair of skinny jeans. And why not add a splash of animal print to keep the whole thing right on trend. I grabbed this button down shirt on super duper clearance in the summer when our local Bon Ton closed.
And as you can see, the North Country is continuously covered in snow. My Instagram feed looks like a white out recently. And with permanently gray skies, the lighting is nothing to be desired. But I do what I can here in the snowy frozen tundra to stay warm and stylish. If not for this blog and you all reading it, I may just bundle up in my favorite sweats and not leave the house until May. Instead, I get up, dress up, and show up for life every day. It really is the only proper way to live the good life.
And now with Christmas just a week away, you may still be scrambling around to finish your shopping…like I am. If you need some creative gift ideas and you are local to the Watertown, New York, area, stop by the Franklin Building in Public Square this week and check out all of the beautiful leather jewelry in Good Life Gift Shop. And why not add a gift certificate for some of Leti’s healing arts to that Christmas gift?

I have not yet scheduled my healing sessions with Leti but plan on doing that over the holidays. So please stay tuned for a blog post about my experience. Leti is going to give me the full treatment of Reiki, Crystal, Shell, and Sound Healing. I cannot wait for a day of healing! There is no better time than the present to get one’s body and soul all tuned up and ready to conquer the new year.
In case you are not familiar with the types of healing art treatments offered by Leti, let me give you a brief description of each.
Reiki Therapy
“Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by ‘laying on hands’ and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s ‘life force energy’ is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.” (Reiki.org)
Crystal Healing
“Crystal healing is an holistic, non-invasive, vibrational energy-based system of healing. That is, it treats the whole person and their integrated energy system. It is therapeutic and deeply relaxing. The technique uses precisely placed crystals either on and/or around the physical body. Crystals may also be laid in precise geometric patterns (grids) within the environment. Crystals absorb, focus, direct, detoxify, shift and diffuse energy as they interact with the electromagnetic forces and subtle vibrations within the subtle human or environmental energy field. In the context of crystal healing, illness is a dis-ease, the final manifestation of spiritual, environmental, physiological, psychological, emotional, mental, karmic, or ancestral imbalance or distress. Healing means bringing mind, body, spirit and environment back into harmony, restoring the body’s natural rhythm and equilibrium. It does not imply a cure.” (Judy Hall)
Shell Healing
“Seashells have long been sacred, revered and highly valued items. They once served as currency in Asia and Africa, are still used for decorative purposes, and have sacred associations with the Hindu god Vishnu and Venus (among many others). Our physical bodies are composed of 70% water (up to 90% for children). It is no surprise then that we are greatly influenced by the water element. The oceans cover 70-80% of the surface of the Earth and it is the shells’ association with these bodies of water that allows them to resonate with water in the body. On a subtle-energetic level shells are powerful healing tools for both the physical and etheric body. Shells contain the essence of the powerful yet subtle energies of the oceans. Their resonance facilitates awareness of our nature and brings harmony. They help us become aware that we are part of the same stream of life – built of the same elements as air, water, rock…Seashell Healing uses channelled energy in conjunction with seashells to offer a truly beneficial treatment. This treatment is done with the clothes on; natural seashells are placed on the body at specific points such as the charkas, meridians and key energy centres. Energy is then channelled into the body in a manner similar to Reiki or Sekhem. It works on many levels simultaneously; physical, mental, emotional and the subtle spiritual bodies. Seashell Healing is a deeply relaxing and enjoyable experience.” (Heaven Scent Bliss)
Sound Healing
“Sound has been utilized in various cultures for thousands of years as a tool for healing. Whether through the use of mantras as with the Hindis, the Icaros (medicine melodies) of various Indigenous peoples from Central and South America, or Pythagoras’ use of interval and frequency, these various techniques all have the same intention: to move us from a place of imbalance to a place of balance…Sound helps to facilitate shifts in our brainwave state by using entrainment. Entrainment synchronizes our fluctuating brainwaves by providing a stable frequency which the brainwave can attune to. By using rhythm and frequency, we can entrain our brainwaves and it then becomes possible to down-shift our normal beta state (normal waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness), and even reach theta (meditative state) and delta (sleep; where internal healing can occur). This same concept is utilized in meditation by regulating the breath, but with sound it’s the frequency that is the agent which influences the shift.” (MindBodyGreen Mindfulness)
I have to be honest, I was not familiar with how any of these alternative therapies worked until I just looked them up for purposes of this post. And now I am really excited to try these out! Leti, I will be getting in touch with you this week to schedule my sessions!
Have any of you ever tried alternative natural healing therapies? I would love to hear your thoughts about your experiences. Or if this is something you have never tried, but are interested in it, please do share with me!
And now your featured favorites from last week.
Suzanne of Crazy Blonde Life shared her post, Red Plaid Pants-Feeling Festive. She is completely rocking one of my favorite combinations of the season, red plaid and leopard. This is so, so good! Doesn’t she look spectacular?

And Claire of Claire Justine shared her post, Thrift Thursday: Red Tartan Dress and An Apple Dress. Jumping on the red plaid bandwagon, Claire has thrifted the cutest frocks perfect for the holidays!

Claire has the best collection of Christmas jumpers, too!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Kathrine Eldridge
Love this casual cool look Shelbee! The earrings and jacket are so chic. Thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I hope you have a wonderful week and a very merry Christmas!
Michele Morin
You are a brave soul posing for pictures in all that snow.
I LOVE the earrings! They are absolutely worth building an outfit around.
Thanks so much, Michele! We just took some photos this morning and I was wearing 5 inch heels trying to walk through very icy snow in 6 degree temperatures without a coat! Oh, the things I do for my blog! But it always gives me a good laugh. I wish you the happiest of holidays, my friend.
Lazy Daisy Jones
Hi Shelby and happy holidays,
You look amazing, I love your shiney boots too!
bestest wishes
to you and yours xxx
Thanks so much, Ashley! May your holiday be filled so much joy and happiness!
Kellyann Rohr
Shelbee, you are looking so thin! Always beautiful however, no matter if you’ve lost weight or not but I know you have been working on it. Good job my friend, your efforts are not going unnoticed. I am IN LOVE with that jacket!!!
Happy Holidays my friend, I bet those boys are EXCITED!
Kellyann, thank you so much! I have definitely been working on it and I feel amazing! However, I don’t want to drop too much more weight because I can’t afford to redo my entire wardrobe! Hahaha. But I am very close to my goal weight. Now let’s hope I can maintain it through the holidays! I wish you the happiest of holidays, my friend.
Shelbee, I love those feather earrings – one of my favorite colors right there! And it is fun to build an outfit around accessories, especially when a new, interesting item is added. As for the alternative healing practices, I’ve had two expereiences. Once when I was around 20 a group of friends and I traveled to Indiana to see a well known Amish doctor who worked in kinesiology, which uses muscle testing to determine imbalances in the body’s structural, emotional or even chemical energy. It was fascinating. I came with a minor skin virus (aka warts) on my legs and went home with none. lol. For real. Anyway, the second was with a holistic doctor in Georgia who goes well beyond kinesiology. He is a believer, as the Christians say, and uses thermography, allergy testing, saliva testing etc to determine what’s “off”. That helped me through a time when I had no focus, no energy and my brain felt like mush. That took a few months of herbs, silver, etc to fix up but I did get there. Anyway, all that to say, that I am so thankful for conventional medicine, but like I to use holistic as a first choice when able. I believe our bodies are amazing, complex and still a mystery to modern science in so many ways! I also believe there are so many relations between us, the world, plants, energy fields, etc, etc because I believe it was all created by the same being. Soooo, that’s about all my brain can handle on two small cups of coffee. haha! You look adorable in your snow tundra back drops…love the boots, band jacket…just fab!
Chrissy, thank you so much for your lovely compliments and for sharing your experiences with these types of alternate therapies! I have always resorted to pressure point therapy as a first method for most things before seeking medical attention and I find that 90% of the time, it works! Plus now that I have taken a much healthier approach to my vitamin intake and dietary choices, I have been all around physically healthier. And I am with you…everything on this earth was created by some amazingly brilliant power that is way beyond our understanding, but if we can get in touch with the universe, there is so much positive healing energy that we can tap into for our benefit. I am super excited to try some of these therapies and share my experience! I wish you the happiest of holidays, my friend!
You are looking fabulous in these pics Shelbee!! Especially the first pic! Love the jacket! xx
Thanks so much, Lindsay! Have the most fabulous day!
I love this casual chic look! Those earrings are really cute!
Edwige | http://www.hypnozglam.com
Thanks so much, Edwige! Have a wonderful week!
Very cool jacket and boots Shelbee! You look great, very trim after your cleanse! A day of healing sounds wonderful. I had reiki a couple of times and although I was a bit sceptical at first, it was amazing how I felt this energy coursing through my body when the practitioner wasn’t even touching me!
Gail, thank you so much! I am feeling wonderful after my cleanse, too! I am super excited to try Reiki and will be sure to share the experience with you all! I am so glad that you had a positive experience with it. I hope you have the most wonderful holiday!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I’m just in love with that jacket, especially all of the button on it. Those earrings are so pretty, I just love leather earrings right now and they seem to be trending! I have just one pair, but asked my husband for another pair or two for Christmas. I need to check out her shop, I like to support smaller businesses versus the big ones that get most of the sales!
Thanks so much, Carrie! I also am loving the leather earrings. They are so lightweight and comfortable and look so amazing, too. Definitely check out Leti’s Facebook page. I am sure if you message her, she will send some photos of what she has. Plus she will also custom make them in any color that you want! And it is so great to support small businesses especially this time of year! Have a wonderful holiday, my friend!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very causal and nice. Sometimes I wish I could curl up in a ball and do what the bears do but I can’t. Happy Holidays and I hope that you have a wonderful week. Thanks for hosting.
Thank you, Patrick! Oh, there are some days I would love to curl up and hibernate, too. And sometimes, I allow myself to do just that, but only for a day or two. I couldn’t do it all season long, I would get cabin fever! I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing holiday as well, my friend.
I like to build my outfits around shoes. That jacket is such a great piece and I love your earrings! You look amazing!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thank you so much, Jill! I also like to build outfits around shoes…well, because, I have a serious shoe addiction and it’s always about the shoes! I hope you have the most wonderful holiday, my friend.
Lisa Richardson
You did a great job building your outfit around your earrings. So darn cute and yes, girl! You look great (I have to agree with Kellyann) You’re making me want to try the Shaklee 10 day cleanse and jumpstart myself…but giving up cheese. 😳Have a great day friend! XO
Thanks so much, Lisa! I feel so great, too! I have way more energy and just feel all around healthier. I highly recommend the Shaklee cleanse…and it is only 7 days of giving up cheese, if that helps make your decision easier! Hahaha. You can do anything for 7 days…even give up cheese. And it’s funny, as soon as I could have the cheese, I had a little bit then no longer craved it at all. The cleanse was a challenge, but so worth it in the end. But seriously, if you want to try it, email me and I will send you more information about it! I hope you have the most wonderful holiday, my friend.
Jessica A Jannenga
I think this may be one of my favorite outfits on yoU! I love the millitary jacket. I have a similar one and love the button style like this, some great boots! ( You have a nice collection!) and of course those earrings are so nice, I love the olive and leather and have a thing for leaves myself ( with jewelry). I have built outfits from a piece of jewelry, it is a great inspiration for looks!
Happy Holidays, have a wonderful Christmas!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much! I definitely was feeling all the sassy vibes in this outfit! Although the boots are a bit much to walk around in! They stayed on for the duration of the photo shot, then I had to switch to flat ones for work. Olive is one of my absolute favorite colors, too, but I am thinking I need some red leather earrings now, too. I hope you have he most wonderful and blessed holiday, my friend.
I was just reading about Suzanna’s beautiful outfit and scrolled down a bit and though who I have a dress like that, ha!! Thank you so much in spreading the kindness to me lovely and featuring me twice 🙂 Your earrings are beautiful Shelbee and I adore your long boots. Thanks for hosting, featuring me and always stopping by mine too lovely.
I wish you and your family have a great holiday together. (P.s if you could send me some of that beautiful snow just for Christmas and Boxing day, that would be amazing :)) xx
Thank you so much, Claire, for all of your kindness, your fun link ups, your positive and happy energy, and for always inspiring us with fun fashion, recipes, and peaks into your daily life! You can totally have some of this snow…it seems to never go away around here! Wishing you the most blessed and joyous of holidays, my friend!
Cheryl Shops
First of all, Shelbee, you look fantastic and super svelte in all of these photos! Secondly, I can’t wait to hear about your experience with Reiki. I know it’s very woo-woo, but I swear it helped me through my divorce four years ago. I’m a believer!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thanks so much! One of my good friends swears by Reiki for her back problems, too. I am getting super excited for it because all of the positive feedback I am hearing. I will be sure to keep you all posted! Have a wonderful holiday, my friend.
Oh I love leaf earrings! I rendered I bought my first pair when I was 14. I bought them in the UK. Ever since I had leaf earrings !
Oh how fun, Nancy! I remember when I was young my mother had bought me a necklace that had an actual leaf dipped in gold. I loved that necklace but have no idea whatever happened to it over the years. I wish I still had it! Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a fantastic day!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Love that jacket and the earrings! I am very interested in many alternatives – growing up we used homeopathy and NAET a lot!
Thank you, Tamar! Homeopathy is so much more effective in my opinion…plus it is usually cheaper and much more convenient than running off to the doctor at the first sign of anything! By the way, I had to look up NAET and of course, the first article I came upon completely dismissed the treatment…well, because so many people are afraid to look for alternative methods of treatment and go straight for purely medical treatments. Not me. I want natural forms of treatment before all other things. I have had wonderful experiences with pressure point therapies, chiropractic, herbal remedies, among other things. But I guess to each his own, right? Thank you for sharing your experience. I am totally with you!
I love to start with an accessory (especially shoes) when planning my outfits! Those earrings are beautiful and I love the outfit you built around them!
Thank you so much, Laura! I usually start with the shoes, too! But sometimes it is fun to start even smaller…with a piece of jewelry or a scarf…and build from there.
Shelbee, I love to pick an accessory and work around it in an outfitX love your jewelry they are so special
Thanks so much, Rama! It is fun to build an outfit around one piece. Usually, I pick the shoes first!
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
You look so wonderful Shelbee – and it looks completely freezing! I studied Chinese Medicine over 20 years ago because I found Western Medicine was too focused on ‘parts’ of the body. Now it is agreed that the body and mind are linked, but still Western medicine tends to keep most treatments in segregated parts. Merry Christmas you beautiful person you! xx Maria
Thank you so much, Maria! I agree with you that Western medicine is too focused on parts of the body and seems to neglect the power of the mind when it comes to our bodies. And it is so much more effective to address the issues of the mind in conjunction with the body, in my non medical opinion. May your holidays be filled with all the wonderful blessings and joy, my friend!
Great casual look Shelbee, loving the military style jacket and the patent leather boots! Very cool! Thank you for the link up!
Thanks so much, Cherie! I do love these patent boots, but man, they are difficult to walk in!
those earrings are so cool! Love your jacket too~!
Thanks so much, Stephanie! I hope you are enjoying the holiday season!
Linda Cassidy
holy cow, the weight loss is really striking in these pictures. You look amazing ( not that you didn’t look great before but wowsers. Hoping you and your boys have an awesome Christmas
Thank you so much, Linda! I feel amazing, too, that’s the biggest bonus of all! Wishing you all a very merry Christmas as well!
Ha ha, of course I’ve created an outfit using an accessory! I’m totally loving this look, Shelbee. I’m delighted you featured a military jacket. I saw one recently on a TV show and wanted one immediately! Are you losing weight? You look like a twig in these photos!
I love that, Kim! I am always building outfits around one silly little piece. It makes it more fun, I think. And yes, I have been making some changes toward healthier habits and have lost 22 pounds since September. I feel fantastic! I hope you find the perfect military style jacket for yourself! Happy Holidays to you, my friend.
so gorgeous! I love your jacket! Those earrings are great as well 🙂 Wishing you a very happy holiday season <3
Thanks so much, Tianna! I am planning on adding a few more pairs of these gorgeous earrings to my collection! Happy Holidays to you as well, my friend.
Work it, girl!
Thanks so much, Megan! Have a fantastic day!
These earrings are so gorgeous and look lightweight! You’re looking super fit lately, Shelbee! Also, there’s something about your lipstick color that is making your eyes POP! Can’t wait to read about your spiritual healing session!
Roxanne, thank you so much! I was just in Leti’s sho yesterday and spotted a few more pairs of leather earrings that I must have! I will for sure write a follow up post about my healing session which is officially scheduled for January 5. I hope you had a wonderful Hanukkah, my friend, and are planning some sort of fabulousness for New Year’s!
Susan Marinelli
Well, gee, you are looking like a fabulous goddess of the tundra! I’ve been loving on that Torrid jacket, but couldn’t afford it at the time, and now that I have seen you in it, won’t be getting it. You look too good, and I couldn’t do it justice.
Well of course I have tried alternative therapies !. I have been to a homeopath, who helped me tremendously. She instituted some therapies that helped me through a really stressful time when I could not sleep, concentrate, or focus. I quit smoking using herbal therapies. I once had a shiatsu massage from a bulky lesbian practitioner, and it helped my sciatica, to the point where it hasn’t returned. Every spring I fly to the Chinese herb store for Pe Minh Kan Wan, which is the only thing that helps my hay fever. I swear if I didn’t take Calcium/Magnesium (recommended by the homeopath) I would have had a heart attack by now, like the rest of my family. I give Bach Rescue Remedy to my dog during thunderstorms. Really, I could write a thesis on alternative therapies.
Suffice to say, I await with baited breath, your visit to the healer. And you look awesome!
Susan, I am so glad that you chimed in on this topic! Thank you for sharing your experiences with healers and homeopathic remedies. These really should be a first resort for most instances before running off to the doctor. And I don’t think the way I look in my Torrid jacket should stop you from getting it for yourself and rocking it out in your own fabulous way! I hope you have the most wonderful holiday, my friend!
Judith Boyd
I often choose one accessory or piece and build around it. New hats to add to my hat room tend to be the stars or focal points of my outfits when I first get them!
Judith, thanks so much for stopping by! Starting with an accessory really is the best way to build an outfit, in my opinion! And I imagine you must have so much fun creating complete looks around your fabulous hats!
Karen, the next best thing to mummy
I came across this linky party via another one #wonderfulwednesday@_karendennis
Thanks so much, Karen! I am glad you found me!
Emma Peach
I love your earrings and military jacket Shelbee! Those patent boots are rather fabulous too!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! I need to go get myself a pair of these earrings in red! And these boots are most definitely sitting boots! Boy, they are difficult to walk in…especially on snow and ice.
Karren Haller
Hi Shelbee, you look so dang cute, the boots are awesome!!
I dont have a fashion post, (at least not new) so I shared the Online Boutique where everything is always on sale!!
Thank you for sharing on Oh My Heartsie GIrls Friday Features Holiday Party!!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas!!
Karren, thanks so much! By the way, you can link any posts in my link ups, they don’t have to be just fashion! So link away! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!