Something About You & Link Up On the Edge #164

Last Friday, I was inspired by Ada to share a poem. I talked a little bit about how intimidating it can be to share one’s poetry….written from the heart, exposing all the raw emotions that fight their way onto paper. I was a bit hesitant, but I faced my fear and did it anyway. I must practice what I preach, I suppose. And I am ever so grateful for all the very kind and encouraging comments that I received in response.

I saw my rhyming poem, I Thought I’d Known You Before, as unsophisticated in its simple rhyming and repetitive verses. I think I was attempting something that was a bit more sing-songy, but once I had completed it, I kind of hated it. We are our own worst critics when it comes to these things. Or maybe you all were just being super kind because it is in your nature to be so.

Like I said, prose is way more of a strong point for me than poetry. I think. Maybe my prose is rotten and nobody has ever had the heart to tell me so. But I have been told that my prose is often very poetic in its rhythm and cadence. With an intuitively rhythmic way of writing and a propensity for writing prose, free verse poetry feels more natural to me than rhyming poems.

So for this week, I am going to share a free verse poem that I wrote that was inspired by a very dear friend of mine from childhood. We have known each other since we were 4 years old, maybe even younger than that. But 4 is the age I have vivid memories of him. Through space and time, we lost touch, got in touch, and lost touch again only to reconnect on a very important level at a very pivotal time in our lives, right now, at the age of 45.

It is so strange how the Universe has these ways of reconnecting people. I used to question it and get frustrated when I could find no comprehensible reason. I have since stopped with that useless questioning and have been learning to just embrace what is set before me. So with a willingness to surrender to the Universe’s plan, whatever that may be, I have accepted this small gift with much gratitude. For it has already inspired me in more ways than just this short poem.

Something About You
There is a sadness in your eyes that reminds me that I was once sad.
There is a pain in your smile that reminds me that I was once hurting.
There is a crack in your heart that reminds me that I was once broken.
There is something about you that reminds me of everything that I once was.
Everything that I once was has led me here.
With you.
With me.
With us.
There is a strength in your voice that reminds me that I am strong.
There is a joy in your laughter that reminds me that I am happy.
There is a tenderness in your whisper that reminds me that I am loved.
There is something about you that reminds me of everything that I am.
Every day, I discover something new.
About you.
About me.
About us.
There is a reason in this rediscovery that is telling me it is what I need.
There is a logic in this reunion that is telling me it is what you need.
There is a message in this connection that is telling me it is meant to be.
It always has been.
Even when we were unaware.
It always was.
Even when we didn’t know.
It always will be.
Even if we don’t understand.

Have you ever reconnected with a childhood friend only to find that you have a very deep attachment that seemingly has prevailed through distance and time? It has a sort of surreal aspect to it that is difficult to get my brain around…but I am taking the path of least resistance and just moving forward wherever it may lead. If you can relate to any of this, I would love to hear your experience.

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Michele of Living Our Days shared an incredibly powerful post, Becoming Fluent in the Language of Labeling. She addresses how we so easily slap labels on people and on ourselves and how we allow these labels to dictate our realities. The message in this post is an important one. I highly recommend giving it a read if you haven’t already.

Grace of Color and Grace shared her edgy animal print styles in her post, Going Wild with Chico’s Animal Prints Fall 2019. This post features various different animal prints styled in Grace’s chic and stunning way. These prints are trending hot for Fall so if you need some inspiration, go check out this post.

Debbie of Fashion Fairy Dust has done it again with her combination of a killer outfit and a supremely important message. I never know which to focus on with Debbie, her style or her written content, because both are over the top amazing…every single time. Do go check out her post, Orange Jumpsuit & Adidas: True Authenticity.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…

Deborah Stinedurf
Thank you so much for the kind words my friend! I feel the same about you…I don’t know what I enjoy more, your words or your style! xo
Aw, thank YOU so much! I need to get both my words and my style back into a groove. I have been lacking inspiration of late. I hope you have a wonderful Friday and a fantastic weekend to follow!
Michele Morin
Thanks for sharing your friend’s poem. Wonderful how you’ve managed to stay connected even in small ways.
And thank you, too, for making space here for my story. It’s so humbling (always!) to share words that cut close to the bone, but reassuring when they are received with love and empathy.
Michele, thank you so much! Your story moved me in quite a powerful way and it deserves to be recognized! It is humbling and scary to share our words that come from so deep inside of us…it’s like revealing bits of our souls to the world. And that is intimidating. Supporting one another as we travel this journey is necessary! I hope you have a blessed weekend, my friend.
Kathrine Eldridge
Another amazing poem Shelbee! I love how it portrays how we are all One. Love this fun look and thanks so much for the link up!
Kathrine, thank you so much! I think I was even more fearful to share this one, but you all were so encouraging last week I figured what’s the worst that could happen. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
What a wonderful poem!
You really do speak from your heart, my friend.
You look like a schoolgirl in your outfit today.
Love the military boots with the jumper!
Hugs sweet friend!
Robin, thank you so very much! When the words start flowing, I have to just run with it! I do love a little school girl style every now and then. It makes me feel youthful! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Julie | This Main Line Life
Ahhh, the part that got me was toward the end when you said, “It always has been.
Even when we were unaware.” Once in a great while we make a connection like that with someone that really transcends us. It feels like it was there long before we even came into being. I know what you mean there.
Julie, thank you so much for that! It is a very surreal thing that is/was happening and I didn’t know how else to describe it. I am so glad that it made sense to you! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
It’s interesting how and when the universe reconnects us with people from our past. What a beautiful poem! I’m also loving this fun look! Have a wonderful weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks, Jill! I am always fascinated by these types of connections because they really do have a purpose. I hope you have a lovely weekend as well!
Wow, amazing to find a long lost friend after so many years. I agree that the universe has a way of bringing people in and out of our lives, usually at times we need them without even knowing it.
Thanks so much, Alice! This connection happened right at a moment when we both apparently needed support from one another for different reasons. And we have been able to simultaneously help each other through. The Universe really knows what she is doing! I hope you have the most wonderful weekend.
It’s a beautiful poem. I never experienced what you describe. I’m not easy to connect with and vice versa. Ha ha, yes it’s true. Happy weekend love!
Thank you, Nancy! Whatever do you mean that you are not easy to connect with??? I have connected with you just perfectly and we have never even met in real life…yet I feel I know you quite well in many aspects! Have a fabulous weekend!
I wish I was able to write poetry but it’s just something that doesn’t connect for me, but I sure enjoy other peoples. You are one of the people I look up to in terms of the raw honesty and putting yourself out there each and every week. Always a pleasant read.
Bo, thank you so much for that wonderful comment. I am so honored that you think that of me. I haven’t felt connected to poetry in a really long time, so I totally understand what you mean. I am grateful, however, that it is starting to come back to me. I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Rachael Thomas
I’m loving this poem! I have reconnected with a childhood friend before. I love those kind of relationships where you can spend years apart, but then when you’re together, it’s like no time has passed, because your bond is so strong. Also how cute it your outfit!
Rachael http://www.threadsforthomasblog.com
Thank you so much, Rachael! These are certainly special relationships that we should cherish! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Nora Minassian
Wow beautiful poem Shelbee! Old friends are the truest friends, so happy you have reconnected with one of yours.
Thanks so much, Nora! I am just trying to tap into all of my creative sides these days…it helps me stay connected to something when I feel overwhelmed by the world.
jodie filogomo
I love that you added the orange tights to this outfit Shelbee!! You really have such a creative mind and I love the poem!!
Jodie, thank you so much! I am certainly having fun with all my bright and bold tights! Stay tuned for more poetry to come…
Shugunna Alexander
Really nice open Shelbee. I use yo write poetry when I was younger, I use to really get into it; your poem reminds me of how I use to feel about the art of words. Love it
Thanks so much, Shugunna! I hope that I keep finding enough inspiration to write more poems. Maybe you will be inspired again as well!
Donna Walmsley
Beautiful and heartfelt post!! Your empathy is overwhelming!! I love the rhythm and simplicity of your poem and it certainly spoke to me! Have a wonderful weekend – love those gorgeous fun tights and pigtails, so fitting with the narrative of your post! Thank you for the linkup – so fun!,
Donna 🧚🏻♀️❤️🙏
Donna, thank you so very much! Now if I could ride the momentum of creative inspiration…but it seems to be slipping away from me all too consistently lately! I hope you have a fantastic weekend.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
So so lovely and that outfit, love it!
Thank you so much, Tamar! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Melody Jacob
You are so lovely and those shoes are cool.
Thanks so much, Melody! Have a wonderful weekend.
I love how fun this outfit is! Those colors are amazing!
Thanks so much, Daria! Fall colors are my favorite! Have a wonderful weekend.
Lauren Renee Sparks
I love your poem and that fallish orange! laurensparks.net
Thanks so much, Lauren! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very cute. Love the whole look. Finally was able to get here. I like your prose. Hope that you are having a wonderful weekend.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I am so sorry you had trouble accessing my page. I still have no idea what happened! But thanks for looking out!
Anne M Bray
That was good. Me likey (as my teaching colleague likes to say).
I spent yesterday escaping the shoulda/woulda/coulda, must do list and immersed myself in two creative workshops. I huge gust of soul clearing time. Ready to tackle October now.
Maybe your rhyming poem (confession: haven’t read it yet) is a song?
Anne M Bray
“I huge gust”? A huge gust! Or was I the huge gust? In the first workshop, we did 3 deep breaths and set an intention with a word, or color, or whatever. My word was IGNITE.
That is a great word! I definitely need to ignite something in myself to get motivated and inspired and become more productive!
Anne, thanks so much! I need some serious soul clearing time in order to tackle October! I have floundered this entire week away! When I wrote the rhyming poem, I was thinking along the lines of song writing except I know nothing about song writing. Maybe a musician will stumble upon it and find it worthy!
Anne M Bray
Ah, October. Bring. It. On!
BTW, I didn’t make the cut for the November Brooklyn Art Fair. Which I’m TOTALLY fine with!
Current vague thought: why spend the $$ on an art fair in NYC when I could go to Sydney? Why not!
Um, yes, Sydney! You’ve been to NYC a million times! Go to Sydney!
Hey Shelbee,
Am just getting to read that post now – that poem is seriously cool, it brought a little tear to my eye so you must have connected with something! Go you and fair play to you for sharing (When we say Fair Play to You in Ireland it means good on you / well done etc in case you think I’m raving!!!) Also the orange tights totally work on you – I suppose it’s all about the attitude and you sure have it lady! Have a lovely week and best wishes from the west of Ireland from Anne x
Anne, thank you so very much! Sharing poetry is a bit intimidating so it is so nice and validating to be met with positive feedback. I really appreciate that! I am loving my crazy colored tights this season, too! I hope you have a fabulous day!
I don’t always find it easy to connect to poetry, but I really liked this one. Please never think there is anything wrong with your prose – I love reading your posts. They are easy to read but you manage to convey deeper meaning in a concise way, which is a real skill. I really do enjoy and value reading them! And another thing I love – again: that we are seeing so many different colours on your legs. Orange – who’d have thought? But they work magnificently! I have been away and have been out of date on my blog reading – and it’s been so much fun catching up with yours! Kx
Karen, thank you so very much! I suppose every creative person needs a little validation every now and then. Writing is such personal business…it’s sort of like giving birth and you get protective of what comes out of your soul! I really appreciate your very kind words and your continued support.
I have so many colorful tights that I recently added to my closet. It is fun to step away from the basic black tights. Although I wear those often as well! I am certain you will be seeing lots of color on my legs this fall!
Have the most wonderful week!
Such a lovely poem and I like your bright tights in your outfit! I am not skilled with words at all but I admire those who are 🙂
Hope that you had a great weekend. Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp 🙂 I just posted this week’s linkup, I’d love you to join again! 🙂 I’ve got a scarf giveaway on my blog right now too!
Thank you so much, Mica!
Anna Shirley
Poetry isn’t my thing, but I like your poem. There is something touching I can connect with. I wish I’d be able to express my feeling this way.
Thanks so much, Anna! I didn’t think poetry was my thing anymore either, but I think I may be getting it back!
This outfit is so funky and fun. Is that a leopard skirtall?! This look is so cute for Fall. Also, I am glad you reconnected to your friend and shared his poetry. It is truly a beautiful written piece and inspiring. Also I love Grace’s look with the mix of leopard and lace and all the edgy black. So nice!
Thanks so much, Ada! Actually, my dress is a tiny floral print. And I shot these photos in June (it was still that cold here, isn’t that crazy?). Oh, and this is my poem not his. Someone else thought this poem was written by him and not me as well. I need to go revise something to make that clear! Lol. I hope you have a great week ahead, my friend!