Shelbee Says…”A certain amount of selfishness is really just self-care.”
“Dear Shelbee, I want to go out with my friends more and laugh and have fun to get away from my young kids for a bit and unwind and relax. But I also know that my husband and I need more date nights. However, at this point I feel way more inclined to want to hang out with my girlfriends than with my husband. How do I find a balance between family time, me time, husband time, and girlfriend time without the guilt? -Feeling Selfish”
Dear Feeling Selfish,
Finding the perfect balance between all of life’s obligations and responsibilities is one of the greatest struggles we all face. So, first, know that you are not alone with feeling guilty about wanting more time to do the things that you want to do regardless of how selfish they may feel. “Me” time is so important for good mental health and good mental health is so important for managing everything in your life. In order to be the best mother, the best wife, the best friend that you can be and meet the demands that others put on you, you need to be the best version of yourself first and foremost. When you find the things that will help you to become that best version of yourself, you should do those things without guilt, knowing that the benefits go far beyond just you having fun and enjoying yourself.
I think all too often, as mothers and wives, we get caught up in some ancient belief system that our entire existence and purpose in life is to raise our children and be readily available at all times to meet our husbands’ needs. The funny thing is eventually our children reach an age when they become quite self-sufficient and our husbands actually do not have the same expectations of us that we think they do. So while we get stuck thinking that we have to do things the way ours mothers and grandmothers did, our husbands are probably not thinking that way at all. So how to find the perfect balance without the guilt?
I think one of the best ways to achieve this balance is to have a schedule, but a flexible one that can be changed without turning life on its head. Of course, all of the day to day routines and obligations of kids and family life should still remain in tact. So often, these daily responsibilities are enough to completely exhaust us and all other things just fall to the background as we decide instead to have a drink and crawl into bed at the end of the day. So scheduling specific times for alone time as well as girlfriend time and husband time is almost necessary to make sure that you are fitting it in. But here’s the thing, these times do not need to be extravagant. Date nights with your spouse may only happen once a month…where you actually go to all the trouble of getting a babysitter and going out for a date. But you can also schedule date nights with your husband at home after the kids are in bed for the night. It could be something as simple as waiting to have a quiet dinner later in the night or scheduling a movie date complete with popcorn and candy after the kids are asleep.
To get the girlfriend time you need, I find it very helpful to arrange with my husband certain times when I have a girls’ night (or day) out and the trade off is that he then gets some guy time with his friends as well. Perhaps alternating weekends would work so that you each get two friend dates a month where you do not have to worry about child care issues because your spouse has the kids. Another great way to have girlfriend time is coffee or lunch dates if your children are school aged and you have some time during the day to meet up with friends. Or just spending time with friends at your house after the children are in bed.
While time spent with girlfriends and with your husband is very important, alone time is equally important so you have a quiet opportunity to process your life, relax, and rejuvenate. Keep in mind that alone time can be beneficial even if it is only for a 20 minute shower or 30 minutes spent at the gym. When our lives are wrought with obligations that involve interactions with people all of the time, it is often enough alone time to just have a few minutes of quiet. Attempting to get hours of alone time may leave you disappointed, but recognizing that just 30 minutes a day can be enough will leave you feeling much more satisfied.
Here is the trick to all of it….figuring out exactly what you need, when you need it, and being able to properly communicate that to your children and your spouse. But also recognizing when your spouse needs the same and being willing to give that to him as well. In this crazy life, flexibility and willingness to change plans on a whim is also very important. Being able to roll with the punches, so to speak. Being able to change your mind and also being able to accept when your husband changes his mind. Letting go of rigid plans and high expectations especially when it comes to the down times. By recognizing that your essential needs are just as important as everyone else’s will help remove the feelings of selfishness and guilt. A certain amount of selfishness is really just self-care.
And remember…with proper self-care, you are better able to meet the needs of those who rely on you.
For more helpful self-care tips and ideas, check out the Spring Issue of Resilientista Magazine.
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.
*Remember to send me any questions, concerns, or topics that you would like me to discuss. I hope to publish this series every Sunday, but I need your input! Thanks so much!

Well said! Working on finding that balance!
Thank you, Mireille! Balance is really hard to find so we definitely need to give ourselves credit when we are able to accomplish it! Have a wonderful week.
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
I agree – but I only learnt that being a little selfish is important for your own self care later in life. So now, I’m a little precious about it. Tonight, I have a date with the tudors (a historical novel) and I can’t cancel that… xxx
Maria, I only learned it later in life, too. Like the past few years. And what a life changer it has been! Enjoy your self-date tonight and thanks for stopping by!
Patrick Weseman
Yep, so very true.
Thanks, Patrick! I hope you have a wonderful week.
Finding balance is hard and tricky especially when you have little ones. I think defining balance will be different for each of us but like you mentioned the one key to finding it is scheduling. This is what my family has and while it isn’t perfect we can at least look forward to something that is in our schedule or calendar. My hubby and I also alternate with the little man so we aren’t both going bonkers at the same time! Lol 😂 So I totally agree with what you said Shelbee! I hope your day is going great!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thanks so much for reading and sharing what works for you. Definitely alternating time with the kids helps me and my husband as well…those little ones can get the best of our sanity, for sure! I really like and need a schedule, but I am also very flexible with changing it around to accommodate what needs to be done on any given day. So flexible scheduling is my key! Have a great week, my friend, and stay sane!
A balance is so important! A schedule can really help!
Stylin In St. Louis
Jacqueline, thanks so much for reading! Have a great week!
Helen C.
Very sensible answer! I hope our friend finds the balance she needs!❤
Thank you, Helen! I hope so, too.
If you do not love and care for your self, you cannot love others. Lovely post.
Carol, I agree with you completely! Thanks so much for reading and commenting. Have a fabulous day!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Balance is key!!
It definitely is, Tamar! I can’t function without it!
i agree 100% with everything you say. Nicely written #blogcrush
Berni, thank you so much! I really appreciate that.
Alice | Letters to my Daughter
I’m beginning to believe that scheduling is everything! I just need to schedule some time to do some scheduling….! #BlogCrush
Alice, that is fantastic and so funny! Because I do actually schedule time for scheduling! If I don’t I will haphazardly run through life like a crazy person. And I cannot tolerate that kind of craziness for too long! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Marilee Gramith
You are wise beyond your years my friend!! How’d you get so smart!? 🙂
Thanks so much, Jude! A whole lot of life experience, I suppose. A lot of struggle. A lot of loss. A lot of fight. A lot of drive. And a whole lot of passion!
Yvonne Chase
I agreed with the title of this post before I read it because it’s how I live my life. Sometimes I need all of me for me and that is okay. A girlfriend kept reaching out to me to get together and I politely told her I’m being selfish in a good way with me right now. I need all of me in this season of my life. Will reach out to you when that changes. We all need to do this sometimes. If I’m good with myself and to myself, then I can be good to others.
Yvonne, thank you so very much for this very insightful comment. I definitely need much more me time the older I get as well. I think as children and young adults, we grow so accustomed to always being in the presence of others that we have to learn to appreciate time spent alone with ourselves. Sometimes I can be my own worst company if I spend too much time alone, but I also am my own best company because I know myself better than anyone else does. And I also think there is no wrong way to care for yourself. We all have to find the perfect balance to keep ourselves physically and mentally healthy. It all comes back to the idea that we have to take care of ourselves first before we can care for others in a meaningful way.