Songful Style Link Party #16 | “All About That Bass” by Meghan Trainor

About Songful Style
Songful Style is an ageless style challenge series hosted by Suzy of The Grey Brunette, Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge, Marsha of Marsha in the Middle, and Michelle of Funky Fashion Style. However, Michelle is retiring her fashion blog so she will no longer be participating in these challenges. But she will be reading along and commenting from her original crafting blog, My Bijou Life, so be sure to pop over and see what she has been creating!
For this series, each month we will share a song with the lyrics and video and we invite you to use whatever aspect of the song that inspires you to create an outfit.
It is similar to Style Imitating Art where we use artwork to inspire our outfit creations. Except Songful Style gives you lyrics, music, video, and album artwork to inspire your fashion creativity. You may even find inspiration in a memory triggered by the selected song. It is all open to your own personal interpretation and just a fun way to discover new music and get a little bit more creative with your wardrobe.
Anyone is welcome to join us on a permanent basis or you can just play along without any obligation to do anything other than feel inspired. We are flexible and fun and just want to find more ways to play dress up because it’s what we enjoy doing!
We will be posting on the last Monday of each month and will announce our song choice for the following month at the end of each post.
Michelle chose this month’s song, “All About That Bass” by Meghan Trainor, and what a great choice for her farewell song pick! You can find more information about the song in my post here including the lyrics, the official music video and some covers, the history of the song, biographical information about the artist, and a selection of images to inspire your style.
Be sure to check out how much bass my songfully sassy friends have!
- Suzy of The Grey Brunette
- Marsha of Marsha in the Middle
As soon as I watched the official music video for this song, I knew I wanted to wear something in the pastel color scheme that dominates the background and the costumes. I also wanted something in a similar style aesthetic. And herein is where the challenge lies. I don’t own a lot of pastels and I don’t own a lot of things in this “1960s school girl” aesthetic.
So I worked with what I had and what I had led me to this silly little ensemble.
This crochet mini dress is from last summer but this is the first time I am wearing it. I bought it in two different colorways and wore the coral, brown, and white one with an ivory kimono in my post, How to Wear Meditation Beads. I don’t love the way this dress style and silhouette fit my body so I have to get creative with layering to feel confident in these dresses. In all honesty, I probably never should have purchased them. They were so cute on the hangers and in my head that I lost my sense of reason and made two bad buys! But I have the dresses still in my closet and the colors on this pink, blue, and white one were exactly what I needed for this particular Songful Style challenge.
Using the dress colors to guide me, I added my preloved sequined chambray jacket, knee high pale blue socks, and pastel pink chunky loafers. Since I didn’t have any clothing with a similar 60s vibe, I added some vintage elements with my floral headband and neck scarf. By the way, this large square scarf can also be worn as a top! I have a second one in a different pattern that I styled as a shirt for Style Imitating Art: Calyx by Lucienne Day.
I am not sure if this outfit is all about that bass, but it’s cute. It’s fun. And it’s totally not me. But that’s okay. Because sometimes when you try something totally not you, you discover that it actually is you and it’s really exciting when that happens. So I think it’s worth the risk to try all the new things especially the ones that are totally not you!

Featured Favorite from “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” by Cyndi Lauper
Shauna of Lipgloss and Lace
If you would like to join us for next month’s Songful Style challenge, we will be hosting a link party on June 26, 2023, featuring our outfits inspired by Suzy’s song choice, “What’s Love Got to Do with It” by the recently late and forever great Tina Turner. I am excited to honor Ms. Turner on this next challenge! I will share more details about the song choice in a later post as usual. Until then, happy styling!
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Dress and Scarf-Charlotte Russe / Jacket-Thrifted / Socks-Sock Dreams / Shoes-ShoeDazzle / Earrings-Target / Headband-Too old to know

Suzy Turner
I’m always telling my friends to try on outfits that they wouldn’t normally wear because that is often where the magic happens, so i love that you pushed yourself out of your comfort zone with this ensemble, Shelbee! I love all the elements too, and I’m not sure how I would have put them together but I know if I’d have come up with this, I would have been thrilled! Unfortuately, I have no pastels in my wardrobe at all lol so that side of this challenge was certainly a challenge! But I had lots of fun, nonetheless.
Big hugs
Suzy xxx
Thanks so much, Suzy! My mother always told me to try on everything because you never know what you might discover! I’m just having fun playing dress up these days. I am looking forward to seeing how you were inspired by this song, my friend!
You totally nailed the look and the vibe of the song. I love it! And while you look amazing, I totally agree, it’s not you. 🤣 Awesome interpretation!
Thanks so much, Michelle! I was just looking at the pictures again and it really is a cute outfit. But still so totally not me! Also, the dress looks exactly like my baby afghan from 49 years ago! LOL
awww that scarf!
i like this outfit more than i like the song:)
Ha. Thanks, Barb! I hope you are well, my friend!
Patrick Weseman
Very nice. So fun and funky there. You got it perfect. Very nice.
Thanks so much. Patrick! This was all sorts of silly fun!
Marsha Banks
You know…I love this look, but I can see how you think it isn’t you. There’s just not enough edge or boho to it. But, I wonder, if you added one of your long flowy kimonos over it (I know you did that already with the other one), if you might not like it a little more. Maybe it’s the knee socks giving the teeny bopper vibe…IDK! I think you still totally rocked this challenge!
Thanks, Marsha! I definitely would like this dress better with a kimono and sandals. I have always loved my knee socks with short dresses or skirts but I think I may be transitioning away from that aesthetic…until my feet get too cold…then I am right back into my tall socks! You see what I am talking about though, right? It’s a super cute outfit and I felt great wearing it, except I just didn’t feel like “me right now”!
That is an adorable outfit that gives off all the pastel and yet school girl vibes too!
Joanne, thanks so much, my friend! This was a fun challenge! But I say that about every style challenge, don’t I?