Snow Day Outfits & Your Own Twist Link Up #27

It is that time again when I join Monica of Jersey Girl, Texan Heart for Your own Twist, a monthly link party that we host on the third Thursday of every month with the goal of inspiring some of our friends to get creative with personal style.
The idea behind this collaboration is to take one common piece or theme and style it our own way with our own twist…Monica and I have both taken a lot of fashion inspiration from one another over the past few years even though we have totally different styles. It is always fun to see how we can interpret similar items in unique ways or what kind of twist we will each bring to the chosen theme.
We will let you know the themes well in advance in the event that you would like to use the theme for your own post and add it to the link party. However, any fashion posts are welcome regardless of whether you used the theme or not. Check out the graphic below which has some of our upcoming themes.
For December, we chose Snow Day Outfits as the theme which worked out perfectly for me since we just had some beautiful snowy days recently.
It has been a very mild autumn here in northern New York. As the time was drawing closer to take photographs for this post, I was a bit disappointed that my snow day outfit would not have any snow. Especially since Monica’s outfit surely will not have snow unless it is the artificial kind. If it isn’t snowing here, it cannot possibly be snowing in Florida where Monica lives.
But we did get some nice fluffy snowfall even with the mild December temperatures. These first snowfalls of the season are always the best ones. You know, when it is all new and fresh and fun and the temperature is still warm enough to venture out into the whiteness and enjoy the beauty of its purity and peacefulness.

With Christmas coming so fast, I wanted to use this snowy opportunity to wear my favorite holiday sweater. I bought this oversized Scotty dog sweater at Walmart so many years ago that I cannot even remember. It has been a holiday favorite of mine for years. It is so cozy and I just adore the cute little Scotty dogs all over it. Plus it is the perfect color combination for the holidays as well as for standing out bright against a snowy background.
The day we shot these photos was a virtual homeschool day so I knew I wasn’t going anywhere all day and wanted comfort and warmth because the kids would surely be in and out of the snow all day long. As I started layering on my pieces, more and more patterns were being added in reds, blacks, and whites. I got to where I started challenging myself to see how many different prints and patterns I could incorporate into this one outfit and stick with just these three colors.
I ended up with five different patterns in one outfit…my Scotty dog patterned sweater layered over a red and black Buffalo plaid shirt dress paired with a black and white plaid blanket scarf, black and white striped gloves, and my black and white tartan newsboy cap. The bottom half of the outfit was just a combination of solid black and red. I am sure if I tried harder, I could have found some printed leggings and patterned socks as well to make the total print count seven. But I liked it the way it was with five. Perhaps I will challenge myself to go for seven prints in one outfit another time.

So we stepped outside into the snowy back yard for another at-home photo shoot. Of course, the children joined us and once I was satisfied that I had a sufficient amount of photographs with which to work, the winter shenanigans began. I cannot lie…I was the one who threw the first snowball.
For some reason that I still cannot figure out after all of these years living in this very snowy place, my kids would much rather spend hours outdoors playing in the shivering cold than they would on a beautiful spring or summer day. It’s like they hate the outdoors until the weather turns miserable! But so be it, they are definitely arctic babies having lived nearly their entire lives in this very cold climate. I, however, have only lived in this climate for approximately 15% of my existence and I simply cannot acclimate. So cold. Always so cold. Fortunately, I have mastered my layering skills!
Keep scrolling for some photos of our epic back yard snow ball fight followed by the snowman building that commenced and resulted in the tiniest little snowman that Ralph could create.

Do you get snow where you live? Do you still enjoy a good snowball fight? Be sure to visit Monica for snow day outfit inspiration in a warm climate!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Why kids like snow is beyond me. I never liked it, also not a s a child. Haha. You have quite a big back garden havn’t you? Gerben wondered if you live in a, don’t know how to say it right, community of soldiers. Do you know what I mean? In a area where only people from the army live.
Thanks, Nancy! I love the way first snowfalls look, but I am definitely not the biggest fan of snow! It is just too darn cold and so messy when you track it all through the house! To answer Gerben’s question, we live in the town that borders the army base where Jeff works. We don’t live on the base itself where many soldiers do live. You have the choice to live in base housing which is paid for by the government or you can opt to take the housing allowance to pay for your housing off-post. I much prefer living in town and not on the army base because there are all sorts of rules and regulations and you how I don’t do well with rules and regulations! Haha.
Ella Williams
I love your snow outfits!! I live in Alabama so we never get snow!! We’ve had it a few times before, and although it looks pretty, I just end up staying inside!! I’m such a chicken in the cold😂
Ella, thanks so much! It snows so much where we live that I would welcome an Alabama winter any time! I am a big chicken in the cold, too, so I mostly stay inside as soon as the temperatures drop to snowy! I hope you are having a fabulous week and enjoying the holiday season!
I love the print mixing and all the red in your outfit! it’s crazy to see your snow when it’s so humid here! it’s been a wet and stormy week but when the rain stops the humidity cranks up – feeling very much like summer, so I linked up my latest summer outfit, as we don’t get snow here, haha!
Thanks for the link up 🙂
Hope that you are having a great week! 🙂
Thanks so much, Mica! I could use some warmth and humidity right about now. It has been bitter cold here this week! Stay cool and dry, my friend!
The little scotty dogs are so cute! Your sweater reminds me of an outfit I had as a kid!
Curated By Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! I love that my sweater could give you a bit of nostalgia!
Lisa @ Daily Style Finds
I love your sweater! And, what a perfect snowy day.
Thanks so much, Lisa! It was super fun!
Michele Morin
It’s snowing pick axes and hammer handles here this morning. Snow day and a second cup of tea!
Oh my gosh, Michele, that might be the best snow day phrase ever! It was snowing like that here the other day but it melted as quickly as it came! I hope you enjoyed your snow day cups of tea!
I love love love this outfit! I really need some reds in my closet! All these layers looks so great together! And of course since I am in the south I am jealous of all of that snow! We always want what we don’t have lol! Each time it rains here, we wonder why it can be in the 30s and when it is in the 30s we wonder why it can’t be raining. We are hoping for at least one snow this year. Last year was only about an inch or two and we want more!!
Thanks so much, Mireille! You definitely need some red in your wardrobe. I think it is a fabulous color for you! And don’t be too jealous of our snow. It gets old really fast here when we get buried in it and then it doesn’t melt until June! You will all be welcoming spring and warm weather fashions and I will be bundled up in cozy sweaters until at least May! You should look into a winter trip up this way one year when travel is a bit easier. There are tons of outdoor winter activities in these parts…skiing, skating, sledding, snowshoeing. Lake Placid, which is just a few hours from here, is amazing place to visit in the winter.
Jean | Delightful Repast
Shelbee, I rarely have the need for a snow outfit, but if I did, I would happily wear your cute snow day outfit without changing a single thing! BTW, that lipstick is THE PERFECT SHADE for you—gorgeous!
Jean, thanks so much! We do have fun with the snow here, but I get way too cold. My kids are little snow babies and will play in it for hours. I do like the darker shades of red for my lipsticks. Thank you for noticing!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
We have a snow day here today!!
Love those scotties on your dress – remind me of a pair of pajamas with scotties I had as a child and wore to shreds!!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I hope you enjoyed your snow day! And I love that you wore your Scotty dog jammies to shreds. So cute!
I’m jealous! You guys are having so much fun in the snow! Loving these pictures and fabulous snowy outfit! I’m going to link up one from last year – hope it’s ok!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Thanks so much, Ellie! We do have fun, but I only last about 15 minutes before I am too cold. The kids will play for hours out there! Of course, it’s okay to link up old posts! I look forward to checking it out. Have a fabulous weekend!
Sheila (of Ephemera)
Oh, what a fabulous snow day outfit! I’ve now collected myself after squeeing, “SNOW!!!” We rarely get snow in Victoria – it’s Canada’s Mediterranean. It’ll probably be warm and raining, ha ha! So I’m getting my snow vicariously through you, Shelbee!
Your colours here are so awesome. I’m a huge fan of that sweater!
Thanks so much, Sheila! I had to chuckle that you squealed “SNOW!” because I get all cringey about it! Haha. I do love the first snowfalls of the season, but we are definitely not Mediterranean-like in these parts. It will snow until May or June and I will be long over it by February!
Barbara De Mul
Nah, we do not get snow, just every now and then. I do remember a few snowy winters though when I was a kid. I wonder if I’m romanticising? I love Scotty dogs..that oversized sweater probably works nicely when dressed up as well. but in the pics it looks like the most comfy snow outfit ever.
what comes to mind now are my student days at UMSL, I arrived in a very snowy Saint Louis in Jan, 2002 and loved it!
Barbara, thanks so much! There is something special about Scotty dogs that goes so perfectly with the holidays! This sweater is so cozy, I have had it on constant repeat at home with my leggings. We have not had much snow yet this year which is not normal for where I live. But we usually get slammed in January and February and while the rest of the country is awaiting the arrival of Spring, we are stuck in cold snowy weather until May!
Jacqui Berry
Send some snow over just for us to have Christmas day! You look gorgeous in red, and I bet you all had fun in the snow. Hope you are well Shelbee. Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! We don’t have any snow left on the ground now! It melted as quickly as it came. But I suspect we will have lots of it in January and February.
So frickin’ cute! Both the multi-patterned outfit and the snowball fight photos.
Aw, thanks so much, Rena! We are a silly crew, for sure! We fill our lives with lots of fun and laughter!
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very cute.
Thanks so much, Patrick!
Claire's World
I love your outfit, red is my favourite colour. Beautiful 🙂 I would love some snow, we didn’t get any last year. Thanks for hosting 🙂
Thanks so much, Claire! I do love to wear red as well. It is my second favorite color after green. I will gladly send you some snow! A town just a few hours south of us got 41 inches of snow yesterday. That’s the kind of stuff we are used to!
I love, love, love this outfit! Red, white, and black is so pretty together. And that is a pattern mixing marvel! Perfect! Looks like you all had a great time after the photo shoot! I was born in KS. I remember being fascinated by the snow, but I was even younger than Ralphie. We moved to Los Angeles when I was five, and I’m definitely a CA girl, especially when it comes to temperature.
Thanks so much, Michelle! Red, white, and black is definitely one of my favorite color combinations. It is always so bold and striking! I just love it! I think I am definitely turning into a warm weather girl, but I am stuck in this snowy place at least until the kids are out of school. It is fun to watch them out there playing in it though. I only play for about 15 minutes, then I am too cold and have to go inside and start the hot chocolate preparations!
We got at least a foot of snow yesterday maybe even a foot and a half. We bundled up and tried to go sledding but it wasn’t the right kind of snow and our sleds kept sinking and getting stuck. Today we plan to try out the snowshoes we all got for Christmas last year and never got use! I’m not usually a big fan of the cold either but found that layers is definitely key.
Oh how fun, Joanne! We are so used to getting feet of snow here but we haven’t had much accumulate yet this year. My kids are definitely snow babies and love it when we get buried in snow! Just a few hours south of us got 41 inches of snow yesterday! That’s the kind of stuff we are used to! Snowshoes sound like an amazing plan for the weekend! Thanks for stopping by, my friend.
The perfect backdrop for a great snow day outfit!
Thanks so much, Carrie! I hope you are well and enjoying the holiday season!
Lucy Bertoldi
Oh what fun on this snow day! You look so happy and so pretty in red!!!
Thank you so much, Lucy!
Jessica A Jannenga
hehee, I am laughing at the cute snowman! Love the pail hat! Wow, you guys got alot of snow! No White Christmas here! Love seeing pictues in the snow. I have been looking for a doggy sweater myself! Yours is too cute! Love the little scotty dogs and with the buffalo plaid , Holiday perfection! Looks like your kids were having a blast!
Merry Christmas!
thanks for linking!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! My kids love playing in the snow. They were upset that we have only had a few snowfalls and none of have been feet of snow! That is what they used to. But we do have a lake effect storm coming through tomorrow night that should give us a very white Christmas! I hope you have an amazing holiday. And you definitely need a doggy sweater!